multiple bar charts with dual y axis in objective c - ios

I want to generate bar chart with dual y axis. I tried like this
_barColors = #[[UIColor cyanColor]];
_currentBarColor = 0;
// CGRect chartFrame = CGRectMake(0.0,
// 0.0,
// 300,
// 300.0);
CGRect chartFrame = CGRectMake(60,128-20,self.view.frame.size.width-40-40,180);//728//1024
_chart = [[SimpleBarChart alloc] initWithFrame:chartFrame];
// = CGPointMake(self.view.frame.size.width / 2.0, self.view.frame.size.height / 2.0);
_chart.delegate = self;
_chart.dataSource = self;
_chart.barShadowOffset = CGSizeMake(2.0, 1.0);
_chart.animationDuration = 1.0;
_chart.barShadowColor = [UIColor clearColor];
_chart.barShadowAlpha = 0.5;
_chart.barShadowRadius = 1.0;
_chart.barWidth = 30.0;
_chart.xLabelType = SimpleBarChartXLabelTypeHorizontal;//SimpleBarChartXLabelTypeVerticle;
_chart.incrementValue = 10;
_chart.barTextType = SimpleBarChartBarTextTypeTop;
_chart.barTextColor = [UIColor blackColor];
_chart.gridColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[scroll addSubview:_chart];
[_chart reloadData];
I'm getting only one single axis without y axis values. Can any one help? I want to draw bar graph with dual y axis with values.
Thanks in advance.

Try this graph if your value is negative it will show you dual y axis.


Can SKEmitterNode particles be rotated around their X and Y axes? [duplicate]

I'm trying to reproduce pieces of small paper falling from top effect, using CAEmitterLayer & CAEmitterCell.
So far, I got the 2D animation of it, But I'm having difficulty to make each cell to rotate when falling.
How to I apply random rotation on each particle? I tried with 3D Transform with no success so far.
This is what I got:
-(void) configureEmitterLayer {
self.emitterLayer = [CAEmitterLayer layer];
self.emitterLayer.emitterPosition = CGPointMake(self.backgroundContainer.bounds.size.width /2, 0);
self.emitterLayer.emitterZPosition = 10;
self.emitterLayer.emitterSize = self.backgroundContainer.bounds.size;
self.emitterLayer.emitterShape = kCAEmitterLayerLine;
CAEmitterCell *emitterCell = [CAEmitterCell emitterCell];
emitterCell.contents = (__bridge id)([UIImage imageWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor]].CGImage);
emitterCell.lifetime = CGFLOAT_MAX;
emitterCell.lifetimeRange = 4.0;
emitterCell.birthRate = 2.5;
emitterCell.color = [[UIColor colorWithRed:1.0f green:1.0 blue:1.0 alpha:1.0] CGColor];
emitterCell.redRange = 1.0;
emitterCell.blueRange = 1.0;
emitterCell.greenRange = 1.0;
emitterCell.alphaRange = 0.3;
emitterCell.velocity = 10;
emitterCell.velocityRange = 3;
emitterCell.emissionRange = (CGFloat) M_PI_2;
emitterCell.emissionLongitude = (CGFloat) M_PI;
emitterCell.yAcceleration = 1;
emitterCell.zAcceleration = 4;
emitterCell.spinRange = 2.0;
emitterCell.scale = 7.0;
emitterCell.scaleRange = 4.0;
self.emitterLayer.emitterCells = [NSArray arrayWithObject:emitterCell];
[self.backgroundContainer.layer addSublayer:self.emitterLayer];
This library doesn't use the emitter framework but is worth looking at for inspiration. UIDynamics is attached to individual objects to achieve the desired effect.
iOS confetti example

