How to get notification badge number from one app to another ios - ios

I have an app with a tableView which have the entries with names whatsapp, messenger, slack etc. Now take Whatsapp for example when you tap on it it'll open whatspp via deep linking.I want to show notifications sum, which user has received on his whatsapp, onto my app. After searching around I came to knew that this is not possible to get push notifications of one app to another it's a server to server thing and many other explanations.But my question is if notifications have been received on whatsapp can I get the badge number and sum it and show it in my app? This screenshot will show more:
So the 12 is coming from whatsapp as a sum of total unread messages you can say. So how to achieve that?
UPDATEI found these links which says that it might be possible.How to catch all push notifications from other apps on iOS using private frameworks?How can I receive push notifications of an other app?

No it is not possible. Because Whatsapp is another app. So there is no linking between them. The apple security your app can not gets any other app information.

In latest iOS, they've loosened that up a bit. For example, the iOS programming guide now has a section on passing data between apps by having one app claim a certain URL prefix, and then having other apps reference that URL. So, perhaps you set your event app to answer "event://" URLs the same way that a web server answers for "http://" URLs.
see this document:enter link description here


Delete dial call number from recent call list in ios

I have a some special requirement to delete dial call number from call list. I research a lot on SO but not able to get any answer for this. Is it possible in iPhone?
Apple doesn't allow developers to modify call list or history, since it will violate user's privacy policy. It is not possible to achieve in iOS with iOS public framework, used to submit apps to appstore. It is only possible by using private frameworks... or you can say jailbreaking the device. But you won't be able to submit app to store. It will be rejected.
Simple answer: No you cannot. Apple iOS doesn't allow you to access some of the applications such as Phone and Messages - So it is not possible for you directly access the call log, read messages or whatsoever. What you can do is, you can open the Messages/Phone app with a pre-defined number to call or a message to send for performing user verification actions.
Take the example of Uber app; you can call the driver by tapping on the Contact button, but there is no way that app can access your phone log and delete the recent numbers from the record - unlike Android devices.
It may be possible by jailbreaking, which on the other hand won't let you put your app on the App Store.

How to send SMS on the iPhone without pressing send button? (If just for demo, not for the Appstore)

I am working on an app that can automatically send a message to some specific ones (either emails or SMS) under some dangerous circumstances.
When someone is in danger, he or she has no time to press the send button. Is it possible for the user to approve sending messages in the app in advance, so the app can automatically send emails or SMS to others without telling the user?
I searched in StackOverflow, but found no similar answers.
This is just for a demo. It does not need to be approved by Apple.
Thanks in advance!
Take a look at the ChatKit framework.
It uses iOS private APIs to do what you want to achieve. Don't try to submit it to Apple though.
With this framework, you can programmatically compose and send text messages through iMessage/SMS.

Notify Facebook users from iOS app

My iOS app gives the user the option to login using their Facebook account. I would like to be able to see the list with all the friends and invite the ones selected to use the app. The problem is that using the app request window, the friends get a notification that is displayed somewhere in the App Center, rather than in the Notifications panel. Unfortunately, this sort of notification is very subtle and might not be seen only after a long time.
From obvious reasons, I cannot fetch the emails of friends as this would be a great alternative.
Do you know if there is a way to send a Facebook Message or some other sort of notification that is more 'visible' to the receiver? Thanks!
I'm not sure if I completely understand your problem. If it's the problem that I think you're having, it sounds like you need to fill out more information on your Facebook App's configuration page.
From what I remember when I had this same issue, you need to have a Canvas URL set in your Facebook App's configuration page. Even if your app is not going to use Canvas, you need to have that part filled out in order for your friends to receive the app's notification jewel on Facebook.

Exchange data between iOS apps

I know about x-callback-url, and how it's possible to e.g. send a string to an app in iOS.
But is it possible to do this the other way around, e.g is it possible for an iOS app to fetch the song currently playing in Can an app fetch a message with a specific caller ID from
I believe, you need to have access to their API/backend to do that. Talking directly to another iOS app is not possible.
No, I'm not a crook ;) I want my app to read the content of an SMS that my gateway has sent, for device authorization.
register a scheme for your app. add a link with that scheme in your sms, with the registration code as uri-path. by clicking that should open your app and you can process the uri.

In Newsstand app how do I find a list of devices that are subscribed?

I can't afford UrbanAirship so I'm trying to program the server side of a Newsstand app myself.
I plan on using the JavaPNS API.
The one thing I can't seem to figure out is how to find a list of users who have a subscription in my app.
Can I query this information from Apple some how?
If I can't then I guess that means that each time a user subscribes they send their device token directly to my server. I hope this is not the case because I was hopping to run the server on my laptop and send out pushes myself without having to keep the laptop running all day listening for new subscribers.
Looks like I do need to register each device with my server:
You kind of found your answer but just in case you really need a server for not only handling the push notification (for telling your app in Newsstand to check the new issue and download it in the background) but also for subscription and in-app purchasing.
Every time you launch the app you should check few things before you refresh the UI. You should check if the user is a subscriber or has user already bought the issue so you can show view/download button instead of Buy button.
Check out these tutorials if they help to understand these communications better but believe me you will end up with one of those services like Urban Airship (Which I think UA is the best option because it handles all in one not just push notification):
this one is more focus on server part:
And as always this is the best place for start (it has everything you need):
These are some resources to help you in developing app for Newsstand but still there are not enough people out there to share their experience.
Best of luck.
Edit: Add these two links two this list:
