Error using the 'find' command to generate a collection file on opencv - opencv

I am facing a problem generating a collection file of the positive images to train the Haar Cascade in OpenCV to detect a car. On every tutorial I found on the internet, it is the same command, however i am unable to execute it.
I am using Command Prompt and Windows Power Shell to execute this command. find ./positive_images/ -iname '.*pgm' > positives.txt the screenshot of the output I am running this command from root of my directory. The positive images are stored in positive_images folder.
File not found - '*pgm'
However, the positive_images directory contains 550 files with .pgm extension.

Error File not found - '*pgm'
I am using Command Prompt and Windows Power Shell to execute this command:
find ./positive_images/ -iname '.*pgm' > positives.txt
The above command is using the syntax of a Unix version of find, but you are running it under Windows. PowerShell does not have a built in find command so you are running C:\Windows\System32\find.exe.
Unix find is used to search for files.
Windows find is used to search for string in files.
As you are running on Windows you need to use dir instead of find:
dir /b /s positive_images\*.pgm > positives.txt
Further Reading
An A-Z Index of the Windows CMD command line - An excellent reference for all things Windows cmd line related.
dir - Display a list of files and subfolders.
find - Search for a text string in a file & display all the lines where it is found.


How to find a valid path to julia.exe

I try to use julia-1.6 with VScode, but I cannot find a path to the executable.
When I try to change the working directory via the julia prompt to the executable, I get an error message saying it's not a directory:
julia> cd("/Users/jjdegruijter/bin/julia")
Can anybody tell how to do it properly?
To get the path to your Julia executable, from the REPL, do:
joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "julia")
You can start a REPL by just running julia from the terminal, or by pressing Alt-J Alt-O in VS Code (you can also instead type Ctrl-Shift-P, then choose Julia: Start REPL from that list).
Or, you can also directly run the above command from the terminal without starting a REPL: julia -e 'println(joinpath(Sys.BINDIR, "julia"))'.
If you just want to change working directory to the directory containing the executable (though I'm not sure why you'd want that here):

Trying to port application to docker nanoserver container. Running exe fails with exit code -1073741515 (Dependency missing)

I'm currently trying to port my image optimizer application to a NanoServer docker image. One of the tools my image optimizer uses is truepng.exe. (Can be downloaded here:
I simply created a nanoserver container and mounted a folder that contained truepng.exe:
docker run --rm -it -v C:\data:C:\data
When I now run truepng.exe I expect some output regarding command line arguments missing:
TruePNG : PNG Optimizer
by x128 (2010-2017)
However when I call this from inside the nanoserver docker container I basically see no output:
C:\data>echo %ERRORLEVEL%
As you can see above, the exit code is set to -1073741515. According to this it typically means that there's a dependency missing.
I then downloaded to see the dependencies of truepng:
It seems it has some dependencies on 5 DLL's. Looking these up I found that there's apparently something called 'Reverse Forwarders':
According to the following post though they should already be included in nanoserver:
After all this investigation I've also been playing around with manually copying over the DLL's from my local machine (system32) to the docker machine without any success (it just kept breaking other things like the copy command which required me to recreate the container). Next to that I've also copied the files from SysWOW64, but this didn't help either.
I'm currently quite stranded on how to proceed further as I'm not even sure if the tool is missing dependencies or if something else is going on. Is there a way to investigate what DLL's are missing once a tool is starting?
Kind regards,
Edit 1: Idea from #CherryDT
I tried running gflags ( which gave the following output:
C:\data>"C:\data\gflags.exe" /i TruePNG.exe +sls
Current Registry Settings for TruePNG.exe executable are: 00000000
After this I tried running Dbgview.exe, this however never resulted in a log file being written:
C:\data>"C:\data\DebugView\Dbgview.exe" /v /l debugview-log.txt /g /n
I also started TruePNG.exe again, but again, no log file was written.
I tried querying the EventLogs using a dotnet core application, but this resulted in the following exception:
Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot open log Application on computer '.'. This function is not supported on this system.
at System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.OpenForRead(String currentMachineName)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.GetEntryAtNoThrow(Int32 index)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryCollection.GetEntryAtNoThrow(Int32 index)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryCollection.EntriesEnumerator.MoveNext()
at EventLogReaderTest.ConsoleApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\data\EventLogReaderTest.ConsoleApp\Program.cs:line 22
Windows Nano Server is tiny and only supports 64-bit applications, tools, and agents. The missing dependency in this case is the entire x86 emulation layer (WoW64), as TruePNG is a 32-bit application.
Windows Server Core contains WoW64 and other components missing from Nano Server. Use a Windows Server Core image instead.
Example command:
docker run --rm -it -v C:\Temp:C:\Temp C:\Temp\TruePNG.exe
Yields the expected output:
TruePNG : PNG Optimizer
by x128 (2010-2017)
TruePNG {options} files
/f# PNG delta filters 0=None, 1=Sub, 2=Up, 3=Average, 4=Paeth, 5=Mixed
/fe PNG extra filters, overrides /f switch
/i# PNG interlace method 0=None, 1=Adam7 (default input)
/g# PNG gamma 0=Remove, 1=Apply & Remove, 2=Keep (default)

