I have a UIWebView and I have successfully added a UIImage view to the UIWebView’s scrollView like so:
let localUrl = String(format:"%#/%#", PDFFilePath, fileNameGroup)
let url = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(localUrl)
panRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(panDetected))
pinchRecognizer = UIPinchGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(pinchDetected))
panRecognizer.delegate = self
pinchRecognizer.delegate = self
webview = UIWebView()
webview.frame = self.view.bounds
webview.scrollView.frame = webview.frame
webview.userInteractionEnabled = true
webview.scalesPageToFit = true
webview.delegate = self
webview.scrollView.delegate = self
webview.gestureRecognizers = [pinchRecognizer, panRecognizer]
let stampView:StampAnnotation = StampAnnotation(imageIcon: UIImage(named: "approved.png"), location: CGPointMake(currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y))
My UIWebView scrollView is scalable. Now I am looking for away to have my UIImageView (StampAnnotation is a class and UIImageView is its subclass) scale when the scrollView scales. So if the user zooms in on the scrollView, the UIImageView will get bigger and stay in a fixed position and if the user zooms out, the UIImageView will get smaller while the scrollView gets smaller while staying in a fixed position.
I really hope that makes sense. I have tried the following:
func pinchDetected(recognizer:UIPinchGestureRecognizer)
for views in webview.scrollView.subviews
views.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(views.transform, recognizer.scale, recognizer.scale)
recognizer.scale = 1
if(appDelegate.annotationSelected == 0)
webview.scalesPageToFit = true
webview.scalesPageToFit = false
but this does nothing, if I remove this line:
recognizer.scale = 1
it scales way too big too fast. My question is, how do I get my UIImageView to scale when the UIWebview’s scrollView scrolls?
Any help would be appreciated.
This solved my problem.
func scrollViewDidZoom(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
for views in webview.scrollView.subviews
views.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(scrollView.zoomScale, scrollView.zoomScale)
No it does not stay in a fixed position on the page, but I think that is a constraints issue?
You were close...
1) Add a property to hold onto an external reference for your stampViewFrame:
var stampViewFrame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100)
2) Replace your scrollViewDidZoom() with this:
func scrollViewDidZoom(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
for views in webView.scrollView.subviews
views.frame = CGRect(x: stampViewFrame.origin.x * scrollView.zoomScale, y: stampViewFrame.origin.y * scrollView.zoomScale, width: stampViewFrame.width * scrollView.zoomScale, height: stampViewFrame.height * scrollView.zoomScale)
3) Finally, because the zoom scale resets to 1 at the begining of each new zooming action, you need to adjust the value of your stampViewFrame property:
func scrollViewDidEndZooming(scrollView: UIScrollView, withView view: UIView?, atScale scale: CGFloat) {
stampViewFrame = CGRect(x: stampViewFrame.origin.x * scale, y: stampViewFrame.origin.y * scale, width: stampViewFrame.width * scale, height: stampViewFrame.height * scale)
I also tried to answer your other question about layout during orientation change, but I now have a much better understanding of what you are trying to do. If you want your stampView to always be on in the same place relative to the web content, you have to get into HTML/JS because the webpage lays itself out dynamically. A much much more simple (and hopefully close enough) solution would be to add the following:
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
webView.frame = view.bounds
stampView.frame = stampViewFrame
Use the scroll delegate method of scrollViewDidZoom :
func scrollViewDidZoom(scrollView: UIScrollView){
//Change the subview of scroll frame as per the scroll frame scale
//rect = initial position & size of the image.<class instance>
stampView.frame = CGRectMake((CGRectGetMaxX(rect)-rect.size.width)*webView.scrollView.zoomScale, (CGRectGetMaxY(rect)-rect.size.height)*webView.scrollView.zoomScale, rect.width*webView.scrollView.zoomScale,rect.height*webView.scrollView.zoomScale)
I can capture all content screenshot of UIWebView by adjust frame of UIScrollView of UIWebView. However, I can't capture all content screenshot of WKWebView by the same method.
The method I used for capture UIWebView as follow:
backup frame and superview of webview.scrollView
create a new container view as webview.scrollView's superview
adjust frame of new container view and webview.scrollView. frame is same to webview.scrollView.contentSize
draw by renderInContext or drawViewHierarchyInRect
However, this method will capture a white screenshot of WKWebview. It doesn't work!
