Visio Automation using ASP.NET MVC -

I have recently developed an ASP.NET MVC project which supports uploading a visio(vsdx) file, reads the shapes information and performs some business operation.
The project works fine in the local but fails to work once deployed to IIS in windows server.
I tried configuring the com settings in DCOM Config, but Visio Drawing is not visible there.
Any particular settings to I need to perform for server ?

Probably it's the same set of issues as of any other server-side office automation.
Microsoft has documented those about 15 years ago. Most of those are still valid.
If you want to manipulate visio drawings server-side, better avoid automation.


Authentication silverlight to .NET MVC 5

So my first project at this new company is to convert a silverlight project to HTML5. I get mostly done with it but then in gets down to the nitty gritty. I have a legacy database. I essentially recycled the backend and made a client-side SPA solution using HTML5/CSS/Javascript. I come from an Apple/Linux background, so .NET is super new to me. I have learned that it's generally good to ditch the command line and let windows take control. Either ways, here's the problem. I figured out how to query this Pronto DB, and realized the passwords are hashed as they should be, but the mechanism that encrypted them client side was probably windows/silverlight related and I have to do the same in .NET MVC 5. Would have preferred some newer tech but all we got on the server is .NET 4.5 as the runtime env and it's in the red as far as space on the C drive, so upgrading to better software isn't an option. So basically, can anyone tell me how to tell .NET MVC 5 to reuse my DB for authentication in the same manner that a silverlight app would? Essentially, it's the same concept as how I'm re-using the backend with AJAX, but I imagine some pre-packaged GUI solution for telling windows that it should hash the client password and send it to a legacy DB. Tall order but I know they're some extremely intelligent people out there.

Offline and online application using mvc

brief history of my project:
2 versions of application, one running in windows form, another running in the web using
current task: to revamp the project to use mvc 4 to use only one version of code base.
In final product, there will no more windows form; but only the mvc. this is with regards with short development timeline.
my concern is for offline users.
maybe i can host the mvc4 offline using localhost and sql lite.
When offline users click on check update, there will be able to get the latest version of mvc 4 ?
any other better solution that is feasible ? i prefer the architecture fits the
Have you take a look at SPA. That kind of projects, by nature, can work in online and offline mode. One thing to take into account is the ammount of data that the offline mode should handle (most SPAs are using the local storage for offline use, which is a little small)
By looking at this site you will find a lot of resourses on SPA.
Deploying MVC app with Sqlite in localhost will be quite a challenge in term of maintenance. Maybe you can develop HTML + jQuery solution which can run locally on client system and make use of client cache to hold the temp data. Also it can interact with live app by making ajax calls. MVC/Silverlight and Sharepoint 2010 integration

Just a sidenote: I'm not sure whether I should post this to serverfault as well, because some MOSS admin may have some info for me as well?
Additional note 1: I've found this document ( MVC 2 & Sharepoint integration) if anybody with sufficient expirience is willing to comment on its content whether this can be used in my described scenario or not.
Additional note 2: I've discovered (later) that Silverlight is supported in Sharepoint 2010 so I'm considering it as well. So if anyone would comment on silverlight integration as well.
A bit of explanation first (without MVC/Silverlight)
Is it possible to integrate the two? Is it possible to write an application that would share at least credential information with MOSS?
I have to write a MOSS application that has to do with these technologies:
MOSS 2010
Personal client certificates authentication (most probably on USB keys)
Active Directory Federation Services
Separate SQL DB that would serve application specific data (separate as not being part of MOSS DB)
How should it work?
Users should authenticate using personal certificates into MOSS 2010
There would be a certain part of MOSS that would be related to my custom application
This application should only authorize certain users via AD FS - I guess these users should have a certain security claim attached to them
This application should manage users (that have access to this app) with additional (app specific) security claims related to this application (as additional application level authorization rights for individual application parts)
This application should use custom SQL 2008 DB heavily with its own data
This application should have the possibility to integrate with external systems as well (Exchange for instance to inject calendar entries, ERP systems etc)
This application should be able to export its data (from its DB) to files. I don't know if it's possible, but it would be nice if the app could add these files to MOSS and attach authorization info to them so only users with sufficient rights would be able to view/open these files.
Why MVC/Silverlight then?
I'm very well versed in MVC (also with the latest version) and I haven't done anything on Sharepoint since version 2003 (which doesn't do me no good or prepare me for the latest version in any way shape or form). This project will most probably be a death march project so I would rather write my application as a UI rich MVC application and somehow integrate it into MOSS. But not only via a link, because I would like to at least share credentials, so users wouldn't need to re-login when accessing my app. Using MVC I would at least have the possibility to finish on time or be less death marching. Is this at all possible?
I haven't done any serious project using SIlverlight, but I will sooner or later have to. So I'm also considering a jump into it at this moment, because it still might make this application development easier than strict Sharepoint 2010.
Is it possible to integrate MVC/Silverlight into MOSS as described above?
If integration is not possible, would it be possible to create a completely MOSS based application that would work as described?
Which parts of MOSS 2010 should I use to accomplish what I need?
The Patterns and Practices Sharepoint Guidance release on CodePlex has a model-view-presenter equivalent to MVC but targeted at SharePoint development.

Is it possible to host a mvc website from a winforms application?

I have a winform application that controls some transmitters and sound cards. There is a requirement to be able to provide a web interface for controlling those devices.
Currently I use WCF to communicate from the controllers in my MVC site to the winform app. That works well, but there is now a desire to move the hardware to another machine when needed and that means that IIS has to be installed and set-up on that machine.
I know it isn't that hard, but I won't be the one actually doing the moving. It will be the users. If I could host the site from the winform app them it would basically be portable besides the hardware drivers need for a usb to serial converter we use.
Can you use a windows service? The whole winforms app as a service doesn't seem right to me. It assumes that the app is always running. I would create a windows service and expose WCF endpoints from that.
You will need to install IIS or Cassini to host the MVC web site. There's no way around that.
Huh, I would go with Greg's answers.
Also, making your app IIS dependant is not that bad. Or Cassini dependant. You don't want to end up writing your own webserver, which could easily happen when you continue to add features to the app.
I don't know about you but it just feels you are taking all the load on yourself, you are going to spend possibly dozens of hours to implement it to spare an hour or two for someone who doesn't want to install real webserver.
if you want to host MVC under winforms then i would look into the upcoming .netcore 3 version which should allow this combination.
though you'll have to wait until 2019 Q1
otherwise i've mostly hosted simper stuff using nhttp library if i want it in a winform app.
(NHTTP is a library that gives you very simple crude http request functionality so no mvc sadly but it works for simnpler stuff)

Embeding SSRS report viewer in Delphi

Perhaps this question is naive, as I am just starting with ssrs. This is a large Delphi (2009) application that currently uses Crystal (activex) for reports. We are wanting to move to ssrs but would still like to control the report parameters from within our app as we've done with crystal. I've seen the Report Viewer Control for a VS environment and I'd like to do something like that. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
I doubt you can - as far as I know, the ReportViewer control comes in two .NET flavors: one for ASP.NET web applications, and one for Windows Forms .NET apps.
However: you can access all of the reporting server stuff using a simple web browser control, too. SSRS has extensive support for specifying just about anything in the URL, too.
Check out the MSDN docs on Using URL Access from a Windows (Win32) application for a starting point.
Or if you want to take it a step further, the Reporting Services also expose standard web services to do just about anything (including managing SSRS), which you should have no trouble consuming in Delphi as regular SOAP web services.
For that, see the MSDN docs on Using the SOAP API in a Windows Application.