Round button with border and shadow

What would be the best way to create a button such as the one in the image?
I tried:
self.button.layer.shadowColor = UIColor.redColor.CGColor;
self.button.layer.shadowRadius = 30.0f;
self.button.layer.shadowOpacity = 1.0f;
self.button.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0.0f, 30.0f);
self.button.clipsToBounds = NO;
[self.button setNeedsDisplay];
But this just add a minor very blury shadow not at all like in the image.
Hey #user426132 set UIbutton background image and Try this code
For Objective-c
self.button.layer.cornerRadius = self.button.frame.size.width / 2;
self.button.layer.masksToBounds = false;
self.button.layer.shadowColor = UIColor.grayColor.CGColor;
self.button.layer.shadowOpacity = 1.0;
self.button.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0.0f, 0.0f);
self.button.layer.shadowRadius = 10;
self.button.layer.shouldRasterize = true;
self.button.layer.rasterizationScale = UIScreen.mainScreen.scale;
For Swift 4.2
self.btnShadow.layer.cornerRadius = self.btnShadow.frame.size.width / 2
self.btnShadow.layer.masksToBounds = false
self.btnShadow.layer.shadowColor =
self.btnShadow.layer.shadowOpacity = 1.0
self.btnShadow.layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 0)
self.btnShadow.layer.shadowRadius = 10
self.btnShadow.layer.shouldRasterize = true
self.btnShadow.layer.rasterizationScale = UIScreen.main.scale
Output is here in black cross is image

Incorrect legend titles format in Core plot pieChart

I am using this to show legend titles:
-(NSString *)legendTitleForPieChart:(CPTPieChart *)pieChart recordIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
NSLog(#"titles: %#", list[index]);
return list[index];
I can see console output:
titles: Entertaiment
titles: Entertaiment
titles: Entertaiment
titles: Entertaiment
But on the iPhone I'm seeing this:
Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
(CorePlot_1.5.1 Xcode 5.1 iOS 7.1)
My configureLegend method look like this. I add legend to scrollView
-(void)configureLegend {
// 1 - Get graph instance
graph = self.hostView.hostedGraph;
// 2 - Create legend
CPTLegend *theLegend = [CPTLegend legendWithGraph:graph];
// 2 - Set up text style
CPTMutableTextStyle *textStyle = [CPTMutableTextStyle textStyle];
textStyle.color = [CPTColor blackColor];
textStyle.fontName = #"Helvetica-Thin";
textStyle.fontSize = 15.0f;
[[graph legend] setTextStyle:(CPTTextStyle *)textStyle];
theLegend.numberOfColumns = 2;
theLegend.fill = [CPTFill fillWithColor:[CPTColor whiteColor]];
theLegend.borderLineStyle = nil;
theLegend.cornerRadius = 5.0;
theLegend.hidden = NO;
// 4 - Add legend to graph
graph.legend = theLegend;
graph.legendAnchor = CPTRectAnchorBottom;
CGFloat legendPadding = 1.0;
graph.legendDisplacement = CGPointMake(legendPadding, 0.0);
scrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(-5, 0, _secondView.frame.size.width, _secondView.frame.size.height + 20)];
scrollView.clipsToBounds = YES;
scrollView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(_secondView.frame.size.width + 100, _secondView.frame.size.height + 400); //(scrollView.contentSize.width, 1000)
for (UIView *subView in self.secondView.subviews)
[subView removeFromSuperview];
[scrollView.layer addSublayer:self.hostView.hostedGraph.legend];
[self.secondView addSubview:scrollView];
scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = YES;
scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO;
Since you add manually the legend view, you have this "reversed view issue".
Indeed, they draw the plots on a "reversed view", and they do the reverse. If I remember well, they do this because of the coordinates (x,y) to make it more understandable, since (x=0,y=0) should be at the left corner up, which is not how you usually do your graph.
So the solution, is to reverse it:
[[yourTitleView layer] setTransform:CATransform3DMakeRotation(M_PI, 1, 0, 0)];