I had print all level of WKWebView, then I found a UIView(WKContentView)'s size is same to contentView, you can found this view by this level:
WKContentView(size is same to contentView)
I also had try to capture by WKContentView, then I found only visible view could be captured.
Anyway, Anyone could tell me how to capture a full page content screenshot of WKWebView?
Please refer to this answer
iOS 11.0 and above, Apple has provided following API to capture snapshot of WKWebView.
#available(iOS 11.0, *)
open func takeSnapshot(with snapshotConfiguration: WKSnapshotConfiguration?, completionHandler: #escaping (UIImage?, Error?) -> Swift.Void)
Swift 3, Xcode 8
func takeScreenshot() -> UIImage? {
let currentSize = webView.frame.size
let currentOffset = webView.scrollView.contentOffset
webView.frame.size = webView.scrollView.contentSize
webView.scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPoint.zero, animated: false)
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: webView.bounds.size.width, height: webView.bounds.size.height)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(rect.size, false, UIScreen.main.scale)
webView.drawHierarchy(in: rect, afterScreenUpdates: true)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
webView.frame.size = currentSize
webView.scrollView.setContentOffset(currentOffset, animated: false)
return image
Swift 3, Xcode 9:
I created an extension to achieve this. Hope this helps you.
extension WKWebView{
private func stageWebViewForScreenshot() {
let _scrollView = self.scrollView
let pageSize = _scrollView.contentSize;
let currentOffset = _scrollView.contentOffset
let horizontalLimit = CGFloat(ceil(pageSize.width/_scrollView.frame.size.width))
let verticalLimit = CGFloat(ceil(pageSize.height/_scrollView.frame.size.height))
for i in stride(from: 0, to: verticalLimit, by: 1.0) {
for j in stride(from: 0, to: horizontalLimit, by: 1.0) {
_scrollView.scrollRectToVisible(CGRect(x: _scrollView.frame.size.width * j, y: _scrollView.frame.size.height * i, width: _scrollView.frame.size.width, height: _scrollView.frame.size.height), animated: true)
RunLoop.main.run(until: Date.init(timeIntervalSinceNow: 1.0))
_scrollView.setContentOffset(currentOffset, animated: false)
func fullLengthScreenshot(_ completionBlock: ((UIImage) -> Void)?) {
// First stage the web view so that all resources are downloaded.
let _scrollView = self.scrollView
// Save the current bounds
let tmp = self.bounds
let tmpFrame = self.frame
let currentOffset = _scrollView.contentOffset
// Leave main thread alone for some time to let WKWebview render its contents / run its JS to load stuffs.
mainDispatchAfter(2.0) {
// Re evaluate the size of the webview
let pageSize = _scrollView.contentSize
self.bounds = CGRect(x: self.bounds.origin.x, y: self.bounds.origin.y, width: pageSize.width, height: pageSize.height)
self.frame = CGRect(x: self.frame.origin.x, y: self.frame.origin.y, width: pageSize.width, height: pageSize.height)
// Wait few seconds until the resources are loaded
RunLoop.main.run(until: Date.init(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0.5))
self.layer.render(in: UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!)
let image: UIImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
// reset Frame of view to origin
self.bounds = tmp
self.frame = tmpFrame
_scrollView.setContentOffset(currentOffset, animated: false)
The key here is to let capture after webkit be allowed time to render after it is given a new frame. I tried didFinishLoading calback and WKWebView's wkWebView.takeSnapshot, but did not work.
So I introduced an a delay for the screenshot:
func createImage(webView: WKWebView, completion: #escaping (UIImage?) -> ()) {
// save the original size to restore
let originalFrame = webView.frame
let originalConstraints = webView.constraints
let originalScrollViewOffset = webView.scrollView.contentOffset
let newSize = webView.scrollView.contentSize
// remove any constraints for the web view, and set the size
// to be size of the content size (will be restored later)
webView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = true
webView.frame = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: newSize)
webView.scrollView.contentOffset = .zero
// wait for a while for the webview to render in the newly set frame
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 4.0) {
defer {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, false, 0)
if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
// render the scroll view's layer
webView.scrollView.layer.render(in: context)
// restore the original state
webView.frame = originalFrame
webView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
webView.scrollView.contentOffset = originalScrollViewOffset
if let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() {
} else {
- xcode 10 & swift 4.2 -
Use this;
// this is the button which takes the screenshot
#IBAction func snapShot(_ sender: Any) {
// this is the function which is the handle screenshot functionality.
func captureScreenshot(){
let layer = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!.layer
let scale = UIScreen.main.scale
// Creates UIImage of same size as view
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(layer.frame.size, false, scale);
layer.render(in: UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!)
let screenshot = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(screenshot!, nil, nil, nil)
and you must add these keys in your info.plist;
key value = "Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description" ,
key value = Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description
Here is an iOS 11+ example for snapshotting the WKWebView without the need of any delays to render the content.
