How to organize multiple solutions in one TFS project - tfs

I am new to VS Team Foundation Server 2015 and there I have project for example "WebProjectA". I also have MVC .NET Project called "WebProjectA".
How to manage that project in TFS when I have 3 environments (Development, Testing, Production) ?
Need I have 3 TFS Projects
Or can I place all WebProjectA solutions to one VS workspace or 3 workspaces and somehow to link it to the TFS and have version system enabled per solution in one TFS project ?
How do you solve this situation ?

I would handle this using a TFS branching structure. Create a single Team Project, called WebProjectA, and a single branch called Testing. Then, branch off for Development, and again for Production. This means that, when you make a change in development, you can merge through to testing, and again into production.
It also gives you the flexibility to switch to feature branching at a later date, and to maintain multiple production branches, should you wish to.
Further reading


Use TFS Release Management with multplie Team Projects

We are using TFS on premise, version 2015 update 3. We are using multiple team projects. Some Team Projects are used for applications (source control and builds), other team projects (with multple teams in it) are used for work item tracking. Teams can work on different applications.
Now we are looking into the Release functionality. Preferably we would like to use 1 team project to keep track of all the releases, so we get an overview of all releases in our organisation. But I can't figure out how to achieve this.
Is there a way to define release definitions linked to builds from an other Team Project? Here Microsoft says: "No additional setup is required when deploying Team Build artifacts published within the same team project." So I guess it should be possible to do an additional setup, but I can't figure out how.
We also have many team projects
We are using TFS 2015 CU2 but I do not think there are to many differences between the two versions.
The artifact link are for team builds within the same team project. I do think there is a way you can link to builds outside to other team projects.
In your one team project you could create all your CI builds there (in the build defintion mappings would can map to any source control path you want you simply have to cut in the path.)
If you still using your XAML build definitions; you could use the TFS Communinity build manager add-in for VS 2013 and clone the build defnition to you new team project.
So there is not easy way currently. We have chosen to release from every team project. The release overview is nice but we chose that it was not worth the effort. Maybe in the next release we will revise.
You shouldn't separate aspects of your project (builds, code, releases, work items, etc) into different team projects. You lose all tracability if you do that, as you're seeing.
You can manage your application portfolio within a single team project with the appropriate use of Teams, but discussion of exactly how to achieve that is going to be very specific to your organization and thus is too broad to discuss on Stack Overflow.

How can I merge/migrate TFS source code into existing Visual Studio Team System project preserving work items

We have a situation where at a point in our project's life, we needed to split off work item tracking and source control into 2 separate TFS projects, with the work items being in a VS Team Services project, and the source on-prem in TFS 2013.
The reason at the time being, we needed to grant access for our stakeholders to the product backlog, without them being on the corporate network where TFS is hosted. At the time there was concerns about security of the source code, hence the whole project was not lifted and shifted, just the backlog.
Now we're realizing some of the security concerns were not warranted, and we are missing out on the integration of ALM provided by a single project having both responsibilities, and would like to merge our source control out into the cloud-based VSTS project.
The problem is, the migration tools are overwriting the Work Items in VSTS. Is there some way we could merge, preserving that data, or any alternative to merge these two things together somehow?
I think you're looking at the Team Foundation Server Integration Tools here if you want to migrate source code history. Bear in mind that it's not going to be perfect (data time stamps will not be the same etc.).
If you can get away with it then just stick the latest code in VSTS and consider the on-prem server your archive should you need to go back. That doesn't tend to be too popular so you'll be wrestling with the integration tools. It's not the most friendly thing to use but mostly it will get the job done.
When you configure your session, you will want to choose Team Foundation Server\VersionControl.xml for your configuration. Then select a One-way-migration between your on-prem and VSTS.
You'll need to install VS 2012 or at least the Team Explorer.
Edit Coincidentally I had to do this myself so I blogged about the process here

Is it possible to migrate certain folders within project from TFS 2013 on-premise to online using OpsHub

In our current setup, we have a top level TFS project and all the projects within in as separate folders with their Dev and Main branch.
To start trying VS Team Services, I am looking into migrating just a folder(Project) from TFS 2013 on-premise project to Team Services. Can I do that?
The options I am getting are to choose the project collection but not the folders within it? Is there a workaround for that.
It is not. You need to migrate everything as is.
If you want that level of control you need to use the TFS Integration Tools. They are a lot more configurable, and complicated to boot.
I would recommend that you move with only the head/tip.

