Docker swarm, Consul and Spring Boot - docker

I have 6 microservices packed in docker containers. On every swarm node, i have installed consul agent, binded to host ip, and client in mode.
All microservices are in docker-compose file which I am running from Swarm manager.
Microservices are written in Java and in bootstrap.yml I must to specify consul agent endpoint. Possible choices are:
${HOSTIP} environment variable
- localhost is not localhost of host, but container localhost, and I don't have consul agent on container localhost but host.
- ${HOSTIP} in compose file i have to supply this env var. But, I don't know where Swarm MAnager will schedule microservice start so I cannot know which IP address will be used.
I tried to expose on each node host ip address but since i am running compose from manager, it will not read this variable.
Do you have any proposal how to solve this? I have consul cluster, 3 managers and 3 nodes. on each manager and node i have consul agent started (as docker container). No matter what type of networking i am using, i am not able to start up microservice. I started consul as --net=host and --net=bridge, but this is not working.
Is there anyone with some idea?
Thanks ahead.

So you are running consul in containers also, right? Is it possible in your setup to link containers? So you could start the consul containers as "consul" on each host and link your microservices to it. Linked containers get a hosts entry and so the consul service should be reachable at "consul:8500" from within your services.
Edit: If you are using the official Consul Docker image from Hashicorp, you can configure the client address to, this should make the consul API available to the other containers running on the host.

Let me answer my own Q: This is not a way we want to do this, I mean, we cannot put some things in Swarm and some thing outside Swarm with expectation that it will work. It will not. Consul as a service discovery cannot be used outside Swarm, too. Simple answer would be to use Docker Orchestration and Service discovery and not to involve Consul. If someone is using Swarm, everything should be in overlay networks (rabbit, redis, elk and so on)...


how can I connect two docker containers with nomad

I built two docker applications that communicate with each other using the docker network, but when I tried to run those applications using nomad. The problem within nomad is that the container name is not configurable and gives the container a random name. So I can't add those containers to the docker network and have them know each other with their specific names.
So how can I run two or more docker containers in the same docker network using nomad?
I'm aware of few approaches. First one works with nomad only, the others assume that consul is deployed as well.
Place both containers in the same task group. Nomad will locate them always on the same node and you can access address via Nomad env variables NOMAD_IP_<label>, NOMAD_PORT_<label> or NOMAD_ADDR_<label>.
Register the server application (docker container) in the consul service registry with nomad service stanza. You can then use nomad template stanza in "client" application to render config. Example/doc is here.
Setup consul connect (service mesh) in your deployment.
You could use consul DNS interface. Consul can work as a DNS server and every service is resolvable at <service_name>.service.<dc>.consul (doc). But you have to configure your servers to use consul DNS (doc).
Approach 1 is the easiest but has huge limitation (the same node). Approach 2 worked for me well for several years. Nomad is that intelligent that it will reload/restart your client IP should the server IP/port change.

Figuring out the IP address of a service for dockerized Consul

I am building a microservices based application and would like to use Consul as service registry. All in all I have three scenarios:
All the services run on the host.
All the services run on the host, but Consul runs in Docker.
All the services and Consul run in Docker.
Now I have the problem of how to register the services with their IP address, because I need to figure out their IP address so that it is reachable by Consul (e.g., for the health checks):
If everything runs on the same host, it's pretty easy: Simply use, and you're done.
If everything (including Consul) runs in Docker, I could use hostname -i from within the Docker containers to figure out their external IP and hand it over to Consul. This works, but I wonder if there is a better way to solve this? (Ideally, the solution should also work in the same way on Kubernetes.)
If the services run on the host, but Consul runs in Docker, right now I am missing any idea at all. Basically, Consul requires the host's IP address to be able to talk to the services, but I can only detect this from within the Consul container (by resolving host.docker.internal). But first, this does not work from externally, and second it only works for Docker for Mac / Windows, not e.g. with Kubernetes.
How could I solve these issues?
PS: I would like to avoid using a container such as registrator by Gliderlabs, since I have doubts how well this works on Kubernetes, and also it won't help with the mixed Docker / host scenario.
If you're using Kubernetes, you might start by checking whether its built-in service registry meets your needs. There's generally not a direct path to reach a pod via its node's host's IP address, so the setup you describe won't really work well. (I might consider Consul for a key/value store but I wouldn't reach for it as a service registry in Kubernetes land.)
In plain multi-host Docker land, this is one of the few situations I've found where host networking is appropriate. Start Consul with --net host or an equivalent option in Docker Compose or another orchestration tool. Then Consul will believe "its" IP address is the host's, and if you have automated TCP probes of well-known ports, you can search every service that's running on the host and discover e.g. a MySQL service on port 3306, whether running in a container or natively on the host.
With this setup, servicename.service.consul will resolve to some physical-host IP address. If you have a Docker container pointing at its current host for DNS service, then that will route a service to some host, maybe the same one, but this has worked reliably for me in the past.
Note that the relevant hostnames will be different in different environments: servicename.service.consul for a Consul-based setup, servicename.namespacename.svc.cluster.local in Kubernetes, maybe localhost in a developer-desktop environment. You need to make sure this is configurable, most straightforwardly via an environment variable.

