Xcode with swift: Is it possible to show a view controller upon another without resetting the first? - ios

I'm creating a simple game with a pause button. I want to show another view controller with the pause screen without resetting the game view controller when i return. Every thing i have tried, has resulted in the game view controller being reset, when i press the resume button and return to the game.
Does anybody know how i can do this without resetting the game?
It's a sprite kit and swift iOS app in xcode.

You can show a pop-up based view. You can create .xib and design your pause view as you wish. Then you can resume the game without resetting anything.
Sample code:
// Set Pause Page
var pauseView = PauseView.loadFromNib() // need an extension
#IBAction func Pause(sender: UIButton) {
pauseView.btnResume.addTarget(self, action: #selector(resume(_:)), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
// set place on view
func resume(sender:UIButton) {
I created a demo for you:
Full demo available on Github: Get Source Code

Create a variable in your original view controller:
var shouldReset = true
Then, when you perform a segue back, add this in your prepareForSegue:
let vc = destination as! //Your view controller
vc.shouldReset = false
In your viewDidLoad (or wherever you reset your data):
if shouldReset == true {


Ios navigation - custom back button or removing viewcontriller from stack?

I'am new to ios. I have several view controllers and I want back button to get user to level up controller. Example.
But if user comes from gameOver view, back button sent him back to gameOver and I don't want such behavior (I want user to be sent at second level (games level) controller as shown). On android I could set the pop behavior for the navigation actions with mouse very easily.
What is the correct way to do the same in ios? Or I have to create the custom back button and do everything manually?
Using Swift this can be achieved using below code:
func popToViewController(_ specificViewController: Swift.AnyClass) {
let viewControllers = self.navigationController!.viewControllers
for eachViewController in viewControllers {
if eachViewController.isKind(of: specificViewController) {
self.navigationController!.popToViewController(eachViewController, animated: true)

Change View with NavigationViewController

all this is probably a trivial question, but I have not found a solution to it. I am making an app for Iphone using Swift.
I have a tableview with some strings and if I press a button I want to navigate back to the previous view directly. However, the code after my call
is always run, but I want the current activity to stop and go back to the previous view.
The code looks like:
#IBAction func DeletePressed(sender: UIButton) {
let deleteIndices = getIndexToDelete()
print("After navigationController")
for index in deleteIndices{
if (results?.ListResults[yearShownIndex].months[monthShownIndex].day[dayShownIndex].results.count == 0){
if (results?.ListResults[yearShownIndex].months[monthShownIndex].day.count == 0){
if (results?.ListResults[yearShownIndex].months.count == 0){
"After navigationController" is always displayed.
In android you would start a new activity by creating intents to get the desired behaviour, but how does it work on Iphone?
My problem is that I want to be able to go back directly when navigationController.popViewControllerAnimated is called. This is just a toy example to understand how it works so that I can use it in the if-clauses later.
you could simply add a return statement after you pop the viewcontroller:
#IBAction func DeletePressed(sender: UIButton) {
let deleteIndices = getIndexToDelete()
if you don't wants to execute code after "print("After navigationController")" then remove that code
or it is not possible to remove then toggle it when DeletePressed called

iOS - Programatically load view on app didFinishingLaunching

This question is mostly about how I should structure my app. When the app loads the user can select from a list of videos to play, however the actual video player is on a different view controller. At the moment I am just keeping that view controller in memory so that the video can play continuously while the user is navigating throughout the app.
So the problems is that if the user selects a video before loading that movie view controller, nothing will happen of course.
How should I structure my app so that the video can play continuously whether or not the movie player view controller is held in memory? Is this possible?
I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do; but a default project created in XCode will "Programatically load view on app didFinishingLaunching" without any further coding needed.
Generally you should structure your app with an initial view or view controller (like a navigation controller); and start any visible actions in the "viewDidLoad" method of the target view.
In your case, I would recommend loading straight to the video controller first; and then programmatically segueing to the video selector view if no video is selected.
Usually, I create a structure like this in my projects, I think you need to take a special look in OverlayViewController, check out a example:
MainViewController - As rootViewController
|- content (Any view controller to be presented, yes inside MainViewController)
|- OverlayViewController (a view controller over content )
This structure allows you to change contents without change entire hierarchy.
At MainViewController you will need a method to change current content to another, there is a simple example of how can you do that:
// PS I'm not sure if this will work in the first try, I wrote from my mind right now :)
func changeViewController (controller: UIViewController) {
let from: UIViewController
if childViewControllers.count > 0 {
from = childViewControllers.first as! UIViewController
else {
let transitionContext = SomeViewControllerContextTransitioning (
fromViewController: from,
toViewController: controller
transitionContext.onAnimationComplete = { success in
if !success {
// TODO: Error fallback
else {
And finally, in your MainViewController you can observe or control your video playback.
I hope this can help you.

Launch Watch App into middle view

Basically, my app is laid out in the page format and I would like it to launch into the middle of the three pages. There is no way of setting a previous page segue, so I have been trying to do it in code.
I have the main view set to the first view, and I have tried a variety of methods to segue to the middle view as soon as the app is launched.
Here is the two ways I tried:
if segueCheck == true {
self.pushControllerWithName("budget", context: self)
self.presentControllerWithName("budget", context: self)
segueCheck = false
The first presents the view, but as a completely separate view, and the second replaces the first view with the middle view.
Does anyone know how I can launch into the middle view and allow the user to swipe left and right of it?
WKInterfaceController's becomeCurrentPage() should be what you're looking for.
Let's create a new class for the center view controller, CenterPageViewController, and change its initWithContext: method as follows
import WatchKit
class CenterPageViewController: WKInterfaceController {
override init(context: AnyObject?) {
super.init(context: context)
Now let's set the Custom Class for the middle page in your storyboard to CenterPageViewController
and finally hit run.
You won't be able to get rid of the initial transition from the left page to the center page, but the app will finally begin on the middle page.
Update Swift 3.0
class CenterPageViewController: WKInterfaceController {
override init (){
This will works...!!!
The new way to do this in watchOS 4 and higher is:
["Controller1" "Controller2", "Controller3"],
contexts: [context1, context2, context3],
orientation: WKPageOrientation.horizontal,
pageIndex: 1)
Now you don't get the annoying animation when using becomeCurrentPage() when you want to start with the middle page.

Showing keyboard on SKScene and performing action on a sprite node based on key tapped

I am trying to learn SpriteKit and play with some simple sample apps.
Currently I am trying to achieve below things:
Show keyboard over SKScene
If user taps 'A', perform some action on a sprite node, if user taps 'B' perform some other action on other sprite nodes
To achieve 1st requirement I tried below steps:
Step 1: In GameViewController.swift, added a reference to the view.
var keyView: KeyboardDummyView?
Step 2: In viewDidLoad(), created the view, assigned it to the ivar, and added it to the controller's view. Also assigned "self" to a backreference ivar in GameScene.
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let scene = GameScene.unarchiveFromFile("GameScene") as? GameScene {
// So scene can forward touch event back here.
scene.gvc = self
// Other config
keyView = KeyboardDummyView(frame: self.view.frame)
Step 3: Added a function to handle a tap/touch.
func handleTap() {
// Show the keyboard
Step 4: In GameScene.swift added the reference to the controller.
var gvc: GameViewController?
Step 5: In touchesBegan handled tap.
But for some reasons it is not showing the keyboard when screen is tapped :(
Here is the code base: KeyboardOverSKScene
Please suggest if I am doing any thing wrong?
Note: I am trying this in Xcode 6.0.1
