Annoying XCode Source Kit bug with multiple targets - ios

I'm struggling with this problem for nearly half a year now with multiple XCode versions and Macs.
I can't reproduce bug steps exactly but the things go off when project has multiple targets like for Mac and iOS.
First of all XCode declines to take #if os into account and always highlight syntax only in one type of sections. E.g. if I have os(iOS) and os(OSX) somewhere it will chose only one and highlight only them.
Same goes for autocompletion. Things just not working in that type of projects.
I really dont know what to do since developmenet process turns into struggling. I dont want to split my project into multiple one, I'm happy with multi-target setup.
Is there a way to fix that?

Almost a year late.
Anyway I faced the same situation where a multi target OSX/iOS application in Xcode did not take into account the #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE conditional and failed to autocomplete method names from framework only showing the iOS variant.
Found a solution, based on this blog entry : you have to clearly state the Framework search path on each target in Build settings
Edit: This line was present in the iOS target settings. I copy/pasted it to the MacOS target in Xcode where it was automatically adjusted to the right path.
Edit 2: Loosely related but if you run in trouble with interface builder picking wrong classe files see this answer I just posted in another old thread.


Transferring Xcode Project from one computer to another brings random errors?

I have a Xcode project I got from another developer. Initially when I opened it it has a bunch of errors (most of which were un-updated frameworks). I got it to work after a while and I fixed it. I want pass it back to the manager since I'm leaving uni in a few months. I copied it over to my friends Mac to see what would happen if I just took the project and all it's folders and made it a zipfile. It didn't work for some reason. It gave me an error:
error: using bridging headers with framework targets is unsupported
But why did that come up? I mean it's the same code on the slightly different versions of Xcode (13.1 versos 14.1) but I doubt there was a massive change between the two that would cause this. I want to be able to pass these app later in the future without having to care about this stuff. I made a GitHub (link below) would cloning that work? Also the laptop I chose was just a fresh reset. Would it be due to not having coco-pods installed?
I feel like I could go through and fix it all on that laptop and document that but then I'm afraid that every time I put it on a new one it would come up with random errors every single time making my documentation moot.
With big help this was Fixed.
Things that fixed it.
Having the correct version of Xcode
Turning everything from absolute path to relative
Lots of other code fixes. But those are my project specific.
You don't need bridging headers in framework. Use should have something like "YourFramework.h" where you can import your .h files.

Auto fix implement of missing method of protocol with Xcode?

I am not very familiar with Xcode,
Since I think every decent IDE should have a shortcut for auto-fix a template of implemented protocol (such as interface in java) to save some effects of the programmers to just fill in the logic and don't have to type in the method name and parameter stuff.
Such as when we meet this:
And I googled around and some guy said that there should be a fix all in scope thing in the Editor, but seems I can't make that clickable :-(
So, how to do this with xcode? Thanks.
Unfortunately Xcode is fairly behind compared to other IDE's in features for refactoring and such.
The main Xcode version: 8.x, can't do what you wish for. But some of it will be/is available in beta Xcode 9
Xcode may suggest a fix for a compiler error. You can click the errors individually to see the suggested fix(es) and select one.
Alternatively the 'Fix All In Scope' allows you to tell Xcode to select suggested fixes of the current file.

Why am I getting an unavailable declaration using framework

I'm making a swift .framework, but I'm running into what I believe is a build problem. So I've simplified everything to isolate my troubles. I've attached a screenshot of my newframework.framework project (top) and my example usage of the framework (bottom). The problem I'm having is that Whatever class is unavailable when I include newframework.framework. I can confirm that Whatever.swift is indeed included in target>>buildphases>>compile Sources
What could cause this not to work?
EDIT - Adding App Build phases screenshot
Your problem, as we figured out in comments, was that you were building your framework for "Generic iOS Device" and building your app for the simulator. Xcode can't make the app build without matching architectures, so you need to choose one over the other or produce a framework that includes every architecture.
(This was posted to help people who come here from the future find the answer quickly. Hello, future people!)

In Xcode, why does a specific Deployment Target break my code, and how should I use it?

Some background info: Syntax color/highlighting and auto-suggest stopped working correctly. I read a lot of questions about how to fix this but none of them helped me as they were related to Derived Data.
I'm learning Swift from some online tutorials, and noticed my syntax highlighting was different to that of the course teacher's. Then I noticed that when I create an instance of my struct, and use the dot syntax after the instance, Xcode didn't auto-suggest the struct's functions and variables, whereas it does in the downloaded version of the project. After some investigation I noticed that a key difference between my project and the teacher's is that my project has a Deployment Target of 8.1, whereas the teacher's has 8.0. I changed mine to 8.0 and immediately the syntax highlighting was restored and I could access the struct instance's functions and variables.
I'm guessing this may be a bug in Xcode, but perhaps I have something misconfigured in Xcode? I'd be grateful if anyone could explain how/why this bug occurred and what is best practice when choosing the Deployment Target.
The setting is located at Project > General > Deployment Info
I hope the above info may help others who encounter this issue.
Deployment Target is the iOS version that your app is intended for. This does not mean it is incompatible with other versions, simply that it is designed to work best on that version. Generally, using the app on a device with a newer version of the OS is much safer and less likely than using the app on a device with an older version of the OS. There's actually a lot of restrictions around installing an app with a deployment target higher than the OS version on the phone.
The most common deployment target right now is going to be 7.x, as most apps were updated when iOS 7 first came out (there was a pretty big change in UI standards and SDK functionality from 6 to 7), and iOS 8 isn't too terribly different from 7, so there's no need to restrict it and/or write new versions of the app for the new SDK. By having a deployment target of 7.x, you should ensure that the app works well on 7.x and all higher versions, including 8.x. You should also have the lowest deployment target you can that's reasonable - so, a purely iOS 8 app should ideally be targeting iOS 8.0. You'll save yourself a lot of PR and invalid bug reports from users who don't understand versioning.
In your scenario, it sounds like there may be a bug in Xcode when using the iOS 8.1 deployment target. You might want to check and see if your docs are downloaded. Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads and ensure everything is downloaded. I'm not sure if these are actually used in syntax highlighting and completion code, but it's possible. I would also do clean the build folder (Product -> Hold Alt -> Clean Build Folder). Again, I'm not sure, but I think there's just some small thing that's not clicking here. I'm assuming you cleared Derived Data based on your first paragraph - if not, do that (Window -> Organizer -> Select Project -> Delete).

xcode build settings for imported libraries (xcode 5)

I'm having a small issue with xcode (I'm assuming it's mostly due to being unfamiliar with xcode itself) and was hoping someone could lend me a hand.
I'm working with a group of people and we're using the GPUimage framework.
The problem is this:
For every person referencing GPUimage we get additional entries in the build settings for the xcode project.
For example build products path would be:
I would rather it be:
The reason I want to fix this is because we need to package up our application and library together so that whoever wants to use it only needs to open the xcode project file to see what we've done (to mark it, school project).
Can anyone suggest what I should do or look for here?
Try adding the following to the beginning of the user path:
That should instruct XCode to use the user path of whoever is using the library
Hope this helps!
