What is the equivalent OnScroll Event to TScrollBar for FMX? - delphi

I have not come across a solution for an Event (OnScroll) handler for a TScrollBar under Delphi 10 Seattle. I chose it because it is not a TScrollBox for which I will put any content into (like a Panel or DBGrid). It is merely going to detect the mouse action (None of the MouseUp/Down/Side-to-Side have worked either) and it is going to be used as file seek tool for which it will force a bunch of TeeCharts to update, based on the direction of the scroll.
So far I have only come across incomprehensible examples consisting of WindowsMessages (WM_HScroll) and VLC.StdCtrls.TScrollBar.OnScroll
What is the efficient way to detect the ScrollBar moving besides OnChange?
It would help to be able to manipulate the ScrollBar and have it reset itself in the middle. Much like it would if I set the value much like if I set the Min = -50 and Max = 50 (0)

To overcome the limitations of the FMX TScrollBar, you could use the following as a basis for further enhancement (partly inspired by the link you provided).
If the control(s) you will scroll with the scrollbar has (or can be equipped with) a property to store current scroll position you may use/define such, of type single. For testing I just defined it as a private property of the form, and called it sbIncremental.
I set the properties of the TScrollBar as Orientation = Vertical, SmallChange = 10, Max = 100 and Min = -100
Then, the OnChange event looks like this in my test:
procedure TForm6.ScrollBarChange(Sender: TObject);
sb: TScrollBar;
sbOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
sb := (Sender as TScrollBar);
sbIncremental := sbIncremental + sb.Value;
Label1.Text := FloatToStr(sbIncremental); // Use the new value
sbOnChange := sb.OnChange; // Disable OnChange event
sb.OnChange := nil; // -"-
sb.Value := (sb.Min + sb.Max) / 2; // Reset position
sb.OnChange := sbOnChange; // Re-enable OnChange event
To reset the ScrollBar position to the center, we need to disable the OnChange event temporarily.
Update after comments.
As I now understand, your issue is that the visual appearance of the scrollbar doesn't return to the zero position even if it's value is changed (within OnChange) to zero (with min=-100 and max=100 the zero position is in the middle). It does when clicking on the arrow buttons, but it does not if dragging the thumbgrip or clicking on either side of the thumbgrip. Visual update seems to be prevented in these two cases within the OnChange event. Also, calling ScrollBar.Repaint does not update the visual appearance. I found no way to use the OnMouseDown/OnMouseUp events. They don't appear to be linked internally?
This leaves us with following (hacky) solution: Fire a timer with a small delay, say 300 ms. When timeout occurs, the scrollbar is ready to accept new value changes and update visually. The timer also has the positive effect, that the thumbgrip moves as you click, and then moves back. Without any time between there would be no visual indication that something happens.
The OnChange event handler when using a timer
procedure TForm6.ScrollBarChange(Sender: TObject);
// Use the scrollbar value
Label1.Text := FloatToStr((Sender as TScrollBar).Value);
// Enable reset timer
ScrollBarTimer.Enabled := False;
ScrollBarTimer.Enabled := True;
And the OnTimer event
procedure TForm6.ScrollBarTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
sbOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
ScrollBarTimer.Enabled := False;
sbOnChange := ScrollBar.OnChange; // store OnChange event
ScrollBar.OnChange := nil; // disable OnChange event
ScrollBar.Value := (ScrollBar.Min + ScrollBar.Max) / 2; // reset position
ScrollBar.OnChange := sbOnChange; // re-enable OnChange event


