Centos 7 minimal install can't talk to internet - network-programming

Newbie trying to install/set up Centos 7. Can ping other machines in the domain, but can't ping gateway, google.com etc. Gets destination host unreachable for gateway and unknown host google.com when pinging google.com
Please advice.
# Generated by NetworkManager
# Created by anaconda

Since it says unknown host google.com the machine is not able to route request to internet DNS server( to resolve google ip and when you ping the gateway it destination host not reachable
For a machine to connect to other machine their the machine should be within lan if not on lan then there should be a machine which acts a gateway machine within lan in your case you have pointed gateway to obviously it is not on lan so this machine should be accessible from some machine in lan to do so use route command
which add a routing entry in machines routing table
route add -host gw dev
In your case command goes like
route add -host gw dev
eg : route add -host gw dev eth0
Comment entries if ipv6 is not used
Make sure to keep ip forwarding on in the gateway machine in /etc/sysclt.conf on gateway machine

Have you disabled Network Manager?
Command line:
service NetworkManager status


Why CURL didn't work from inside docker container?

I have 2 services in Docker (each service has its own docker-compose.yml, nginx + php-fpm).
Service #1 on port 48801.
Service #2 on port 48802.
My server IP (CentOS 8).
I make CURL request (via PHP) from inside Service #1 to Service #2 (i.e. to But I get next error:
Failed to connect to port 48802 after 1017 ms: Host is unreachable
There is a problem with my server. I need a help (or direction).
Some info.
On other server this services work fine.
Request from inside container to port 80 of this server works fine.
Request from host (not from inside container) to custom port 48802 works fine.
All services available from browser (via custom ports).
SELinux disabled.
Firewalld disabled.
My ip route result:
default via dev eno1 proto static metric 100 dev eno1 proto static scope link metric 100 dev br-2f405adcc89d proto kernel scope link src dev br-19c596fe7618 proto kernel scope link src

DNS Server in Docker Container

I have the DNS server Unbound in a docker container. This container has the following port mapping in the docker deamon:>53/tcp,>53/udp
The docker host has the IP address and a local DHCP server announces the host's IP as the local DNS server. This works fine all over my local network.
The host itself uses this DNS server through the IP That's the address that is put to the host's /etc/resolv.conf. (I know it would not work with docker if there was as the nameserver address.)
I have some other docker containers and they are supposed to use this DNS server as well. The point is, they don't.
What actually happens is this:
Whithin a random container I can ping the host's address as well as the address of the unbound-container. But when I use dig inside a container I get these results:
# dig # ...
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: REFUSED, id: 22778
;; flags: qr rd ad; QUERY: 0, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
# dig # ...
;; reply from unexpected source:, expected
This looks like some internal DNS server intercepts the queries and tries to answer them. That would be fine if it would use the host's DNS server to get an answer, but it doesn't. DNS doesn't work at all in the containers.
Am I doing wrong or is docker doing something it should not ?
The issue is iptables UDP nat for DNS server. You're querying the host IP while it's the docker bridge network's response.
To fix this issue in at least to ways:
Use container IP (DNS container) as DNS resolver if possible.
Provide --net=host to your DNS server container and remove port mapping altogether. Then host IP DNS would work as expected.

Docker - Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache

I am using a Dockerfile to hit our corporate Nexus (npm) server for 'npm install' commands. I am seeing:
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0* Trying 216.xxx.xxx.xxx...
* connect to 216.xxx.xxx.xxx port 443 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to nexus.<something>.com port 443: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to nexus.<something>.com port 443: Connection refused
I can resolve www.google.com. I can hit and and use our corporate NPM registery from my local box. It appears that only our internal dns names are the problem and only when attempting to access them from inside a docker container. I've googled and not been able to determine the changes I need to make to fix this problem.
Dockerfile (I've trimmed the irrelevant commands):
FROM node:6.3
RUN curl -k -v https://www.google.com
RUN curl -k -vv https://nexus.<something>.com/repository/npm-all/
The curl to google.com succeeds. The curl to our internal repo fails.
I am starting it with the command:
docker build .
Contents of /etc/resolv.conf
# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
I am running Ubuntu 15.10.
#BMitch is correct. Modify the contents of /etc/resolv.conf by adding dns server addresses associated with your corporate network. In the case of Ubuntu 15+ (i am running gnome3) your config file will be overwritten by the Network Manager so it cannot be hand edited. Make the changes via the Network Manager gui. Open Network Settings, select the DNS tab and add servers.
The local dns address is the issue you're facing. The container can't connect to your localhost ip from inside the container. The solution is to pass an ip address of the DNS server in your docker run or update your /etc/resolv.conf to point to a non-loopback ip address.
From Docker's DNS documentation:
Filtering is necessary because all localhost addresses on the host are
unreachable from the container’s network. After this filtering, if
there are no more nameserver entries left in the container’s
/etc/resolv.conf file, the daemon adds public Google DNS nameservers
( and to the container’s DNS configuration. If IPv6 is
enabled on the daemon, the public IPv6 Google DNS nameservers will
also be added (2001:4860:4860::8888 and 2001:4860:4860::8844).
Note: If you need access to a host’s localhost resolver, you must modify your DNS service on the host to listen on a non-localhost
address that is reachable from within the container.