CAEmitterLayer not Shown

I'm simply adding a UIView to my storyboard view controller and then creating a UIView class to display a particle effect. I change the UIView's class name to that of the custom class I created. The code I'm using in the UIView class does not display the particle effect I expected. The code is as follows:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
// Drawing code
CGRect viewBounds = rect;
fireworksEmitter.emitterPosition = CGPointMake(viewBounds.size.width/2.0, viewBounds.size.height);
fireworksEmitter.emitterSize = CGSizeMake(viewBounds.size.width/2.0, 0.0);
fireworksEmitter.emitterMode = kCAEmitterLayerOutline;
fireworksEmitter.emitterShape = kCAEmitterLayerLine;
fireworksEmitter.renderMode = kCAEmitterLayerAdditive;
fireworksEmitter.seed = (arc4random()%100)+1;
// Create the rocket
CAEmitterCell* rocket = [CAEmitterCell emitterCell];
rocket.birthRate = 1.0;
rocket.emissionRange = 0.25 * M_PI; // some variation in angle
rocket.velocity = 380;
rocket.velocityRange = 100;
rocket.yAcceleration = 75;
rocket.lifetime = 1.02; // we cannot set the birthrate < 1.0 for the burst
rocket.contents = (id) [[UIImage imageNamed:#"DazRing"] CGImage];
rocket.scale = 0.2;
rocket.color = [[UIColor redColor] CGColor];
rocket.greenRange = 1.0; // different colors
rocket.redRange = 1.0;
rocket.blueRange = 1.0;
rocket.spinRange = M_PI; // slow spin
// the burst object cannot be seen, but will spawn the sparks
// we change the color here, since the sparks inherit its value
CAEmitterCell* burst = [CAEmitterCell emitterCell];
burst.birthRate = 1.0; // at the end of travel
burst.velocity = 0;
burst.scale = 2.5;
burst.redSpeed =-1.5; // shifting
burst.blueSpeed =+1.5; // shifting
burst.greenSpeed =+1.0; // shifting
burst.lifetime = 0.35;
// and finally, the sparks
CAEmitterCell* spark = [CAEmitterCell emitterCell];
spark.birthRate = 400;
spark.velocity = 125;
spark.emissionRange = 2* M_PI; // 360 deg
spark.yAcceleration = 75; // gravity
spark.lifetime = 3;
spark.contents = (id) [[UIImage imageNamed:#"DazStarOutline"] CGImage];
spark.scaleSpeed =-0.2;
spark.greenSpeed =-0.1;
spark.redSpeed = 0.4;
spark.blueSpeed =-0.1;
spark.alphaSpeed =-0.25;
spark.spin = 2* M_PI;
spark.spinRange = 2* M_PI;
// putting it together
fireworksEmitter.emitterCells = [NSArray arrayWithObject:rocket];
rocket.emitterCells = [NSArray arrayWithObject:burst];
burst.emitterCells = [NSArray arrayWithObject:spark];
[self.layer addSublayer:fireworksEmitter];
[self setNeedsDisplay];
1) Remove all of this code from drawRect, and put it into the UIView subclass init method, or, since you're using storyboard, put it into awakeFromNib:
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[super awakeFromNib];
CGRect viewBounds = rect;
fireworksEmitter = (CAEmitterLayer*)self.layer;
fireworksEmitter.emitterPosition = CGPointMake(viewBounds.size.width/2.0, viewBounds.size.height);
fireworksEmitter.emitterSize = CGSizeMake(viewBounds.size.width/2.0, 0.0);
fireworksEmitter.emitterMode = kCAEmitterLayerOutline;
fireworksEmitter.emitterShape = kCAEmitterLayerLine;
fireworksEmitter.renderMode = kCAEmitterLayerAdditive;
fireworksEmitter.seed = (arc4random()%100)+1;
// Create the rocket
CAEmitterCell* rocket = [CAEmitterCell emitterCell];
rocket.birthRate = 1.0;
rocket.emissionRange = 0.25 * M_PI; // some variation in angle
rocket.velocity = 380;
rocket.velocityRange = 100;
rocket.yAcceleration = 75;
rocket.lifetime = 1.02; // we cannot set the birthrate < 1.0 for the burst
rocket.contents = (id) [[UIImage imageNamed:#"DazRing"] CGImage];
rocket.scale = 0.2;
rocket.color = [[UIColor redColor] CGColor];
rocket.greenRange = 1.0; // different colors
rocket.redRange = 1.0;
rocket.blueRange = 1.0;
rocket.spinRange = M_PI; // slow spin
CAEmitterCell* burst = [CAEmitterCell emitterCell];
burst.birthRate = 1.0; // at the end of travel
burst.velocity = 0;
burst.scale = 2.5;
burst.redSpeed =-1.5; // shifting
burst.blueSpeed =+1.5; // shifting
burst.greenSpeed =+1.0; // shifting
burst.lifetime = 0.35;
CAEmitterCell* spark = [CAEmitterCell emitterCell];
spark.birthRate = 400;
spark.velocity = 125;
spark.emissionRange = 2* M_PI; // 360 deg
spark.yAcceleration = 75; // gravity
spark.lifetime = 3;
spark.contents = (id) [[UIImage imageNamed:#"DazStarOutline"] CGImage];
spark.scaleSpeed =-0.2;
spark.greenSpeed =-0.1;
spark.redSpeed = 0.4;
spark.blueSpeed =-0.1;
spark.alphaSpeed =-0.25;
spark.spin = 2* M_PI;
spark.spinRange = 2* M_PI;
fireworksEmitter.emitterCells = [NSArray arrayWithObject:rocket];
rocket.emitterCells = [NSArray arrayWithObject:burst];
burst.emitterCells = [NSArray arrayWithObject:spark];
Your code looks fine, so here are a few suggestions
you don't show where you are creating fireworksEmitter. If you do not alloc and init it somewhere, you will get a blank screen with no errors or warnings.
if you do not have (alpha-channel) assets named "DazRing" and "DazStarOutline" (check spelling), you will get a blank screen with no errors or warnings
Although this code will run from inside drawRect, this is not an appropriate place for it. You are not doing any drawing (directly) - rather you are setting up and adding a layer. And you certainly shouldn't be calling setNeedsDisplay from inside drawRect. This code will work just as well or better if you put it (for example) in awakeFromNib.

