Mongodb - search without key - ruby-on-rails

I'd like to search documents in collection only by value. Let's say my collection contains documents like below:
"_id": "57a443c74d854d192afcc451",
"somekey": "123",
"otherkey": "zxc"
"_id": "57a443ca4d854d192afcc452",
"key": "123",
"otherkey": "123zxcvbnm"
and now I want to get all documents where value of any key contains 123.
I tried to do something like (written in Ruby and using mongoid):
new_search_query = { /.*/ => /#{v}/ }
but it looks like it is not suported becuase I get:
BSON::InvalidKey (Regexp instances are not allowed as keys in a BSON document.):
Is there any other manner or some workaround to do it?

Try full_text_search of mongoid for rails app.


Elasticsearch saves document as string of array, not array of strings

I am trying to contain array as a document value.
I succeed it in "tags" field as below;
This document contains array of strings.
curl -XGET localhost:9200/MY_INDEX/_doc/132328908
#=> {
"_source": {
"tags": ["food"]
However, when I am putting items in the same way as above,
the document is SOMETIMES like that;
curl -XGET localhost:9200/MY_INDEX/_doc/328098989
#=> {
"_source": {
"tags": "[\"food\"]"
This is string of array, not array of strings, which I expected.
"tags": "[\"food\"]"
It seems that this situation happens randomly and I could not predict it.
How could it happen?
・I use elasticsearch-ruby client to index a document.
This is my actual code;
es_client = url: MY_ENDPOINT
index: MY_INDEX,
id: random_id, # defined elsewhere
body: {
doc: {
"tags": ["food"]
Thank you in advance.

JMESPath to extract key where values match

Given source which looks like:
"Name": "sandbox-config",
"VersionList": {
"version-2": [ "STAGING" ],
"version-1": [ "CURRENT", "NEXT" ],
"version-0": [ "ANCIENT" ]
I'm looking for a jmespath query which would give me:
"Name": "sandbox-config",
"Version": "version-1"
where version-1 is the first key where the value array contains "CURRENT".
So, a query like,
{ Name:Name, Version:VersionList.*[?#==`CURRENT`] | [] | [0]}
gives me:
"Name": "sandbox-config",
"Version": "CURRENT"
which isn't what I'm after. Similarly:
{Name:Name, Version:VersionList.keys(#)}
which gives me:
"Name": "sandbox-config",
"Version": [
Any suggestions? I feel like I'm circling around a solution and not quite getting there.
(Context for this: I'm trying to process the output of aws secretsmanager list-secrets, which has SecretVersionsToStages with ARN values as keys with an array containing "AWSCURRENT".)
if you want just get the version number for one secret with stage [AWSCURRENT], I recommend you use describe secret rather than list secret.
And one thing I need to call out is that SecretVersionsToStages with versoin number as keys with an array containing "AWSCURRENT".

RoR - Find if part of a string matches an array of hashes

I know there are a lot of similar questions but I am struggling to find a specific answer.
i have an array of hashes with key of Symbol and a value of Price, I am looking to filter the array to only include the hashes that have a Symbol that ends in the letters ETL
Data looks like:
[ [
"symbol": "ABCDEF",
"price": "4"
"symbol": "GHIETL",
"price": "5"
You can use something like this: { |hash| hash[:symbol].end_with? "ETL" }
From the Ruby docs for select:
Returns an array containing all elements of enum for which the given block returns a true value.
You can also provide multiple suffixes to end_with? if you need to filter by multiple suffixes. For example: { |hash| hash[:symbol].end_with? "ETL", "DEF" }

elasticsearch mongoid filter on has_many ids

I'm using ES 1.4, Rails 5, and Mongoid 6. I'm also the mongoid-elasticsearch gem, which I don't think is relevant, but including it in case I'm wrong.
I have a Case model. When I run this query, everything works great, here's the query:
GET _search
Here's a result, notice the organization_id:
hits": [
"_index": "cases",
"_type": "case",
"_id": "57d5e583a46100386987d7f4",
"_score": 0.13424811,
"_source": {
"basic info": {
"first name": "Joe",
"last name": "Smith",
"narrative": "behemoth"
"organization_id": {
"$oid": "57d4bc2fa461003841507f83"
"case_type_id": {
"$oid": "57d4bc7aa461002854f88441"
See how there's that "$oid" for organzation id? That's because in my as_indexed_json method for Case, I have:
["organization_id"] =
I think that the filter doesn't work b/c Mongoid somehow adds that subkey $oid. So my next thought was, I'll just make it a string:
["organization_id"] =
But that throws an error:
{"error":"MapperParsingException[object mapping for [case] tried to parse as object, but got EOF, has a concrete value been provided to it?]","status":400}
Anyone have any idea how to A) either use a mongo id as a filter, or B) get ES the info it needs so it doesn't complain as above?
Thanks for any help,
Turns out that this is because there was already an existing index. When I nuked the index and re-indexed the data, this works fine (really bad error syntax with ES).

Rails PSQL query JSON for nested array and objects

So I have a json (in text field) and I'm using postgresql and I need to query the field but it's nested a bit deep. Here's the format:
"name":"First Things",
"name":"Foo Bar Item 1",
"name":"Foo Item 2",
"name":"Second Things",
"items": [
"name":"Bar Item 3",
And I need to query the name INSIDE the items node. I have tried some queries but to no avail, like:
.where('this_json::JSON #> [{"items": [{"name": ?}]}]', "%#{name}%"). How should I go about here?
I can query normal JSON format like this_json::JSON -> 'key' = ? but need help with this bit.
Here you need to use json_array_elements() twice, as your top level document contains array of json, than items key has array of sub documents. Sample psql query may be the following:
item->>'name' AS item_name,
item->>'price' AS item_price
json_array_elements(t.v) js_val,
json_array_elements(js_val->'items') item;
where t - is the name of your table, v - name of your JSON column.
