MSE during Neural Network training - machine-learning

Is it possible that the MSE increases during training?
I'm currently calculating the MSE of the validation set per epoch and at a certrain point, the MSE starts to increase instead of decreasing. Does someone has an explanation for this behavior?

Answering your question: Yes, it is possible.
If you are using regularization or estochastic training it is normal some ups and downs on the MSE while training.
Some possible reasons to the problem
You are using a learning rate too high, which let to the problem of overshooting the local minima of the cost function.
The neural network is overfitting. Traning too much and loosing its capabilities to generalize.
What you can try:
When this starts to happen, reduce your learning rate.
Apply some kind of regularization on your network, like dropout, to avoid overfitting.


LSTM higher validation accuracy at higher validation loss ( Python: Keras )

When training my LSTM ( using the Keras library in Python ) the validation loss keeps increasing, although it eventually does obtain a higher validation accuracy. Which leads me to 2 questions:
How/Why does it obtain a (significantly) higher validation accuracy at a (significantly) higher validation loss?
Is it problematic that the validation loss increases? ( because it eventually does obtain a good validation accuracy either way )
This is an example history log of my LSTM for which this applies:
As visible when comparing epoch 0 with epoch ~430:
52% val accuracy at 1.1 val loss vs. 61% val accuracy at 1.8 val loss
For the loss function I'm using tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy and I'm using the SGD optimizer at a high learning rate of 50-60% ( as it obtained the best validation accuracy with it ).
Initially I thought it may be overfitting, but then I don't understand how the validation accuracy does eventually get quite a lot higher at almost 2 times as high of a validation loss.
Any insights would be much appreciated.
EDIT: Another example of a different run, less fluctuating validation accuracy but still significantly higher validation accuracy as the validation loss increases:
In this run I used a low instead of high dropout.
As you stated, "at a high learning rate of 50-60%", this might be the reason why graphs are oscillating. Lowering the learning rate or adding regularization should solve the oscillating problem.
More generally,
Cross Entropy loss is not a bounded loss, so having very badly outliers would make it explode.
Accuracy can go higher which means your model is able to learn the rest of the dataset except the outliers.
Validation set has too many outliers that causing the oscillation of the loss values.
To conclude if you are overfitting or not, you should inspect validation set for outliers.

Cross-entropy loss influence over F-score

I'm training an FCN (Fully Convolutional Network) and using "Sigmoid Cross Entropy" as a loss function.
my measurements are F-measure and MAE.
The Train/Dev Loss w.r.t #iteration graph is something like the below:
Although Dev loss has a slight increase after #Iter=2200, my measurements on Dev set have been improved up to near #iter = 10000. I want to know is it possible in machine learning at all? If F-measure has been improved, should the loss also be decreased? How do you explain it?
Every answer would be appreciated.
Short answer, yes it's possible.
How I would explain it is by reasoning on the Cross-Entropy loss and how it differs from the metrics. Loss Functions for classification, generally speaking, are used to optimize models relying on probabilities (0.1/0.9), while metrics usually use the predicted labels. (0/1)
Assuming having strong confidence (close to 0 or to 1) in a model probability hypothesis, a wrong prediction will greatly increase the loss and have a small decrease in F-measure.
Likewise, in the opposite scenario, a model with low confidence (e.g. 0.49/0.51) would have a small impact on the loss function (from a numerical perspective) and a greater impact on the metrics.
Plotting the distribution of your predictions would help to confirm this hypothesis.

Neural Networks - Softmax Cross Entropy Loss Decrease Corresponds to Accuracy Decrease

I've been training a neural network and using Tensorflow.
My cost function is:
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=prediction, labels=y))
Training my neural network has caused the cross entropy loss to decrease from ~170k to around 50, a dramatic improvement. Meanwhile, my accuracy has actually gotten slightly worse: from 3% to 2.9%. These tests are made on the training set so overfitting is not in the question.
I calculate accuracy simply as follows:
correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(prediction, 1), tf.argmax(y, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float'))
print('Accuracy:', accuracy.eval({x: batch_x, y: batch_y}))
What could possibly be the cause for this?
Should I use the accuracy as a cost function instead since something is clearly wrong with the cross entropy (softmax) for my case.
I know there is a similar question to this on StackOverflow but the question was never answered completely.
I cannot tell the exact reason for the problem without seeing your machine learning problem.
Please at least provide the type of the problem (binary, multi-class and/or multi-label)
But, with such low accuracy and large difference between accuracy and loss, I believe it is a bug, not a machine learning issue.
One possible bug might be related to loading label data y. 3% accuracy is too low for most machine learning problems (except for the image classification). You would get 3% accuracy if you are guessing randomly over 33 labels.
Is your problem really 33 multi-class classification problem? If not, you might have done something wrong when creating data batch_y (wrong dimension, shape mismatch to prediction, ...).

Why the average weight of rnn keeps climbing?

I'm using Pybrain to train a recurrent neural network. However, the average of the weights keeps climbing and after several iterations the train and test accuracy become lower. Now the highest performance on train data is about 55% and on test data is about 50%.
I think maybe the rnn have some training problems because of its high weights. How can I solve it? Thank you in advance.
The usual way to restrict the network parameters is to use a constrained error-functional which somehow penalizes the absolute magnitude of the parameters. Such is done in "weight decay" where you add to your sum-of-squares error the norm of the weights ||w||. Usually this is the Euclidian norm, but sometimes also the 1-norm in which case it is called "Lasso". Note that weight decay is also called ridge regression or Tikhonov regularization.
In PyBrain, according to this page in the documentation, there is available a Lasso-version of weight decay, which can be parametrized by the parameter wDecay.

Ada-Delta method doesn't converge when used in Denoising AutoEncoder with MSE loss & ReLU activation?

I just implemented AdaDelta ( for my own Deep Neural Network Library.
The paper kind of says that SGD with AdaDelta is not sensitive to hyperparameters, and that it always converge to somewhere good. (at least the output reconstruction loss of AdaDelta-SGD is comparable to that of well-tuned Momentum method)
When I used AdaDelta-SGD as learning method in in Denoising AutoEncoder, it did converge in some specific settings, but not always.
When I used MSE as loss function, and Sigmoid as activation function, it converged very quickly, and after iterations of 100 epochs, the final reconstruction loss was better than all of plain SGD, SGD with Momentum, and AdaGrad.
But when I used ReLU as activation function, it didn't converge but continued to be stacked(oscillating) with high(bad) reconstruction loss (just like the case when you used plain SGD with very high learning rate).
The magnitude of reconstruction loss it stacked was about 10 to 20 times higher than the final reconstruction loss generated with Momentum method.
I really don't understand why it happened since the paper says AdaDelta is just good.
Please let me know the reason behind the phenomena and teach me how I could avoid it.
The activation of a ReLU is unbounded, making its use in Auto Encoders difficult since your training vectors likely do not have arbitrarily large and unbounded responses! ReLU simply isn't a good fit for that type of network.
You can force a ReLU into an auto encoder by applying some transformation to the output layer, as is done here. However, hey don't discuss the quality of the results in terms of an auto-encoder, but instead only as a pre-training method for classification. So its not clear that its a worth while endeavor for building an auto encoder either.
