RdKafka setup not finding/recognizing librdkafka in Visual Studio - f#

Issue: RdKafka setup is not finding/recognizing librdkafka in Visual Studio 15
In order to get started with RdKafka in visual studio 15, I ran the generic paket+nuget setup command (via powershell): paket add nuget rdkafka
After this, I see RdKafka has been installed successfully in my solutions package location. I also see a librdkafka package present.
Adding RdKafka as a reference in my solution works as well (I can't add the librdkafka dlls due to an error message from the IDE).
However, trying to run anything using librdkafka leads to a library not found.
What I've tried:
Removing rdkafka completely and paket reinstalling/updating/restoring
Cleaning + re-building the solution in IDE
Moving the librdkafka package around/including it in path
All the above to no success
Any suggestions on how to proceed?

So, it turns out someone else on my team figured out how to make this work, though admittedly it's a little bit of a hack. VS allows for pre-build events (Found by right clicking on your project > Properties > Build Events > Edit Pre-Build). And in there I dropped in the following:
{xcopy /y /d /f
And just like that, it works. The explanation for the above is that we pull the native dlls that cannot be referenced directly by copying them into our projects target directory just before the build is done.
Hopefully, this helps some future folks, who don't consider rewriting the library into an referable form, like I did.


C5105 and other compiler warnings when building with Github Actions / WinSDK 10.0.17763.0

A couple of days ago I have started to migrate my CMake-based C++ library project from Travis CI to GitHub Actions. I immediately ran into trouble with the windows-latest runner (link to runner specs). After many wasted hours I tracked down the issue to the Windows SDK that CMake selects when it generates the build system.
On a local VM where I tried to replicate the runner environment CMake always selects the SDK version 10.0.18362.0, because no other SDK is installed on that system. On the runner system, though, there seem to be several SDKs installed (cf. the runner specs), and CMake by default selects SDK version 10.0.17763.0.
The actual problem: With 10.0.17763.0 selected, as soon as the first file is being compiled the compiler starts spewing out C5105 warnings like the following (line breaks added by me for better readability):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\ucrt\corecrt_search.h(188,5):
warning C5105: macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\ucrt\stdlib.h(79,5):
warning C5105: macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior
Eventually there are also errors which cause the build to fail. The first of these errors is this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\um\oaidl.h(487,17):
error C2059: syntax error: '/'
When I force CMake to use a different SDK, by setting CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION to 10.0.18362.0, all problems go away and the build works fine.
Before I go down that road of forcing CMake to do something it doesn't want to do, I wanted to ask for advice if someone can recommend a better approach?
Also of interest would be if someone could explain what's actually going on here? How is it possible that MSVC has problems parsing Microsoft's own system header files when using one SDK version, and no problem at all when using another SDK version? Link to a build log in case someone is interested, but this might go away soon when I delete the branch.
In the meantime I managed to reproduce the problem on my local VM by installing the component "Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)" in the Visual Studio Installer. On the VM CMake still defaults to 10.0.18362.0, but when I force it to use 10.0.17763.0 like this
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION="10.0.17763.0" ..
then I get the same build failure as on the Github Actions runner. At least I can now say that it's not the Github Actions runner that is at fault.
On the other hand I also can't see how my project should be the culprit. I certainly don't do anything special that should make the project build with one Windows SDK, but not with the other.
Lacking the time (and the will) to further investigate the issue, for the moment I decided to follow the path of least resistance and am now building with these lines in the project's build.yml:
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION="10.0.18362.0" ..
cmake --build . --config Release

Update Packages of a MVC Project

Im trying to use an ASP.NET web application downloaded from the internet. Im looking for a way restore all the dependencies/packages in a quick way (clean and building the project did not solve it), rather than installing them via nuget one by one. Is there anyway to download and install/resolve (version issues) all the necessary packages at once?
I tried below package manager console commands, but they did not resolve the package conflicts.
Update-Package -Reinstall,
nuget install packages.config and other solutions here - How do I get NuGet to install/update all the packages in the packages.config?
[resolve/install packages]
Can someone help? Maybe Im using wrong commands or doing something wrong.
If you go into Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Manage Nuget Packages for Solution, it will show a yellow bar at the top asking you if you want to restore missing packages. That's a manual way, but there are also some important VS options you want to look at as well, one being an option to restore packages on build.
There is a generic restore option as well from the package manager console, and that should have worked if it was simply a matter of reimporting the missing packages...
Update-Package -reinstall
You can try to delete the folders, than reinstall using these options. However, is there a possibility there is a .NET framework version mismatch with the version of the DLL's? Maybe some of the DLL's need updated?
Remove package folders from Package folder - don't remove package.config. Next, build you application - nuget should automatically restore all packages.

