Error when performing schema changes in DSE 5.0 - datastax-enterprise

I am trying to get my head around using graphs for the first time - and as you can imagine, I am having a fair bit of trial and error.
Subsequently, I am doing a lot of;
Create Schema
find a mistake / modelling error
delete schena
rinse and repeat
All of which is completely fine: But for the fact that I seem to constantly be getting the following error;
Schema migration interrupted. The migration operation will continue in the background.
Now if I get this error when doing a schema.clear(), then, it actually doesn't continue in the background at all - it is lying!
I have to rerun the command and sometimes, several times to get the schema deleted.
And if that isn't annoying enough - I might end up with the following, too.
Script evaluation exceeded the configured threshold for the request: [149a3432-b1b3-45b7-8e68-d21c0325d877 - schema.clear()]
I have a single DC, two racks, with 2 nodes each - as a training cluster.
I am using DSE 5.0.1
I am using the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch - snitch
(I also have the rack properties file, too, for the above snitch type.
And I also ensure that I have run;
:remote config timeout max
in the gremlin-console, too...
So I am not really sure how it can complain about timing out and since this is all on my local PC in Virtual machines - and is only being used by me - I don't understand how something is interrupting the command I just asked it to complete, either!
Thanks if anyone has any ideas!

With special thanks to Jeremy at DataStax - I have a solution for my time out issue;
I still don't understand why it complained in the first place - in that I was the only person using the cluster - on virtual machines on my own PC.... but nonetheless - I can successfully complete commands in the gremlin console.
The required change is in DSE.YAML
altering the following configuration item to a value higher than the default of 30 seconds. (I set it to 180 sec)
realtime_evaluation_timeout: 180 sec


My code gives an "attempt to call a nil value" on the computer controlled seed analyzer in Minecraft

So I have spent a few hours looking for documentation on the item "Computer Controlled Seed Analyzer" with no current information that is useful. My goal is to set up a seed analyzer that will check for a plant next to the analyzer and analyze it.
My code:
local sides = require("sides")
if hasPlant(sides.left) and isAnalyzed() == false then
From my logic, I believe the outcome should analyze the seed, but instead it gives an attempt to call a nil value (global hasPlant). From my research, sides were not defined at the time therefor I added the local line. What else would I be missing?
Two problems here:
The mods involved are currently buggy, so OpenComputers integration doesn't work at all. I opened pull request #1260 for AgriCraft and #31 for InfinityLib that will fix it. Until it's fixed, there's nothing you can do in-game to make it work. If you don't want to wait for official releases with the fixes, you can use my unofficial builds of AgriCraft and of InfinityLib, which I used to test my PRs and the below code.
The Lua code you're writing is wrong. I'm not sure where you got it from, but here's how you make it work:
if component.agricraft_peripheral.hasPlant("EAST") and component.agricraft_peripheral.isAnalyzed() == false then
Of note:
The Agricraft API takes the strings DOWN, UP, NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, and EAST, rather than the numeric constants from side.
The functions provided by components in OpenComputers aren't globals; they're nested inside of component.
You may need local component = require("component"), so add it to the top if you get an error about it missing. (It works for me without it, but a bunch of documentation says you need it.)

--workerCacheMB setting missing in apache beam 0.6?

In Google Cloud Dataflow 1.x, I presumably had access to this critical pipeline option called:
I tried to set in in my beam 0.6 pipeline, but couldn't do so (it said that no such option existed.). I then scoured through the options source code to see if any option had a similar name -- but I still couldn't find it.
I need to set it as I think that my worfklow's incredibly slowness is due to a side input that 3GB but that appears to be taking well over 20 minutes to read. (I have a View.asList() and then I'm trying to do a for-loop on the list -- it's taking more than 20 minutes and still going; even at 3 GB, that's way too slow.) So, I was hoping that setting the workerCacheMb would help. (The only other theory I have is to switch from serializablecoder to AvroCoder....)
Are you using the right class of options?
The following code works for me in Beam:
DataflowWorkerHarnessOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().create()

BPEL, threads stucked on HashMap.getEntry?