Make footer bar disappear on scrolling in a Delphi / Firemonkey app

I have a simple Delphi / Firemonkey app that has a lot of data within a TListView. To maximize the available space on screen, I want to make the footer bar disappear with animation if the user scrolls down. Just the same way the LinkedIn app does (at least on Android) for example. Is there an easy way to get there? Some mechanism that is integrated in then Firemonkey framework (like TMultiView)?
I'm using Delphi 11.2.
Thank you!
In FireMonkey you can achieve this quite easily by using Animations like TFloatAnimation which you can attach to any visual FMX component.
For instance if your footer bar is a StatusBar this is how you will done it:
In Form design select your status bar component
Find TFloatAnimation component in your component palette and double click on it. This will add Float Animation to the status bar. If done correctly Float Animation will be shown as child component of your status bar.
Change the PropertyName property of the added Float Animation to point to StatusBar.Size.Height property. This tells the Float Animation that it will be updating Status bars height property.
Now write two new procedures which you can then call to fire the prepared animation when needed.
The procedures would look something like this:
procedure TForm2.HideStatusBar;
//Store initial height of the status bar as start value so we can use it later
//for restoring status bar to initial size
FloatAnimation2.StartValue := StatusBar1.Height;
FloatAnimation2.StopValue := 0;
//Set inverste property to false.
FloatAnimation2.Inverse := False;
//Start the animation
procedure TForm2.ShowStatusBar;
//In order to reverse animation we need to set Inverse property to True
//We don't store any StartValue or StopValue since we have done that already
//when we decided to hide the status bar
FloatAnimation2.Inverse := True;
//Start the reverse animation
The reason why I store initial height of the status bar within HideStatsBar procedure instead of setting it at design time is to allow scenarios where you may allow your users to change the size of the said status bar.
NOTE: If your footer bar is a panel with Bottom alignment be aware that animating panel breaks the alignment and other components don't update their size properly as they should. I haven't figured out why this is happening and how to fix it.
Thanks to the help of SilverWarior, I got it finally working perfect just for my needs. To apply to Tom Brunberg's questions I will provide a full solution here including SilverWarior's slightly modified code of course.
I'm using the "HeaderFooter Template" of Delphi 11.2 but had to change the footer TToolbar to a bottom-aligned TPanel. It did not work with a TToolbar on Android. I placed the TListview in the middle of the form.
procedure THeaderFooterForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
// just add some testing data
for var iCnt := 0 to 4711 do
ListView1.Items.Add.Text:='ListView Item ' + iCnt.ToString;
procedure THeaderFooterForm.ListView1ScrollViewChange(Sender: TObject);
var iNewPos:=ListView1.ScrollViewPos;
if FScrollPos > iNewPos then
HeaderLabel.Text:='OnScroll Up';
HeaderLabel.Text:='OnScroll Down';
procedure THeaderFooterForm.HideStatusBar;
// hiding the footer if height is already zero makes the footer simply do
// nothing on Android (but works in Win64)
if Footer.Height < 2 then
// store initial height of the status bar as start value so we can use it later
// for restoring status bar to initial size
FloatAnimation1.StartValue := Footer.Height;
FloatAnimation1.StopValue := 0;
// start the animation
// just for debugging
HeaderLabel.Text:=HeaderLabel.Text + ' AnimHideStart';
procedure THeaderFooterForm.ShowStatusBar;
// showing the footer if already visible makes it simply do nothing (but works in Win64)
if Footer.Height > 40 then
// using the (far more elegant) .Invers machanism did not work
FloatAnimation1.StartValue := 0;
FloatAnimation1.StopValue := 48;
// start the animation
// just for debugging
HeaderLabel.Text:=HeaderLabel.Text + ' AnimShowStart';
This minimal example code placed within the form works on Windows 11 x64 and x86 and on my Android 13 device. Would be interesting on an iOS device of course.

