How to retrieve a list of address of youtube channel? - youtube

I am about to analyze youtube channel related to specific keyword like game, computer science and etc.
I want to get their web address of youtube.
I tried to get address one by one manually by clicking right button of my mouse.
As it was too laborious, I need a solution.
Is there any program or method to do this?


Historical YouTube Trending videos by date and country

I am looking for a way to get top-50 most popular videos from Explore Tab for a specific date or a period of time for a specific country. Can't find a way how to do it in YouTube API Documentation. Is there a way? If not, maybe you know some workarounds for getting a historical data?
For example, I could build a web scraper that would collect trending videos from Wayback Machine but it shows trending videos in the U.S. only.
Also, found YouTube Charts website, but it shows only music.
As far as I know, there is no such public endpoint or public resource to get these results - besides Wayback Machine and the public/official YouTube channels you can find on their website.
However, since you mentioned using Wayback Machine, you could follow these steps:
Enter to Wayback Machine and search for results about the Pouplar on YouTube channel - see example of extract from Jun 15, 20211.
Retrieve the videos shown in the search results from step 1.
That being said, I recommend you to start creating a database for record trending videos everyday - not sure how you can do this by region, though (this is due there are trending videos by "main countries" like UK, India, some parts of Asia, France, but, as I searched, trending applies for ALL countries) - if I'm wrong in this, please, let me know.
Another possible way to get close results to your expectations could be:
Enter to Popular on YouTube channel and check the Popular now playlist.2
Retrieve those results and organize the results - with this, I mean: check the publication date, check the channel's country/location, etc. It's up to you to check how to organize the available data.
1 Please check that probably there is no data/snapshot on a given day you require - using Wayback Machine -.
2 According to the updated date, this playlist is updated everyday, so, you have to make the same procedure mentioned above (create a database that store results everyday, etc.).
Not sure if with an VPN you can set the VPN and try to get the "Popular now" videos from the selected VPN country, might worth give it a try.
Try also contact with YouTube - probably you might get some sort of answer, ask them if they can provide information about trending videos from a specific region - in a specific time.

Get Cards for Videos from Youtube APIs

I'm trying to get a list of all cards associated with a video id. I've looked at the different Youtube APIs, but no success.
example of cards in a video
Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
This is currently not supported by Youtube API. You can find the supported methods by Youtube API in this reference list.
Disclaimer - this is only a partial answer.
It is possible to get card stats for a given channel through the Reporting API.
To do so, you need to create a reporting job
This will give you basic stats (card_id included) for every card of every video for one channel during the specified time interval. At this stage, we know that there are cards for a given video, we know what type of cards these are, and we have some basic stats regarding their performance. We still don't know what is behind that card.
So the follow up question is: how to query youtube APIs with a card_id to retrieve more detail information about that card?
If someone knows this, then we have a way of getting card infos for any video.

Remote loading of video on channel with moderation

I apologize for my English. I use the translator. I need to make the page through which users could load video on youtube. At the same time not to publish at once. And at first most to carry out moderation. Since I want to attract users from the different countries. It will be a competition where participants will be from the different countries, and I will support them residents of the same countries. Will be abruptly) But a big problem that there is no opportunity to load video directly on youtube channel. Maybe someone already did and will prompt something?

Find the number of times a tweet has been viewed

There have been quite a few number of start-up pertaining to analyzing Twitter data. There is CrowdBooster, then there is Klout, which use Twitter data to tell the user their True reach.
I have got the following two questions:
1) Is there a way to find out who has viewed one's tweet, or the number of people that have viewed a tweet. Crowdbooster claims to tell you how many impression one received per tweet. How do they do it?
2) Thousands and thousands of links are shared each day on Twitter. Can we find out which user has clicked the link in a tweet?
I have looked through Twitter API and some of the companies that have licensed Twitter's Firehose, but have not found anything that meet my needs.
Also, to give you a short answer to your 2nd question. Now that we've established that view analysis is impossible. Can you find out which user has clicked on that link, absolutely. And depending on what your talking about, user as far as the user who has clicked on the link or the user that has the link on their Twitter stream. Both are possible,
in the case of A, you would get the referring users IP address. Methods vary depending on language.
But what I think your asking for is scenario B, finding out which user has the link in their Twitter stream. This can be done by querying the link, the API response you will get can include tweet entities which will list all this information out for you and more. Open up a firehose with your link and watch what comes in.
1) Is there a way to find out who has viewed one's tweet, or the
number of people that have viewed a tweet. Crowdbooster claims to tell
you how many impression one received per tweet. How do they do it?
No, in the case of a view - this would be impossible. The tweet impression can happen in multiple silos. On the website, in a widget, in a mobile app. You can imagine that it's simply not possible to get the impression of a tweet on a view because of this reason and because unlike a click, there is no I viewed this tweet identifier sent when a view has been enacted. I spent a great deal of time researching for a way to get the tweet impression even based on a similar clicked link and this is not even possible. (edit: it's possible see the last paragraph) This brings us to question 2.
2) Thousands and thousands of links are shared each day on Twitter.
Can we find out which user has clicked the link in a tweet?
Yes, what these websites are mainly doing is analyzing links that you process through their website. If you can have a unique hash marker on a link then analysis becomes possible. Without a unique hash marker, Twitter will re-interrupt two of the same links in a exactly the same way, even in the case that it shortens your link to it's custom wrapper.
This means the only reliable way to do tweet analysis is by including a unique link marker code on your tweet and analyze the the fact that somebody that has hit your server has clicked on that link.
There is a somewhat hidden Twitter API feature that helps you understand how popular a particular link is. That being the link count API ..
Something really outside of the box you can do if your set on analyzing multiple versions of exactly the same link without using markers and if your also using the Streaming (firehose) would be to analyze the tweet views (using the link count API) on similar links that hit your server. The link that got the +1 boost in view is the one that hit your server. But that's about the extent of creative analysis you can get with your tweets and more specifically the links, as mentioned links are the only thing your really able to analyze when it comes to Twitter.
1) Is there a way to find out who has viewed one's tweet, or the number of people that have viewed a tweet. Crowdbooster claims to tell you how many impression one received per tweet. How do they do it?
Yes, sign up for Twitter Analytics (free service provided by Twitter) and you can see how many people view (impressions) for each tweet and totals for specific dates or a date range.
2) Thousands and thousands of links are shared each day on Twitter. Can we find out which user has clicked the link in a tweet?
Yes, you can do this. Using a URL shortening service like you can track how many clicks you had from Twitter (only give out that Bitly link on Twitter to do this). But if you want more indept information you may need to create a tracking software, as I don't know of any available. To do that you would need the tracking software to track the link and find out the refer header and see if it's from Twitter (or better yet, just give out a unique URL for your tweets), then you would need to use the Twitter API to find out the handle (username) of that visitor who clicked your link. Lastly store this information in a database so you can review who clicked what link.

Customize YouTube Embed URL

Is it possible to modify the URL used to embed YouTube videos in an iframe ( For example, adding the channel name.
My organization blocks YouTube so I need to create a rule on our proxy server to allow users to access our channel only.
Thank you.
Yes, if you load the videos directly from the user's channel, it'll look like this:
So you'd be on the user's channel homepage.
"/user/username" is your golden ticket, and #videoid will point to the video if you want to link directly to it.
Multiple other varibles are passed in the url that you can make exceptions for, most notably a playlist. This string will appear somewhere in the url, generally tacked onto the end:
"&list=PLAYLISTIDHERE" ex. "&list=PLE126C843377DCE64"
One of those should do the trick as long as the admins are willing to play nice!
Best of luck!
