UBER api, can I retrieve driver fare for each ride (for a driver's utility)? - driver

I am building a small utility for uber drivers. Currently when they drop off a passenger and eventually get the resulting fare processed and returned to them, I have them manually enter it into the utility. Is there a way to 'catch' this information programmatically and automatically populate my utility when this becomes available to the partner application?

We don't currently make this kind of data generally available via the API. But thanks for your interest and the question, it helps us to understand what the community is looking for so we can prioritize what gets built and released next.
Keep an eye on the Uber Developers blog for news around upcoming APIs.


How to use Google Tag Manager for iOS (swift) with GCP Recommendations AI?

We are planning to make a recommendations engine for the features in the app and we were thinking about using GCP Recommendations AI. Then, we ran into some unclear areas due to lack of examples.
Can we use Google Tag Manager for iOS (with Firebase Analytics) to send real-time event data to GCP Recommendations AI? Could you please provide some docs/examples/articles that explains how (We are using Swift to code the app)? It is possible for web sites, according to the docs.
You can not. Unless it's not a native app.
If it is a web-app, then sure you can use the power of JS to send whatever you need to any endpoint. We use Segment for real time personalization, but even that requires quite a lot of involvement from the app teams. And no, GTM is not helpful for native apps.
If you already have custom analytics tracking implemented in your app, then there's a high chance that the devs used a wrapper around the firebase/gtm sdk to send events in a more comfortable way or add adequate logging. In that wrapper then, the devs could implement the event streaming to your GCP recommendations AI in case it has the capability to store data.
If it does not, you can still set up a neat app engine (or a differnet endpoint) and stream data to it. The app engine would allow you to tweak, sanitize and debug the data, after which you can stream them to something like Big Query, which your Recommendation AI would likely to be happy to work with.
I'm talking about app engine and big query because there's a nice repo I've used a few years ago... Here: https://github.com/MarkEdmondson1234/ga-bq-stream
This repo is attempting to use front-end GTM to stream events, but you won't be able to use it (unless you're dealing with a web app). So instead, you stream them in a very similar way from your analytics wrapper.

5- star survey for mobile GIS app iOS

I am currently trying develop a mobile app using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK on iOS. Right now users receive a push-notification requesting feedback when they visit a location predetermined using a feature layer. What I would like to add to the push-notification is a way for users to answer a three question 5-star survey. Results would need to be averaged and then populated back to the feature layer to be displayed via callout box to users.(i.e. name, address, and 5-star results would display).
I'm not sure where to start so I am open to any advice, tutorials, or workflows on implementing this (or good Samaritans willing to hold my hand). I have tried to piece together pieces of information found in different forums but I haven't found how to link it all together. Maybe using PostGIS in some manner? My skill level is novice, yet dangerous!
I know these forums are sometimes known for disregarding beginners, so thanks for taking the time to read my post.

Best way to go about creating in-house analytics for my Rails 3 app?

I have a Rails 3 app that I'm looking to create in-house analytics for. The items I need to track are impressions (and unique impressions), clicks that come from those impressions, and conversions that come from those clicks. And these are all user-specific so each user can see how many impressions, clicks, and conversions they've received.
What is the best way to go about this? Should I create a separate rails app and call it with pixels? Or should I include all the analytics code in the same app?
Also, are there any analytics platforms already out there that I can customize to meet my needs?
Before you start re-inventing the wheel, Google Analytics provide a developer API (via OAuth, among other choices) that may provide you with the ability to do what you need (provide each user with a view of their own data).
Building your own, while it may seem like an initially basic thing to do, could have serious performance implications further down the line, and Google provide a very detailed view of the the data.
If you really want to write your own, I would strongly urge you not to hit the database for each request you want to track. Keep the data in Redis, or one of the alternatives and periodically persist it to the database via a background task.
If, however, you don't want to put your data into the clutches of our Google Overlord :) then you might indeed consider rolling your own. I have twice before - and I'm doing it again right now: better this time, of course!
If your traffic is not very high and you're running on any decent server platform then adding a tracking system is not going to tax your Rails app noticeably (I know that depends on what 'decent server platform' means but this stuff is pretty cheap these days). Writing to a database is typically very fast - you'd have to have shedloads of clicks to not want to do this straightaway. You can probably bypass most if not all of your before_filters and so on to get a lightning response. One app that runs 2.3.9 uses Metal to do this, for example.
In my new tracking system I have an STI table that goes with models derived from an Activity model; in here you can record both impressions and clicks. Impressions are recorded as the page is built and clicks are recorded using AJAX.
I'm not going to bother with fancy graphs and so on - I'm happy with raw numbers - but these could be added, of course.
At the moment my system is just in the usual app/ folder but I'll probably move it to an engine so I can re-use it more easily.
Hope that helps!
BTW I use Google Analytics as well for a range of sites and it's OK - I just like to do this bit myself.
Depending on how you are going to associate Google Analytics data with a specific user then you might need to double-check the privacy implications. Google doesn't allow their data to be associated with any identifying information about the users being tracked.
If there is a problem then you could try out Piwik as it's open source and you can do what you like with it. It's written in PHP, not Ruby so that might be an issue. As #d11wtq mentions, tracking systems can have performance issues if not built in the right way so you'd be better off starting from something that's already proven to work if possible.