The key is to make sure that you dont receive a blank snapshot. Initially we had issues with the output image being blank and having to introduce a delay to have the web content in the output image. I see the solution with the delay in many posts and I would recommend to not use it because it is an unnecessarily unreliable and unperformant solution. The important solution for us was to set the rect of WKSnapshotConfiguration and to use the JavaScript functions to wait for the rendering and also receiving the correct width and height.
Setting up the WKWebView:
// Important: You can set a width here which will also be reflected in the width of the snapshot later
let webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero)
webView.configuration.dataDetectorTypes = []
webView.navigationDelegate = self
webView.scrollView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never
webView.loadHTMLString(htmlString, baseURL: Bundle.main.resourceURL)
Capturing the snapshot:
func webView(
_ webView: WKWebView,
didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!
) {
// Wait for the page to be rendered completely and get the final size from javascript
webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.readyState", completionHandler: { [weak self] (readyState, readyStateError) in
webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.documentElement.scrollWidth", completionHandler: {(contentWidth, widthError) in
webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.documentElement.scrollHeight", completionHandler: { (contentHeight, heightError) in
guard readyState != nil,
let contentHeight = contentHeight as? CGFloat,
let contentWidth = contentWidth as? CGFloat else {
[Potential error handling...]
let rect = CGRect(
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: contentWidth,
height: contentHeight
let configuration = WKSnapshotConfiguration()
configuration.rect = rect
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
configuration.afterScreenUpdates = true
webView.takeSnapshot(with: configuration) { (snapshotImage, error) in
guard let snapshotImage = snapshotImage else {
[Potential error handling...]
[Do something with the image]
UPDATE: Not sure why Jason is sticking this answer all over the net. IT DOES NOT solve the problem of HOW to Screenshot the Full WKWebView content... including that off the screen.
Try this:
func snapshot() -> UIImage {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.webView.bounds.size, true, 0);
self.webView.drawViewHierarchyInRect(self.webView.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true);
let snapshotImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(snapshotImage, nil, nil, nil)
return snapshotImage
The image will automatically save into the iOS Camera Roll (by UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum()).
I'm looking for examples/tutorials/framework explaining how to do a navigation bar/controller which slide to left and right like Tinder.app and Twitter.app
I'm not talking about the faces swiping thing of Tinder, I'm talking about the top menu and the views we can slide entirely to left or right to go smoothly to other screens of the app like profile, moments, etc
I'm looking around but not find anything really interesting until then, I hope you can point me out something.
I'm afraid that the complete solution to this is quite a bit beyond the scope of a single question.
However in the interest of trying to help you I think it's worth looking into this - That's a link to Cocoa Controls, a website which people build ready to go controls you can just drop into your app. (it's quite a cool site really).
That particular link is to MSSlidingPanelController. Which I think is exactly what you are looking for. The source code is clearly visible so you can see exactly what's required to get the effect you are looking for.
Here are a few other examples. Hope this helps.
MSSlidingPanelController is not what you are looking for. These are "drawer views", which only allows user to swipe to a certain drawer.
TwitterPagingViewer and SwiftPagingNav is exactly like the one on Twitter, only more complicated.
