Leave a repository on bitbucket - bitbucket

Last year, I was working with some other people on a computer science project. So, I created a bitbucket repository and invited everybody. As we know each other very well, everybody is an administrator of the repository and I'm the owner.
Today, I would like to clean up my bitbucket repository list. But, I can't find how to leave a repository. When I go in the settings menu, the only thing that I can do is "deleting a repository". It's not what I want to do because I want to leave the repository for the other people.
For some repository (when I'm not the owner), I can revoke myself, but for the other, I can't. Do you know how can I do that? I would like to find a solution without needing to make a ownership transfer as it involves making a transfer request and then, waiting some time to get the answer.
Thank you

Go to 'Your profile and Settings' left bottom corner & Tap 'All work spaces'
Tap 'Leave'

I would like to find a solution without needing to make a ownership transfer as it involves making a transfer request and then, waiting some time to get the answer.
Somebody must own the repository, and you can't leave a repository that you own.
You could create a team and transfer the repository there, then invite the other users to the team. Transferring your repo to a team you create should be instantaneous.
Or you can transfer the repository to an existing user and wait for them to respond, as you have suggested.

Disable "New source browser experience" in here: https://bitbucket.org/account/user//features/
Then click "revoke" in here: https://bitbucket.org///overview


Updating github.io domain AND redirecting from old github.io domain (neatest method)

I recently created a GitHub account and website for a group project with the following format:
Due to changes outside my control, the name of the website should now be of the following format:
Since we have already used our old website name (https://abc123.github.io/) publicly, we want to not entirely destroy that link, but simply have it redirect to the new website (https://abc124.github.io/).
My plan is to 1) clone the abc123 repository, 2) open a new GitHub account abc124, 3) push the old clone to the new GitHub account abc124, change the old repository to have a message asking users to click on a link connecting them to https://abc124.github.io/. The downside of this is that I now unnecessarily have TWO GitHub accounts and users are bothered to have to click on a link.
I would like to ask if anyone has ideas on a better method. What is the neatest and easiest way to achieve this?

In TFS Online, How do I share a code branch with our customer

We have an enterprise customer that we have delivered a system for. It is part of the agreement for us to supply them with the source code of the latest release. We are using TFVC on TFS online, and we thought it would be easiest to give them access to our Main branch. But I have difficulties with only allowing them to access the code and nothing else. The user I am testing with, can see too much: I.e. things like dashboard, current team members etc.
Is it possible for me to only expose code from the Main branch and nothing else to an external user?
Giving access to TFS Main Branch out of Organization (AD) is not advisable considering security.. Instead consider giving source code into zip format there are lot of large file sending (FTP sites) are available..
Still for your request of restricting access to user have a look over this
you can consider replicating your part of source code into separate stream and give reader read only access to that stream.
Hope this helps... :)
Refer to these steps to set the permission:
Add user to your VSTS (Basic)
Remove this user from all group if you added
Go to admin page of a team project Version Control (Setting > Version Control)
Select a folder/branch
Click Add > Add User to add that user
Select the user that you added
Set Read permission to Allow
Go to Security page (click Security)
Click Create group to create a new group
Set View project-level information to Allow and deny other permissions for this group
Click Members of that new group
Click Add to add that user to this group
After that, this user can access the code (Just the folder/branch the user has the read permission) on web access (Code > Files).

Delete step from Workflow in JIRA server edition v6.3.4

I'm trying to delete a step from a Workflow in JIRA.
I have read on the interwebz that to delete a Workflow step, you must make a copy of the Workflow and delete the step from the copy. Only I don't see any way to do that in the copy I have created.
I have tried this twice; it is a new workflow that is not assigned to any project and does not have a Workflow Scheme. It shows as "inactive". I have also tried deleting the transitions from the step, but that did not help.
Everything I've found about this topic assumes the Workflow is a "draft" but my copy does not appear to be a draft, so I don't know what the problem is. I've been digging around in the UI for an hour with no luck. Any suggestions appreciated.
Try to delete transition in diagram view. delete the transition you want and complete the diagram flow.may be deleting transition may course the diagram flow.
Go to the diagram view of your workflow. Click on the status that you want to remove and then you get a popup with a 'Remove status' link, like this:

