Gcloud, ruby on rails, speech to text - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to use Google's new speech to text api: https://cloud.google.com/speech/docs/rest-tutorial . They currently have python and node.js examples.
Unfortunately, my application is RoR. I was looking through https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcloud-ruby , which is a gem that interacts with google cloud services (but not speech). I was hoping that I could use the two together to come out with a working solution, but my knowledge of how to use API's is limited.
Enough background, my questions are:
Does anyone know if Google is going to put out a Ruby version of the speech to text api? If yes, is there a timeline?
If I am impatient, how would I go about using their current API's. By this I mean, is there a good resource for someone to learn how to use generic API's?

The gcloud-ruby gem now supports google-cloud-speech.
To address your other questions, there are no language specific versions of the APIs themselves. They are all HTTP APIs (either REST or gRPC), so they can be used from anything that can make HTTP requests. It can be tricky to use them directly though, because of things like how authentication is handled, which is why client libraries exist for different languages.
If you want to learn more about how to use the REST APIs directly, first take a look at the doc 'Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications' to find out how to manually authenticate, which has examples for Ruby and raw HTTP/REST.


How to use the Appery.io REST API with Ruby on Rails to retrieve information from the Appery.io database?

How can I access the Appery.io (or any future db) that is exposed to the REST API using RoR?
So I have an app i built using Appery.io and I also created a test app using RoR that I would like to use to pull information from the Appery.io db and display it on my RoR app.
I am somewhat familiar with REST and get the idea of what it is doing but I am not to certain on how to connect or make a connection from my RoR app to my Appery.io app. Appery.io has the following documentation for their db api, Appery.io DB API .
I have been looking around and also have seen people mention the following gems for HTTP request:
Would I use one of those? I also read about using Active Resource as a possible solution?
Any help with getting started or a tutorial or article to point me in the right direction would be very helpful.
You won't be establishing an ongoing connection, each request/response will be a single query to your Appery DB. You authenticate those calls using a custom header with API key as defined in the documentation. There's an example using cURL that might be a good place to start playing with the API before you pull it into your RoR app. That example shows you how to get your key, too.
It looks like you can use the predefined APIs, or you can define a custom REST API associated with your Appery app? Instructions for building an API appear to be here.
Once you get the calls working from cURL (or other web request client of your choice), adding the calls to the RoR app should be more straightforward. Any of those gems could probably ease that process: I've only used RestClient personally, but found it very straightforward.
Any of those call methods (cURL, other clients, the gems, etc) will allow you specify your URI, method (e.g. GET or POST), headers, request body (where appropriate), and will allow you to examine your response. Take a look at the gem documentation to see how those map exactly - it will vary slightly from tool to tool.
If you don't have prior experience with calling external APIs, and would like a conceptual explanation, I like this article as a (very short!) beginner's guide.

how can we retrieve the publicly stored statements from Tin Can API?

what Tin Can API can do other than storing the state of the agent and how can we retrieve the publicly stored statements from Tin Can API
Thanks in advance
You can do a lot with the Tin Can API (Experience API). The point of the xAPI is to store user experiences, anything from I completed a course to I started watching a video. I've seen or worked on things as simple as using the xAPI to send SCORM tracking to an LRS, to support mobile, tracking sensor data from field exercises, to storing information collected in games and simulations. And the Experience API gives you the ability, like you said, to get data back out in a standard way, to support reporting and evaluation of data.
There are groups working with the Experience API to do interesting things. https://groups.google.com/a/adlnet.gov/forum/#!forum/xapi-design
There is also a spec working group forum where you can get more resources and answers: https://groups.google.com/a/adlnet.gov/forum/#!forum/xapi-spec
There are also resources and articles talking about what you can do with the Experience API. http://www.adlnet.gov/tla/experience-api/
and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tin_Can_API
There are some open source projects on ADL's GitHub page that also show how you can use the Experience API. https://github.com/adlnet
For sending and retrieving info from an LRS in web browsers there's a JavaScript library: https://github.com/adlnet/xAPIWrapper .. it's been built and minified..you can just include the xapiwrapper.min.js in your page and use the readme examples to get started.
For reporting and querying data you can look at the new project: https://github.com/adlnet/xAPI-Dashboard
There's a starting Java library to make talking to an LRS easier in Java, which could be used for regular Java apps or for Android apps: https://github.com/adlnet/jxapi
They're also starting a JQuery Mobile Plugin: https://github.com/adlnet/xapi-jqm
And even an example of using the Experience API with MedBiquitous and Common Core competencies to identify learner's progress toward becoming competent in some aspect: https://github.com/adlnet/xci
As for your question about getting statements from an LRS, you would just do a GET request to the statements endpoint. The spec currently says that requests must include the Experience API version header: https://github.com/adlnet/xAPI-Spec/blob/master/xAPI.md#62-api-versioning . And you will probably need to authenticate as a client using the LRS. This is generally done by registering on the LRS and getting some sort of credentials. This will vary based on the LRS you use, but they all have instructions on how to use and send the credentials. https://github.com/adlnet/xAPI-Spec/blob/master/xAPI.md#64-security
ADL's hosted example LRS opened up the GET statements endpoint so that people new to the Experience API could hit it and see statements without needing to figure out the request rules: https://lrs.adlnet.gov/xapi/statements

