How to consume HTTPS webservice having wsdl and soap12 version. - ios

While sending soap1.2 request what are the namespaces we need to use in soapbody? Any sample code available in ios programming?

SOAP request namespace start with following prefix.
And depending on the type of element there are suffix. so for eg.
Envelope -
Addressing Header -
Check This example.


Spring WebServiceTemplate URL

In the Spring guides a webservice is published at locationUri "/ws".
The getCountryRequest webservice is consumed using the WebServiceTemplate's marshallSendAndReceive method at "http://localhost:8080/ws/countries".
When using soapUI I consume the webservice at "http://localhost:8080/ws/" and specify the name of the webservice in the SOAP body.
So how does the WebServiceTemplate exactly use the "countries" suffix and how does it exactly map to the message with name getCountryRequest?
To answer my own question:
The wsdl is publishing the webservice at
<soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/ws"/>
But the MessageDispatcherServlet is listening at "http://localhost:8080/ws/*".
So anything beneath that URL is just passed onto SOAP and works.
I can use http://localhost:8080/ws/ (I still wonder why the WebServiceTemplate doesn't just use the WSDL SOAP address), http://localhost:8080/ws/countries or http://localhost:8080/ws/anythingGoes.
It just doesn't matter.

Header HTTP Origin in TWebRequest

How can I get the equivalent of php:
in delphi?, I'm using TWebRequest in a WebBroker applications project (not datasnap).
It works using Request.GetFieldByName ('ORIGIN') where Request is some instance of TWebReques. However, there are "hidden" headers, to obtain them you can use a solution based on the response of the following link: Enumerate TWebRequest HTTP header fields, and save them in a TDictionary

AFHTTPRequestOperationManager custom http header always start with "HTTP_"?

I use AFHTTPRequestOperationManager to send HTTP request, and have some information put in the HTTP custom header, named "X-AKey".
I confirmed the header name by:
NSLog(#"%#", manager.requestSerializer.HTTPRequestHeaders);
Then, I captured the outgoing message, and found that the header name has changed to "HTTP_X_AKEY".
I've searched some questions, and found that this might be a standard way of naming custom header: "Meta-variables with names beginning with "HTTP_" contain values read from the client request header fields, if the protocol used is HTTP. The HTTP header field name is converted to upper case, has all occurrences of "-" replaced with "" and has "HTTP" prepended to give the meta-variable name."
Nevertheless, my question is: CAN I send a message with a custom header name exactly as I specified? That is, in my case, "X-AKey" instead of "HTTP_X_AKEY"?
(PS: For real applications, if both the client and server are negotiated to use the 'HTTP_xxx' format, there won't be any problem. I'm just curious about the answer for now.)
Try this:
[manager.requestSerializer setValue:#"SomeValue" forHTTPHeaderField:#"SomeHeaderField"]

Support compression in .NET OData 4 Client

I have added support for http compression in our self-hosted OWIN/Katana Web API OData 4 service but I do not see how to support compression in the .NET client. I'm using OData libraries v6.5.0 and I need to support compression/decompression in the client (OData v4 Client Code Generator). I am using Deflate encoding for the compression via an ActionFilter. Everything compresses correctly on the server as confirmed via Fiddler but I do not know how to configure the client to support this now that the OData client uses the Request and Response Pipelines instead of the now defunct WritingRequest and RecievingResponse events that once supported this very scenario.
By experimentation I found that I can hook into the ReceivingResponse event on my DataServiceContext and then call ReceivingResponseEventArgs.ResponseMessage.GetStream() but I don't know what to do to overwrite the message content correctly. If I CopyTo() on the stream, I get a null reference exception at Microsoft.OData.Core.ODataMessageReader.DetectPayloadKind(). I presume this is because the stream was read to the end and the position needs to be set back to zero but I cannot do that because the stream also throws an exception when setting the position back because it says it does not support seeking. I presume this is simply due to the stream being read-only. Even if I could copy the stream to decompress it successfully, how do I modify the response message content with the decompressed content? I don't see any hooks for this at all in the RequestPipeline or ResponsePipeline. To clarify, I want to decompress the response message content and then set it for the materialization that occurs soon after, how might I do that? Extra credit for how to also send compressed requests to the OData service. Thanks!
OData client use the HTTPWebRequest and HTTPWebReponse, which supports the compression well. Try setting the AutomaticDecompression of HTTPWebRequest to Deflate or GZip, in SendingRequest2 pipeline event, like this:
private void OnSendingRequest_(object sender, SendingRequest2EventArgs args)
if (!args.IsBatchPart) // The request message is not HttpWebRequestMessage in batch part.
HTTPWebRequest request = ((HttpWebRequestMessage)args.RequestMessage).HttpWebRequest;
request.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate;
Then in response, HTTPWebResponse will decompress the stream automatically, before the materialization work.

How to use REST assured?

I have never used JUnit or other testing frameworks. All i know is how to develop rest service. I recently saw REST assured framework to test REST api. But all the articles that i found looks like below. But i don't know how to pass request xml and how will i get response and when should i call this method.?
Do i need to use some other tool before this REST assured.? I am completely beginner in this kind of testing frameworks. Please show me some light in this world. All i know is how to send request and check values in the response in SOAPUI. I have never tried this.
"", equalTo(""),
"user.firstName", equalTo("Tim"),
"user.lastName", equalTo("Testerman"),
"", equalTo("1")).
expect() /* what u expect after sending a request to REST Service */
statusCode(200) /*you are expecting 200 as statuscode which tells request handled successfully at server */
/* the conditions given in body are compare the value with expected values. "equalTo" hamcrest matcher condition (you need to have hamcrest jar in java classpath).*/
when(). /* as is name says above all will be done after sending get/post/put/delete request right so before you put these get,post,put,delete you will have this method as prefix */
/* the actual REST API request url goes here. can be GET/POST/PUT/DELETE. the confusion for you is its only showing half part which is base can give entire request url in get() method.*/
more on:
I hope this helps.
