URL redirecting while replaying in loadrunner - http-status-code-302

I have recorded my application and made all customizations and also working as per the functionality. Now my question is i am looking at snapshot ->split->recording & replaying . while recording response code is coming as 200, but while replay response code is coming as 302. Is this fine? if yes, why it is coming...
Waiting for your valuable answers.

Look at your application logs. A 301 or 302 will eventually resolve to target as a redirect. You may not "see it" in your browser as this happens transparent to the user.
Look at your generation log. Search for 302. If it happened during recording then you will likely see it in the generation log.
Next issue, what if it is not in the HTTP access log on the server and it is not in the recording log, but you still have a redirect? This likelihood is high that you have missed a dynamic component related to session, state, time, etc... and the system rather than returning a valid page is redirecting you to someplace else for invalid data.


Pagespeed insights avoid chaining critical request only lists Initial navigation followed by my domain twice

I'm trying to optimize my page speed, and I am receiving this error. I'm kind of confused by what its trying to tell me because it's only listing my domain twice?
It is merely informing you of the resources requested that are required to render the "above the fold" content.
As the initial query was to http and you redirected to https that still counts as 2 requests so it is just informing you.
You need to realise the stuff under "diagnostics" has nothing to do with scoring and is purely there to help you identify potential issues.
In reality there is nothing you need to do here (other than maybe change your redirect to a 301 instead of a 307 redirect as that would be a be a "permanent redirect" instead of a "temporary redirect").

Is this dangerous to my Rails App?

We are hosted on Heroku, and have the NewRelic add on. Every day I check the errors, and almost every day this error comes up.
Action and Type
bad content body
This is a Rails Application, and so I figure it's not doing anything in particular other than returning a 440 response status because there is nothing at the url they are trying to access.
Through some google-fu I found an article pertaining to this being a brute force attack on wordpress sites.
My specific question is:
Do I worry about this?
I inherited the site and am not sure if this is just something that happens, and if it is something that rails applications don't have to worry about? It seems fairly targeted towards wordpress, but I can't find any documentation on whether I should be doing more to stop this.
Other frequently pinged urls that don't exist on my application
Any enlightenment on the subject would be great. Stack trace available if needed. Thanks in advance, overflowers.
As long as you don't have a route configured to handle those requests you then only have to worry about getting spammed these requests and losing network resources. They'll recieve a 404 Not Found error when they try to reach it and so there is nothing they can really do except slow your site if they spam requests. If they do it often you can ban their IP address.

How to block requests to server with user name / password?

We have realized that this URL http://Keyword:redacted#example.com/ redirects to http://example.com/ when copied and pasted into the browser's address bar.
As far as I understand this might be used in some ftp connections but we have no such use on our website. We are suspecting that we are targeted by an attack and have been warned by Google that we are passing PII (mostly email addresses) in our URL requests to their Google Adsense network. We have not been able to find the source, but we have been warned that the violation is in the form of http://Keyword:redacted#example.com/
How can we stop this from happening?
What URL redirect method we can use to not accept this and return an error message?
FYI I experienced a similar issue for a client website and followed up with Adsense support. The matter was escalated to a specialist team who investigated and determined that flagged violations with the format http://Keyword:redacted#example.com/ will be considered false positives. I'm not sure if this applies to all publishers or was specific to our case, but it might be worth following up with Adsense support.
There is nothing you can do. This is handled entirely by your browser long before it even thinks about "talking" to your server.
That's a strange URL for people to copy/paste into the browser's address bar unless they have been told/trained to do so. Your best bet is to tell them to STOP IT! :-)
I suppose you could look at the HTTP Authorization Headers and report an error if they come in populated... (This would $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] in PHP.) I've never looked at these values when the header doesn't request them, so I'm not sure if it would work or not...
The syntax http://abc:def#something.com means you're sending userid='abc', password='def' as basic authentication parameters. Your browser will pull out the userid & password and send them along as authentication information, leaving the url without them.
As Peter Bowers mentioned, you could check the authorization headers and see if they're coming in that way, but you can't stop others from doing it if they want. If it happens a lot then I'd suspect that somewhere there's a web form asking users to enter their user/password and it's getting encoded that way. One way to sleuth it out would be to see if you can identify someone by the userid specified.
Having Keyword:redacted sounds odd. It's possible Google Adsense changed the values to avoid including confidential info.