Google event tracking used by a Delphi desktop application

I've come to a crazy idea to use Google event tracking in Delphi desktop application. I want to track users behaviour workflow to make application better. But it's in javascript.
Is it possible somehow to do it directly from application? Or do I need for example to make a webpage which communicates with Google event tracking API and application sends REST queries to that webpage?
Or maybe I can do it without javascript at all and directly from application?
You should be very careful with this, and warn your users.
Though software running locally is a different thing than software running from a web-site in a browser, the interconnectedness of software is increasing. So is the general feeling in the public on what is right and not to communicate.
For instance, a lot of software 'phones home' to check for the latest version without even asking permission to their users. I can understand that some users have a problem with that, but it indicates the general opinion on this is shifting. The vendors can track usage statistics based on that 'phone home' alone.
I'm not sure if the Google Event Tracking would be the best way to solve usage tracking from a desktop application, but the general idea (collecting usage statistics and error information) can work out very well.
Software from big vendors have been getting usage statistics from their software for years, and they ask their users up-front if sending statistics is OK, and at the time of an error, each time ask them if that is OK too.
In fact the book "Why Software Sucks ... and What Can You Do About It" and presentations from David Platt explains really well how to do this and how to communicate this to your users.
You need to do this in a very anonymous way, and you can because basically you are interested in these things:
what is the largest percentage of errors
what is the largest percentage of features used
what is the smallest percentage of features not used
As long as you communicate percentages, it is clear to explain to your users that the data will be very non-specific.
On the other hand: being able to focus on the actual errors can improve your software a lot.
The errors communicated back to you can contain much detail, so you need to either strip that detail out, or be very upfront with your users indicating which details are being sent to you when communicating individual errors.
I developed my own solution (I called it 'softmeter') to do exactly this. It is a dll that will do all the REST queries to Google Analytics.
There is sample Delphi code that wraps the DLL in a Delphi class so sending an event is simple as
dllSoftMeter.sendEvent('Conversion events', 'Donate clicked', 1);
If you do not mind using 3rd party libraries, you can use it.
In fact I found that most software using it, is Delphi made software.
Here is a more extended sample of the Delphi code for the implementation.
You will need of course to get consent from the end-user.

Microsoft/Ford Sync SDK

Just got a car with the Microsoft sync system in it. Did a quick search online and was curious if anyone is aware of any SDK that may exist, sample open source add-on applications, etc.
Thanks in advance.
Looks like Ford has finally released their SDK:
Ford has a website SYNC Mobile Application Developer Network but the SYNC SDK does not look to be available yet (their site mentions possibly later this year). It appears they are stilling working on the API before releasing it. All they are offering now is a way to register to be notified of new info as it becomes available.
From their About page:
Ford is hard at work developing an API
to allow developers to integrate their
Smartphone applications with SYNC. The
Developer Program website will educate
developers about the Ford SYNC
platform and how to interact with it
via the API. There will be a full set
of documentation, example
applications, reference libraries, and
even a developer forum so you can
reach out to the community for quick
With the available SYNC API's, mobile
application developers will be able to
do some of the following:
Create a voice UI for your application using the in-vehicle
speech recognition system.
Write information to the radio head display or in-vehicle touchscreen
Speak text using text-to-speech engine.
Use the in-vehicle menu system to provide commands or options for
your mobile application
Get button presses from the radio and steering wheel controls.
Receive vehicle data (speed, GPS location, fuel economy, etc.)
The official API and full website
launch is set to be targeted for later
this year.
It looks like the SDK is coming very soon. The story was just posted on Engadget:
Now just imagine what you could do with access to your automobile functionality!
I don't think there is any. Its a closed ecosystem.
From what I understand it is based on the CE 6.0 platform using windows automotive 4.1, but I could be wrong. We really need a forum to get this going. Hurry up Ford! Release the SDK!
Given the way Windows automotive is there is only two ways of putting a ROM on Sync. Using JTAG to put your own custom bootloader (forget it), or though the USB. Which you will need to know how to sign the file so sync will think it is an OEM ROM. So at this point even if you were able to come up with your own custom rom by using Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ you would still have no way to get it on there.
BTW, the SDK they are talking about releasing will only be to develop apps for applink. (not modifying the OS). However, to upload the apps we might be able to find out how to sign the .bin file for sync to accept a ROM through the USB.
Then again this is just from my understanding... I am no great developer or anything.
Ford launched sdk in ces, check it out: http://techcrunch.com/2013/01/08/ford-launches-its-openxc-sdk-and-hardware-specs-to-let-developers-access-its-cars-sensors-and-metrics/
