Jenkins as Service Keeps Losing Elevated Privileges - jenkins

We recently tried moving our Windows Jenkins slaves to run as a service instead of just running the slave agent jnlp file.
According to the Mercurial Plugin (,
The default installation runs windows service with "local system" account, which does not seem to have enough priveleges for hg to execute, so You could try running Jenkins service with the same account as TortoiseHG, which will allow it to complete.
This we did, and it worked. For a while.
But sometimes after there was a disconnect between the Jenkins slave and master, it would stop working. Jenkins would call mercurial and it would hang, just like it would do if the service was running with the "local system" account.
I could sometimes get it to start working again by restarting the Jenkins service on the slave. But somtimes I'd have to go back in and re-set the service to run with an elevated account.
Has anybody else experienced anything like this? Is there any way to keep the Jenkins Service running with elevated priveleges?


jenkins on demand slaves windows

The on-demand slaves are being created successfully from Jenkins. The first build on the slave is successful but the subsequent builds are fails. The restart of the slave or restart of the wimrc services allows the build to proceed again.
The tcpdump shows no errors. Can't figure out what the issue is. Looks like issues Jenkins communicating with on demand slaves using wimrc.
Has anybody faced similar issue?
The on-demand slaves are windows slave
The issue was with the "MaxMemoryPerShellMB" parameter of the Winrm. This was set to too low. So when the npm or git was doing a checkout it was running out this memory in the Winrm shell.
I have increased to 1GB and its working fine now

Unable to schedule job in VM using Jenkins

I am scheduling QTP scripts using Jenkins, intended to run on weekends. The QTP scripts are in the same Jenkins machines.
The build is not triggered at the scheduled time instead it triggers only when I login to the VM as it seems so.
OS : Windows 7 Ultimate
Jenkins version: 1.620 (master only)
When I do build manually, it works. Only the scheduling is not working.
If you are running Jenkins Slave as a service, you have to make sure that it runs as administrator in services.msc in the Log On tab. Make sure to restart the service after you add the Admin Account.

How to run jenkins job as a system user?

Rightnow, my jenkins jobs are run by Tomcat Server user.
I wanted it to run as User 'Admin', so i tried creating a slave and
added my same jenkins machine as the slave.
I have also added this as a windows service, and have confiured the
Admin user/pwd in the Logon Tab.
But still, when i run a job which executes the UI tests, i'm not able
to see them running in the firefox but it runs and the screenshots
are captured!
Are you asking how to have Jenkins spawn a process in your session that you can see at the monitor?
Have a look here: Open Excel on Jenkins CI, replace excel with whatever you are launching.
If you use jenkins as windows service, it won't allow GUI execution.
It only allows backgound running jobs.
If you want run UI test then stop your jenkins service , use some other way to connect your slave.

How to get a Jenkins slave to open a windows server session

I'm trying to get a Jenkins slave to open a session on a windows server.
Basically, What I'm try to achieve is:
Jenkins slave is running as a service on a windows 2003 server. When master calls slave, it will open a desktop session on the server and kick off an .exe that will perform GUI testing
What I have done:
Jenkins node created (Node A). Dumb slave. Remote FS root set to path on Windows 2003 server. ("C:\Jenkins\Node"). Launch method Java Web Start
Slave 'Node A' installed from Jenkins master using Java Web Start on windows 2003 server
Jenkins slave now running as a service on server
Jenkins project created and 'Restrict where this project can be run' is set to 'Node A'
Project windows batch command 'C:\GUITest.exe'
When I build the project in Jenkins I was expecting that the slave would be able to open a session and run C:\GUITest.exe. But, I'm missing something.
Anyone any ideas, or know if it is possible (plugins I may need ??)
Any advise / direction much appreciated.
Looks like you want to run GUI test on windows session. It won't work if you run Jenkins Slave as service, you have to run JNLP agent on your windows server. Also if you want to run in unattended mode, meaning that the windows remote session would be disconnected, you need some other setup as well. Please provide more information on what you are trying to do.
You must ensure that whatever process runs the GUI tests (might be a java / cmd / ssh process if you're connected to Jenkins) is not running on session 0 as it won't have access to Desktop and the Windows UI in general. I was in a similar situation and running the same process as a scheduled task instead of service solved it for me.

how to relaunch building application after jenkins slave agent was rebooted

we have jenkins project. use case:
jenkins triggers the build
slave agent builds application
server with slave agent goes to reboot (for any reason, for example, problem with electricity, somebody rebooted it, resource shortage and so on)
after that jenkins reports about failed build. how can we automatically relaunch application building in jenkins when slave agent recovered from failure?
There are two aspects to this issue -
Jenkins Server needs to reschedule the build that failed(when the slave-machine crashed).
Install the Naginator Plugin
Set it to rebuild whatever job you have set on the problematic slave
Jenkins Slave needs to restart automatically as soon as its host is up again.
On Windows, for example, you need to set it with a service that starts automatically
Note the Naginator Plugin doesn't know what caused the build to fail,
so it will try to rebuild any build that fails.
To solve this, scan the log for an indication that the slave crashed
and set a regular expression (in the Naginator) to catch it.
