How can I test different app configurations in Rails? - ruby-on-rails

I have an model whose behavior should change slightly based on a configuration file. The configuration file, in theory, will be altered for each installation of the app for my clients. So how can I test for these changes?
For example...
# in app/models/person.rb
before_save automatically_make_person_contributer if Rails.configuration.x.people['are_contributers_by_default']
# in test/models/person_test.rb
test "auto-assigns role if it should" do
# this next line doesn't actually work when the Person#before_save runs...
Rails.configuration.x.people['are_contributers_by_default'] = true
test "won't auto assign a role if it shouldn't" do
# this next line doesn't actually work when the Person#before_save runs...
Rails.configuration.x.people['are_contributers_by_default'] = false
It doesn't make sense for these to be stored in the database, because they are one time configurations, but I need to make sure my app behaves under all the possible configurations in all environments.

Looks like the way to make this work is to rewrite the Person class so that automatically_make_person_contributer actually performs the evaluation of Rails.configuration.x.people['are_contributers_by_default']. This makes my tests happy and technically doesn't change the way the app works:
# in app/models/person.rb
before_save :automatically_make_person_contributer
def automatically_make_person_contributer
if Rails.configuration.x.people['are_contributers_by_default']
# do the actual work here
However, this means that a value that is going to remain the same for the lifetime of the app's process will be checked every time a Person is created, instead of checked only once at the creation of the Person class.
In my particular case, this tradeoff is fine, but others may want the actual answer to my question.


create dynamic default values for column in rails?

I am not sure how to go about this, or if there is a better way to do this, but I have a table called leads(many) and it references agent (one).
I want to make a migration that sets a default value for the agent_id column in the leads table. But i want the default value to loop through all the agent ids. Im not sure how to do this!? Should i use a call back, or should i do in migration file?
Here is the actual question im trying to tackle:
When new leads are created assign it to an agent using a “round robin” That way new leads are distributed evenly across all the agents.
Ive attached a screenshot using SUDO code (i know its not functional as is) as to what I am thinking of doing. Any tips?
(Using ruby on rails w/ postgresql)
I think it makes sense to handle this functionality as part of the main app, and not within migration, as there seem to be a significant chunk of functionality to handle.
Probably best to handle it as part of an after_create callback in the Lead model, and use a class variable to track the next agent to be assigned as follows:
class Lead
# Assign the class variable to the first agent
##next_agent = Agent.first
after_create :set_agent
# Called by the after_create callback
# Sets the agent_id, and updates the ##next_agent class variable
def set_agent
self.agent_id =
##next_agent = find_next_agent
## Called from the set_agent method
## Finds the next agent based on the current value of ##next_agent
def find_next_agent
##next_agent = Agent.find( + 1)
##next_agent = Agent.first unless #next_agent
The find_next_agent logic above is a simplistic example, assuming that all Agent objects have ids that increment by 1, and there are no gaps (i.e. no deletions in the table).

Rails Limit Model To 1 Record

I am trying to create a section in my app where a user can update certain site wide attributes. An example is a sales tax percent. Even though this amount is relatively constant, it does change every few years.
Currently I have created a Globals model with attributes I want to keep track of. For example, to access these attributes where needed, I could simply do something like the following snippet.
(1+ Globals.first.sales_tax) *
What is the best way to handle variables that do not change often, and are applied site wide? If I use this method is there a way to limit the model to one record? A final but more sobering question.......Am I even on the right track?
Ok, so I've dealt with this before, as a design pattern, it is not the ideal way to do things IMO, but it can sometimes be the only way, especially if you don't have direct disk write access, as you would if deployed on Heroku. Here is the solution.
class Global < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :only_one
def only_one
if Global.count >= 1
errors.add :base, 'There can only be one global setting/your message here'
If you DO have direct disk access, you can create a YAML config file that you can read/write/dump to when a user edits a config variable.
For example, you could have a yaml file in config/locales/globals.yml
When you wanted to edit it, you could write
filepath = "#{Rails.root}/config/locales/globals.yml"
globals = YAML.load("#{Rails.root}/config/locales/globals.yml"))
globals.merge!({ sales_tax: 0.07 })
File.write(filepath) do |f|
f.write YAML.dump(globals)
More on the ruby yaml documentation
You could also use JSON, XML, or whatever markup language you want
It seems to me like you are pretty close, but depending on the data structure you end up with, I would change it to
(1+ Globals.last.sales_tax) *
and then build some type of interface that either:
Allows a user to create a new Globals object (perhaps duplicating the existing one) - the use case here being that there is some archive of when these things changed, although you could argue that this should really be a warehousing function (I'm not sure of the scope of your project).
Allows a user to update the existing Globals object using something like paper_trail to track the changes (in which case you might want validations like those presented by #Brian Wheeler).
Alternatively, you could pivot the Global object and instead use something like a kind or type column to delineate different values so that you would have:
(1+ Globals.where(kind: 'Colorado Sales Tax').last) *
and still build interfaces similar to the ones described above.
You can create a create a class and dump all your constants in it.
For instance:
class Global
#sales_tax = 0.9
def sales_tax
and access it like:
Or, you can define global variables something on the lines of this post