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `LLVM_4.0' not found

I am trying to run a tool that uses Clang and LLVM. The tool name is cppgrep that is available with the docker. Please find it from the github repository - I have tried using Ubuntu 16.04 and 17.10, I got the same error as below:
root#522051d201d2:/home# ./cppgrep -help
./cppgrep: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `LLVM_4.0' not found (required by ./cppgrep)
./cppgrep: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `LLVM_4.0' not found (required by ./cppgrep)
After some online search, I found that I had to setup the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. So as a first step I found the library files location in the docker, please find the output below:
root#522051d201d2:/home# find / -iname *libclang*.so*
After this step, I setup the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as follows:
root#522051d201d2:/home# echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
And lastly, I have exported it using the command export LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Now, if I try to run the cppgrep tool, I am still getting the same error. The command to test the tool after building the docker is as follows:
(1) cd into the cppgrep directory, like code/cppgrep,
(2) enter the docker container and mount the folder under /home:
$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/home clang
(3) run cppgrep using ./cppgrep 'x' test.cpp command.
It is suppossed to return functions and variables that has name x.
To replicate the error, after downloading and unzipping the file from github repository, build the docker container using $ docker build -t clang . command. Then follow 1,2,3 steps in the above paragraph.
After couple of days struggle, solved it!!
My initial assumption about the reason for the error is correct. The clang-llvm environment was not available to the cppgrep tool, but I made the mistake in the way of providing the environment information to the cppgrep tool.
The answer has two steps: (1) change the Makefile to point the correct location where you have installed the llvm, in my case, I change the following line in Makefile from HEADERS := -isystem /llvm/include/ to HEADERS := -isystem /usr/lib/llvm-4.0/include/. (2) You have to compile the file again by using the make command, just enter an empty space and save the cppgrep.cpp file before giving the command, otherwise, you will get a message as make: Nothing to be done for 'all'..
That is it, now you should be able to run the cppgrep tool by running ./cppgrep 'x' test.cpp or ./cppgrep -help. For using the other tools in this docker such as ast-dump, mccabe, etc. you have to follow the same above two steps before using them.

Extract part of tar file with absolute paths using 7zip

I'm trying to extract files from a tar file on a windows 7 machine using 7Zip's 7za.exe the command line. The file is 700GB and I only need a specific subdirectory. This should be possible using the following command.
7za x -r folder\subfolder
Running this on a test file ( does what is expected, i.e. it extracts all (sub)files from the folder\subfolder in the zip file. However, for the tar file, it doesn't work. I think it is related to a difference in file listings, as exemplified below.
7za l
7za l 20150602.tar
produces (excerpt):
Parallel to the first command, I tried using the following command.
7za x -r 20150602.tar .\Corpus\DOC
However, it doesn't work. Working within quotes (".\Corpus\DOC") or without .\ doesn't work either and 7Zip produces the following error.
Cannot use absolute pathnames for this command
Am I right that the tar file has absolute paths in it? If so, how could I solve this problem without having to extract the whole file?

Trouble Installing ImageMagick for Windows

I just downloaded ImageMagick but am not sure if it's working. I typed in 'which convert' into my terminal and nothing happened. I also tried typing in 'convert logo: logo.gif' then 'identify logo.gif' and lastly 'display logo.gif' and nothing seemed to happen (these three commands were specified on Windows).
Then I tried following this video:
However, it still didn't work and on the last step of the video. I got the following error: ERROR: While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption) invalid option: ----with-opt-include=C:/ImageMagick/SourceCode
Can anyone advise on how to correctly install imagemagick on windows or what these errors mean?
That video has a bunch of unnecessary stuff if all you want to do is get ImageMagick working as a standalone product on Windows. All you need to do is:
Download latest Windows binary from Right now, that file is located here.
Run the installer (leave all default values the way they are)
Open a command prompt (Start --> Run --> cmd.exe)
Navigate to the ImageMagick folder in the command prompt window. For the default install path, this is done as follows :
Change to the root directory of the C: drive (type cd\ followed by the enter key)
Change to the ImageMagick folder (type cd "Program Files\ImageMagick-6.8.6-Q16" followed by the enter key)
Test that it's working with the convert command: convert images\logo.jpg logo.gif
Look at the directory listing and check the for a logo.gif file with the current time/datestamp (dir logo.gif, followed by enter key).
Note: when you run the convert command, there will not be any output to the command prompt unless you turn on the verbose flag e.g. (convert -verbose images\logo.jpg logo.gif)
I noticed that in my installation that there was not a 'display.exe', but there was an 'imdisplay.exe". I tried using imdisplay in a folder that had images, and it did not how a window. I double clicked imdisplay.exe in the installation folder, and windows came up, including all of the ones I tried to open on the command line. When I closed all of those windows and tried the command line again, it worked.
I am not sure where you are getting 'which convert' (I did not watch the video). I can see all of the exe files that are available in the installation folder. convert.exe is one of them, so in a regular cmd window (I do not know anything about Powershell GitShell), you can just type:
convert logo.png logo.jpg
or something like that.