Disable/Enable Control onPaint event , but Changes not reflecting

I am trying to Enable/Disable control in OnPaint event, but Changes are not getting reflected. How ever if toggle with other application changes getting reflected(using ALT+TAB)
procedure TfrmBase.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
flg := False;
for i := ComponentCount - 1 downto 0 do
Temp := Components[i];
if (Temp is TToolButton) then
(Temp as TToolButton).Enabled := SomeFuncWhichReturnBoolean;
else if (Temp is TButton) then
(Temp as TButton).Enabled := SomeFuncWhichReturnBoolean ;
Please suggest
OnPaint is for painting, and it's not the right moment to change states. Doing this will at best trigger another paint, or at worst it won't. So either the code doesn't work, or it works inefficiently. Moreover, Paint isn't called all the time. Even when you move the form around there is no guarantee that it will be repainted. So, as a trigger, this is a very unreliable event.
Instead, toggle the control when it it added to or removed from DisableControlList. Changing Enabled of the control should trigger a repaint, so you don't have to worry about that part.
You failed to mention what kind of list this is, but maybe it has an OnChange event you can use, or you can wrap it or inherit from it to implement the toggle without making it the responsibility of the procedure that added the control to the list. The code you now have, should be in that OnChange event.
Generally spoken, there is a time to change the states and there is a time to paint the current states. Don't mix them up.
Each button represents an action that will happen when you press the button and this action is maybe allowed or not.
Delphi has a TActionList where you can manage actions. Each action has an OnExecute (what should happen) and an OnUpdate event. This OnUpdate event is a perfect place to enable or disable the action.
procedure TFoo.BarActionExecute(Sender:TObject);
procedure TFoo.BarActionUpdate(Sedner:TObject);
(Sender as TAction).Enabled := CanDoBarAction();
Just wire up all the buttons with the actions from your TActionList

Display second form as full screen with slide animation

I have a simple application that contain 2 forms, both forms has these properties:
BorderStyle := bsnone;
WindowState := wsMaximized;
I set these properties to make both of them full screen. In the main form there is a button and when I click I want to show the second form as full screen with slide animation so I used this code:
AnimateWindow(form2.Handle, 500, AW_ACTIVATE OR AW_SLIDE OR AW_HOR_NEGATIVE);
Form2 is in auto create and visible property is set to false.
The problem when I tried this I saw odd results, the animation play but the form2 appear without any controls and not covering the full screen.
How to fix that so I can display form2 as full screen with slide animation ?
I am using XE5
Based on MSN
there are lots of problems reported of using this function. So I recomend you go and implement the animation yourself.
Since you are interested only in sliding information do next:
Fist change your form size to fit into the monitor size.
MyForm.Width := Screen.Width;
MyForm.Height := Screen.Height;
Then move your form to the edge of the screen you want the animation to start from. When doing so keep atleast one pixel of the form inside the visible area of the monitor.
//Strating animation from left border
MyForm.Left := 1 - MyForm.Width;
MyForm.Top := 0;
//Starting from right border
MyForm.Left := MyForm.Width - 1;
MyForm.Top := 0;
//Starting from top border
MyForm.Left := 0;
MyForm.Top := 1 - MyForm.Height;
//Starting from bottom border
MyForm.Left := 0;
MyForm.Top := MyForm.Height - 1;
Once your have positioned your form in starting possition make it visible and enable timer that will beused to update forms position multiple times (animate) until it gets into desired position
And start animation which is basically just updating your form position by using a simple timer
//Left to right animation
procedure MyForm.AniTimerOnTimer(Sender: TObject);
//Constant used to define by how many pixels will the form be moved
//on each timer interval
const MoveStep: Integer = 5;
if MyForm.Left < MoveStep then
MyForm.Left := MyForm.Left + MoveStep;
MyForm.Left := 0;
AniTimer.Enabled := False;
Use similar approach for other directions if needed.
Instead of defining MoveStep as constant you can make it as a variable and then dynamically calculate its value so that animation is finished in N steps.
MoveStep := Screen.Width div N;
If you would like to have diagonal animation you would need two MoveStep variables. One for horizontal and one for vertical axis. And you need to make sure that both are being calculated in order to finish animation in specific number of steps
MoveStepX := Screen.Width div N;
MoveStepY := Screen.Height div N;
So now you can controll your animation speed by changing MoveStep and timer interval.
Note I don't recomend setting timer interval to small. Why?
As ypu probably know TTimer component isn't known for its acruacy so it could lead to noticable speed variation of of your animation.
Also changing form position multiple times woulrd require part of it being rerendered hwen it comes into visual rage so it could generate significant load to the CPU.
Moving fomr a few less times and with larger increments could greatly reduce the CPU load whle still performing adequate aniamtion smothness.
So do some testing to find the best combination of timer interval and move step.
Your problem is, before Form2 is first shown, the VCL does not create API windows of the windowed controls. Because it doesn't need to. Remember 'visible' is still set to false when you call AnimateWindow.
Below is a not very elegant workaround which sets 'visible' while the form has 0 width and height. It also addresses an additional problem which I don't know why you are not having. It is that I cannot animate a maximized window at all, which seems logical to me - a maximized window does not move. Anyway, to test it I suggest setting 'wsNormal' as WindowState at design time.
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
if Form2.Visible then begin
Form2.WindowState := wsNormal;
AnimateWindow(Form2.Handle, 500, AW_HIDE OR AW_SLIDE OR AW_HOR_NEGATIVE);
end else begin
Form2.Width := 0;
Form2.Height := 0;
Form2.Visible := True;
ShowWindow(Form2.Handle, SW_HIDE);
Form2.WindowState := wsNormal;
Form2.Width := Form2.Monitor.Width;
Form2.Height := Form2.Monitor.Height;
AnimateWindow(form2.Handle, 500, AW_ACTIVATE or AW_SLIDE OR AW_HOR_NEGATIVE);
Form2.WindowState := wsMaximized;
AnimateWindow is a bit of a loner. It doesn't play nicely with the rest of the team in Delphi. Even though the MSDN doc for it says that it shows the form it actually doesn't do it properly. It only does the animation. I suppose it would do it nicely if you went all out Windows API and knew all that is required.
A few things to keep in mind:
I suppose you noticed that the slide effect doesn't show properly
with the borders enabled.
It doesn't know about the WindowState property of the form so it will not Maximize the form if you wanted it to.
It doesn't show controls after the call, only graphic controls
It knows nothing of Delphi and how Delphi handles the showing and
hiding of its forms
So the trick is:
Take away borders like you have done.
Before showing the form for the first time you must specify its size.
Seeing that you want it maximized, just set it to the screen size
where it will display and set its position to the four corners of
that screen. This can be done on Form2's OnCreate.
So upon clicking the button you first call the AnimateWindow then call normal Form2.Show
There might be other fixes but this is the one I know of.