Team Foundation Server 2010 - To branch or not to branch?

I've currently got a number of Team Projects all happily managed by TFS.
I have one project, a windows app, that is currently in use and before I ported the code base to TFS, we manually used to maintain both the production build and a new development build using scripts to copy/merge the files.
e.g. App1 v1.x - production and
App1 v2.0 in development.
Before TFS we manually "merged" to bug fixes from the development build into the production build - so where applicable bug fixes from v1.x were also fixed in v2.
In this particular case v2 is quite different, re-factored ui, etc. The question I have is what is the best way of porting this scenario to TFS.
As I see it I have two options:
Create a new Team Project and continue manually "merging" applicable
code files.
Create a brand from the current project v1 and replace / overwrite the project piece by piece in VS so that the source control can manage the changes back to the Main team project.
V2 has a few additional class libs too - if that makes a difference.
Typically, this is the strategy we use to do branching and merging:
The project starts. All team members are working on version 1.0 in the single CURRENT branch.
Project approaches a milestone or release. Make a branch that will be used to stabilized the code for production in PROD 1.0 branch. Now half of the team stabilizes the product on the branch and half of the team continues doing new (riskful) stuff on the CURRENT branch.
PROD 1.0 branch is ready and delivered in production. The branch stays intact to provide maintenance and support on the delivered version. Fixes are made on the PROD 1.0 branch and merged into the CURRENT branch.
Project approaches another milestone or release. Make a new branch that will be used to stabilized the code for production in PROD 2.0 branch. The same mechanism is used as described before.
Using this branch-per-release strategy, you always have a branch per shipped and to be maintained version in which fixes can easily be propagated forward and backward between versions and the mainstream CURRENT development line.
With this respect, we use a TFS team project for multiple releases of a certain product. This limits the overhead creating and maintaining the project spaces.
In short...To branch!
It seems your code between versions is that much similar that you should be fine by simply branching your new release.
In general, changing to a new Team Project makes sense if you have one or more of the following:
a totally new bread of requirements and/or different Work Item types
completely different technology, in other words you have radically changed the design & merging is more loss than gain
need to store docs & other tokens in another SharePoint site
different development methodology - process template
different teams of people working on both sides, possibly want to restrict users from viewing v1 or v2
plan to release both products in completely different release cycles
need for totally separated reports
Reading your post I don't recognize the need to go after creating a new Team Project - of course I might be wrong.
In case you decide to go with the branch variant you could be greatly benefited from the impressive Visual Studio TFS Branching Guide 2010, on how to shape the structure of your codebase.

Team System: Check-In Changes To Multiple Projects in a Single Changeset?

We have a Team System environment where our applications are set-up as separate Team Projects. Often, we run into a scenario where a development task requires updates to code in multiple Team Projects.
In this scenario, what are the pros/cons to having a single changeset that contains coding changes across multiple Team Projects? What are the pros/cons to using a one-changeset-per-Team-Project approach?
Providing the changes are made within a single workspace and all the team projects are in the same project collection (this applies to TFS2010) then a single checkin can span multiple team projects.
Within a single server (TFS2005/2008) or team collection (TFS2010) there is a single version control repository with the team projects defining the root folders: all version control operations can span different team projects.
I see no problem with this approach. Remember that TFS will allow you to rollback to the previous changeset, or inspect the files affected by a changeset (comparing to previous versions) so you can rollback some or all of your changes if required.