CAEmitterCell - slow stars or light effect

I'm playing around with CAEmitterCell, but most effects are very fast effects like the firework.
But I want to have a slow "stars" effect like you see here on
How can I do that with CAEmitterCell?
Thank you :)
I have a project that uses the following setup for the emitter, and it pretty accurately mimics what I think you mean:
//set ref to the layer
starsEmitter = (CAEmitterLayer*)self.layer; //2
//configure the emitter layer
starsEmitter.emitterPosition = CGPointMake(160, 240);
starsEmitter.emitterSize = CGSizeMake(self.superview.bounds.size.width,self.superview.bounds.size.height);
NSLog(#"width = %f, height = %f", starsEmitter.emitterSize.width, starsEmitter.emitterSize.height);
starsEmitter.renderMode = kCAEmitterLayerPoints;
starsEmitter.emitterShape = kCAEmitterLayerRectangle;
starsEmitter.emitterMode = kCAEmitterLayerUnordered;
CAEmitterCell* stars = [CAEmitterCell emitterCell];
stars.birthRate = 0;
stars.lifetime = 10;
stars.lifetimeRange = 0.5;
stars.color = [[UIColor colorWithRed:255 green:255 blue:255 alpha:0] CGColor];
stars.contents = (id)[[UIImage imageNamed:#"particle.png"] CGImage];
stars.velocityRange = 500;
stars.emissionRange = 360;
stars.scale = 0.2;
stars.scaleRange = 0.1;
stars.alphaRange = 0.3;
stars.alphaSpeed = 0.5;
[stars setName:#"stars"];
//add the cell to the layer and we're done
starsEmitter.emitterCells = [NSArray arrayWithObject:stars];
I uploaded the sample project to GitHub: SimpleCAEmitterLayer