I am new to SOA, and currently we met a problem when using BPEL to do some XML transformation.
we have 3 SOA projects will do something like:
Read input files from folder which is in text format
Save file content in Database and put on AQ
Read file id from AQ, load content from database, and transform to our internal XML format
apply some business logic and transform content back to text format.
SOA proejct1 do step 1-2, project2 do step 3 and project3 to step4.
We are doing some load test with input 7000 files.
the problem we experienced is that the memory use of "Old Generation" keep accumulating, although major GC can reduce it, it still keep growing, until 100%. Then no new BEPL instance can be created, and we met transaction timeout.
after analyze heap dump, we get a result like below, it seems that BPELFactoryImpl hold a HashMap which more than 180M, and it will keep growing. so does anyone experienced something similar?
we use SOA version 12.1.3. this problem stopped us for weeks, please help, thanks a lot.
Image of heap analysis
Finally we got an answer on this, it was caused by a bug, as said by Oracle Support, we are waiting for the patch.
thanks for your attention.
It's a bug. You should raise an SR referring for: stuck threads on
at java.util.HashMap.getEntry(
at java.util.HashMap.get(
at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.setUserData(
at oracle.bpel.lang.v20.model.impl.ExtensibleElementImpl.doCreateElement(
at oracle.dp.entity.impl.EmFacadeObjectImpl.getElement(
at oracle.bpel.lang.v20.model.impl.ExtensibleElementImpl.performDOMChange(
at oracle.bpel.lang.v20.model.impl.ExtensibleElementImpl.doOnChange(
at oracle.bpel.lang.v20.model.impl.ExtensibleElementImpl$DOMUpdater.notifyChanged(
at oracle.dp.notify.impl.NotifierImpl.emNotify(
at oracle.dp.entity.impl.EmHolderImpl.doNotifyOnSet(
at oracle.dp.entity.impl.EmHolderImpl.set(
at oracle.bpel.lang.v20.model.impl.CopyImpl.setTo(
at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.bpel.v2.wmp.BPEL2xCallWMP$CallArgument$1.evaluate(
at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.bpel.v2.wmp.BPEL2xCallWMP.invokeMethod(
at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.bpel.v2.wmp.BPEL2xCallWMP.__executeStatements(
at com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.bpel.common.wmp.BaseBPELActivityWMP.perform(
at com.collaxa.cube.engine.CubeEngine.performActivity(
Bug 20857627 (20867804) : Performance issue due to large number of threads stuck in HashMap.get

