Metal: unknown type name float4 - ios

I'm trying to include a header file in a metal shader.
For a prototype like this,
float4 someFunction(float4 v);
I get this error message,
Unknown type name 'float4'; did you mean 'float'?
It seems it doesn't understand it's a header for a shader program... Although other errors suggest it does. For instance, if I don't specify the address space here,
static float someK = 2.0;
I get this error,
Global variables must have a constant address space qualifier
which can be fixed if I add
constant static float someK = 2.0;
If I use references, I also get these type of errors,
Reference type must include device, threadgroup, constant, or thread address space qualifier
So it does look as if the compiler knows it's a shader. Why it doesn't know about float4? :(

Make sure you have the first two lines in your shader like in this example:
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
float4 someFunction(float4 v);
kernel void compute(texture2d<float, access::write> output [[texture(0)]],
uint2 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]])
float4 color = float4(0, 0.5, 0.5, 1);
output.write(color, gid);
This works fine for me.

Try using


iOS Metal "The pixel format of the texture is incompatible with the data type"

I added another texture to one of my metal Kernel functions, and get the following error. I searched, and see a lot of confusion about this error.
How to solve Metal error "The pixel format of the texture is incompatible with the data type" ?
validateComputeFunctionArguments:841: failed assertion `Compute Function(screenSampleWithScreenshot):
The pixel format (MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm) of the texture (name:CAMetalLayer Display Drawable)
bound at index 4 is incompatible with the data type (MTLDataTypeUInt) of the texture parameter
(myTexture [[texture(0)]]). MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm is compatible with the data type(s) (
The solution is simple: metal validation has detected that your function signature is incorrect. It found unsigned int (or other unexpected) data type, while you are passing in a texture with a float color format.
kernel void myComputeFunction(
texture2d<unsigned int, access::read> integerTexture [[texture(0)]],
texture2d<unsigned int, access::read> myTexture [[texture(1)]],
//change unsigned int to float if your texture MTLPixelFormatBGRA8Unorm:
texture2d<unsigned int, access::read> integerTexture [[texture(0)]],
texture2d<float, access::read> myTexture [[texture(1)]],

how can i get the pixel shader asm code "Ld"?I'm writing HLSL

When I'm reading the asm code ,I dont know how to get the instruction "ld" just below.
Which function should I use in HLSL to get it?
Or had it be replaced with the update of versions?
The following is asm code:
ld r0.xyzw r0.xyzw t19.xyzw
I tried to use texture2D in HLSL but when compiled it was "sample " not "ld".
ld is a Shader Model 4.0 or later instruction. Which shader profile & HLSL compiler are you using?
The Load member of a texture object is typically how you do this in modern HLSL.
Texture2D<float4> g_Input : register( t0 );
float4 pixel = g_Input.Load(...);

Metal Shader vertex attributes - cannot convert attribute from MTLAttributeFormatUInt to float1

I have a shader that looks like this:
struct VertexIn {
float a_customIdx [[attribute(0)]];
vertex vec4 vertex_func(VertexIn v_in [[stage_in]], ...) {...}
In my buffer I'm actually passing in a uint32_t for a_customIdx, so in my MTLVertexAttributeDescriptor I specify its type to be MTLAttributeFormatUInt. When I create the RenderPipelineState I get the error:
cannot convert attribute from MTLAttributeFormatUInt to float1
I get the same error if I use MTLAttributeFormatInt, but can successfully convert a MTLAttributeFormatUShort.
Why is this not a valid operation? According to the documentation for format, "Casting any MTLVertexFormat to a float or half is valid".
I know there are multiple ways I can get around this problem, but I'm curious about why this is invalid - perhaps there's something about alignments and byte sizes I'm missing here.

validateFunctionArguments:3379: failed assertion `Fragment Function , The pixel format (MTLPixelFormatRGBA16Unorm) of the texture

validateFunctionArguments:3379: failed assertion `Fragment Function(ca_uber_fragment_lp0_cp1_fo0): The pixel format (MTLPixelFormatRGBA16Unorm) of the texture (name:) bound at index 0 is incompatible with the data type (MTLDataTypeHalf) of the texture parameter (img_tex_0A [[texture(0)]]). MTLPixelFormatRGBA16Unorm is compatible with the data type(s) (
When I run my project on iPhone 8, I got this crash error, someone adviced me to set "edit scheme - Options - Metal API Validation" disabled, and It really can solve it, But I do not know why ? so I'm looking forward to you give me some suggestions, Thanks.
Try to set colorPixelFormat = .bgra8Unorm for your MTLView and MTLRenderPipelineState
In the metal function, you have one of two options - try changing the texture type from float to half or from half to float.
texture2d<float, access::read> myTexture [[texture(0)]]
texture2d<half, access::read> myTexture [[texture(0)]]

Updating float4 declaration from dx9 to dx11

There's a shader which was given which I'm trying to update to be compatible with the newest Unity 5 (presumably dx11). I don't understand how float4 basic instantiation from dx9 was working. Can someone help me understand the following syntax and then provide an equivalent dx11 syntax?
I understand that float4 normally uses x,y,z,w or xyz,y as arguments, but what does did a single float argument do? Did float4(0.01) make {.01,0,0,0} or does float4(.01) make {.01,.01,.01,.01}?
Original code from the shader:
float4 Multiply19 = float4( 0.01 ) * float4( 0 );
It should make a new float4 with all members (xyzw) set to 0.01 and then multiply all that by 0, effectively making Multiply19 a (0, 0, 0, 0) float4.
