I have this:
def some_params
params.require(:person).permit(:name, :pass)
These params are under the key "person" in "params". How can I add a key from the top level of "params" to the list of permitted params? In total it should result into 3 keys of permitted params.
Just add other call to the method require like:
params = ActionController::Parameters.new({
key1: 1,
person: {
name: 'Francesco',
pass: 'pass'
params.permit(:key1, {:person => [:name, :pass]})
Check the docs at: https://github.com/rails/strong_parameters#require-multiple-parameters
Require Multiple Parameters
If you want to make sure that multiple keys are present in a params
hash, you can call the method twice:
I have an array of users I want to save in my database. An example when shown in the console after a POST is made:
"users"=>[{"name"=>"Job", "email"=>"*****"}, {"name"=>"Ed", "email"=>"****"}]
No nested attributes going on here. How to format strong params for this?
def user_params
params.fetch(:user, {}).permit(:name, :email, ...)
This may work for saving a single user but I'm passing an array of users. I'm currently storing the user in a "dirty" manner:
users = params[:users]
users.each do |user|
User.create(name: user[:name], email: user[:email])
I'd like to refactor and do something like:
To permit a param key containing an array of hashes you pass the name as the key and an array of permitted attributes:
def user_params
params.permit(users: [:name, :email, ...])
.fetch(:users, [])
The output will be an array of ActionController::Parameters instances or an empty array if the key is not present:
[#<ActionController::Parameters {"name"=>"Job", "email"=>"*****"} permitted: true>,
#<ActionController::Parameters {"name"=>"Ed", "email"=>"****"} permitted: true>]
I want to be able to support a set of parameters in either the root params object:
Or in a nested object:
I'm passing parameters into that controller from a form object, so the nested object happens naturally, but I'd like to also be able to pass the params in the root object in the query string and support both.
Is there an elegant, non-hacky way to accomplish this?
require is like [] with an exception when the value is missing (much like Hash#fetch). You can instead just use [] directly to get the nested structure if it's there, and fall back to the root params otherwise:
(params[:bar] || params).permit(:foo)
remember that require is different as permit.
The require method ensures that a specific parameter is present. is not necessary to use on nested ones, it makes sure that the required one come in the params or it will throw an error.
you can work with nested attributes like this
params = ActionController::Parameters.new({
person: {
name: "Francesco",
age: 22,
pets: [{
name: "Purplish",
category: "dogs"
permitted = params.permit(person: [ :name, { pets: :name } ])
permitted.permitted? # => true
permitted[:person][:name] # => "Francesco"
permitted[:person][:age] # => nil
permitted[:person][:pets][0][:name] # => "Purplish"
permitted[:person][:pets][0][:category] # => nil
you can check the documentation on this here
I'm having trouble with parameters in an app upgraded from 4.2 to 5.1. I have permitted my parameters, but as the documentation states, I'm getting back an object for my hash array, but can't seem to access the values of it. How can I just get the value of this object?
{"_method"=>"delete", "authenticity_token"=>"Z6ZqriiuXu6ODDqhGgocGiaN12rjKD6pUB6n/2v+CABZDAjwLzwczsMM3nM8f0PI0nww43o5mlC35HK+9PVa8w==",
def record_params
params.permit!([:hosted_zone_id, :domain_name, :type, :ttl, :alias, :value]).to_h!
def destroy
value = params[:value]
# returns [<ActionController::Parameters {"value"=>""} permitted: true>]
# would like it to return [{"value"=>""}]
If that hash is the value of params[:value], then access the value key inside, like:
params[:value] = {
# => ""
# => ["value"]
My model has a custom_fields column that serializes an array of hashes. Each of these hashes has a value attribute, which can be a hash, array, string, or fixnum. What could I do to permit this value attribute regardless of its type?
My current permitted params line looks something like:
custom_fields: [:value]
Is there any way I can modify this to accept when value is an unknown type?
What you want can probably be done, but will take some work. Your best bet is this post: http://blog.trackets.com/2013/08/17/strong-parameters-by-example.html
This is not my work, but I have used the technique they outline in an app I wrote. The part you are looking for is at the end:
params = ActionController::Parameters.new(user: { username: "john", data: { foo: "bar" } })
# let's assume we can't do this because the data hash can contain any kind of data
params.require(:user).permit(:username, data: [ :foo ])
# we need to use the power of ruby to do this "by hand"
params.require(:user).permit(:username).tap do |whitelisted|
whitelisted[:data] = params[:user][:data]
# Unpermitted parameters: data
# => { "username" => "john", "data" => {"foo"=>"bar"} }
That blog post helped me understand params and I still refer to it when I need to brush up on the details.
I have a hash in Ruby:
I want to add another associative array like:
so params should become
but when I post this params to a url, I get:
params[:user][:name] # => nil
when I dump the user data:
params[:user] # => ['name','test2']
what I want is
params[:user] # => output {'name'=>'test2'}
what am I doing wrong? thanks for help.
You're just using wrong key, you think that :user and "user" are the same, which is not.
params["user"]["name"] #=> "test2"
params["user"] #=> {"name"=>"test2"}
UPDATE from Naveed:
:user is an instance of Symbol class while "user" is instance of String
You have created a hash with keys of type string and trying to access with symbol keys. This works only with class HashWithIndifferentAccess.
If you want to achieve the same convert your hash to HashWithIndifferentAccess by using with_indifferent_access method,
> params = {"username"=>"test", "user"=>{"name"=>"test2"}}
=> {"username"=>"test", "user"=>{"name"=>"test2"}}
> params[:user][:name]
=> nil
>params = params.with_indifferent_access
> params[:user][:name]
=> "test2"
Update: request params is an instance of HashWithIndifferentAccess
The following should work:
params={"username"=>"test"}# params is not array nor associative array its a hash
you can add key value pair in hash by
key and value both can be object of any class,be sure you use same object as key to access value or take a look at
params["user"] # => {"name"=>"blah"}
params["user"]["name"] # => "blah"