Erlang - Nodes don't recognize

I'm trying to use distributing programming in Erlang.
But I had a problem, I can't communicate two Erlang's nodes to communicate.
I tried to put the same atom in the "Magical cookies", but it didn't work.
I tried to use command net:ping(node), but reponse was pang (didn't reconigze another node), or used nodes(), to see if my first node see the second node, but it didn't work again.
The first and second node is CentOS in VMWare, using bridge connection in network adaptor.
I entered command ping outside Erlang between VM's and they reconigze each one.
I start the first node, but the second node open process, but can't find the node pong.
(pong#localhost)8> tut17:start_pong().
(ping#localhost)5> c(tut17).
(ping#localhost)6> tut17:start_ping(pong#localhost).
Thank you!
A similar question here.
The distribution is provided by a daemon called Erlang Port Mapper Daemon. By default it listens on port 4369 so you need to make sure that that port is opened between the nodes. Additionally, each started Erlang VM opens an additional port to communicate with other VMs. You can see those ports with epmd -names:
g#someserv1:~ % epmd -names
epmd: up and running on port 4369 with data:
name hbd at port 22200
You can check if the port is opened by doing telnet to it, e.g.:
g#someserv1:~ % telnet 22200
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
You can change the port to the port you want to check, e.g. 4369, and also the IP to the desired IP. Doing ping is not enough because it uses its own ICMP protocol which is different that TCP used by the Erlang distribution to communicate, e.g. ICMP may be allowed but TCP may be blocked.
Please follow this guide Distributed Erlang to start an Erlang VM in distributed mode. Then you can use net_adm:ping/1 to connect to it from another node, e.g.:
(hbd#someserv1.somehost.com)17> net_adm:ping('hbd#someserv2.somehost.com').
Only then epmd -names will show the started Erlang VM on the list.
Assume that there are tho hosts, A and B. Each one runs one Erlang VM. epmd -names run on each host shows for example:
Host A:
epmd: up and running on port 4369 with data:
name servA at port 22200
Host B:
epmd: up and running on port 4369 with data:
name servB at port 22300
You need to be able to do:
On Host A:
telnet HostB 4369
telent HostB 22300
On Host B:
telnet HostA 4369
telnet HostA 22200
where HostA and HostB are those hosts' IP addresses (.e.g HostA is IP of Host A, HostB is IP of Host B).
If the telnet works correctly then you should be able to do net_adm:ping/1 from one host to the other, e.g. on Host A you would ping the name of Host B. The name is what the command node(). returns.
You need to make sure you have a node name for your nodes, or they won't be available to connect with. E.g.:
erl -sname somenode#node1
If you're using separate hosts, then you need to make sure that the node names are resolvable to ip addresses somehow. An easy to way to do this is using /etc/hosts.
# Append a similar line to the /etc/hosts file node1
For more helpful answers, you should post what you see in your terminal when you try this.
It looks like your shell is auto picking "localhost" as the node name. You can't send messages to another host with the address "localhost". When specifying the name on the shell, try using the # syntax to specify the node name as well:
# On host 1:
erl -sname ping#host1
# On host 2
erl -sname pong#host2
Then edit the host file so host1 and host2 will resolve to the right IP.

glusterfs geo-replication - server with two interfaces - private IP advertised

I have been trying to setup a geo replication with glusterfs servers. Everything worked as expected in my test environment, on my staging environment, but then i tried the production and got stuck.
Let say I have
gluster fs server is on public ip
gluster fs slave is on public, but this IP is on interface eth1
The eth0 on gluster fs slave server is
So when i start the command on (firewall and ssh keys are set properly)
gluster volume geo-replication vol0 create push-pem
I get an error.
Unable to fetch slave volume details. Please check the slave cluster and slave volume.
geo-replication command failed
The error is not that important in this case, the problem is the slave IP address
2015-03-16T11:41:08.101229+00:00 xxx kernel: TCP LOGDROP: IN= OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=24243 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=1015 DPT=24007 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
As you can see in the firewall drop log above, the port 24007 of the slave gluster daemon is advertised on private IP of the interface eth0 on slave server and should be the IP of the eth1 private IP. So master cannot connect and will time out
Is there a way to force gluster server to advertise interface eth1 or bind to it only?
I use cfengine and ansible to push configuration, so binding to Interface could be a better solution than IP, but whatever solution will do.
Thank you in advance.
I've encountered this issue but in a different context.
I was trying to geo-replicate two nodes which were both behind a NAT (AWS instances in different regions).
When the master connects to the slave via the public IP to check for volume compatability/size and other details, it retrieves the hostname of the slave, which usually resolves to something that only has meaning in that remote region.
Then it uses that hostname to dial back to the slave when later setting up the session, which fails, as that hostname resolves to a private IP in a different region.
My workaround for the issue was to use hostnames when creating the volumes, probing for peers, and establishing geo replication, and then add a /etc/hosts entry mapping slaves hostname which usually resolves to its private IP to its public IP, rather than it's private IP.
This gets you to the point where you establish a session, but I haven't had any luck actually getting it to sync, as it uses the wrong IP somewhere long the way again.
I've actually managed to get it running by adding /etc/hosts hacks on both sides.
GlusterFS has no notion of the network layer. Check your routes. If the next-hop for your geo-replication slave is on eth1, then gluster will open a port on that interface for the slave IP address.
Also make sure your firewall is configured to forward geo-replication traffic on this port.
