Missing Required Icon File - Application Loader - ios

When using the Application Loader application to upload a .ipa file to iTunes Connect for review I encounter an error:
However, in my Images.xcassets folder in my AppIcon Image Set there is an icon set for iPad Pro and it is a .png at 167x167.
If the image is there and it is added to the target's asset folder, why is this error showing up? What might I be missing?
The .ipa file is being generated by Fastlane. Version 1.99.0
When I look inside the .ipa file the icon file is not there. It appears the icon file is not being added to the bundle.
I am not using Xamarin
I have tried adding CFBundleIconFiles to the Info.plist. It did not work.
I have tried cleaning the project, updating Xcode and restarting my computer. It did not work.


IOS App deploy: Missing Marketing Icon

I'm updating an IOS App for IPhone that is already deployed in the App Store.
I'm developing with Visual Studio 2017 from Windows, with a Mac in the same LAN network for the build.
The project is a Xamarin Forms project.
When I try to publish my project in the app store I receive an error that the app doesn't contains the Marketing Icon in resolution 1024x1024px.
I've tried to upgrade all: Visual Studio, Xamarin (also in the Mac) but nothing is changed.
If I select the image in the file Info.plist -> iTunes Artwork I receive an error message: "Multiple itunesartwork files with the same dimensions detected" (iTunesArtwork#2x.png was present in Resources directory of the project).
If I delete iTunesArtwork#2x.png in the Resources folder I receive a different error that the .png image of the icon is not present.
I don't know what I can do, how I can exit from this deadlock situation?
This is my asset catalog. (sorry if my Visual Studio is an italian version)
If I try to open it nothing happens:
And this is a screenshot of my Info.plist file opened:
You will need to add a 1024x1024 icons into your asset catalogs. Asset catalog will be the file that end with *.xcassets
If you do not have the file in your project, you should add it in. You should be using the asset catalog file to store all your app icons and images.
============ EDITED ===============
If you already have existing asset catalog but not able to open it. You should:
Backup your asset catalog folder
Remove existing asset catalog from solutions
Create a new asset catalog and import back the icons

iphone app icon doesn't change in Xcode iOS Simulator for iPhone 6

I am using MobileFirst 6.3
I have followed the steps mentioned in IBM Worklight - Can't change app icon in both Worklight Console and device
I have created an icon of size 120*120,named it as Icon-120.png
Copied it to iphone\nativeResources\Resources
After I run it as an Xcode project , I could see that this icon was copied to iphone\native\Resources
But still the default icon does not change in iOS simulator.
Can someone point out if I missed anything ?
I did the following:
Created Sample WL project.
Added iPhone Environment.
native and nativeResources Folder have been created.
copied the .plist file - .xcodeproj file and Resources folder from "native" folder to "nativeResources" folder.
Deleted the "native" folder, since it will be generated in the next build.
added the following icons to "Resources" folder, inside the "nativeResources" :
(Icon-29 , Icon-57 , Icon-120 , iTunesArtwork.png [ which is 512*512])
open .codeproj and make sure the icons are inside.
Build the project from Eclipse after you "Refresh" it. and the new icon should appear.
add this property in your .plist file

ipa app could not added to our itunes library, it is not a valid app

I have made an unsigned .IPA app using xcode 6 and swift language.
I have compressed the .app file and change its extention to .ipa.
When I want to install this .ipa file on my jailbreaked iPhone, this error is appeard:
"the app 'youtapp.ipa' could not be added to your iTunes library because it is not a valid app".
Would you please let me know what the problem is.
In my case I was using the "Save for Ad Hoc Deployment" option from Organizer to create an ipa file. It appears however that this is broken in XCode 6. Your answer from Jan 1 got me thinking so I did a little digging.
I renamed the exported ipa file to .zip and opened her up. XCode is now putting the .app file inside a folder named "Applications". So I went ahead and renamed this folder to "Payload", zipped it back up, and renamed the zip back to .ipa. Sure enough when I dragged this new ipa file to iTunes it works fine and can be installed on my phone.
Seems to me a bug in XCode, I think I should report it to Apple.
I had this exact same problem using Xcode 6.3 when building my iOS app. It seems that the packager does not complain when the following setting is enabled even though the target is an iOS device:
Application requires iPhone environment:NO
You need to set the this to YES and it will name the folder correctly to Payload.
I had a similar issue while trying to create an .ipa for adHoc distribution for one of the Old project (built a year ago by ex-developer). After a lot of research in google and following this link - here. By replacing the .plist file with the existing working projects (obviously - the relevant icons/bundle display name/identifier) and renaming with the current .plist name. It worked for me.
I literally spent about 3-4 hours to fix this issue. Hope it helps some one.
environment was native - iOS app.
My problem was that I forgot to put the .app file in the Payload folder. After putting the .app file in to the Payload Folder, I zip the folder and change its extension to .ipa.
It works correctly.

Phonegap 3.4: error ITM-9000 when distribute app to app store

I got an error when I was trying to upload my app to iOS app store. They show me the error like this.
Before I upload the app to store, I use command line
phonegap build ios
Then they generated new files in platforms/ios, after that, I clicked .xcodeproj file to open my project in Xcode.
I test my app on device simulator and it works fine on every iOS device. Then I archive my app to prepare it to be uploaded to app store. But during its uploading, it shows me the error ITMS-9000.
This is my config file in phonegapProject/www/config.xml
and my project in Xcode
project files structure.
any help?
Thank you.
In your product Info in Launch images section if you have "No image specified" in for some screens, please provide appropriate screens for them. Or you can use a asset catalogue to include splash screens and icons.

iPhone device: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found

I am having an issue when trying to load my application using the application loader.
Getting error message when trying to load the .zip file using the application loader...
"The application wrapper must end in .app /var/folders//5g/...."
I did the Product/Archive, but Archive is gray out .... I am not able to load my application neither from Xcode nor application loader. I am new to iOS... I have looked my application files and I don't see any .app file. is that it? I have created an application by using storyboard... any tips?
When using the Application Loader you need to upload an .app file. The ipa (or .zip) file that you have is an archive that contains an directory (Payload) with the .app file that has the name for your application. That's the file you need to upload from Application Loader
For uploading it from XCode you need to archive it, or go to Organize->Archives and select submit to AppStore from there.
If you have the Archive option disabled from the Product menu you need to select iOS Device as target in the run target drop down. You probably have iPad/iPhone Simulator X.X selected now.
Hope this helps.