How to check if resque job has finished

I have a case scenario where I need to run multiple record updates in the background(using resque) and I want to give user visual indicator of how the task is running(eg started/running/finished).
One way of achieving this(which I can think of) is saving the current state into a table, then showing the state to user by simple page refresh.
Can anyone suggest a better solution of doing it?I want to avoid creating the whole migration, model, controller for this.
As I've commented, resque-status gem could be useful for you. I am not sure if that is an answer but since you said that you do not want to create migration, model and controller for this. Thus, a gem might be the way to go.
From the job id you can get the status you are looking for, for example:
status = Resque::Plugins::Status::Hash.get(job_id)
status.working? #=> true
There is also a front-end called resque-web, check that out too.
You may use ruby's global variable $var_name = 'foo'. However I am not sure about it, because they are considered bad practice in rails, but in this case I see them reasonable, as soon as their name is very unique.
It can be done like (in case of resque):
class UpdateJob
#queue = data
def self.perform
$my_job_name_is_running = true
$my_job_name_is_running = nil
then you can access them from anywhere in the app:
while $my_job_name_is_running
puts "job is running..." if $my_job_name_is_running
sleep 3 # important to not overload your processor
Ruby global vars are not very popular. Check docs for more info

Permanent variable in Rails

Lets say that on top of my Rails app there is a bar with piece of text displayed - latest hot deal, scheduled downtime notfication, something like that. It's a single, on of a kind information that needs to be accessed on basically every request, and may be updated from time to time. What is the best way to achieve this?
What I'd like to do is some kind of permanent global variable (accessible from controllers).
It will be updated very rarely, so there's no problem if for some time after update there will be an inconsistency between workers.
On the other hand, it should be persistent in case of server fault (periodic backup is enough).
It will be accessed really often, so it should be as fast as possible - preferably stay in memory.
Also, it's only one of a kind, so I'd really prefer not to bloat the app with a dedicated database model.
Something like that is damn easy in Node.js for example, but I couldn't find a single way to achieve this in Rails. What shall I do?
Thanks for the answers so far, but while they're inspiring, I think that I should stress out one key functionality that they're all missing. The variable should be editable inside the app and persistent. While it's possible to edit your variables, in case of server restart I'm back to the default - which is bad.
It really depends on what you are looking for. You could do something very simply by putting it in your application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def system_message
"Come buy our amazing .99 iphone chocolate bar apps, with 100% more gamification!"
That function (and string) is then accessible from any controller in your application. You could also specify something in the after_initialize block in your application.rb file.
config.after_initialize do
You could also create your own file under the initializers directory, which is preloaded in rails.
so siteAnnounce.rb
You may also want to check out this Railscast video about site wide announcements
I would store it in the database and let caching take care of it.
I feel that global variables are fine, when appropriate, for code that needs to share that common value in many places but that is the code, not the the user view.
This is clearly true in this case as the OP has bolded 'editable by the app'. So I would have a view that lets the users enter it, it gets stored in a db table and then recalled as needed (as cached once used once).
Well I had faced a similar problem.
My problem was I needed a global variable in all the levels (MVC).
We went to use Memcache to store the variable.
May be you can go for a similar solution.
And as an added bonus you can change it throughout the program.
You could declare it as a constant in an initializer:
MYVARIABLE = 'some string'
Accessible from anywhere in your application as MYVARIABLE
Ok, so here's what I did. Instead of just putting the value to an initializer, I've made there a simple class that handles it. The variable itself is stored in a predefined file. Besides of reading the file upon the initialization, the class updates file when the value is changed, and also re-read the file periodically to maintain consistency across workers. I've also put there some basic JSON handling and backup functionality to make life easier.
For anyone interested, here's the important code:
class Pomegranate
def initialize
#delay = 30.minutes
#path = "db/pomegranate.json"
#valid = - 1
def get(*p)
p.inject(#data) {|object,key| object[key] if object}
def set(*p, q, v)
hash = p.inject(#data) {|object,key| object[key]||={}}
hash[q] = v
def save
#valid = + #delay,"w") {|f| f.write(#data.to_json)}
def validate
if #valid <
#data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode( rescue {}
#valid = + #delay
#valid = - 1 if #data.empty?
$pom =
Where to put Global variables in Rails 3
Try putting it in your applicaton.rb like this:
module MyAppName
class Application < Rails::Application
Then you can call it with the namespace in your controllers, views or whatever..
Another alternative would be using something like settingslogic. With settingslogic, you just create a yml config file and a model (Settings.rb) that points to the config file. Then you can access these settings anywhere in your rails app with:
I've started putting constants and variables like this in the configuration object, e.g. = 'bar'
TestApp::Application.config.something = { :a => 1, :b => 2 }

When testing with rspec, where to put common "test utility methods"?

Suppose you have a shopping site that sells widgets. However, the inventory of each widget is limited, so it's important to keep the "widget.number_still_available" number up to date.
I'd like to write an rspec test along the lines of
it "always displays the correct number still available" do
# Assume there is a before method that sets up a widget with 5 available
widget.number_still_available.should == 5
# User "" purchases 2 widgets
widget.number_still_available.should == 3
# User "" purchases 1 widget
widget.number_still_available.shhould == 2
# User "" cancels purchase of 1 widget
widget.number_still_available.should == 4
I'd like to be able to write testing-only methods that performs the "purchasing" and "canceling" methods. These actions don't correspond to any "real" methods in my models for a variety of reasons (most significantly there is a decoupled back-end system in PHP that performs part of the purchasing and canceling actions).
Where is the correct place to put this code when using RSpec? In cucumber, I could write a couple of steps - but I'm not sure what the correct equivalent is for RSpec.
I would suggest making a new file in spec/support called purchase_helpers.rb and put this content in it:
module PurchaseHelpers
def purchase_widgets(user, count=1)
# Code goes here
def cancel_purchase(user, count=1)
# Code goes here
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.include PurchaseHelpers
The benefit of doing this rather than chucking it into spec/spec_helper.rb is that it is not crowding up that file with a lot of unrelated-to-the-setup-of-RSpec code. Separating things out is the better way to do things.
You can drop a monkeypatch into spec_helper.rb, or directly at the top of the spec file if it's only used for that one file.
It would be more clear and safe to make helper methods which use existing class methods, instead of monkeypatching the classes.
