What should I use to draw a 3D trajectory line that I can rotate around - iOS - ios

I am working on making an iOS game where a player can flick their finger to throw an object. After the object is thrown, I want to animate the trajectory of that object like in the linked image below. I also want to allow the player to rotate around the thrown object image in 3D. (think of someone throwing a baseball or a golfer hitting a ball and seeing the arc the ball makes in 3D)
My question is what would be the best way of accomplishing this?
I have looked into opengl-es 2.0, core animation, 3rd part frameworks like Cocos3D, etc. But I am not sure how low level I need to go to accomplish this.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
trajectory Image

You can't use core animation. Core animation is 2.5D, not 3D. It allows you to animate flat image tiles in 3-D space. You'll need to use OpenGL or maybe SpriteKit or one of the other game APIs like Unity.
Regardless of which framework, you'll need to understand 3-D transformation matrices and display frustums.
Stack overflow is not a good site for "which framework is the best" type questions, so I'm not going to trying to answer that part of the question


ARKit plane with real world object above it

Thanks in advance for reading my question. I am really new to ARKit and have followed several tutorials which showed me how to use plane detection and using different textures for the planes. The feature is really amazing but here is my question. Would it be possible for the player to place the plane all over the desired area first and then interact with the new ground? For example, could I use the plane detection to detect and put grass texture over an area and then drive a real RC car over it? Just like driving it on real grass.
I have tried out the plane detection on my iPhone 6s while what I found is when I tried to put anything from real world on the top of plane surface it just simply got covered by the plane. Could you please give me some clue if it is possible to make the plane just stay on the ground without covering the real world object?
I think that's sth what you are searching for:
ARKit hide objects behind walls
Or another way is i think to track the position of the real world object for example with apples turicreate or CoreML or both -> then don't draw your stuff on the affected position.
Tracking moving objects is not supported, that's actually what it would be needed to make a real object interact with the a virtual one.
Said that I would recommend you using 2D image recognition and "read" every camera frame to detect the object while moving in the camera's view space. Look for the AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate protocol in Apple's developer site
Share your code and I could help with some ideas

How to create a hole in the box in SceneKit?

I'm using SceneKit to create a 3D Room for a Swift iOS app.
I'm using multiple boxes and placing it together to create different walls of the room. I want to also add doors and windows to the room for which I need to cut holes into the walls. This looks like a very common scenario but yet I couldn't find any relevant answers out there.
I know there are multiple ways of doing it -
Simplest being, don't cut the box. Place another box with door or wall texture.
But I do want to keep a light source outside of the room and want it to flow into the room through these doors and windows
Create multiple boxes for single wall and put them together to make a geometry
My last resort maybe.
Create custom geometry.
Feels too complicated since it requires me to draw each triangle myself. Not sure?
But what I was actually expecting -
Subtract geometries from geometries?
Library that's already handling these complexities?
Any pointers would be very helpful.
Scene kit offers some awesome potential but it's not a substitute for a 3D modeling program. If you want something much beyond assembling with primitives and extrusion in a plane you should think about constructing your model in a dedicated 3-D package and exporting the model into SceneKit as a .dae file. You might take a look at Blender. It's free and readily available on the net. I suspect it can easily do what you want and the learning curve will be compensated by the higher level functions of a graphics program versus coding.
I think #bpedit described the best approach.
A weak second choice would be to use SCNShape to build your geometry. That still leaves you the problem of constructing a Bezier path that matches your wall layout/topology. That might be a helpful hack in the short term, to save you from an immediate learning curve in modeling software. But I predict you'll still eventually move to a tool like Blender, SketchUp, Cheetah 3D, or Maya.

How to create a soft body in SceneKit

After many years of iOS development I said it's time to try to do a little game for myself. Now I chose to do it using Apple's SceneKit since it looks like it provides everything I need.
My problem is that I've stumbled upon a huge problem (for me) and searching on Google doesn't yeld any results.
Any idea how do I go about having an object (a sphere for that matter) that deforms itself, say, because of a gravitational force. So basically it should squash on impact with the ground.
Or, how do I go about deforming it when it collides with other spheres, like a soft beach ball would?
Any starting point along those lines would be helpful.
I can post my code here, but I'm afraid it has nothing to do with my problem since I really don't know where to start.
After doing a bit more reading I think that what I want could be doable with Vertex Shaders. Is that a right path to follow?
For complicated animations, you'll generally be better off using a 3D modeling tool like Blender, Maya, or Cheetah3D to build the body and construct the animation. Those tools let you think at a higher level of abstraction. Then you can export that model to Collada (DAE) format and then import it into SceneKit.
https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/Basic_Animation/Bounce has a tutorial on building a deforming, bouncing ball using Blender.
SceneKit only does physics using rigid bodies. If you want something to deform, you would have to do it yourself.
It is probably because SceneKit has no way of knowing how an object should be deformed. Should it just compress, should it compress in one direction and expand in all others to preserve it's volume, should only part of the model compress and the rest stay rigid (like the tires on a car).
What you could try is wait for a collision to occur and do the following
calculate and store the velocity after the bounce
disable collision checking on the object
run an animation for the "squash"
enable collision checking on the object
apply the calculated velocity
It will be entirely up to you how real or cartoony you want to make the bounce look.