Tinder seems to be using a UIPageViewController with hidden dots, which is done by deleting these methods:
Here is a good tutorial:
Here is a great repo:
If you need it in Swift, I've created this one
(it also works on any screen resolution vs just iPhone 4/5/5s like the other example)
class PageViewController: UIViewController, UIScrollViewDelegate {
var scrollView:UIScrollView!
var pageControl:UIPageControl!
var navbarView:UIView!
var navTitleLabel1:UILabel!
var navTitleLabel2:UILabel!
var navTitleLabel3:UILabel!
var view1:UIView!
var view2:UIView!
var view3:UIView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
//Creating some shorthand for these values
var wBounds = self.view.bounds.width
var hBounds = self.view.bounds.height
// This houses all of the UIViews / content
scrollView = UIScrollView()
scrollView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
scrollView.frame = self.view.frame
scrollView.pagingEnabled = true
scrollView.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false
scrollView.delegate = self
scrollView.bounces = false
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: self.view.bounds.size.width * 3, height: hBounds/2)
//Putting a subview in the navigationbar to hold the titles and page dots
navbarView = UIView()
//Paging control is added to a subview in the uinavigationcontroller
pageControl = UIPageControl()
pageControl.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 35, width: 0, height: 0)
pageControl.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
pageControl.numberOfPages = 3
pageControl.currentPage = 0
pageControl.currentPageIndicatorTintColor = UIColor(red:0.325, green:0.667, blue:0.922, alpha: 1)
pageControl.pageIndicatorTintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
//Titles for the nav controller (also added to a subview in the uinavigationcontroller)
//Setting size for the titles. FYI changing width will break the paging fades/movement
var titleSize = CGRect(x: 0, y: 8, width: wBounds, height: 20)
navTitleLabel1 = UILabel()
navTitleLabel1.frame = titleSize
navTitleLabel1.text = "Home"
navTitleLabel1.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
navTitleLabel2 = UILabel()
navTitleLabel2.frame = titleSize
navTitleLabel2.text = "Discover"
navTitleLabel2.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
navTitleLabel3 = UILabel()
navTitleLabel3.frame = titleSize
navTitleLabel3.text = "Activity"
navTitleLabel3.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
//Views for the scrolling view
//This is where the content of your views goes (or you can subclass these and add them to ScrollView)
view1 = UIView()
view1.backgroundColor = UIColor(red:0.325, green:0.667, blue:0.922, alpha: 1)
view1.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, wBounds, hBounds)
//Notice the x position increases per number of views
view2 = UIView()
view2.backgroundColor = UIColor(red:0.231, green:0.529, blue:0.757, alpha: 1)
view2.frame = CGRectMake(wBounds, 0, wBounds, hBounds)
//Notice the x position increases yet again (wBounds * 2)
view3 = UIView()
view3.backgroundColor = UIColor(red:0.529, green:0.600, blue:0.647, alpha: 1)
view3.frame = CGRectMake(wBounds * 2, 0, wBounds, hBounds)
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
navbarView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.view.bounds.width, height: 44)
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
var xOffset: CGFloat = scrollView.contentOffset.x
//Setup some math to position the elements where we need them when the view is scrolled
var wBounds = self.view.bounds.width
var hBounds = self.view.bounds.height
var widthOffset = wBounds / 100
var offsetPosition = 0 - xOffset/widthOffset
//Apply the positioning values created above to the frame's position based on user's scroll
navTitleLabel1.frame = CGRectMake(offsetPosition, 8, wBounds, 20)
navTitleLabel2.frame = CGRectMake(offsetPosition + 100, 8, wBounds, 20)
navTitleLabel3.frame = CGRectMake(offsetPosition + 200, 8, wBounds, 20)
//Change the alpha values of the titles as they are scrolled
navTitleLabel1.alpha = 1 - xOffset / wBounds
if (xOffset <= wBounds) {
navTitleLabel2.alpha = xOffset / wBounds
} else {
navTitleLabel2.alpha = 1 - (xOffset - wBounds) / wBounds
navTitleLabel3.alpha = (xOffset - wBounds) / wBounds
func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
var xOffset: CGFloat = scrollView.contentOffset.x
//Change the pageControl dots depending on the page / offset values
if (xOffset < 1.0) {
pageControl.currentPage = 0
} else if (xOffset < self.view.bounds.width + 1) {
pageControl.currentPage = 1
} else {
pageControl.currentPage = 2
I don't want to use a subview if I can avoid it. I want a UIButton with a background image, text, and an image in it. Right now, when I do that, the image is on the left side of the text. The background image, text, and image all have different highlight states.
