How to center vertically labels in a view - ios

I have 4 labels like this in a view:
The view hierarchy like this:
But if one of text in each label is empty, all of other labels should center vertically with the image.
For example: the albumDataLabel.text is empty, then userNameLabel, albumNameLabel, albumLocationLabel should center vertically with the image.
Somethings like this:
So how to do this, please point me to some approaches.

Set height constraint for every label and which label have not text
make it's height zero(from outlet of height constraint by setting constant to 0) at runtime.
Your constraint should be in linear hierarchy like first label's top should be pinned with it's supper view's top and last label's bottom should be pinned with superview's bottom and each and every label's bottom should be pinned with top of below label.
then you should set height constraint for view that contains all labels with constant (>=) of minimum height(least height of your view).
and centered vertically that view with your image view.
you can do this kind of setup!!

Since your 4 Labels are already in a view, you can set the labels' constraints to pin the first Label to the top, last Label the bottom and spacing in between to zero
Then select the view(withLabels) and your ImageView to align their vertical centers
Do not set a height value constraint for your labels nor the view
When one of your labels have an empty string, the height is automatically set to zero and hence 'hidden' so the view(withLabels) will shrink in height. All can be done in the interface builder, no coding necessary, it is just a matter of autolayout.

1) for your userNameLabel:
userNameLabel.leftAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(imageView.rightAnchor, constant: 10).active = true
userNameLabel.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(self.topAnchor, constant: 50).active = true
userNameLabel.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(220).active = true
userNameLabel.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(30).active = true
2) for your albumNameLabel:
albumNameLabel.widthAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(220).active = true
albumNameLabel.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(30).active = true
albumNameLabel.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(userNameLabel.bottomAnchor, constant: 5).active = true
albumNameLabel.leftAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(imageView.leftAnchor, constant: 10).active = true
3) remember this:
And go on in this way to all elements in your View.


How to vertically align two UILabels within one line?

I am trying to put two UILabels within one line: one UILable on left side, with text left-aligned, one UILabel on right side, with text right-aligned. Please see above image. They have different font sizes.
I used below auto layout constraints:
let labelHorizontalConstrains = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(
withVisualFormat: "H:|-20-[nameLabel]-15-[birthDeathDateLabel]-20-|",
metrics: nil,
views: views)
allConstraints += labelHorizontalConstrains
But the result shows that they are not vertically aligned: The left UILabel is lower than the right UILabel. How to fix this?
You need to add a centerYAnchor constraint.
birthDeathDateLabel.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: nameLabel.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
However, if you want it aligned with the base of the text, you should use a UIStackView.
let stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [nameLabel, birthDeathDateLabel])
stackView.alignment = .firstBaseline
stackView.axis = .horizontal
// Add other stackview properties and constraints
you need to add a leading constraint and a height constraint to the right label. add a trailing and height constraint to the left label. then specify an equal widths constraint. also on the right label add the distance from the left label with a trailing constraint and for the left label add a leading constraint how far you want it from the right label.. much easier on storyboard. you could also use fit equally.. I can't remember the actual code, but it might have refreshed your memory. if I was too add that sort of constraint I would do it on a skeleton storyboard.

Custom UITableViewCell - adjust UILabel vertical alignment dynamically

I have a custom table cell. It has two labels (title and description), one below the other.
What I have right now is, title label top = topMargin. And description label top = title label bottom + 10.
But in some cases, there will be no description. In such cases, I want the title label to be centered vertically inside the cell. Is this possible? What constraints do I have to set?
A UIStackView makes it easy to do what you want.
Create a prototype cell
add two labels
embed them in a stack view
set the stack view's properties to:
Axis: Vertical
Alignment: Fill
Distribution: Fill Equally
Spacing: 10
constrain the stack view Top/Leading/Trailing/Bottom to 0 to the cell's content view's default margins (or set your own "padding")
set your fixed row height - with default labels + 10-point spacing + top and bottom margins, you'll probably want at least 67
connect the labels to IBOutlets
When you set the text of the labels in cellForRowAt indexPath:, set the description label's .isHidden property to true if it has a description, or to false if it doesn't.
The result (with background colors for clarity):
The result without background colors:

