Disappearing Cursor pointer in input text field of ionic ios app - ios

I am working on ionic application.I have a problem with keyboard in iphone 4s with iOS 9, when I click on any text field the keyboard pops up but, I can't see cursor and what I am typing in the input textbox, it shows nothing when I type, but when I change my focus to another field, the text automatically appears. Anyone has got the same issue? What did you do to rectify it?

First take backup of your project then,
You need to remove all your controllers, texts, buttons,styles from that view, and then add them brick by brick
everytime make build of it and check it, by this way you will get your solution.
for me it was css of h3 tag.
that was hiding text in input.


React Native KeyboardAvoidingView on iOS does not update its position when the view behind gets updated

I'm using the KeyboardAvoidingView in a dynamic form where errors are being displayed or disappear while typing.
On Android, everything works fine and the KeyboardAvoidingView "moves" when an error appears, to always show the keyboard right below the input field.
However on iOS, whenever an error appears at the top of the input, the input gets pushed down, and the keyboard doesn't move. Because of that, the input gets behind the keyboard and can't be seen while the user is typing.
Is there a simple fix for that, or do you necessarily need to play with a useEffect to update the position of the keyboard manually?
I'm also open to any other alternative, if there is!

UITextField Cursor and Keyboard Issue

My app was running fine on ios 8.4, but now after trying it on ios 9 beta, once the app is opened, the cursor on the UITextfield doesn't show up.
The keyboard doesn't come up. Shouldn't it come automatically?
The app works perfectly fine till ios8.4. Can some one help me out?
After one tap gesture on the UITextField, cursor doesn't show up at all.
Also, I tried checking the tintColor property as well as suggested by some users, but it is default blue.
Is there some specific change made in the way keyboard works on ios9?
A Situation - When I click on Login button, Alert message is displayed and then on pressing ok, the keyboard appears with a cursor but I can type only 1 character and suddenly the cursor and keyboard disappears. Then again, click on login, get the error message, cursor is available, type 1 character and cursor and keyboard disappears again.
Why is cursor on visible when tapped on a UITextField. This according to me must be a simple automatic thing. I have used resignFirstResponder and becomeFirstResponder too.
Anything to do with the Views here? For example, super view or something?
Thanks in advance!
Shrikant Kekane
The situation you have described is not happening when I tried the same.
The steps I followed:
Drag and drop one UITextField in Storyboard.
Give it required constraints.
Build & Run.
Keyboard and cursor both work perfectly in iOS9 simulator.

Why a new white area pops up whenever I click on EditText in AVD?

I am developing android applications using Eclipse and I use an AVD to run it. From today whenever I click on any EditText in my app a white area pops up from under the screen with 'CAPS' and 'ALT' in it, and an icon appears at the notification bar.
I don't know why this happens and I don't did any thing to occur like this in my memory. After the appearance of this, am not able to clear characters using Backspace key sometimes(otherwise possible), which was previously possible. To delete a character or word I had to select it by dragging mouse over it and then typing new characters. How this problem can be solved ?
Also I noted that this particular issue is happening only when I click on an EditText using mouse. If I use Tab key to move to next EditText from other this issue is not happening.

iPad text input and text selecting not working properly

This will be difficult to explain so I won't paste any code.
I'm implementing a wysiwyg editor on my site called wysihtml5 and there are several issues when selecting the textarea/editor with the iPad. On a desktop browser, all is fine, the text can be selected, edited, pasted etc. But on the iPad multpiple issues occur:
Can't tap anywhere in the text to move the cursor there
If I manually move the cursor, all of a sudden I can't type anything anymore
Tapping outside of the texteditor doesn't bring the keyboard down
Basically I'm just hoping there's someone who has had similiar experiences with iPad cursor not behaving correctly in text input fields and what possible solutions there might be. I'm stuck and have no idea how to debug this.
Did you use touch event? iOS has a bug: you can't input in editable iframe if you are listening(or had listened) any touch event(touchstart, touchmove...), I tested this bug occurs even you listen other elements but iframe itself. yes, it's a serious bug, you can check out:
wysihtml5 issues98

Corona sdk text input

I have looked at example code that uses the native textField on Android. I would like to be able to type into the text field without having to touch a button to show the text field, and then touch inside the text field to start typing. Is there a way to show the text field and set focus to it, where I can start typing without touching other buttons. I am working on an app and I don't want the users to have to take extra steps to begin typing text. Thanks for any advice.
You can call native.setKeyboardFocus(yourField) to show the keyboard.