Simplest solution:
iOS 10 & up, Swift:
button.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1.0, y: 1.0)
button.titleLabel?.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1.0, y: 1.0)
button.imageView?.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1.0, y: 1.0)
Before iOS 10, Swift/Obj-C:
button.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(-1.0, 1.0);
button.titleLabel.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(-1.0, 1.0);
button.imageView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(-1.0, 1.0);
iOS 9 & up, Swift: (Recommended)
button.semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft
Despite some of the suggested answers being very creative and extremely clever, the simplest solution is as follows:
button.semanticContentAttribute = UIApplication.shared
.userInterfaceLayoutDirection == .rightToLeft ? .forceLeftToRight : .forceRightToLeft
As simple as that. As a bonus, the image will be at the left side in right-to-left locales.
EDIT: as the question has been asked a few times, this is iOS 9 +.
UPDATED FOR XCODE 9 (Via Interface Builder)
There's an easier way from the Interface Builder.
Select the UIButton and select this option in the View Utilities > Semantic:
That's it! Nice and simple!
OPTIONAL - 2nd step:
If you want to adjust the spacing between the image and the title you can change the Image Inset here:
Subclassing UIButton is completely unnecessary. Instead you can simply set a high left inset value for the image insets, and a small right inset for the title. Something like this:
button.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0., button.frame.size.width - (image.size.width + 15.), 0., 0.);
button.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0., 0., 0., image.size.width);
I'm giving Inspire48 the credit for this one. Based on his suggestion and looking at that other question I came up with this. Subclass UIButton and override these methods.
#implementation UIButtonSubclass
- (CGRect)imageRectForContentRect:(CGRect)contentRect
CGRect frame = [super imageRectForContentRect:contentRect];
frame.origin.x = CGRectGetMaxX(contentRect) - CGRectGetWidth(frame) - self.imageEdgeInsets.right + self.imageEdgeInsets.left;
return frame;
- (CGRect)titleRectForContentRect:(CGRect)contentRect
CGRect frame = [super titleRectForContentRect:contentRect];
frame.origin.x = CGRectGetMinX(frame) - CGRectGetWidth([self imageRectForContentRect:contentRect]);
return frame;
Just update the insets when the title is changed. You need to compensate for the inset with an equal and opposite inset on the other side.
[thebutton setTitle:title forState:UIControlStateNormal];
thebutton.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -thebutton.imageView.frame.size.width, 0, thebutton.imageView.frame.size.width);
thebutton.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, thebutton.titleLabel.frame.size.width, 0, -thebutton.titleLabel.frame.size.width);
All of these answers, as of January 2016, are unnecessary. In Interface Builder, set the View Semantic to Force Right-to-Left, or if you prefer programmatic way, semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft That will cause the image to appear on the right of your text.
In interface builder you can configure options Edge Insets for UIButton, separately each of three parts: content, image, title
Xcode 8:
I decided not to use the standard button image view because the proposed solutions to move it around felt hacky. This got me the desired aesthetic, and it is intuitive to reposition the button by changing the constraints:
extension UIButton {
func addRightIcon(image: UIImage) {
let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
imageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
let length = CGFloat(15)
titleEdgeInsets.right += length
imageView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.titleLabel!.trailingAnchor, constant: 10),
imageView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.titleLabel!.centerYAnchor, constant: 0),
imageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: length),
imageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: length)
Update: Swift 3
class ButtonIconRight: UIButton {
override func imageRect(forContentRect contentRect:CGRect) -> CGRect {
var imageFrame = super.imageRect(forContentRect: contentRect)
imageFrame.origin.x = super.titleRect(forContentRect: contentRect).maxX - imageFrame.width
return imageFrame
override func titleRect(forContentRect contentRect:CGRect) -> CGRect {
var titleFrame = super.titleRect(forContentRect: contentRect)
if (self.currentImage != nil) {
titleFrame.origin.x = super.imageRect(forContentRect: contentRect).minX
return titleFrame
Original answer for Swift 2:
A solution that handles all horizontal alignments, with a Swift implementation example. Just translate to Objective-C if needed.
class ButtonIconRight: UIButton {
override func imageRectForContentRect(contentRect:CGRect) -> CGRect {
var imageFrame = super.imageRectForContentRect(contentRect)
imageFrame.origin.x = CGRectGetMaxX(super.titleRectForContentRect(contentRect)) - CGRectGetWidth(imageFrame)
return imageFrame
override func titleRectForContentRect(contentRect:CGRect) -> CGRect {
var titleFrame = super.titleRectForContentRect(contentRect)
if (self.currentImage != nil) {
titleFrame.origin.x = CGRectGetMinX(super.imageRectForContentRect(contentRect))
return titleFrame
Also worth noting that it handles quite well image & title insets.