status code 500 internal server error in LoadRunner

I have a web application which i need to be load tested using LoadRunner. When I record the website using vugen it works good and there is no any application bug. But when I tried to replay the script, script failed after login and while navigating to next page, say, Transaction. At the end of log, I receive error:
Action.c(252): Error -26612: HTTP Status-Code=500 (Internal Server Error)
for "http://rob.com/common/transaction
Please help me to resolve this error.
LoadRunner generates HTTP request just as your browser does, this error is the same error you would get if you would go to that URL using your browser. Error code 500 is a generic server error that is returned when there is no better (more specific error to return).
Most likely the login process requires some form of authentication which is protected against a replay attack by using some form of token. It is up to you to capture this token using Correlations in LoadRunner and replay it as the server expects. The Correlation Studio in VuGen should detect and identify the token for you but since authentication methods vary it is sometimes impossible to do this automatically and you will have to create manual correlation. Please consult the product documentation for more details on how to do it. If your website is publicly available online then post its URL and I will try to record the script on my machine.
Most common reasons
You are not checking each request for a valid result being returned and using a 200 HTTP status as an assumed correct step without examining the content of what is being returned. As a result when data being returned is incorrect you are not branching the code to handle the exception. Go one to two steps beyond where your business process has come off the rails with an assumptive success and you will have a 500 status message for an out of context action occurring 100% of the time.
Missed dynamic element. Record three times. Compare the code. Address the changing components.

How to I access a SoundCloud public stream?

How do I play a track from a SoundCloud URL, which, for example, I got from the xml response from a query
I should have thought that it would have been as easy as:
yet I get
<error>401 - Unauthorized</error>
All I want to do is consume it in a Silverlight MediaElement, so all I need is set some url to the MediaElement's Source property.
I've checked an application that I wrote about 2 years ago, and THEN, accessing the stream url was as easy as this for a public track:
however this no longer seems to work.
For example, all I had to do then in C# was:
MediaElement me = new MediaElement();
me.Source= new Url("http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/18163056/stream&consumer_key=MY_CONSUMER_KEY");
Any hints would be appreciated.
I had a reply on a Microsoft forum that seems to imply that SoundCloud might not be possible to stream to Windows 8 Metro devices without consuming the whole stream before playback starts - which is quite worrying and would seem to imply that to make authentication possible, it would have to be done entirely in the url querystring insterad of using the header:
(The following reply is the answer to the following question: 'I am able to access an audio stream by http using the MediaElement, however I need to access it via https in which I need to add the oAuth info to the header of the initial request.
How is this done when using a MediaElement, and if it cannot be done, what is the workaround for consuming an audio feed in Metro 8 that requires header authentication to stream?')
"Direct access to the underlying network stream is not currently permitted by the MediaElement. Because of this there is currently no way to modify the header of the HTTP request to include any additional authentication information. That said, you do have control over the URL. You could theoretically setup an HTTP proxy service that translated the HTTP GET request parameters into the necessary oAuth credentials. Keep in mind that this is just a theoretical workaround. You may find different behavior in practice. Another theoretical workaround would be to handle the oAuth yourself via a raw stream socket and pass the retuned media data to the MediaElement via "Set Source" and a "Random Access Stream". Please keep in mind that this method has major limitations. in order to use a "Random Access Stream" with the ME you need to make sure all of the data is available before passing it to the ME."
The proxy service is not scalable for an application that is merely distributed for free as every stream would need to come via the proxy. And the raw stream socket, although getting around this, would mean that playback could not start until the whole file had downloaded - and this goes against all current UX (User Experience) guidelines.
So once again, if anyone has any tips, or info about how the whole authentication thing can be achieved in a querystring instead of using headers, I'd appreciate it!
I'm a little confused about whether you're referring to a public or a private track? If it's a public track, then you shouldn't need to send any authentication information, just your client id.
When I request https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/31164607/stream?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID then I get a 302 redirect to the proper mp3 stream.
Remember, adding parameters to a URL must start with a ? not &. This could (more than likely) be the reason why you are getting a 401 (SC is not picking up the client_id).
After authentication the link like this
is working fine. I am using Action Script.
I'm following up on Tom's reply because he calls attention to url character specificity. My HTTP requests randomly started failing today, and I was prefacing my client_Id with a ?. As soon as I changed that single ? to &, it started working. So in my case, SC wasn't picking up my client_Id because I used the wrong character. I think depending on where in the request we're talking about specifically, it's worth noting that differences between ? and & do make a difference.
