Getting a VC to appear inside another VC - ios

I have 2 ViewControllers.
VC1 has a 2 views inside it.
I want to get MenuUIVC to appear in one of my views belonging(child) to VC1.
I tried this code inside of VC1 but it didn't work.
MenuUIVC * menuViewVC = [[MenuUIVC alloc] init];
menuUIView = menuViewVC.view;
I expected to be able to see the MenuUIVC inside the view (menuUIView) which is a child of VC1. I have the IBOutlets all hooked up on the storyboard.

You can use Container views to get View Controller inside a View Controller. And, you can get the reference to it through prepareForSegue() method.
Links for description:
iOS Container View
The Easy Way to Switch Container Views in iOS

If you are using UIView, then why don't you use
[menuUIView addSubview:menuViewVC.view];
Another option is to use childviewcontrollers.
See these links for example:-
adding view controller as child view in ios
Add child view controller to current view controller
Using container or child view controller, gives you full fledge option of using View Controller properties, which you will not get in UIView.
Say for example, you can you orientation delegate methods, which you can't using in UIView class directly.
Hope this can help you.

you can go for container view if you want to do it using IBOutlets & storyborad.
but if you want to do it using code then follow the below steps :
initialise & create parent view controller.
then add required child view as a subview with negative frame.
now change the frame with UIView animation whenever required. & do add tap gesture recogniser on part of screen other than the child view to remove it back to the initial position.


View as SubView VS ChildViewController

Can any one explain when should we add a UIViewController as ChildViewController?
What is the benefits of adding it as ChildViewController instead of subView?
Please help me to understand the purpose of ChildViewController.
When you add a view controller as child view controller, the parent view controller will hold a strong pointer to the child view controller so it doesn't get released instantly. This does not automatically add child's view to parent's view. So you will have to call them both.
I only used it when I needed to create multiple view controllers to be inserted in another view controller and didn't need to directly access it.
its all about UI and code management if you are using subview to achieve what you want to implement inside your app you need to code for your view inside same viewcontrollers class but something interesting i found by creating childviewcontrollers.
empowered to work on a seprate viewcontroller will invoked along with its parent viewcontroller along with its seprate class.
infinite controllers that will be updated tapping a button.
Creation of childViewControllers can be achived by implementing containerView.
or you must have a look of this link hope its helpful to understand.

What is the difference between a UIView outlet, and a ChildViewController?

Lets say I have a container view in a parent UIView.
What is the difference between referencing it as an Outlet in my parent UIView, or accessing it this way :
categoryContainerViewController = self.childViewControllers[0] as! CategoriesControllerView
View and view controllers are two different things
A VIEW is an object that is drawn to the screen. It may also contain other views (subviews) that are inside it and move with it. Views can get touch events and change their visual state in response. Views are dumb, and do not know about the structure of your application, and are simply told to display themselves in some state.
A VIEW CONTROLLER is not drawable to the screen directly, it manages a group of view objects. View controllers usually have a single view with many subviews. The view controller manages the state of these views. A view controller is smart, and has knowledge of your application's inner workings. It tells the dumb view objects what to do and how to show themselves.
now you can get idea about View and a view controller.
A view and a view controller are two totally different things.
categoryContainerViewController = self.childViewControllers[0] as! CategoriesControllerView
In spite of the name, that is a view controller.
The outlet is to the view.
In layman terms : -
IBOutlet connects any view element from your interface builder to attached swift class file. So you can get reference to any subview of UIView(eg, UILabel, UIButton) from interface builder to your UIViewController or UIView Swift class
In your ex.
by using
categoryContainerViewController = self.childViewControllers[0] as! CategoriesControllerView
You are getting reference to your ChildViewController and not any view

In iOS, using storyboard, how to setup a view controller inside a container view?