Inspired from jasongregori answer ;)
If this need to be done in UIBarButtonItem, additional wrapping in view should be used
This will work
let view = UIView()
let button = UIButton()
button.setTitle("Skip", for: .normal)
button.setImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName:"forward_button"), for: .normal)
button.semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft
view.frame = button.bounds
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: view)
This won't work
let button = UIButton()
button.setTitle("Skip", for: .normal)
button.setImage(#imageLiteral(resourceName:"forward_button"), for: .normal)
button.semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: button)
Do Yourself. Xcode10, swift4,
For programmatically UI design
lazy var buttonFilter : ButtonRightImageLeftTitle = {
var button = ButtonRightImageLeftTitle()
button.setTitle("Playfir", for: UIControl.State.normal)
button.setImage(UIImage(named: "filter"), for: UIControl.State.normal)
button.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
button.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left
button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)
return button
Edge inset values are applied to a rectangle to shrink or expand the
area represented by that rectangle. Typically, edge insets are used
during view layout to modify the view’s frame. Positive values cause
the frame to be inset (or shrunk) by the specified amount. Negative
values cause the frame to be outset (or expanded) by the specified
class ButtonRightImageLeftTitle: UIButton {
override func layoutSubviews() {
guard imageView != nil else { return }
imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 5, left: (bounds.width - 35), bottom: 5, right: 5)
titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: -((imageView?.bounds.width)! + 10), bottom: 0, right: 0 )
for StoryBoard UI design
iOS 15 brought an update where you can now handle image placements in buttons in a simpler non messier way, ie. without insets.
In XIB/Storyboards:
Simply set the button 'placement' property to leading/training/top/bottom after adding an image property to button. Since it's leading/training, there is an added advantage of it supporting RTL
**In code (Programmatically): **
Use Button Configuration property programmatically
This is not a backward compatible feature, and will work only in iOS15+ as was demonstrated in WWDC '21 - https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10064/?time=236
Developer documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uibutton/configuration?changes=_4
Here is solution for UIButton with center aligned content.
This code make image right aligned and allows to use imageEdgeInsets and titleEdgeInsets for precious positioning.
Subclass UIButton with your custom class and add:
- (CGRect)imageRectForContentRect:(CGRect)contentRect {
CGRect frame = [super imageRectForContentRect:contentRect];
CGFloat imageWidth = frame.size.width;
CGRect titleRect = CGRectZero;
titleRect.size = [[self titleForState:self.state] sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName: self.titleLabel.font}];
titleRect.origin.x = (self.frame.size.width - (titleRect.size.width + imageWidth)) / 2.0 + self.titleEdgeInsets.left - self.titleEdgeInsets.right;
frame.origin.x = titleRect.origin.x + titleRect.size.width - self.imageEdgeInsets.right + self.imageEdgeInsets.left;
return frame;
- (CGRect)titleRectForContentRect:(CGRect)contentRect {
CGFloat imageWidth = [self imageForState:self.state].size.width;
CGRect frame = [super titleRectForContentRect:contentRect];
frame.origin.x = (self.frame.size.width - (frame.size.width + imageWidth)) / 2.0 + self.titleEdgeInsets.left - self.titleEdgeInsets.right;
return frame;
Extension Way
Using extension to set image on the right side with custom offset
extension UIButton {
func addRightImage(image: UIImage, offset: CGFloat) {
self.setImage(image, for: .normal)
self.imageView?.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.imageView?.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.centerYAnchor, constant: 0.0).isActive = true
self.imageView?.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.trailingAnchor, constant: -offset).isActive = true
Being that the transform solution doesn't work in iOS 11 I decided to write a new approach.
Adjusting the buttons semanticContentAttribute gives us the image nicely to the right without having to relayout if the text changes. Because of this it's the ideal solution. However I still need RTL support. The fact that an app can not change it's layout direction in the same session resolves this issue easily.