How to work with two different BitBucket accounts in SourceTree

I have two different bitbucket accounts set up. One is for work projects and one is for personal use. In BitBucket I have set up a repository in each of the accounts for different projects.
In SourceTree I have a few existing personal projects that are syncing up to my personal repository on SourceTree. In the left hand panel I can see my "Develop" branch for one of those personal projects and on the remote in BitBucket I can see the remote repo.
In SourceTree I don't see an obvious way to keep my two accounts separate. For example, I have added the work repo in SourceTree but when I try to commit an initial version of a work project it only gives me the option to commit my personal project branch.
How can I now add my work repo locally and sync only those work projects into repos on that work BitBucket account?
For SourceTree 2.0.2+ on Mac only with GitHub accounts:
Click from menu File-> New/Clone
In the dialog click settings icon.
In the resulting popup menu click Settings
It brings a dialog with listing user accounts. Add your additional account to the list.
Close the dialog.
Click remote button (next to local) on the tool in image shown below.
All your added accounts will be listed and their respective repositories with button to clone.
Hope this helps.
NOW on Windows, you do it in the Clone/Add/Create Repository dialog:
Click the "Hosted Repositories" button (internet icon)
Click "Edit Accounts"
Click "Add"
Well I have done this way:
Click on Settings
Click on Advance tab
Enter your Full name and Email address (Email should be match with your Bitbucket account)
Click on OK
Click on Close (To close current window)
Restart again
Note: You must have added account in Source tree. (Open Source tree -> Click on Setting icon < Right Top corner> -> Click Settings -> Add your Account -> Set as Default account)
Hope this would help you.
In Windows, you can do it by following steps:
Click on settings button ( right top corner). It will open dialog box.
Click on Advanced tab.
Uncheck the "Use global user settings".
Now you can enter username and email id for corresponding repository.
Click on OK to save changes.
If I understand your question correctly, you still need to do a little bit more set of your bitBucket accounts.
You can also test the BitBucket server to see which account you are logging in with.
ssh -v git#bitbucket.org
This link help me, follow these instructions here and you should be successful.
The key part you need is in you .git/config.
You'll need separate entries for each.
Use different SSH keys for different accounts on the same Git hosting
In Windows you may have more than one account (you can have even GitHub and BitBucket side by side). For example, assuming the account you have now in SourceTree is with BitBucket and you want to add your GitHub account to it as well, do the following:
From menu, choose File->New/Clone
In the Source Path/URL put the repository url for a repository you have on github
Wait for a few seconds and it asks you for username/password. (first, buttons might be disabled for example for entering your password. So wait for a few seconds first)
Add the new username and passowrd on github.
Now if you like you can cancel the clone.
For BitBucket account/repos, you can include the username you want to use as part of the git URL. SourceTree will then ask for the password for that username.
If you've already cloned a repository with ssh on the Mac version, and you want to change the account for it, you can do this by changing the host name of the remote.
If you've let SourceTree modify your ˜/.ssh/config , then it will have added some entries starting with:
# --- Sourcetree Generated ---
Host <account name>-<service name>
Choose the <account name>-<service name> combination that you want to use and modify the path of your repository (in Remote Settings). Your new path will be something like the following format:
git#<account name>-<service name>:<account name>/<repository name>.git
(Actually, you can use this solution for working copies not cloned by SourceTree too.)
on windows the tool has a bug
no matter what I've tried from within the tool it was always using a previews git account which was cached somewhere...
so I searched all files where sourcetree was installed and I found a file C:\Users\WIDNOWS_USER\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\userhosts
there I had cached the old git user/account name and it was driving me nuts in the app.
I updated this file, deleted the old account name and added the new one, restarted the tool and it started to work fine.
there's also a file
check that one too and if your cached account with passwd is there too clean it out, do not add here anything, the app will do it first time when you enter your password for the new acccount

TFS access denied to only one specific domain user

I created a local group user which I added to TFS Contributor/Valid User groups. Anytime if I needed to add a user as contributor, I would add him/her to the local group and the person has the access to TFS; which is until now. Recently a new person got hired and MIS setup the domain account for him. I added him the same way but for some reason he couldn't connect to TFS. I tried everything that I know of. I even asked MIS to recreate (delete and create again) the user in ADS. But nothing seems to be working. Does anybody know what could be possible problem?
I had the same issue that the a user did not get permission to TFS when adding hem/her to the user group. I resolved it by adding the user directly to TFS. You can use the TFS Administration Tool to add users quickly to TFS, SSRS and Sharepoint: http://tfsadmin.codeplex.com
OK. I solved the problem. It was TFS cache that was causing this problem. Once I cleared it, everything worked fine.
Thanks for trying to help.
