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Use of function in Guard not allowed. Suggestions for alternate implementation wanted
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I was trying to write my own filter function and ran into an error. The code:
filter_acc(_, [], Result) -> Result;
filter_acc(F, [H|T], Result) when F(H) =:= true -> filter_acc(F, T, [H | Result]).
filter(F, L) -> filter_acc(F, L, []).
The error:
my_functions.erl:11: illegal guard expression
Can functions not be evaluated as part of guard expressions? If not, how is this to be done?
You can achieve it like this (only with function clause, no need of guards) but I am afraid it has few interest.
1> FA = fun FA(_,[H],true,R) -> [H|R];
1> FA(_,[_],_,R) -> R;
1> FA(F,[H1,H2|T],true,R) -> FA(F,[H2|T],F(H2),[H1|R]);
1> FA(F,[_,H2|T],_,R) -> FA(F,[H2|T],F(H2),R) end.
2> Filter = fun(_,[]) -> []; (F,L= [H|_]) -> FA(F,L,F(H),[]) end.
3> Filter(fun(X) -> X > 4 end,[1,2,5,hello,"Joe"]).
-export([process_csv/1, is_numeric/1, parseALine/2, parse/1, expandT/1, expandT/2,
parseALine(false, T) ->
parseALine(true, T) ->
parse([Name, Colour, Distance, Angle, AngleVelocity, Radius, "1" | T]) ->
T;%Where T is a list of names of other objects in the solar system
parse([Name, Colour, Distance, Angle, AngleVelocity, Radius | T]) ->
parseNames([H | T]) ->
expandT(T) ->
expandT([], Sep) ->
expandT([H | T], Sep) ->
is_numeric(L) ->
S = trim(L, ""),
Float = (catch erlang:list_to_float(S)),
Int = (catch erlang:list_to_integer(S)),
is_number(Float) orelse is_number(Int).
trim(A) ->
trim([], A) ->
trim([32 | T], A) ->
trim(T, A);
trim([H | T], A) ->
trim(T, A ++ [H]).
process_csv(L) ->
X = parse(L),
The problem is that it will calls process_csv/1 function in my module in a main, L will be a file like this:
[["name "," col"," dist"," a"," angv"," r "," ..."],["apollo11 ","white"," 0.1"," 0"," 77760"," 0.15"]]
Or like this:
["planets ","earth","venus "]
Or like this:
I need to display it as follows:
apollo11 =["white", 0.1, 0, 77760, 0.15,[]];
Planets =[earth,venus]
My problem is that no matter how I make changes, it can only show a part, and there are no symbols. The list cannot be divided, so I can't find a way.
In addition, because Erlang is a niche programming language, I can't even find examples online.
So, can anyone help me? Thank you, very much.
In addition, I am restricted from using recursion.
I think the first problem is that it is hard to link what you are trying to achieve with what your code says thus far. Therefore, this feedback maybe is not exactly what you are looking for, but might give some ideas. Let's structure the problem into the common elements: (1) input, (2) process, and (3) output.
You mentioned that L will be a file, but I assume it is a line in a file, where each line can be one of the 3 (three) samples. In this regard, the samples also do not have consistent pattern.For this, we can build a function to convert each line of the file into Erlang term and pass the result to the next step.
The question also do not mention the specific logic in parsing/processing the input. You also seem to care about the data type so we will convert and display the result accordingly. Erlang as a functional language will naturally be handling list, so on most cases we will need to use functions on lists module
You didn't specifically mention where you want to display the result (an output file, screen/erlang shell, etc), so let's assume you just want to display it in the standard output/erlang shell.
Sample file content test1.txt (please note the dot at the end of each line)
[["name "," col"," dist"," a"," angv"," r "],["apollo11 ","white","0.1"," 0"," 77760"," 0.15"]].
["planets ","earth","venus "].
Howto run: solarSystem:process_file("/Users/macbook/Documents/test1.txt").