Label doesn't show all the text inside scrollView

I want the DecriptionLabel (the Lorem Ipsum one) to have all the text inside it visible. As you can see, it is getting trimmed.
The two buttons should be under everything else, but in the case where DescriptionLabel contains a small text, the buttons should stick to the bottom of the view.
This is why I chose a >= 20 distance between the buttons and DescriptionLabel if it makes any sense.
How can I solve the trimming of the text?
I was originally answering How to make button stick to bottom of scroll view if the content isn't large enough? but since it is marked as duplicate of this one I am posting my answer here. Please try to set your constraints the following way:
The trick is that you set Button.Bottom Equal To ContainerView.Bottom with lower priority (I use 750) than Button.Top Greater Than Or Equal To Label.Bottom (Here I use default 1000)
The Label has to have number of lines set to 0. The height of the button should be set by height constraint (in this case is 50). The Container View Height constraint should be with low priority (in this case 250)
You should run the code to see actual result on device or simulator. Storyboard shows it a bit differently. For the current question: The basic idea is the same. Button Down has the same constraints as Button from above answer without Button.Top Greater Than Or Equal To Label.Bottom. There should be fixed vertical constraint between Button Up and Button Down. I am setting Button Up with fixed Height and setting trailing and leading constraint equal to trailing and leading of Button Down. The constraint Button.Top Greater Than Or Equal To Label.Bottom is now Button Up.Top Greater Than Or Equal To Label.Bottom
Have you set numberOfLines for label to 0 (that means autosize the label according to its text length)?
You should add the following constraints:
(following in sudo code)
// Constraints for ScrollView =
scrollView.leading = ViewController.view.leading
scrollView.trailing = ViewController.view.trailing
scrollView.bottom = ViewController.view.bottom
// Constraints for View =
view.leading = scrollView.leading
view.trailing = scrollView.trailing
view.bottom = scrollView.bottom
// Width of view
view.width = ViewController.view.width
Now you just need to make sure you have layout constraints for each child of the 'view' and it's height will be correct and display the full size of the textview.
Add the following constraint:
scrollview.contentview.height >= safearea.height
This may show an error in interface builder but works in my tests:
To remove the design time error you could set a design time intrinsic content size for the scrollview's contentview (in my case I used the safe area's height of 554):
Another option (without placeholder values in IB) is to create the following constraint...
scrollview.contentview.height = safearea.height
... and change its priority to a value lower than the label's vertical content compression resistancy.

Two labels alignment and its constraints

I have 2 labels: the description label (w/ red background) and the results label (gray text)
How do i set constraints for this example in order to have the results label with the size of its content and the description label until the results leadingAnchor? (like i have in the second row)
Objective C
[self.customTextLabel.trailingAnchor constraintLessThanOrEqualToAnchor:self.counterLabel.leadingAnchor].active = YES;
[self.counterLabel.widthAnchor constraintGreaterThanOrEqualToConstant:0].active = YES;
titleLabel.trailingAnchor.constraint(lessThanOrEqualTo: counterLabel.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
counterLabel.widthAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualToConstant: 0).isActive = true
I have a solution that i think it's ugly.
self.counterLabelWidthConstraint = [self.counterLabel.widthAnchor constraintEqualToConstant:0]; = YES;
And then after i set the text:
self.counterLabelWidthConstraint.constant = [self.counterLabel sizeThatFits:CGSizeMake(CGFLOAT_MAX, self.counterLabel.height)].width;
The way to do this with auto layout is by using the contentCompressionResistancePriority of the 2 labels. Set the pririty to NSLayoutPriorityRequired for the second label and something lower like NSLayoutPriorityDefaultLow for the first label. Then, as long as the 2 labels have proper constraints anchoring them to their superview and each other, the first label should compress while the second label should not.
You just need to increase the horizontal compression resistance of the right/gray label to be higher than that of the left/red label. This tells the visual layout that, in the event that there is not enough space for both labels, the one on the left will be compressed before shrinking the label on the right. 750 is the default for all views, so just increase the right/gray label's horizontal compression resistance to 751 and you should be good to go.
Swift 5 programatically:
<#label#>.setContentCompressionResistancePriority(.required, for: .horizontal)
Labels with this property will not compress horizontally.
You can set constraints for in storyboard itself. Select Label 1 (red back ground) and label's superview set widths are equal constraint. Select Label 1 and double tap on its width constraint, from the resultant window, you could see Lable 1 width equal to superview with value constant as '1'. change '1' to 0.7 or whichever the percentage you want.

Which Constraint we need to make dynamic View height in iOS

As I am new to iOS. So forgive me if it is duplicate or very basic question.
I am taking one View. Approx below is the size .
x : 5 y : 5
Width : 590 Height : 100
and I set constraint it
Top to superView 5
Trailing to superView 5
Leading to superView 5
Now I have one Label which have dynamic Text and the Text is too large.
And the Label Constraint is below
Top to superView 5
Trailing to superView 5
Leading to superView 5
and when i set the background color of the View the color is not set. If the Text is to Long. So how to set the Height of the View and also set background so that it looks clear.
Code :
public override void ViewDidLoad()
lbl_one.Text = "This is a long label which have long text inside the writing. This is a long label which have long text inside the writing. This is a long label which have long text inside the writing. This is a long label which have long text inside the writing";
lbl_one.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap;
lbl_one.Lines = 0;
view_main.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
If I give fix Height then it look like this .
Output :
1. Give the below constraints to your view, height is according to your need. here I'm giving 80.
2. Change the height relationship.
3. Add aUILabel in your above UIview, and give below constraints.
--> leading, top, bottom, trailing to uiview and height i.e. 80.
4. set height relationship as you do with UIView.
5. Change the property of UILabel , Lines to zero
6. Now enjoy with your constraints.
EDIT: Add bottom constraint to your view instead of height constraint.
I don't see and bottom constraint added to UIView, so the view height will be 0.
If you have added the height constraint to UIView, there is a probability that UILablel might be overlapping the UIView, so you are not able to see the background color.
Set the UIView height constraint this will solve your problem
You can also add height or bottom constraint to your UIView.
