Im using cocoon to attach files. I need to be able to remove file when editing a question. Im stuck on getting the exact file name to remove when rendering edit
=form_for #question, remote: true do |f|
= f.label :title, class: 'label_hidden'
= f.text_field :title
= f.label :body, class: 'label_hidden'
= f.text_area :body
= f.fields_for :attachments do |f|
= link_to_remove_association "remove #{ NAME HERE }", f
= f.submit 'Update'
Case is closed ))
=form_for #question, remote: true do |f|
= f.label :title, class: 'label_hidden'
= f.text_field :title
= f.label :body, class: 'label_hidden'
= f.text_area :body
- #question.attachments.each do |att|
= f.fields_for att do |f|
= link_to_remove_association "remove #{ att.file.filename }", f
= f.submit 'Update'
I try to add multipart upload for Carrierwave in my form, but I have two controllers(admin_posts and posts) in one model(post).So I do not understand how to specify this
= form_for [:admin, #post] do |f|
= f.fields_for :photos do |photo_fields|
= photo_fields.file_field :image
= f.text_field :title, class: "form-control", placeholder: "Title"
= f.text_area :body, rows: 12, class: "form-control", placeholder: "Body"
= f.submit "Send", class: "btn btn-success"
how fix?
sorry for my English
Try this
= form_for [:admin, #post], url: your_action_path(#post), html: { multipart: true } do |f|
I have a column that stores JSON data. I don't know how to show it when it is on Edit state.
serialize :value, JSON
= f.fields_for :value do |ff|
= ff.label :short
= ff.text_field :short, class: 'form-control'
= ff.label :long
= ff.text_field :long, class: 'form-control'
In place of
= f.fields_for :value do |ff|
please use the following code:
= f.fields_for :value, do |ff|
You will need to replace #object with your model object.
Hi I'm really new to Rails, and Haml of course and I've been trying to figure this out for couple days already.
when rendering pages with this partial I get error:
app/views/todos/_form.html.haml:19: syntax error,unexpected keyword_end, expecting $end
(Please excuse my indentation errors, I didn't have an option to copy and paste)
_form.html.haml contents:
1 = form_tag :todo do |f|
2 %br
3 = f.label :done
4 = f.check_box :done
5 = f.label :title
6 = f.text_field :title
7 %br
8 = f.label :urgent
9 = f.check_box :urgent
10 %br
11 = f.label :important
12 = f.check_box :important
13 %br
14 = f.label :description
15 %br
16 = f.text_area :description
17 %br
18 = f.submit "Save"
In HAML, you cannot have any direct sub elements to a = unless it's a block. As an = is ruby code and not part of the html template as such.
If you want sub elements to a = thay will need to passed to a ruby block like the = form_tag do |f| does.
So it's your check_box's that are causing this error.
In this example I would move both the form helpers to a single line like this:
= form_tag :todo do |f|
= f.label :done, f.check_box(:done)
= f.label :title
= f.text_field :title
= f.label :urgent, f.check_box(:urgent)
= f.label :important, f.check_box(:important)
= f.label :description
= f.text_area :description
= f.submit "Save"
You could also tell the label helper to accept a block by adding do at the end of the method call:
= form_tag :todo do |f|
= f.label :done do
= f.check_box(:done)
Or even use an haml element instead of the rails form helper to make the label:
= form_tag :todo do |f|
%label{:for => 'done'}
= f.check_box :done
Your indentations and nesting aren't consistent. I usually go with 2 spaces.
= form_tag :todo do |f|
= f.label :done
= f.check_box :done
= f.label :title
= f.text_field :title
= f.label :urgent
= f.check_box :urgent
= f.label :important
= f.check_box :important
= f.label :description
= f.text_area :description
= f.submit "Save"
This converts nicely to erb:
<%= form_tag :todo do |f| %>
<%= f.label :done %>
<%= f.check_box :done %>
<%= f.label :title %>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<%= f.label :urgent %>
<%= f.check_box :urgent %>
<%= f.label :important %>
<%= f.check_box :important %>
<%= f.label :description %>
<% end %>
app/views/users/_form.html.haml, line 10
= form_for #user do |f|
- if #user.errors.any?
%h2= "#{pluralize(#user.errors.count, "error")} prohibido que este usuario se guarde:"
- #user.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
%li= msg
= f.label 'Usuario'
= f.text_field :username
= f.label :email
= f.text_field :email
= f.label 'Teléfono'
= f.phone_field :phone
= f.label 'Contraseña'
= f.password_field :password
= f.label 'Reingresar Contraseña'
= f.password_field :password_confirmation
//= f.label 'Permisos'
- for role in Role.find(:all)
= check_box_tag "user[role_ids][]",, #user.roles.include?(role)
= f.submit 'Guardar',:class => 'btn btn-primary'
Error seems to be in the = f.label I've deleted all the = f.label and no errors were thrown, also changed = f.label 'Usuario' for = f.label :username with no luck.
Error Message:
ArgumentError in Users#new
Showing C:/Sites/AutosCostaRica/app/views/users/_form.html.haml where line #10 raised:
syntax error in "<reader>", line 3, column 18:
next_label: >>
I just found out that it works perfect on Ruby 1.8, but I waned to be 1.9.
Any ideas?
When I copied _form.haml partial to _edit_form.haml partial and replaced "_form", with "_edit_form" in my edit.haml I got strange error (maybe it is not strange, I just cant understand the reason).
wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
Extracted source (around line #1):
1: = form.label :email
2: %br
3: = form.text_field :email
4: %br
.../app/views/users/_edit_form.haml:1:in `form'
.../app/views/users/_edit_form.haml:1:in `_run_haml_app47views47users47_edit_form46haml_locals_edit_form_object'
.../app/views/users/edit.haml:5:in `_run_haml_app47views47users47edit46haml'
.../app/views/users/edit.haml:3:in `_run_haml_app47views47users47edit46haml'
Here is edit.haml:
%h1 Edit My Account
- form_for #user, :url => account_path do |f|
= f.error_messages
= render :partial => "edit_form", :object => f
= f.submit "Update"
= link_to "My Profile", account_path
...and edit_form.haml
= form.label :email
= form.text_field :email
= form.label :old_password, "Old password"
= form.password_field :old_password
= form.label :password, "Change password"
= form.password_field :password
= form.label :password_confirmation
= form.password_field :password_confirmation
I can't understand where is the problem. Because it worked nicely with _form.haml
diff _form.haml _edit_form.haml
< = form.label :login
> = form.label :email
< = form.text_field :login
> = form.text_field :email
< = form.label :email
> = form.label :old_password, "Old password"
< = form.text_field :email
> = form.password_field :old_password
< = form.label :password, form.object.new_record? ? nil : "Change password"
> = form.label :password, "Change password"
The :object is implicitly exposed in the partial as the name of the partial. Change form to edit_form in _edit_form.haml and it should work.