In the Rails views, I regularly find lines like:
<%= my_var %>
What if I had a slightly more complex situation and I needed to trigger the printing with plain code instead of <%= %>?
<% .....
puts my_var
I guess is a silly question but bear with me, I'm a ruby beginner.
Look at documentation of ERB
In <% %> you put expressions that are not for printing out.
In <%= %> you put code for printing out.
<% if #cost < 10 %>
<b>Only <%= #cost %>!!!</b>
<% else %>
Call for a price, today!
<% end %>
You can use helper method which is much more cleaner.
How do you comment out html mixed with ruby code?
some text <% ... %> more text <%= ... %>
something else
<% ... %>
In jsp it's real simple: <%-- ... --%>, but I'm unable to find any concise option in rails.
Simple html comments <!-- ... --> do not work: ruby code is still executed and yells errors.
There's an option to use if false with html comments, but it's quite verbose, not to mention IDEs doesn't support it.
There's also an option coming from pure ruby, which surprisingly works.
=begin %>
... html and ruby code goes here
=end %>
It's generally fine, except that it's verbose, weird-looking and none of ruby IDEs I know support it (yep, I like to comment/comment-out with one keystroke).
I'm curious, is there any 'official' of doing this in rails?
Use this for commenting single lines:
<%# your_ruby_code %>
For multiple lines, the following would work:
<% =begin %>
<% ruby_code %>
<% =end %>
What you said would work.
I wouldn't count as a solution, but perhaps enclosing the chunk between an
<% if false %>
<% end %>
or if you feel a little dirty, create a helper that simply outputs nothing.
I've never needed it, but I'm stumbled there seems to be no out-of-the-box solution for this.
The =begin approach is annoying because:
It doesn't work for mixed HTML and Ruby (or just HTML) that's on a single line
It's annoying to type
The <% if false %> approach works, but it looks weird and doesn't give anyone else who looks at your code a hint about your intentions.
My solution is as follows:
In application_helper.rb, add a method so:
def comment
Then in your view template, you can say:
<% comment do %>Some stuff that won't be rendered...<% end %>
This works because any Ruby method can take a block, but will silently ignore the passed-in block if your method doesn't include a yield.
For block comments in templates, my text editor (Komodo) finds this variation on #Garfield's recommendation least obnoxious:
<%# A long multiline comment in a rails template ...
# line 2
# and so on ...
# %>
To comment out erb tags use the ruby comment hash symbol before the = sign in the opening tag
This is some text I want to keep
<%= #some_object.some_attribute %>
I want to keep this text but comment out the erb tag
<%#= #some_object.another_attribute %>
I want all of this text commented out including the erb tag
<%#= #some_object.some_attribute %>
I just want this html commented out but I want to keep the erb tag
<%= #some_object.some_attribute %>
Since you can use <% %> to put a ruby block, it can be certainly used to put in comments into it.
A simpler and elegant solution would look like...
# See! I am a Ruby Comment
# And I am multi-line
# I look like a recognizable ruby comment block too
# and not so complex
# The only drawback with me is the Hash symbol you have to repeat
# But it's the norm, isn't it?
After =begin you do not need to put %>
code code code code code code
code code code code code code
code code code code code code
code code code code code code
=end %>
Just an addendum to some of the previous answers. I found the =begin/=end solution most useful, but for the sake of beauty I write it like so:
<p>HTML will be ignored</p>
<%= 'and so will ruby' %>
<%= 'plus the whole block will be greyed in editor' %>
Note that since everything is ignored until the =end there is no need to close the =begin tag with %> or open the =end tag with <% (which has also been pointed out in an earlier answer)
I found this to be the most elegant solution to completely outcomment a block of mixed ruby and html code and have it greyed out in my editor as well, as opposed to the <% if false %> solution. Only drawback is that =begin and =end must be placed at the very beginning of the line..
Use a HEREDOC called comment
Self-explanatory that this is a comment
Works for erb and HTML tags
Has ok syntax highlighting (as one long string)
Weird 3 line closing syntax
No keyboard shortcuts
The opening tag can be
<% <<-COMMENT %>
the above closing erb tag is just for looks (to match the end),
but don't put anything else there, it may show up on the page
Anything here won't run or show up in the browser
this will not be displayed in the browser
<strong> even in the developer's tools </strong>
<% 1_000_000_000_000.times do |count| %>
for the <%= count %>'th time, this won't run a trillion times,
this is all just a string
all of these %>, <%, <% end %>, end, do, <!--, won't cause any issues.
but the below opening erb tag is important (if you used any erb tags in the comment).
