I have followed this post on how to setup the motion-mmal for the raspberry pi 3. But when I tried to stream it what I only get are blue and black pixels. Blue when an object moves and black when stationary.
my research pays off.
The blue and black colors shows when you use "setup_mode on" on the conf file
Currently, I am doing Image COLOUR filtering operation second MEDIAN filtering then CANNY EDGE DETECTION ALGORITHM.
Then, I read pixels using for loop and I draw lines using pixel, but I do not getting proper result for palm scanning and showing lines on human Palm.
So if anybody has any types of idea regarding this then please let me know.
Currently i am getting this type of result:
but I need this type of output:
Oh I got your problem, You can do this by following steps.
1.process your hand image with canny edge detection algo lets name that cannyImage.
2.now create the bitmap of cannyImage and remove black pixels from the image and replace them with transparent pixels, black only because canny image will be filled with black color and objects lines in white when you process the image through the algo, now you have extracted the image with palm lines white in color, lets name that palmLineImage.
3.now the main part is MASKING you need to mask the palmLineImage on the original image.
These three steps will give you your desire O/P.
Tools you can use GPUImage awsesome library by BradLarson for this https://github.com/BradLarson/GPUImage2
For refining the palm image from background which I'm sure you have to use in future you can use GrabCut algo
LINK - https://github.com/naver/grabcutios
and now the apple has launched Photos captured in Portrait Mode on iOS 12 contain an embedded person segmentation matte that made it easy to create creative visual effects like background replacement.
Links - https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/260/ , https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/225/
Looks like you need to use something like the douglas peucker algorithm - to simplify the number of data points and smooth the lines. link - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer%E2%80%93Douglas%E2%80%93Peucker_algorithm
I am struggling with the fuzzy selection tool in gimp - try to make the dark part in the picture black while retaining the dark parts below the light border - any advice how to achieve that?
Not with the fuzzy selection or the color selection :)
Very often the best way is to use the image itself (or a copy). If I understand you, you want to select the top dark part (which is many shades of grey), but not the bottom one. In practice we want an image where the selected parts are white and the un-selected are black, so
duplicate the layer
Color>Desaturate (if the image has colors)
Filters>Blur>Gaussian blur (around 12px in the image you show). In Gimp 2.10, the median blur can also give interesting results)
Use Threshold to make the white very white and the black very. Use the threshold value that keeps a continuous black line across the picture
Bucket fill the lower white part with black (in Gimp 2.10.10 you can use the new Fill by line art detection option of the bucket
Open the Channels list, right click on any f the R, G or B channels and Channel to selection.
Back to the Layers list, hide or delete the work layer, and select the initial layer to continue.
Using the selection with the Curves tool to set the black and white points on the top part:
So I'm trying to program a calculator in Electron and was pretty happy as I saw, I can do transparent windows and so do rounded corners like you see here:
but as soon as I focus some other window the upper "rounded" corner turn to this:
IMPORTANT: No the yellow on the pics is not gonna stay :P
Already thanking,
I want something like this:
There are three layers of view, first is the background.
Then there is an alpha layer,
and another alpha layer contains "SAVE LOAD"
My question is how to set the alpha value and background color for the top 2 views so that it can display this desired layering. Many thanks!
From my point of view, it looks like
50% alpha on black
100% alpha on dark green
Yet, your designer might be a better fit to ask.
You might have to play with the alpha on the black a little to get a good match without detailed information from your designer. As to the dark green, I cannot see any transparency, so I'd just go for opague to keep the alpha parts low for the graphics engine.
Now I am doing a project about image processing. I want to check if there is any white grease on the
surface of a white part.
My method is to capture the image of part containing white grease and then process the image
to check if there is any white grease.
The problem is that the color of part and grease are almost the same (about 99%).
Therefore, I can't separate them and can't detect the grease.
Could you suggest me some ways/methods to check the white grease on the white part?
Maybe something like what kind of light, how to set up light, etc...