Unity - Updating App on iTunes increased the file size - ios

I am using unity 5.3.4. I uploaded a 48 MB iPA to the App store and it got approved and went live. The size displayed in iTunes when the app went live was around 70 MB. I made a few changes in the game and uploaded a new version of the game. The iPA size this time was 47 MB. Now when the game went live on the AppStore, on an iPhone 5, it shows the game size to be 189MB, on an iPad and in iTunes on my mac, it shows the file size to be 215MB! But when I download it on my mac, it shows the filze size that it is downloading to be 77mb. Why am I able to see these different build sizes in these different places? What is the actual build size that will be downloaded when I download it on a phone or iPad?

Answering my own question, while downloading in TestFlight or iTunes, it shows the space that the app is going to take after installing on the device and not the actual file size being downloaded.


How to reduce my ipa build size?

I have exported IPA build from Xcode 9.1 and my file size is 168 MB.
I have enabled and disabled bit code feature from build options in Xcode 9.1, But there is no change in IPA build file size it remains same as 168 MB. I am weird about this.
I will appreciate if anyone can help with this.
I really don't understand the concept of App Thinning.
I guess code size is your smallest problem, therefor you don't see much of a change. If you want to have a smaller .ipa, you need to reduce your media files.
"App thinning" is something that happens on Apple site: Simply speaking, if a user downloads your app on a say iPhone, apple kicks out all stuff that does not match to your device, e.g. images for different resolutions than your phone. Therefore, your .ipa still contains all the data, but just the download for the end user is smaller.

How to get current sandbox size or app size

I would like to get the total size of my app or the sandbox size. Is there any official way to get this? Thanks.
If you just want to know app size without any kind of coding then there is a way. As Apple applies their own logic to give only supported assets to the device which downloads your app, app size varies between devices.
Follow below steps:
Archive and upload your latest build to AppStore
Login to https://itunesconnect.apple.com
Go to your app's "Activity" tab and wait until its finished "Processing"
Then click on your latest uploaded build number and find App Store File Sizes link
Then you are able to see estimated app size on different devices like below
And if you only want to see app size on particular device then you can see that in TestFlight App, undar App Details menu

Archived IPA size for Appstore is larger then Adhoc

I am developing app in swift 2 in xcode 7.3. I used too small images and project is too short it contains only one framework googleMobileAds.framework. My total size of project folder is only 36MB where 31MB is only for googleMobileAds.framework.
Now I want to publish my app on store. but it creates too large ipa with size 31 MB for app store deployment. When i tried to export ipa for adhoc exported IPA file size with 8MB. I searched a lot on google and i got to know that disabling of BITCODE will help I disabled but nothing worked its still 31 MB for App Store Deployement. please tell me how to reduce app size because app is too small thats why I want to reduce app size.
Thanks in advance. :)
App store distribution submissions are uncompressed (and App Store downloads are less compressible than development ipa files), so this is normal and there is nothing you can do (except remove lots of code or data from your app).

App Store File Size Warning in iTunes Connect

Version 1.0 of my app has finally been completed. It's a simple application with the ability to view multiple leaflets and links to videos from a charity-based organisation. I've uploaded it to iTunes Connect for the final build, but I'm seeing a "App Store File Size Warning" in iTunes Connect.
The app itself contains 220 images (each has an average size of 500 Kb but some much smaller). The idea of the app is to have the charity's leaflets all accessible within the app in an offline state (hence why they're not downloaded from a server somewhere, etc).
The app itself also contains links to the companies videos. So the videos itself are not in the app, but rather links to the videos are populating the app's UITableViewCells.
Reading many questions about App Store size reduction, I have moved 1200 titles and URLs for the videos to text files rather than storing them in code. I have reduced the sizes of the images (they can't be reduced anymore because they will become low resolution). I'm just not too sure what I can do to get to the required limit? Or, could I still submit as it's only a warning and not an error?
For example, I downloaded a game today that was 190Mb. How does that get around this?
The app supports iOS 7, 8 and 9, so I can't use App Thinning just for that. I see some information on this: Max size of an iOS application but it's not new, etc.
Is it possible for me to bypass the warning in iTunes Connect and submit anyway? (I'll submit after the ITC X mas break).
Any thoughts on this would be really appreciated.
That won't cause any issue. If your app is less than 100 MB the warning won't be there. Apple prefers to keep the IPA size below 100 MB for keeping the app mobile data friendly (To download using mobile data).
There are several ways you can reduce the size:
Use App Thinning
Implement an one time download mechanism in your app, through which download the files on first start (I'm doing such a mechanism in 3 of my app, that needs around 300 MB of resource for proper working)
You can read more techniques in Reducing the size of my App

How to reduce the itunes app size?

When submitting an app to Apple, i noticed that even though the App bundle is 60 MB, the actual app that shows up on itunes is 54 MB. However, when making the Ad Hoc build, the ipa is only 30 MB.
My understanding is that this is due to DRM that Apple has: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1795/_index.html
However, is there a better way to bypass this DRM that Apple puts?
Apple just came up with a solution where if you add all your resources (images, videos, etc) to the so called Assets catalog file AND configure each file according to the device type being used THEN you can dramatically reduce app size.
Think about it! You have 3 copies of every image: img.png img#2x.png and img#3x.png
Then why would you need to have the non-retina set of images on a retina device?
And this answers why you see lower app size when you build. xCode does this automatically, but you can fine tune in assets catalog. Here is how:
Oh yeah, not only app size reduces! Apple made seamless integration to make the AppStore downloadable app be smaller. By making a custom build for every kind of device. Just use the Assets :)