I have created and drawn out a custom UIViewController called AutocompleteVC in my Main storyboard. AutocompleteVC will be used in several different places/storyboards and with different dimensions.
For example, in my Transit storyboard, shown below,, there is a custom UIViewController called TransitVC, shown on the left. In TransitVC, I have a container view with an IBOutlet called autocompleteContainerView. autocompleteContainerView has a segue called autocompleteEmbedSegue to a generic UIViewController, shown on the right in red.
The goal is to have TransitVC hold AutocompleteVC inside autocompleteContainerView. But I'm having trouble getting this to work. The reason I want to do this inside a container view is so I can use autolayout to set constraints on it. Otherwise, I know how to do this purely in code.
I believe my approach might be flawed. What is the correct approach to do this if I want to maximize storyboard usage.
I'm not sure what you are asking. Setting up a parent/child relationship with a container view is very easy, exactly as you have outlined. Just create a container view inside the parent view controller, create the child view controller scene, and then control-drag from the container view to the child view controller to create the embed segue.

In ios 6, how do you use pass data between View controller holding 'Container View' object and Table View controller that is embedded in it?

I have a view controller with a label and textfield. I also added a container view which points to another table view controller with one section and 3 rows, basically static table view. I am unable to find any documentation / example which tells you how you pass data between View controller holding the Container View and Table View container embedded in the container view. I want both sided communication ?
The controller embedded in the container view (in storyboard), is automatically added as a childViewController of the controller in which the container view is added. Just to make sense of what I mean, add this line, in your viewDidLoad method of the base controller :
NSLog(#"children : %#", self.childViewControllers);
So lets say in VC1, you add a container view with an embedded controller VC2 (your tableViewController), then the above statement will log VC2 as a child of VC1. To access VC2 from VC1, you just use [self.childViewControllers objectAtIndex:0], and to access VC1 from VC2, just use self.parentViewController.
Hope this helps
If you set things up in a storyboard, you use segues. Just like most everything else in storyboards.
See Access Container View Controller from Parent iOS
There are new properties on UIViewController -childViewControllers and -parentViewController. You could use those.
Alternatively you could set up a relationship yourself. Be weary of retain cycles. Perhaps the parent owns the child and the child has a weak reference back to the parent.
[self.childViewControllers lastOject] or [self.childViewControllers objectAtIndex:index]; , depending upon how many child VC's you have.

How to subview a UITableViewController within another Controller using Storyboards

I have encapsulated all my table view logic on a UITableViewController that is linked to a view. This was done using storyboards.
I would like to embed this logic and view within another view controller / view (kind of like a header information with a scrollable table beneath.)
I have the following components:
CustomViewController which is linked to a UIView (dragged in from storyboard)
CustomTableViewController which is linked to a UITableView (dragged in from storyboard)
Essentially I am trying to mimic the scenario of the Stopwatch in the iOS clock app
What is the beast approach to this?
How is it done programatically?
Can this be done on the storyboard somehow?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Ok figured it out. This solution is iOS 5 specific since this feature was added there. This method works with storyboards.
Setup: The intention is to host one view controllers view and logic within another controller.
Since there is no intrinsic way to reference the child view controller in the storyboard, we need to give the view controller a name. This can be done by filling out the "Identifier" attribute on the controller in the storyboard. NOTE: Make sure you are giving the controller the identifier and not the controllers view.
Instantiate the controller you want to aggregate. This can be done from the hosting controller.
UIViewController *controller = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"ControllerIdentifier"];
Add the child controller to the parent controller
[self addChildViewController: controller];
Add the child controllers view to the parent controllers view. Note if you have a place holder view in the parent controller you wish to add the child view to, then this is where you do it. Here I add it the a UIView called stage in the parent controller.
[self clearStage];
[self.stageView addSubview:controller.view];
presentedController.view.frame = self.stageView.bounds;
And that is it. Pretty simple. I have used it successfully with switching controllers and view in a home made tab control. The sub controller enlists its views in the view lifecycle, so the viewDidLoad, etc all work as expected in this child view controller.
Hopes this helps someone.