Sample Result:
(dev01#Macbooks-MacBook-Pro-3)3> solarSystem:process_file("/Users/macbook/Documents/test1.txt").
apollo11 = ["white",0.1,0,77760,0.15]
planets = ["earth","venus"]
a = ["b"]
Done processing 3 line(s)
Module code:
%%This is the main function, input is file full path
%%Howto call: solarSystem:process_file("file_full_path").
process_file(Filename) ->
%%Use file:consult to convert the file content into erlang terms
%%File content is a dot (".") separated line
{StatusOpen, Result} = file:consult(Filename),
case StatusOpen of
ok ->
%%Result is a list and therefore each element must be handled using lists function
Ctr = lists:foldl(fun process_line/2, 0, Result),
io:format("Done processing ~p line(s) ~n", [Ctr]);
_ -> %%This is for the case where file not available
io:format("Error converting file ~p due to '~p' ~n", [Filename, Result])
process_line(Term, CtrIn) ->
%%Assume there are few possibilities of element. There are so many ways to process the data as long as the input pattern is clear.
%%We basically need to identify all possibilities and handle them accordingly.
%%Of course there are smarter (dynamic) ways to handle them, but below may give you some ideas.
case Term of
%%1. This is to handle this pattern -> [["name "," col"," dist"," a"," angv"," r "],["apollo11 ","white"," 0.1"," 0"," 77760"," 0.15"]]
[[_, _, _, _, _, _], [Name | OtherParams]] ->
%%At this point, Name = "apollo11", OtherParamsList = ["white"," 0.1"," 0"," 77760"," 0.15"]
OtherParamsFmt = lists:map(fun format_item/1, OtherParams),
%%Display the result to standard output
io:format("~s = ~p ~n", [string:trim(Name), OtherParamsFmt]);
%%2. This is to handle this pattern -> ["planets ","earth","venus "]
[Name | OtherParams] ->
%%At this point, Name = "planets ", OtherParamsList = ["earth","venus "]
OtherParamsFmt = lists:map(fun format_item/1, OtherParams),
%%Display the result to standard output
io:format("~s = ~p ~n", [string:trim(Name), OtherParamsFmt]);
%%3. Other cases
_ ->
%%Display the warning to standard output
io:format("Unknown pattern ~p ~n", [Term])
CtrIn + 1.
%%This is to format the string accordingly
format_item(Str) ->
StrTrim = string:trim(Str), %%first, trim it
format_as_needed(Str) ->
Float = (catch erlang:list_to_float(Str)),
case Float of
{'EXIT', _} -> %%It is not a float -> check if it is an integer
Int = (catch erlang:list_to_integer(Str)),
case Int of
{'EXIT', _} -> %%It is not an integer -> return as is (string)
_ -> %%It is an int
_ -> %%It is a float
When executing an implementation of the Tarry distributed algorithm, a problem occurs that I don't know how to address: a crash containing the error {undef,[{rand,uniform,[2],[]}. My module is below:
%% Tarry's Algorithm with depth-first version
start() ->
Out = get_lines([]),
Nodes = createNodes(tl(Out)),
Initial = lists:keyfind(hd(Out), 1, Nodes),
InitialPid = element(2, Initial),
InitialPid ! {{"main", self()}, []},
{_, List} ->
Names = lists:map(fun(X) -> element(1, X) end, List),
String = lists:join(" ", lists:reverse(Names)),
io:format("~s~n", [String])
get_lines(Lines) ->
case io:get_line("") of
%% End of file, reverse the input for correct order
eof -> lists:reverse(Lines);
Line ->
%% Split each line on spaces and new lines
Nodes = string:tokens(Line, " \n"),
%% Check next line and add nodes to the result
get_lines([Nodes | Lines])
%% Create Nodes
createNodes(List) ->
NodeNames = [[lists:nth(1, Node)] || Node <- List],
Neighbours = [tl(SubList) || SubList <- List],
Pids = [spawn(assign2_ex, midFunction, [Name]) || Name <-NodeNames],
NodeIDs = lists:zip(NodeNames, Pids),
NeighbourIDs = [getNeighbours(N, NodeIDs) || N <- lists:zip(NodeIDs, Neighbours)],
[Pid ! NeighbourPids || {{_, Pid}, NeighbourPids} <- NeighbourIDs],
getNeighbours({{Name, PID}, NeighboursForOne}, NodeIDs) ->
FuncMap = fun(Node) -> lists:keyfind([Node], 1, NodeIDs) end,
{{Name, PID}, lists:map(FuncMap, NeighboursForOne)}.