Failure on CSV import into Neo4j 2.2.0-RC01

I'm having some weird issues when using the batch load into Neo4j 2.2.0-RC1. I am trying to import 10 different node sets (for different labels) along with 12 relationship files. The data sets vary in size - some node types have ~200-300k records, some are small (50-100 records). For most node types I have a separate file with a header and separate file with data for each of the sets (the data is generated from the DB and I want to be able to regenerate the dump files without worrying about preparing the :ID columns, describing data types etc.)
I am re-running the import task a number of times (with options --processors 1 --stacktrace) and I keep getting different errors (not a single change in the actual dataset) which makes me think it might be something concurrency-related. Sometimes import simply hangs with a message like this:
[>:36.75 MB/s------------------------|*PROPERTIES-----------------------------------------|NOD|] 0
In most cases, it crashes with an error like below, except the number of nodes that it manages to import fine differs from run to run.
[>:27.23 MB/s-------------|*PROPERTIES--------------------------|NO|v:19.62 MB/s---------------]100kImport error: Panic called, so exiting
java.lang.RuntimeException: Panic called, so exiting
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.StageExecution.stillExecuting(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.anyStillExecuting(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.finishAwareSleep(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisor.supervise(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutionSupervisors.superviseDynamicExecution(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.ParallelBatchImporter.executeStages(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.ParallelBatchImporter.doImport(
at org.neo4j.tooling.ImportTool.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Panic called, so exiting
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.AbstractStep.assertHealthy(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ProducerStep.process(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ProducerStep$
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Nodes for any specific group must be added in sequence before adding nodes for any other group
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.cache.idmapping.string.EncodingIdMapper.put(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.NodeEncoderStep.process(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.NodeEncoderStep.process(
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutorServiceStep$
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.staging.ExecutorServiceStep$
at org.neo4j.unsafe.impl.batchimport.executor.DynamicTaskExecutor$
I managed to run it successfully once, which, again, seems to imply that some sort of timing issue is at play.
Unfortunately I cannot provide the datasets as they contain confidential data.
The weirdest thing of all is that if I split the load into 2 different sets (the datasets are almost separate subgraphs, they have only 2 relationships in common) then all works fine (so not likely to be data related), but even loading just nodes doesn't work if I put them all into a single command. And because it's not possible to force a load into an existing database, loading it in 2 steps is sadly not an option.
1) Is that a known issue and if so, any ETA on a fix / issue that I could follow?
2) If not, is there any troubleshooting I can do to get to the bottom of it? The messages.log file in the target DB directory contains VERY little output, it would be nice if I could get some more details on what's going wrong.
I've spotted the problem. Thanks for reporting/asking. The next release will include this fix. I see an additional set of integration tests for the import tool. I'll provide link to commit once it's in.

symfony2 free -m out of memory

I have symfony2 app out there. But we have RAM memory problems... It works like a charm when there is 50 active people (google analytics).
I select data from DB usally like this:
->where('s.user = :user')
->andWhere('s.admin_status = false')
->andWhere('s.typ_statusu != :group')
->setParameter('user', $user)
->setParameter('group', 'group')
->innerJoin('s.user', 'u')
->orderBy('s.time', 'DESC')
return $query=$qb->getQuery()->getResult();
The queries are fast i dont have problem with them.
Let me please know exactly what you need and i will paste it here. I need to fix it so much..
BUT THE PROBLEM COME NOW: When there is 470people at the same time.. (google analytics) there is about 7GB of memory away... then it fall down after peak to 5GB. But WHY SO MUCH??? My scripts take from 10-17MB of memory usage in app_dev.
I also use APC. How can i solve this situation? Why is there so much memory consumed? Thx for any advice!!
Whats your average memory?
BTW: When i will not solve this i will be in big troubles.
One problem could be doctrine and if you are hydrating too much obejcts in every single request.
Set max execution time of a script to only 30 seconds:
max_execution_time = 30
Set APC shm_size to something reasonable compared to your memory:
apc.shm_size = 256M
Then optimize your query. And if you use php/symfony in cli, you better limit the resource usage for php in cli too.
Ensure you are understanding correctly memory consumption.
To fast Apc you can remove the modified check with apc.stat = 0 but you will need to clear apc-cache every time you modify existing files:
To reduce memory consumption reduce hydration my adding ->select('x') and fetching only the essential.
To optimize memory consumption enable mysql-cache, something like /etc/mysql/my.cnf:
Do not forget to enable and check your slow-query-log to avoid bottlenecks.
I suspect that your page has more that one query. How many queries happening on the page? Worst thing in the doctrine is the ability to make queries through getter(ex. getComments()). If you are using a many-to-many relation, this leads to huge problems. You can see all queries via profiler in dev environment.
Also possible, that problem in the settings of apache or php. Incorrect settings of php-fpm lead to problems too. The best solution is to stress test your server with tools like siege and look what goes on through the htop or top. 300 peoples can be a heavy load for the "naked" apache
Have you ever tried to retrieve scalar results instead of a collection of objects ?
// [...]
return $query=$qb->getQuery()->getScalarResult();
At symfony configuration level, have you double-checked your configuration to ensure caching has been enabled properly ?
Detaching entities from your entity manager could prove useful depending on your overall process:
