How to create Layout with UIImageView and UICollectionView and collection view changes height on scroll? - ios

I would like to create such a layout where on scroll the imageview hides and collection view takes whole screen. I tried this but it doesnt seem to work. I am getting the image view correctly but the collection view has gone dark completely on run. I have a content view(UIView) and scroll View underneath. Thank you
EDIT 1 :- The Cells are not getting displayed. But the collection view is displayed in the layout. How to solve this?
EDIT 2 :- Instead of using the collection view directly I used a container view and embedded my collection view in it and it Worked! However I am still trying to figure out how do i scroll the container view to top when i scroll, i.e. push the image view on the back of container view while it takes the full height of the screen.

Okay So I figured it out.
Wreck all of the above. (Though the container view solution is pretty good)
Build a collection View controller from scratch having 2 headers, one is the standard and the other one for the image view.
Make your view controller a delegate of the collection view flow layout delegate and implement function for referenceSizeForHeaderInSection
Do not forget to register for the xib yo have created for the image view header by using registerNib forSupplementaryViewOfKind function of collection view object.


How to get contents of container view to scroll in sync with parent tableview in Swift?

I have a table view controller which contains a view and below that, 2 container views. Each container view containing individual tableviews with some data (see diagram).
A segment control is used to switch between which of the container views are visible.
The content within the container views extend beyond the height of the main screen.
Currently the parent tableview controller is scrolling independently to the table views within the container views which is expected.
How can I sync the container views and parent tableview to scroll together?
Current hierarchy is shown in the diagram below:
Current view controller hierarchy
Usually having this kind of UX/UI is not a good idea. I personally hate this UX.
But to answer your question, you could observe for the contentOffset property of both child tableViews using KVO and update the parent tableView's contentOffset accordingly by doing the appropriate calculations.
Btw, you could use a regular UIViewController and UIScrollView as a containerView instead of the UITableViewController
The ideal approach for me is having a SINGLE tableView, and loading all the content dynamically. F.e. you could have the segment control (and all static data) in the tableViewHeaderView, and depending on which tab is selected you could update the content of the tableView accordingly by switching the array of the first tab's datasource to the second tab's, and vice-versa.
Even if the UI of the cells differs for both tabs, you could dequeue two different cells depending on the selected tab.

UITableViewCells are displayed outside of the table view container

I have a view controller which contains a table view controller embedded in a container view:
What you see inside the view controller on the left is a container view that embeds the table view controller through a storyboard segue. And like you see in the image, there is also a constraint that specifies a top space between the container view and the above segmented control.
When I launch the application everything is normal and I can see a separation space between the segmented control and the table view cells. But as I scroll down, as you see in the blow picture the table view cells overlap with the segmented control:
By debugging the view hierarchy I found out that the problem is that the cells are displayed even if they are outside of the container view:
What you see in the above pictures are the table view cells and the container view. I've drawn two red lines, one starting from the container view top and one starting from the top of the first table view cell and like you see the table view cells go beyond the bounds of the container view, which means that they are visible even if they are outside of the table view area. Instead, the container view which embeds the table view is below the segmented control and the separation space imposed by the constraints is respected.
Can you try setup clipsToBounds? It can be help.
tableView.clipsToBounds = true
Must be something to do with how you've laid out your constraints. Hard to tell by the pictures.
I set a height constraint to the view that has the segmented control. And set the vertical spacing between that view and the container view to 0.
I uploaded a demo project here.

UICollectionView Scrolling the ViewController

Im trying to implement a CollectionView inside my viewController.
And it works just fine.
The problem Im having is that the CollectionView scrolls inside the Parent controller.
I wish to make that if you scroll the collection view - the whole view is scrolled and not just the collection view bit.
I tried disabling scrolling on the Collection View but then nothing is scrolling anymore.
So how would I go about setting the collection view, so that once you scroll on it the whole page scrolls and not just the collection view scrolling inside the parent view controller?
It should be simple, and you've done one right thing already.
Disable scrolling of your collectionView (or tableView, in the future just in case you'll use it, they're basically the same).
Add your collectionView (or tableView) inside a scrollView.
That scrollView is of course in your controller's view.
Make sure every constraints are set properly.
You might need to get the size of your collectionView (say height), and set that height value to the constraint height of your collectionView.
These answers of mine in the past should help you:
Voila. The only scrolling enabled is your scrollView that contains your collectionView (or tableView).

Scrolling through Table View with embedded Table View Inside a Container View

This is a tableView. The white sections are the tableview cells. In the footer of tableView, I've added a scrollview with 2 containers views embeded with 2 UIViewControllers. These embeded view controllers contains tableView.
Now I'm having a problem with the scrolling. I'm scrolling the main tableview and as I scroll, I'm changing the height of the table footerview on which the scrollview is added. Now the problem is when I scroll through child view controller, I'm not able to scroll to the top of my main tableView. How should I do it? Is there is demo github project which I can refer to any code?
This is how my storyboard looks like:
I want to implement something like Facebook has implemented. I think they are using tableview with page view controller. How can I achieve this?

Embedding a UIContainerView as a portion of screen in a UIViewController

I have a screen in my storyboard where I would like to embed a container view into a portion of the screen. I can't figure out if I should add a new containerview or view from the object library and then drag in a collection view controller or collection view (or tackle it a different way?). I've tried all combinations but just end up with the embedded view being shown black even if I drag collection view cells and set a background colour to test it. Once I can get this working I plan to populate the cells from an external database.
Any suggestions please? I'm doing this using storyboard as far as possible.
Thank you.
After you drag a container view into your view, you automatically get an embedded view controller, whose size is matched to the container view's size. You should delete that controller, and drag in a UICollectionViewController. Control drag from the container view to this controller and choose embed when you let go -- this will resize the collection view controller. You can give the collection view a background color, so you will see where it is, but giving the cells a background color won't show up until you implement the methods in the controller to populate those cells.