Using npm with an MVC project

I am getting a bit confused here.
I have an MVC 5 project, I want to use the npm for managing my javascript packages.
I installed npm from nuget and here i am stuck, I cant find the commandline console window or anything like that.
All the info i see online is about node projects.
Can someone direct me to a relevant tutorial.
Using visual studio 2013, MVC 5.
Well regardless of the project, if you want to use npm on Windows, this is what you need:
Download and install Node (you might need a restart).
Make sure that node is installed by opening a command prompt and running node -v (should print a version number).
Run npm -v and see if it's installed (should be).
Now in the context of an ASP.NET MVC project. The newer versions of Visual Studio (I believe 2015) support npm - you can just open the package.json and add dependencies (it will download them behind the scenes). In case you're using an old version, you can simply open a command prompt, navigate to your project and use npm install from there.

TFS does not allow the NuGet packages to be installed/Updated

I am in VS2015/TFS environment and I have been having this constant issue with TFS Source Control:
Every time I want to install the package, it fails with following error
Install failed. Rolling back... Package 'jQuery.Cookie 1.4.1' does not
exist in project 'Web'
This is the same exact error that I see every time I try to install any of the packages.
Currently, I have been taking a copy of my project folder and then put it somewhere where I do not have any SourceControl, then I install the package and copy it back to its original location
The only problem with this approach is that it is a lot of tedious work everytime I want to install a new package
Also, all the packages installed in this manner are not recognized by the source Control and that is why I have to add each file saperately. Not to mention that since it is not as accurate as having Nuget taking care of everything for me, sometimes I miss to check in some of the files and it breaks things on the server.
Can someone guide me on how can I smoothly install an new NuGet package on VS 2015 without having to go through this tedious process?
It seems to be caused by the bug in old nuget version: Install package fails when solution/project is bound to TFS source control
Update nuget to latest version and then try again.

Creating OpenCV installer with NSIS

I am compiling OpenCV for our project with specific build options (such as 64bit, QT and OpenNI). I was able to follow the instruction as given here: http://opencv.itseez.com/doc/tutorials/introduction/windows_install/windows_install.html
At the end of 2-3 hours of build process, I ended up with \install\build\ with collected bins, dlls and libs in their respective folder. I would like to distribute an .exe installer to other members in research group. But I could not because _CPack_Packages/win32/NSIS is nowhere to be found.
Note: To create an installer you need to install NSIS. Then just build the
Package project to build the installer into the
Build/_CPack_Packages/win32/NSIS folder. You can then use this to
distribute OpenCV with your build settings on other systems.
In the cmake-gui screen, I ticked "Build Package" which I hoped would enable me to see Build/_CPack_Packages/win32/NSIS folder. After build process, this is not found.
Could someone give a suggestion as why I don't see this _CPack_Packages/win32/NSIS folder as described? Could I use
Inno setup instead? If so, do I simply pack all \build\install folder and set path in system to include \build\install\bin?
Thank you.
Sticking with the KISS principle (Keep it simple, Stupid!):
Did you install NSIS prior to building the Package project?
- Install NSIS.
- Generate OpenCV solutions for MSVC using CMake as usual.
- In cmake-gui:
- Mark BUILD_EXAMPLES (If examples are desired to be shipped as binaries...)
- Unmark ENABLE_OPENMP, since this feature seems to have some issues yet...
- Open the OpenCV solution and build ALL in Debug and Release.
- Build PACKAGE, from the Release configuration. An NSIS installer package will be
created with both release and debug LIBs and DLLs.
Jose Luis Blanco, 2009/JUL/29
I suggest instead of using Visual Studio to build, you should try using CMake.
Let me know if this helps at all.
