Determine if the widget is enabled - ios

Is there any way to determine if my Today Widget is already added to Notification Centre by user? I need to know so I can change some Labels in host app accordingly.

There is no API for that, but you could have your today widget write something to the shared container that you can read from your app to determine if it's been displayed. The main problems with that are that it won't happen until the widget has been displayed at least once, and you can't relly tell if they've installed and then removed it.
func widgetHasRun() {
if let sharedContainer = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: "") {
sharedContainer.setBool(true, forKey: "today widget installed")
We use this technique to determine whether we should prompt new users to install our widget.


ReplayKit Broadcast upload extension - Service not found

I'm working on an IOS swift application that will allow the user to record the entire screen, any app and even the home screen.
In order to do that, I added a Broadcast Upload Extension to my app.
First I used the RPSystemBroadcastPickerView class in order to add a record button to my view that allow the user to open the record popup and select to which app he wants to broadcast the screen flow. And it's working fine :
But I would like to avoid this step and directly open the popup when the app launch.
So I wrote the following code to do that :
RPBroadcastActivityViewController.load(withPreferredExtension: "ch.jroueche.RecordApp.TestScreen", handler: {broadcastAVC,error in
guard error == nil else {
print("Cannot load Broadcast Activity View Controller.")
if let broadcastAVC = broadcastAVC {
broadcastAVC.delegate = self
self.present(broadcastAVC, animated: true, completion: {
// broadcastactivityviewcontroller will perform the callback when the broadcast starts (or fails)
print("I've START")
Unlikeenter code here the RPSystemBroadcastPickerView solution, I'm getting the following error :
The preferred broadcast service could not be found.
My issue is similar to the following post :
App not showing up as a broadcast service in RPBroadcastActivityViewController
I also added the extension and the preferred extension identifier is correct.
Why would it be possible using the RPSystemBroadcastPickerView and not programmatically using RPBroadcastActivityViewControllerclass. That does not make sense for me.
Does someone have an idea of what could be the issue and how could I fix it ? Or a workaround in order to do this screen record.
Thanks in advance
It appears that RPBroadcastActivityViewController shows ONLY Broadcast Setup UI Extension, while RPSystemBroadcastPickerView shows ONLY Broadcast Upload Extension. But I have no idea why, as both of them are stated to show list of available providers/services.
It would be very helpful if someone could bring more details on the topic.

Sharing UserDefaults between main app and Widget in iOS 14

I am writing a widget for iOS, seems UserDefaults is not accessible in the widget, I added app group as following, still it's nil:
let prefs = UserDefaults(suiteName:"group.myco.myapp")
Still when I try to read something from prefs which I set in the main app, it's nil here.
You'll need to add the AppGroup capability to the widget target. Select the project, then select the widget target, go to the Signing & Capabilities tab, and click the + Capability button. Then choose AppGroup and configure it with your group.
As #Ilya Muradymov commented blow
You need to set data for corresponding group UserDefault first if you want to get the data between widget and container app:
[[NSUserDefaults.alloc initWithSuiteName:#""] setObject:mObject forKey:#"xxxxxxxx"];
UserDefaults(suiteName:"").set(mObject, forKey: "xxxxxxxx")

How to catch ios device button press in react native?

I need to catch sound volume button press inside my react-native application. Couldn't find anything in docs.
You can use react-native-system-setting package with addVolumeListener listener. Something like this
componentDidMount() {
// listen the volume changing
this.volumeListener = SystemSetting.addVolumeListener(data => {
// your action here
You could create a native module as per FuzzyTree's comment however if you want something that's ready out of the box you could use and make it hidden. The onValueChange callback is called upon the iOS device volume controls being changed.
Another idea could be to look into the aforementioned module and just take out what you need to form a new module and publish it for the benefit of everyone.

how make to make ios keyboard's return key submit input in unity?

I have a Unity UI's input field and a text box. When I use Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Return), it only works on the OS X and PC build and not on the iOS build. iOS keyboard's Return key does nothing. I have tried the events, too, but it doesn't work even then.
Somebody please tell me the solution to this problem if there is any?
While I can't think of a way to harness the return key directly on iOS, there is a way to do so with the "Submit" key using the TouchScreenKeyboard class in Unity
Specifically, it has a variable TouchScreenKeyboard.done to indicate whether the user has pressed the "Submit" (or equivalent) button on any mobile device (iOS, Android WP)
You can also check the wasCanceled variable to see whether the user canceled the input.
public class TouchKeyboardExample : Monobehaviour {
private TouchScreenKeyboard touchScreenKeyboard;
private string inputText = string.Empty;
void Start () {
touchScreenKeyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(inputText, TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default);
void Update () {
if(touchScreenKeyboard == null)
inputText = touchScreenKeyboard.text;
Debug.Log("User typed in "+inputText);
Debug.Log("User canceled input");
I've never tried this on IOS, so I'll just guess here.
Are you using the new Unity UI that was introduced in Unity4.6 / Unity5? If so, you might want to use the UI EventSystem, which you probably have somewhere in scene already (it is being added automatically when you add new Canvas object). If you don't have it in scene, add it via menu GameObject->UI->Event System.
In the EventSystem game object, there's a component called Standalone Input Module, where you can then define Submit Button property - which is mapped to Unity's Input Manager (Edit->Project Settings->Input).
On the individual UI element (i.e. InputField in your case), you can now add EventTrigger component, which can listen to Submit event and call a custom method, even pass it some data (e.g. itself, as InputField parameter of the method).
You can also listen to many more events this way (select, hover, drag, etc).
this works fine for me (PC/Mobile), try it out
this.yourInput.onSubmit.AddListener(delegate {
if (this.yourInput.text.Length > 0)
// do something here after enter (PC) or done (mobile)

Execute function on app controller from today widget button

I need to execute a function (that basically start updating location and distance driven) without opening any view controller (on background)
I need the widget to work like a "remote control" of a button inside my app.
Then when I open the app, the process should be running and showing the respective view controller
You can't communicate directly with your app's process. If you don't want to launch the app immediately, you can just pass it some data via your shared container:
let sharedUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: "")!
sharedUserDefaults.setBool(true, forKey: "tracking location")
Then in your app's applicationDidBecomeActive:, you can read that value out:
let sharedUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: "")!
if sharedUserDefaults.boolForKey("tracking location") {
sharedUserDefaults.removeObjectForKey("tracking location")
Your today widget controller can also be a CLLocationManagerDelegate and track the user's location while the widget is visible.