With that said, it's pretty straight forward.
extension UIButton {
func alignImageRight() {
if UIApplication.shared.userInterfaceLayoutDirection == .leftToRight {
semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft
else {
semanticContentAttribute = .forceLeftToRight
Swift -Extend the UiButton and put these lines
if let imageWidth = self.imageView?.frame.width {
self.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -imageWidth, 0, imageWidth);
if let titleWidth = self.titleLabel?.frame.width {
let spacing = titleWidth + 20
self.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, spacing, 0, -spacing);
Building on Piotr Tomasik's elegant solution: if you want to have a bit of spacing between the button label and image as well, then include that in your edge insets as follows (copying my code here that works perfectly for me):
CGFloat spacing = 3;
CGFloat insetAmount = 0.5 * spacing;
// First set overall size of the button:
button.contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, insetAmount, 0, insetAmount);
[button sizeToFit];
// Then adjust title and image insets so image is flipped to the right and there is spacing between title and image:
button.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -button.imageView.frame.size.width - insetAmount, 0, button.imageView.frame.size.width + insetAmount);
button.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, button.titleLabel.frame.size.width + insetAmount, 0, -button.titleLabel.frame.size.width - insetAmount);
Thanks Piotr for your solution!
Took #Piotr's answer and made it into a Swift extension. Make sure to set the image and title before calling this, so that the button sizes properly.
extension UIButton {
/// Makes the ``imageView`` appear just to the right of the ``titleLabel``.
func alignImageRight() {
if let titleLabel = self.titleLabel, imageView = self.imageView {
// Force the label and image to resize.
imageView.contentMode = .ScaleAspectFit
// Set the insets so that the title appears to the left and the image appears to the right.
// Make the image appear slightly off the top/bottom edges of the button.
self.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: -1 * imageView.frame.size.width,
bottom: 0, right: imageView.frame.size.width)
self.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 4, left: titleLabel.frame.size.width,
bottom: 4, right: -1 * titleLabel.frame.size.width)
With Xcode 13.3 I solved in the following few steps and as well adding padding to the image.
After creating the button then do this as listed below:
First define the image:
let symbol = UIImage(named: "put name of your symbol here")
Then in viewDidLoad where you created the button, initialise the above defined image in 1, to add the image to the button & set the properties:
button.setImage(symbol, for: .normal)
button.semanticContentAttribute = .forceRightToLeft
button.configuration?.imagePadding = 2
And don't forget to add your button to the view.
Subclassing and over-riding layoutSubviews is probably your best way to go.
Referenced from: iPhone UIButton - image position
A swift option that does what you want without playing with any insets:
class RightImageButton: UIButton {
override func layoutSubviews() {
if let textSize = titleLabel?.intrinsicContentSize(),
imageSize = imageView?.intrinsicContentSize() {
let wholeWidth = textSize.width + K.textImageGap + imageSize.width
titleLabel?.frame = CGRect(
x: round(bounds.width/2 - wholeWidth/2),
y: 0,
width: ceil(textSize.width),
height: bounds.height)
imageView?.frame = CGRect(
x: round(bounds.width/2 + wholeWidth/2 - imageSize.width),
y: RoundRetina(bounds.height/2 - imageSize.height/2),
width: imageSize.width,
height: imageSize.height)
struct K {
static let textImageGap: CGFloat = 5
Solutions mentioned here stopped working, once I enabled Auto Layout. I had to come up with my own:
Subclass UIButton and override layoutSubviews method:
// MIThemeButtonImageAtRight.m
// Created by Lukasz Margielewski on 7/9/13.
