Customize iOS Volume HUD in a Unity3D Game - ios

I am currently working on a Unity3D iOS game.I want to override the default Volume View in iOS and implement a custom UI control like in Snapchat and Instagram.

What you need is low level access to your native iOS application in order to use swift code to disable the volume HUD.
I cannot explain how to do this better than this
Follow the instructions carefully until you are able to setup swift in unity.
Here is a good page on disabling the volume HUD in swift: Hide device Volume HUD view while adjusitng volume with MPVolumeView slider
Hope this helps.


Volume button listener on IOS(React Native) doesn't work. I need it for Camera to take a photo

I am trying to detect when the user presses volume up button within a react-native application. I need to take a photo by react-native-camera on volume button click.
I've tried to connect native VolumeTriggerModule.h to subscribe for volume button from React Native code, but it's a problem for me. Can't do that.
How do I have listen to physical buttons with react native?
Is there any nice package for this.
I found that there is something similar in react-native-vision-camera, but not sure if I can replace react-native-camera.

How can I use ARKit while using Slide Over/Split Screen on iPadOS?

I have an app that uses ARKit to detect faces and send over the network the coordinates of interest, which works well. I would like this app to run in background, still sending the data over the network, while I would be using another app (almost) fullscreen.
The option 'Enable multiple windows' is activated in info.plist, but as soon as I launch my other app, the ARKit app stops sending information (the app actually probably stops).
Is there a simple way to do this, and at least is this feasible? Thanks!
This is not possible at this point. Camera and AR stuff is disabled at a system level in apps when they are displayed in Slide Over or Split View.
I'd recommend displaying a warning message when Slide Over/Split Screen is being used saying that you should use the app in full screen mode. See this answer under a different question for details.

Passing Data From native iOS app to Unity App

I have iOS app now i want to add some animation in my app so i think to create Unity app for that animation. So now i want open unity app from my iOS app with button click action are you getting ?
Now animation is generate the dynamic number ball so for that i have to pass the parameter(Number of total ball, Number of ball to ball generate, Ball colour code) to unity app from iOS app.
So is there any possible way to pass the data from iOS app to Unity. I i'm thinking to use URL Scheme Or any other method available?
I am assuming you want to communicate between two apps. For that there are several ways.
To open other app within an app, please check this answer here.
Solution 1:
Don't use two apps to do single animation. Thats not good practice and not feasible. Do animation inside your iOS app and I believe iOS is powerful enough to handle your animation. Apple has already suite of game technologies to support gaming development in iOS natively. You can check this link here.
Solution 3:
If you can build app in unity, build whole app in unity.
Solution 2:
The first part of your question is very confusing though. You want to show animation in your iOS app but want to create animation in unity app? That is not going to work. Because when you open unity app, the current app will be suspended as default and you will only see unity app at that time.
As per your 2nd part of the question you want pass some arguments from iOS for animation to play in unity app. To do that you have to save data locally (in some kind of database whatever you like), like Number of total ball, Number of ball to ball generate, Ball colour code. And then you have to do code for unity to read those parameters from database and do the animation accordingly.

Is it possible to detect another application from the current app in iOS?

I need to create sticky button which is on screen like hike button in ios
If i detect that application(WhatsApp) state event so i solve this problem. Thats why i need to create another application launched event.
Thank you in advance.
Apps on iOS are sandboxed and can not directly communicate with other apps directly. There are some API's in the iOS SDK which allows some interaction, mostly audio, share of items.
Apple does not expose to you app if an other app is launched, so checking that an other is launched is not possible.
The second issue is that you can draw on de screen outside of you own apps windows. So you will not be able to draw a button on top of some other app.

use volume button as input control in ios

I want to use volume button as a Start/Stop button in my own app. As far as I know there is only third party camera app that is able to use volume button as the control.
My question is, can it work on other type of app beside camera app? Will Apple reject my app if I am using volume button as a control/input?
Is there any Apple Documentation that state those restriction?
Look at AVSystemController_SystemVolumeDidChangeNotification.
See: iPhone SDK 4 - How to programmatically detect volume hardware button press?
program access to iPhone volume buttons or
for all I know it isn't private anymore after iOS 3.0