I have no clue why?
The closing tag
yes it needs to be 3 lines 😟.
I don't know why the opening erb tag is important but it is! (unless you didn't use any erb tags in the comment).
You have to bear in mind where the code is executed. Ruby-style comments work because the Ruby code is executed on the server before it is served to the web browser. This also explains why HTML comments do not work—the Ruby has already been executed.
Doesn't the IDE you're using support creating custom macros for commenting out blocks of code?
You can use both <%if false%> and HTML comments at the same time:
<%if false%><--
stuff to comment out
The benefits are:
Ruby code is not executed
The commented block has gray color in IDE
The intention is obvious for other developers
Sublime Text's block comment shortcut ctrl+shift+/ notices whether you've selected normal HTML or an Erb tag and puts either the <!--- or <%
=begin %> accordingly.
This is the onlyone that worked for me.
=begin %>
code code code code code code
code code code code code code
code code code code code code
code code code code code code
=end %>
<% %w(
<span title="<%= title %>">hello</span>
) %>
I hope I've just blown your minds!
One way
This is my preferred way.
<%if false%><--
your view code here....
You might say, why on earth would you want massive caps locks sentences in your code? The answer is because it's easy to forget (or simply not know) what <%if false%><-- is doing, or what --><%end%> is doing. A sleepy or uncaffeinated developer could easily delete them thinking they were typos, which would not be good! That's why I try to be kind to myself/other developers and make it super obvious. It's not succinct or pretty, but it's very practical and almost foolproof.
Second way
This method is great for being:
Not idiosyncratic (i.e. uses normally formatted ruby)
Expressive: conveys the meaning of what's happening (someone can easily figure out what it's doing)
And here it is:
The only acceptable solution I ever found to this back-breaking problem was to put a space within the "<%=" to make it no longer register as ruby code, and then comment out the whole block with html comments
Like this:
< %= #some_object.some_attribute %>
< %= #some_object.another_attribute %>
< %= #some_object.some_attribute %>
< %= #some_object.some_attribute %>
Yes, adding the spaces is annoying. But it is the least annoying of all the solutions I've yet seen.
I am in love with Netbeans Source->Format feature. Is there any way to get it to recognize stuff in these blocks
<% content_for :style do %>
<% end %>
as CSS? It would also help for autocomplete.
Ditto, of course, for
<% content_for :javascript do %>
<% end %>
I'm not certain, but I think the source formatting is on a file basis only, not on parts of a file.
Edit: Actually, I'm wrong, the formatting can recognize various languages in the same file...obviously what's happening in an ERB file for ruby and html code. But I don't see a way of extending that.
I've been looking around for a solution to this question for the last couple of days. It's a simple annoyance, but I hate not knowing how to do things...
Environment: Ruby, Rails, rhtml
The Problem: When I iterate a collection in rhtml I would like to reduce the number of <% %> and <%= %> tags I use. The following seems bloated:
<% #products.each do |p| %>
<%= %>
<% end %>
EDIT: how do I exclude <%= %> inside of a block?
I would much rather do:
<% #products.each do |p|
end %>
Certain situations could allow for use of either... However, I know that I could do this with jsp:
<% for(int i=0; i<10;i++){
} %>
Thanks in advance for your input.
if you want to be less verbose look at haml, with your example it will be :
- #products.each do |p|
<% #products.each do |p|
_erbout <<
end %>
_erbout is the default name of the variable that ERB (the class that's parsing your .rhtml template) uses to build its output. This is pretty ugly, and feels a bit hacky to me, but it works.
Use print instead of put.
Several other possibilities, depending on the context, if your view code seems too bloated:
Use partials. E.g.:
in your main file:
<%= render(:partial => "product", :collection => products) %>
and in the partial, just use:
<%= %>
Now this seems contrived for a simple example such as this but assuming something more complex it abstracts away the looping and makes the code clearer.
Use helper methods
You could also try using something like haml to clean up the templates (along with helpers and partials).
You're going to have to use a <%= inside such a block. You can achieve the readability you want by using a <%= with a block:
<%= do |p|
end.join("\n") %>
it seems that on Rails or erb, the only way to output anything is by <%= %>
<% puts "hello" %> won't work, unlike PHP.
is there any other method at all?
concat will do:
<% concat ("wah ha ha!") %>
from the source code,
<% output_buffer << "hmm" %>
will work too and it is tested... but i think this is even lower level and should be avoided.
The conventional response object does exist under the covers, and you can call response.write(str). But a large part of the beauty of RoR is that this nuts and bolts stuff is abstracted away for you, and you don't have to do it.