#import "MIThemeButtonImageAtRight.h"
static CGRect CGRectByApplyingUIEdgeInsets(CGRect frame, UIEdgeInsets insets);
#implementation MIThemeButtonImageAtRight
- (void)layoutSubviews
[super layoutSubviews];
CGRect contentFrame = CGRectByApplyingUIEdgeInsets(self.bounds, self.contentEdgeInsets);
CGRect frameIcon = self.imageView.frame;
CGRect frameText = self.titleLabel.frame;
frameText.origin.x = CGRectGetMinX(contentFrame) + self.titleEdgeInsets.left;
frameIcon.origin.x = CGRectGetMaxX(contentFrame) - CGRectGetWidth(frameIcon);
self.imageView.frame = frameIcon;
self.titleLabel.frame = frameText;
static CGRect CGRectByApplyingUIEdgeInsets(CGRect frame, UIEdgeInsets insets){
CGRect f = frame;
f.origin.x += insets.left;
f.size.width -= (insets.left + insets.right);
f.origin.y += (insets.top);
f.size.height -= (insets.top + insets.bottom);
return f;
swift 3.0 Migration
solution given by jasongregori
class ButtonIconRight: UIButton {
override func imageRect(forContentRect contentRect: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var imageFrame = super.imageRect(forContentRect: contentRect)
imageFrame.origin.x = super.titleRect(forContentRect: contentRect).maxX - imageFrame.width
return imageFrame
override func titleRect(forContentRect contentRect: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var titleFrame = super.titleRect(forContentRect: contentRect)
if (self.currentImage != nil) {
titleFrame.origin.x = super.imageRect(forContentRect: contentRect).minX
return titleFrame
Xcode 11.4 Swift 5.2
For anyone trying to mirror the Back button style with the chevron like this:
import UIKit
class NextBarButton: UIBarButtonItem {
convenience init(target: Any, selector: Selector) {
// Create UIButton
let button = UIButton(frame: .zero)
// Set Title
button.setTitle("Next", for: .normal)
button.setTitleColor(.systemBlue, for: .normal)
button.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 17)
// Configure Symbol
let config = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(pointSize: 19.0, weight: .semibold, scale: .large)
let image = UIImage(systemName: "chevron.right", withConfiguration: config)
button.setImage(image, for: .normal)
// Add Target
button.addTarget(target, action: selector, for: .touchUpInside)
// Put the Image on the right hand side of the button
// Credit to liau-jian-jie for this part
button.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1.0, y: 1.0)
button.titleLabel?.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1.0, y: 1.0)
button.imageView?.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: -1.0, y: 1.0)
// Customise spacing to match system Back button
button.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0.0, left: -18.0, bottom: 0.0, right: 0.0)
button.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0.0, left: -12.0, bottom: 0.0, right: 0.0)
self.init(customView: button)
override func viewDidLoad() {
let nextButton = NextBarButton(target: self, selector: #selector(nextTapped))
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = nextButton
#objc func nextTapped() {
// your code
Swift 3:
open override func imageRect(forContentRect contentRect: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var frame = super.imageRect(forContentRect: contentRect)
let imageWidth = frame.size.width
var titleRect = CGRect.zero
titleRect.size = self.title(for: self.state)!.size(attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: self.titleLabel!.font])
titleRect.origin.x = (self.frame.size.width - (titleRect.size.width + imageWidth)) / 2.0 + self.titleEdgeInsets.left - self.titleEdgeInsets.right;
frame.origin.x = titleRect.origin.x + titleRect.size.width - self.imageEdgeInsets.right + self.imageEdgeInsets.left;
return frame
open override func titleRect(forContentRect contentRect: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var frame = super.titleRect(forContentRect: contentRect)
if let imageWidth = self.image(for: self.state)?.size.width {
frame.origin.x = (self.frame.size.width - (frame.size.width + imageWidth)) / 2.0 + self.titleEdgeInsets.left - self.titleEdgeInsets.right;
return frame
How about Constraints? Unlike semanticContentAttribute, they don't change semantics. Something like this perhaps:
button.rightAnchorconstraint(equalTo: button.rightAnchor).isActive = true
or in Objective-C:
[button.imageView.rightAnchor constraintEqualToAnchor:button.rightAnchor].isActive = YES;
Caveats: Untested, iOS 9+
After trying multiple solutions from around the internet, I was not achieving the exact requirement. So I ended up writing custom utility code. Posting to help someone in future.
Tested on swift 4.2
// This function should be called in/after viewDidAppear to let view render
func addArrowImageToButton(button: UIButton, arrowImage:UIImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "my_image_name") ) {
let btnSize:CGFloat = 32
let imageView = UIImageView(image: arrowImage)
let btnFrame = button.frame
imageView.frame = CGRect(x: btnFrame.width-btnSize-8, y: btnFrame.height/2 - btnSize/2, width: btnSize, height: btnSize)
//Imageview on Top of View
for this issue you can create UIView inside "label with UIImage view" and set UIView class as a UIControl and create IBAction as tuch up in side
Swift 4 & 5
Change the direction of UIButton image (RTL and LTR)
extension UIButton {
func changeDirection(){
isArabic ? (self.contentHorizontalAlignment = .right) : (self.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left)
// left-right margin
self.imageEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 5, bottom: 0, right: 5)
self.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 0, left: 5, bottom: 0, right: 5)