exposing part of my parse.com api to other developers via ouath 2.0

It's now trivial to create a web app that sits atop Parse.com. Now that I have this webapp, I want to expose parts of it to other developers via an oauth accesible api. So, they can develop an app that lets my site users 'give them permission' via oauth and they can now access the api.
How would I start going about doing this?
Update: After #Mubix response, I felt the following clarification would help
Currently I am accessing Parse from the server via a REST api, to get around any javascript security issues re:api keys etc. So, the api would be served of a server other than Parse. Also, the server code is in javascript / nodejs. I came across https://github.com/jaredhanson/oauth2orize which seems a likely candidate, was wondering how others are doing it and if anyone has actually gone a further step and integrated Parse access.
Hmmm .. Intereesting question!
First of all their ToS doesn't seem to prohibit what you are trying to do but you should read it carefully before you start.
While parse doesn't provide feature to build your own APIs you could implement something yourself. You could treat the third party developers as users of your app. And you can use the ACL to control access.
I don't see any way to implement oAuth entirely within parse.
How will third party apps access your API? Ideally you would like them to use a REST interface but with the parse.com REST API you won't be able to manage access to different parts of your data.
It seems like too much trouble to implement the API entirely within parse. I would suggest that you write a thin API layer that takes care of auth and uses parse as the backend. You can use one of the service side libraries available for parse. eg. PHP Library, Node Parse.

How can I get twitter running on my local server?

I want to put the Twitter service on my server and customize it for my purpose. I have no idea how it works.
My goal is to communicate to your own Twitter server rather than the original twitter server and serve my purpose.
You should check out: StatusNet. It is an open source micro blogging platform. From their site, you can download the source and deploy it on your own server. Once you have it installed you can customize it to your liking.
Twitter isn't an Open Source project - they don't provide their server code.
From my experience at another company deploying very widely distributed systems, the chances are there's a bucket-load of infrastructure you'd need to get running first - complete overkill for a single-server solution, but vital for a global service with many millions of users. In other words, even if Twitter did provide their code, it probably wouldn't be an appropriate solution for your situation.
The actual Twitter (twitter.com) service is proprietary, you can't run it yourself.
There are plenty of open source twitter clones out there. The more general name is "microblogging". Pinax for example has basic microblogging. Try searching google for 'open source microblogging' for other projects.
I don't believe the Twitter platform is freely available to the general public. If you want to make your own "Twitter server", you're going to have to clone the service yourself.
You can't run Twitter on your own server, but you can write your own application that talks to Twitter through Twitter's API.
It all depends on what you mean by "customizing" Twitter. There are many applications like Twitpic and TweetDeck that are built "on top of" Twitter. They add their own functionality while leaving Twitter to do the "heavy lifting".
For example, I have written a personal project for moderating a stream of tweets. This application runs on my local server, but it gets its data by querying Twitter's API.
There are two main advantages to extending rather than rebuilding Twitter:
It takes a lot less effort because you can reuse all the basic functions of Twitter
You can take advantage of Twitter's huge user base. Even if you succeeded in cloning Twitter, it would be far less interesting than the original because Twitter works by strength of numbers.
You could use Wordpress and get the twitter developer add in then get a api code from them and there users can use your site and vice versa also apps for twitter will work for your site.
Wow. That's a highly ambitious request that you have there. Twitter isn't like Wordpress, there's no .org version that can be downloaded and run locally. Twitter is a highly scalable service that is designed to run on large scale servers.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news to you on this.

How to provide your app with a network API

I am going to write a Ruby application that implements a video conversion workflow consisting of multiple audio and video encoding/processing steps.
The application interface has two core features:
queueing new videos
monitoring the progress for each video
The user can access these features using a website written in Ruby on Rails.
The challenge is this: I want make the workflow app a self-sufficient application, not dependent on the existence of the web view.
To enable this separation I think that adding a network API to the workflow application is a good solution because this allows the workflow app to reside on a different server than the web server.
My question is: Which solution do you suggest for such a network API?
A few options are:
implement a simple TCP server and invent my own string based API
use some sort of REST api (I don't know if this is appropriate for this situation)
some sort of web-services solution (SOAP, XML-RPC)
another existing framework
Feel free to share your thoughts on this.
I would suggest two things:
First, use REST as your API. This allows you to write one core application with both a user interface and an API for outside applications to use.
Second, take a look at PandaStream. It's a Merb application that encodes videos from multiple formats into flash. It has a REST API, and there's even a Rails plugin so you can integrate it with your application. It might be a good example codebase, or even a replacement for the one you're trying to build.
Hope my answer helped,