Delphi How to force Main form scrollbars to be visible

What options/properties should use to show a main from scrolbars when I want to?
or always visible in Delphi 2010
The help is as too often useless
#Philippe, you can use the ShowScrollBar function and the HorzScrollBar, VertScrollBar propeties to do this.
check this code
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
HorzScrollBar.Range := 10000; // set the range to an higher number
VertScrollBar.Range := 10000; // set the range to an higher number
ShowScrollBar(Handle, SB_BOTH, True);
If you set AutoScroll = true, they should show up if needed. That is, if any visual component is placed outside of the visible client area.
If you do not have any components 'off-screen', why would you need the scrollbar showing?
Anyway, you can set Horz-/VertScrollBar.Range to anything larger than the clientheight/width, and they will show up.
If you need the scrollbar for something else, you can always drop a TScrollBar component on the form.

How do I know when I've stopped scrolling a TScrollBar?

I've used some programs with scroll bars that update the linked content while you're still dragging the "thumb", and others that don't until you release the mouse. This implies that there are different types of Windows messages involved here. But all I can find from TScrollBar is an OnScroll event which fires continually while you're dragging. It also doesn't have a OnMouseDown or OnMouseUp event. Is there any way to set up an "OnEndDragging" notification for a TScrollBar?
Try this code (tested with Delphi 2009), it will fill the form client area with a random colour while you track the thumb, and fill it in yellow when the thumb is released:
procedure TForm1.ScrollBar1Scroll(Sender: TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode;
var ScrollPos: Integer);
if ScrollCode = scTrack then
Color := RGB(Random(256), Random(256), Random(256));
if ScrollCode = scEndScroll then
Color := clYellow;
The TScrollCode values map to the WPARAM values that you will find documented for WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL.
Programs that update their scrolling region "live" as the user drags the thumb are handling the sb_ThumbTrack code for the wm_HScroll and wm_VScroll messages. Those that only update when the user releases the thumb are handling the sb_ThumbPosition code.
There's a compromise on those two options, which is to update after the user hasn't moved the thumb for a little bit, even if the user hasn't actually released it yet. Handle sb_ThumbTrack, and then set a timer. If the timer fires, update the display. If another sb_ThumbTrack arrives, reset the timer.
