How to change color or navigation bar in launchscreen.storyboard? - ios

So I am trying to use launchscreen.storyboard for my launch screen and I embedded in a navigation bar and a tab bar.
Now my app's navigation bar color and tab bar color is not the default color.
Is there anyway for me to change the launch screen's navigation and tab colors? ( there is no way to add in programmatically since luanchscreen.storyboard is not supposed to have class, right?)
or do I have to use images instead?

select your navigationController -> click navigation bar --> change barTintColor
for E.g


How to change navigation bar color in outside of safe area

This view is Present from mainviewcontroller then i set large title on this view then then i change color of navigation bar but color is not change in outside of safe area in navigation bar.
so, how can i change color in whole navigation bar in iPhone X.

Dark grey Navigation bar in storyboard

I have a navigation bar in my storyboard and usually when you add a navigation controller to a view controller you get a nice cream navigation bar like this:
Instead of this however, I get a weird dark grey colour like so:
My question is how can I get rid of this annoying grey in the nav bar in the storyboard not in code.
Select Navigation Controller -> Navigation Bar -> Attributes Inspector -> pick color for background as you want
Here is the result (iPhone 5s's screenshot):

How to make tab bar lay over content in Swift?

I want my tab bar to be translucent and blur the content behind it, but when I set its color to clear color it turns black instead. Currently I have my tab bar created programmatically in the app delegate. I made a class function called getTabBarController and configured my tab bar in there, and I call it in app delegate to return the tab bar. At last, I write
let vc = TabBarInitializer.getTabBarController()
self.window!.rootViewController = vc. Am I creating my tab bar incorrectly? How do I make the tab bar be on top of my content so that the translucent effect works?
You have place view or content behind tabbar which you have to show instead of black.
So when tab transparent, view behind the tabbar become visible.

How to Set the Navigation Bar Colour in an iOS 8 Launch Screen File?

I'm using a storyboard for my Launch Screen File. It's a very basic setup:
I want to set an opaque colour for the navigation bar...
I can do something like the following in the AppDelegate:
[[UINavigationBar appearance] setBarTintColor:[UIColor redColor]];
But that doesn't apply to the launch screen file.
How do I set the nav bar colour / barTintColor in Interface Builder?
Bar tint is settable for a navigation bar in the Inspector as shown here.
Just checked it with a HOT PINK nav bar in my current project's LaunchScreen.xib and it works fine.
#alexcurylo confirmed that the barTintColor can be set in IB. Part of the problem here was that I couldn't figure out how to select the NavigationBar (I'm not a regular user of Interface Builder)...
Just in case it helps someone else, I was able to select the Navigation Bar, as a child of the Navigation Controller, using the Document Outline pane (I'd failed to do so by left/right clicking on the visual representation...):
Once selected, as #alexcurylo pointed out, it was simply a setting in the Attributes Inspector.

Frame shifted up / empty space between view frame and tab bar with tab bar translucent set to "NO"

Here's my scenario:
I have a UITabBar that is using all the default settings and my app's tab bar translucency boolean is set to YES.
I wanted to change the colors of my tab bar, so I set the (iOS 7) tab bar's barTintColor to [UIColor whiteColor].
However, when I saw the app, this tab bar wasn't as white as it should be. After some time looking through the code, the culprit was the translucency of the tab bar. After setting it to "NO", my tab bar was definitely white. However, when I pushed to my next view controller, there was a black space between my view frame in any view controller and the tab bar. setting the tab bar's translucency to YES would get rid of this problem.
I'm not sure what code I can post since I don't do anything special in viewWillAppear or viewDidLoad in my viewcontrollers (other than setting some custom properties for my feature-set)
Any suggestions? Thanks.
edit: I also tried setting a white image in place of the tab bar's background and it did the same thing even though the translucency was set to "YES" this time.