How docker containers expose services?

I'm deploying a stack of services through the command:
docker stack deploy -c <docker-compose.yml> <stack-name>
And I'm mapping ports of one of these services on docker compose with ports: 8000:8000.
The network driver being used is overlay.
I can access these services via localhost:8000, via Peers IP(?).
When I inspect the network created, I can see the local IPs of each container (for instance, But Where is the external IP of container (the one like 172.0. ...) ?
I am running these docker container on a virtual machine ubuntu.
How can I access the services running on containers from other nodes running on other networks? Isn't possible to access via hostIP:port?
If so, how do I get the host IP? When I do docker-machine IP I get "host is not running".
[EDIT: I wasn't doing port mapping between the host and the VM in virtualbox. Now it works!]
Whats the best way to communicate between containers on the same swarm?
Whats the best way to communicate between containers on the same swarm? Through name discovery?
In general if you communicate between containers you should use the container/service name.
And for your other problem you probably wan't a reverse proxy like nginx or traefik.

How can a container enumerate hosts available on the network?

Use case: haproxy container running with docker compose. I want to have the container discover which hosts are available in order to recreate haproxy config and reload it.
I know the there will be one or more containers named server1 and server2 available. From inside the haproxy container I can query dns for server1 and receive more than one IP address. Is that the only way to know when a new server1 cointainer becomes available or dies? I know I can use the docker api from python running inside a container that hast the docker host socket mapped to it, but I'm not sure that will work when running on swarm.
The perfect solution would be an api or command that let's me register an event handler that is called when a new container joins the network.
There is a solutions that you can use Registrator (, Consul and Consul Template.
Consul is a Service Discovery
Consul-Template watches Consul and updates HA Proxy config and reload it.
Registrator listens Docker Engine and update Consul if there is any container is up or down.
Please see the image:
For the full tutorial, you can refer to my blog ( to know how to implement it.

Hazelcast TCP/IP discovery on DCOS/ Marathon and docker

I have a dockerized dropwizard service deployed on marathon. I am using Hazelcast as a distributed cache which I start has part of my dropwizard service. I have placed a constraint to ensure that each container is started on a unique Host.
"constraints": [
I have exposed 2 ports on my docker container, 10012 for my service and 10013 for Hazelcast. I am using Zookeeper for my Dropwizard service discovery. Thus when I startup my Hazelcast instance I have access to the hostnames of all the machines on which my docker containers are running and I add all of them as below.
TcpIpConfig tcpIpConfig = join.getTcpIpConfig();
// finder is a handle to a service discovery service and the following gets me all the hosts on which my docker containers will run.
List<ServiceNode<ShardInfo>> nodes = finder.getAllNodes();
.peek(serviceNode ->"Adding " + serviceNode.representation() + " to hazelcast."))
.map(serviceNode -> serviceNode.getHost())
.forEach(host -> tcpIpConfig.addMember(host));
Now issues:
If I use network type as BRIDGE while deploying on Marathon, then I don't know the docker container host and thus my 2 docker containers don't know each other. It looks something like this:
ip-10-200-2-219.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal (docker host) - (docker container ip)
ip-10-200-2-220.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal (docker host) - (docker container ip)
From zookeeper I get the docker host IPs but not the docker container IPs.
If I use network type as HOST then everything works but an issue is that I then have to make sure that ports which my docker containers are running always have port 1001 and 10013 available. (With BRIDGE the docker container ports are bound to a random ports).
The two docker containers are inside their own network localized to the slaves. They need to recognise each other using the public IP of the slave and the bridged port to which 5701 (or whatever hazelcast port you are using).
In the TCP/IP configuration set the Public Address and Port when starting the instance. All instances will do this and they will talk to each other using the marathon slave IP and the randomized port used to it.
Use the HOST and PORT_5701 variables provided by marathon and available inside the container to do this.
Config hzConfig = new Config();
Refer to hazelcast network config documentation to understand a bit more about the public address option.
You can use TCP/IP Discovery mechanism and make sure hazelcast nodes bind to public ip of docker container. Although this solution is might help if you know docker container IPs, before your deployment.
<multicast enabled="false">
<tcp-ip enabled="true">
Getting hazelcast members to discover each other and form a cluster is tricky. I ended up following advice of #bitsofinfo -
#santanu 's answer is correct. Public address needs to be set properly for hazelcast members to be able to discover each other. Here's a parameterized way of doing this :