midFunction(Node) ->
Neighbours -> tarry_depth(Node, Neighbours, [])
%% Tarry's Algorithm with depth-first version
%% Doesn't visit the nodes which have been visited
tarry_depth(Name, Neighbours, OldParent) ->
{Sender, Visited} ->
Parent = case OldParent of [] -> [Sender]; _ -> OldParent end,
Unvisited = lists:subtract(Neighbours, Visited),
Next = case Unvisited of
[] -> hd(Parent);
_ -> lists:nth(rand:uniform(length(Unvisited)), Unvisited)
Self = {Name, self()},
element(2, Next) ! {Self, [Self | Visited]},
tarry_depth(Name, Neighbours, Parent)
An undef error means that the program tried to call an undefined function. There are three reasons that this can happen for:
There is no module with that name (in this case rand), or it cannot be found and loaded for some reason
The module doesn't define a function with that name and arity. In this case, the function in question is uniform with one argument. (Note that in Erlang, functions with the same name but different numbers of arguments are considered separate functions.)
There is such a function, but it isn't exported.
You can check the first by typing l(rand). in an Erlang shell, and the second and third by running rand:module_info(exports)..
In this case, I suspect that the problem is that you're using an old version of Erlang/OTP. As noted in the documentation, the rand module was introduced in release 18.0.
Will be good if you provide the version of Erlang/OTP you are using for future questions as Erlang has changed a lot over the years. As far as i know there is no rand:uniform with arity 2 at least in recent Erlang versions and that is what you are getting the undef error, for that case you could use crypto:rand_uniform/2 like crypto:rand_uniform(Low, High). Hope this helps :)
Using Erlang, I have the following expression:
and I am using lists:keymember to see whether the letter b is within the expression as such:
However, it doesn't look within the third tuple '{mul,{num,2},{var,b}' as that is a separate tuple. Is there a function that will search through the whole tuple and tuples within?
As far I as I know there are no such functions. Probably you will have to implement some custom solution using recursion. Here is my example:
find(_, []) -> false;
find(E, T) when is_tuple(T) ->
find(E, tuple_to_list(T));
find(E, [H|T]) ->
case find(E, H) of
false -> find(E, T);
true -> true
find(V, E) -> V == E.
And usage:
1> test:find(b, {add,{var,a},{mul,{num,2},{var,b}}}).
2> test:find(b, {add,{var,a},{mul,{num,2},{var,c}}}).
Please review your code.
Line1: this is a tree, not a list.
Line2: expr is not a variable.
What you want to do is a visitor function, and you'll have to write it yourself.
A very good start would be to read this.
Is there a better way to implement Racket's ormap in Erlang than:
ormap(_, []) -> false;
ormap(Pred, [H|T]) ->
case Pred(H) of
false -> ormap(Pred, T);
_ -> {ok, Pred(H)}
Looks pretty good to me. I'm not sure how smart Erlang is about optimizing these things, but you might want to actually bind the non-false pattern match to a variable, and avoid recomputing Pred(H).
ormap(_, []) -> false;
ormap(Pred, [H|T]) ->
case Pred(H) of
false -> ormap(Pred, T);
V -> {ok, V}
The Racket version doesn't include the ok symbol, but that seems like the Erlangy thing to do so I don't see anything wrong with it. You might similarly expect Pred to return an attached ok symbol for the non-false case, in which case:
V -> V
{ok, V} -> {ok, V}
should work.
I want to know if a list contains any value more than once. Here's what I have.
has_dupes(List) ->
has_dupes(List, []).
has_dupes([Item|List], Seen) ->
case lists:filter(fun(Elem) -> Elem == Item end, Seen) of
[] ->
has_dupes(List, [Item|Seen]);
_ ->
has_dupes([], _Seen) ->
Is there a simpler/more concise/more idiomatic way to do this? I'm pretty new at the Erlang.
erlang:length(List) == sets:size(sets:from_list(List)).
What about this possible solution?
has_dupes([H|T]) ->
case lists:member(H, T) of
true -> true;
false -> has_dupes(T)
has_dupes([]) -> false.
Had a 2 million element list of binaries to check. Ran these two versions for speed. usort appears to win, 6 seconds vs 316 seconds.
14> timer:tc(fun() -> erlang:length(X) == erlang:length(lists:usort(X)) end).
15> timer:tc(fun() -> erlang:length(X) == sets:size(sets:from_list(X)) end).