Design advice for OpenGL ES 2 / iOS GLKit

I'd like to build an app using the new GLKit framework, and I'm in need of some design advice. I'd like to create an app that will present up to a couple thousand "bricks" (objects with very simple geometry). Most will have identical texture, but up to a couple hundred will have unique texture. I'd like the bricks to appear every few seconds, move into place and then stay put (in world coords). I'd like to simulate a camera whose position and orientation are controlled by user gestures.
The advice I need is about how to organize the code. I'd like my model to be a collection of bricks that have a lot more than graphical data associated with them:
Does it make sense to associate a view-like object with each handle geometry, texture, etc.?
Should every brick have it's own vertex buffer?
Should each have it's own GLKBaseEffect?
I'm looking for help organizing what object should do what during setup, then rendering.
I hope I can stay close to the typical MVC pattern, with my GLKViewController observing model state changes, controlling eye coordinates based on gestures, and so on.
Would be much obliged if you could give some advice or steer me toward a good example. Thanks in advance!
With respect to the models, I think an approach analogous to the relationship between UIImage and UIImageView is appropriate. So every type of brick has a single vertex buffer,GLKBaseEffect, texture and whatever else. Each brick may then appear multiple times just as multiple UIImageViews may use the same UIImage. In terms of keeping multiple reference frames, it's actually a really good idea to build a hierarchy essentially equivalent to UIView, each containing some transform relative to the parent and one sort being able to display a model.
From the GLKit documentation, I think the best way to keep the sort of camera you want (and indeed the object locations) is to store it directly as a GLKMatrix4 or a GLKQuaternion — so you don't derive the matrix or quaternion (plus location) from some other description of the camera, rather the matrix or quaternion directly is the storage for the camera.
Both of those classes have methods built in to apply rotations, and GLKMatrix4 can directly handle translations. So you can directly map the relevant gestures to those functions.
The only slightly non-obvious thing I can think of when dealing with the camera in that way is that you want to send the inverse to OpenGL rather than the thing itself. Supposing you use a matrix, the reasoning is that if you wanted to draw an object at that location you'd load the matrix directly then draw the object. When you draw an object at the same location as the camera you want it to end up being drawn at the origin. So the matrix you have to load for the camera is the inverse of the matrix you'd load to draw at that location because you want the two multiplied together to be the identity matrix.
I'm not sure how complicated the models for your bricks are but you could hit a performance bottleneck if they're simple and all moving completely independently. The general rule when dealing with OpenGL is that the more geometry you can submit at once, the faster everything goes. So, for example, an entirely static world like that in most games is much easier to draw efficiently than one where everything can move independently. If you're drawing six-sided cubes and moving them all independently then you may see worse performance than you might expect.
If you have any bricks that move in concert then it is more efficient to draw them as a single piece of geometry. If you have any bricks that definitely aren't visible then don't even try to draw them. As of iOS 5, GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean is available, which is a way to pass some geometry to OpenGL and ask if any of it is visible. You can use that in realtime scenes by building a hierarchical structure describing your data (which you'll already have if you've directly followed the UIView analogy), calculating or storing some bounding geometry for each view and doing the draw only if the occlusion query suggests that at least some of the bounding geometry would be visible. By following that sort of logic you can often discard large swathes of your geometry long before submitting it.

How can I create a corner pin effect in XNA 4.0?

I am trying to write a strategy game using XNA 4.0, with a dynamically generating map, and it's really difficult to create all the ground textures, having to distort them individually in photoshop.
So what I want to do is create a flat image, and then apply the distortion programatically to simulate perspective, by moving the corners of the image.
Here is an example done in photoshop:
How can I do that in XNA?
My answer isn't XNA-specific as I've never actually used the library; however the concept should still apply.
In general, the best way to get a good perspective effect is to actually give 3d coordinates and transformations and let DirectX/OpenGL handle the rest. This has great benefits over attempting to do it yourself - specifically, ease of use, performance (much of the work is passed on to your graphics card), and perspective-correct texturing. And nothing's stopping you from doing 3d and 2d in the same scene, if that's a concern. There are numerous tutorials online for getting set up in the third dimension with XNA. I'd suggest heading over to MSDN.
