API-only doesn't load JS/CSS assets properly? - ruby-on-rails

I created an app using api-only flag, and I ran into a problem.
I wanted to install a gem that includes a mountable engine, in which there are JS/CSS assets. When I mounted the engine, I got an error complaining that the JS/CSS files don't exist.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
if Rails.env.development?
mount SomeGem::Rails::Engine, at: "/some-gem"
When I tried the same on a new app without the api-only flag, it worked great without any hassle. So I am assuming that the api-only flag is affecting the bundle process (maybe excluding all JS and CSS assets?) but I can't find the relevant information in the doc.
What am I missing?

Well I haven't tried Rails 5 yet but, my general understanding is that API only will allow developers write business logic and won't work well with the view layer. Hence, I think you have chosen the wrong development mode. I suggest if you need to do view related development then, you should remove the flag and try to use it.


getting around the Gem::Package::TooLongFileName issue

I am trying to package a rails app as a gem. Part of what I want to put into the gem are the precompiled assets (so the user doesn't have to bother with that). However, gem build <my_gemspec> chokes on the super long file names of the digested precompiled files in public/assets. Anyone else been through this?
One other note: this isn't a gem that would be used by another application. Rather its a packaging of a standalone rails app. The gem makes it easier for people to use it by simply calling its executable to run.
I got around this problem by doing:
config.assets.configure do |env|
env.digest_class = Digest::MD5
which shortened the asset names enough while still maintaining a digest

How to tell Rails to not clean some assets in the public folder

The issue here is that I have Bootstrap on production looking for the fonts at:
When in development mode, it looks for these assets in:
So what I did was I added the fonts folder into public and it all worked. I did the same for production. You can guess that I'm now dealing with a rails assets:clean issue that must be running and removing the files, hence not allowing them to appear.
Is there a way to tell Rails to not clean the files in assets/spree/fonts?
I'm assuming you installed the bootstrap files manually?
If you instead use a gem such as the following, then you won't have to worry about these issues:
gem "bootstrap-sass"
Alternatively, you should be installing everything into your vendor directory. As you've found you'll then have issues with any linked assets within these files. The correct fix for this would be to edit the bootstrap source to use the correct asset_path helpers.
Obviously that's quite a bit of maintenance overhead when you get round to doing the next bootstrap update.
I'd take a look at the bootstrap-sass gem, even if you decide not to use it.

Rails 3.2 Deploy to Subdirectory Kind of Working

I am trying to deploy my Rails 3.2 app to a subdirectory, /support, on an Apache server. Consulting the various posts, the only solutions that seem to have helped involve setting up a symbolic link on the server and changing css image references slightly (two dots '..' required before /assets in the css url references--I can't seem to find the post on that one now). I am getting success in deployment to production with Capistrano, but then strangely after awhile something changes, the /support reference breaks and the stylesheets don't load. Any suggestions?
oh no, please don't deploy rails as sub-uri in that way, you are making yourself in trouble.
So far as I see, ( according to this post: http://kb.site5.com/ruby-on-rails/how-to-deploy-a-rails-3-application-to-a-sub-directory/ ) you created soft links, modified your routes.rb, and changed RAILS.root in environment.rb, and also changed your assets files... all of these make your rails app messed up.
I suggest you use 'passenger' as rails server and checkout this post: http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Nginx.html#deploying_rack_to_sub_uri, it's quite easier and simplier

Rails gem with CSS and javascript

I've got a simple rails gem (created using bundler) and I'd like to extend it by adding some CSS and javascript functionality. However, I'm unsure how to go about this and where to add the files. In particular, I need need more information on how it all fits together with the asset pipeline once it gets included in another project.
Can anyone give me the lowdown on how this works and either provide some simple examples or link to a tutorial? Literally 1 css and 1 js file is all I'm looking to include. Thanks.
You could write the gem as an engine. This allows you to have an app folder in the gem just as any Rails application would have. You can add models, views, controllers, assets etc.
Once you have it set up it's quite intuitive and it's a familiar way to create a gem if you're used to creating Rails apps.
This should get you started:

Rails 3.1 Mountable Engines : Assets (Images) not copied to the host application?

I have an engine that I created which have images in it (in the assets folder). When I'm testing it in the /test/dummy app, images shows, no problem.
But, when I use my mountable engine in another app, images are not copied to the assets of the host application. Everything works fine, except for this.
I'm pretty sure I'm missing a configuration that says to look for assets in the engine folder, or something like this. But I was not able to find the answer yet.
Any idea?
If you put your engine image in YOUR_ENGINE/app/assets/images/YOUR_ENGINE/IMAGE_NAME (afaik default convention), you can access it from main application by specifying name with engine name in helper image_path("YOUR_ENGINE/IMAGE_NAME") without any additional configuration.
Solved this issue.
It was as simple as do :
rake assets:precompile
That's it.
