Timeline view of TFS work items to aid project tracking - tfs

Is there a nice way in TFS to see all the Stories/Tasks I have worked on and what day I committed/closed them out and maybe did associated check-ins for them. I want this because I work on many different client projects and need to track my time in a time sheet and sometimes forget what I did each day if I don't fill my timesheet out daily.

There is no out of box feature for this. A similar feature request on VSTS User Voice can be found here: User Activity Stream.
As an alternative solution, there is an TFS Timetracker extension in VSTS Marketplace which you can try to use. This extension will allow you to record the time you spend on every work item and generate a report.

I believe TFS is unlikely to enable this capability in the nearest future.
You can try out time sheet extensions to TFS.
For example, TX Chrono (https://www.teamexpand.com/product/tfs-timesheet) allows to log hours directly from a Work Item tab in TFS and get a work time day-by-day breakdown over the selected period (So you can make a report where you'll see hours spent on a particular WI, how many hours were spent each day, WI current state, etc.)


Is It possible to write a TFS Query to get Actual Time Taken for a Tasks?

I have been using TFS to track my backlog items and I am now trying to write a query to see how long I took on particular tasks in the last 7 days. So Far I have this query:
Work Item Type = Task
AND State = Done
AND Closed Date = #Today - 7
AND Area Path = #Project
AND Assigned To = #Me
and have added the column "Closed Date" which shows the time work stopped on this item. But I cannot get any information as to when work started on the Task
Feels like the data should be there as on particular tasks it has the following kind of information:
Is this possible? I don't mind extracting the data to Excel to analyse.
The reason I ask is because I would then like to go on to compare the amount of hours assigned to a particular task and compare it to amount of hours actually taken to help my predictions of time taken in future.
It's a pretty simple query actually.
Here's what I'm using.
(Work Item Type = User Story
OR Work Item Type = Bug
AND State <> New
AND State <> Removed
Simply include the Activated Date, the Resolved Date, and the Closed Date in the displayed columns. The time between Activated and Closed is your total cycle time.
My team uses Resolved as a "pending deployment" status, so comparing Resolved to Closed allows us to determine how long it takes to get an item from "done" to "in prod".
TFS is not intended to be a time tracking tool. You could query the work item history with the TFS API and check the timestamps on when the state transitions occurred if you really wanted to.
Agile projects don't focus on how long individual tasks take -- they focus on how much value the development team is providing over the course of a set period of time. One thing might be estimated low, one task might be estimated high, but it ultimately doesn't matter as long as the team delivers what they committed to deliver.
It's a good practice to track Cycle Time for a team to discover areas for improvements (for User Story level, yes)
It's not good that user must go Excel to calculate Cycle Time. I can't use diagram Azure Devops tools with this calculations and its not automated.
Cycle Time widget don't shows results for several teams and it's not flexible tool, so it's not enough

TFS 2013: How to Create Alerts for Unfinished Work Items when a Sprint Ends

Is there a way to set up custom alerts on TFS? I already use the web interface to create alerts, but I need to create custom ones that are not based on work item fields only, but also on the current and past iterations. I know that Power Tools used to have an Alert Explorer in previous versions of Visual Studio, but I don't know if it would have supported what I am trying to do.
Essentially, this is what I need:
An alert that notifies users of unfinished work items assigned to them when the current iteration (sprint in my case) ends.
I know some of you might be concerned about TFS not knowing what the current sprint is, but I have used this workaround http://intellitect.com/transitioning-between-sprintsiterations-with-tfs/ so I don't believe it's an issue.
I know I could simply query for unfinished items and move them to another iteration (sprint) in Excel, but we are trying to get into the habit of getting everyone to finish their work on time, and if not, as quickly as possible, and the notifications would go a long way in helping with that.
Would there even be a way to do this via the TFS API or through the TeamFoundation PowerShell modules? I have searched extensively but I can't seem to find an answer to this question. Any help even with a work-around solution would be appreciated.
If you are trying to get people into the habit of updating their work items then this will cause you more issue than it fixes. They are not doing it because they do not see the value.
However you could write a TfsJob that sends the emails. It would need to be Scheduled job that checks to see if there is outstanding work...
This should get you started: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/chrisid/archive/2010/02/15/introducing-the-tfs-background-job-agent-and-service.aspx
However what you have is a people problem that cant be solved by tooling.
what I like is getting a job thing, whether a SQL server one or a windows service, running, then manipulate workitems by myself.

Does YouTrack has a automatic time tracking feature?

We are considering to switch from FogBugz to YouTrack.
So far YouTrack ticks all our boxes except automatic time tracking. In FogBugz we just select that we started to work on a feature and it tracks time for us, while in YouTrack logging time is a manual process. Is it possible to automate time tracing with YouTrack, perhaps by using a third party app?
For a reference, here is how "working on" automatic time tracking feature works in FogBugz: http://www.fogcreek.com/fogbugz/docs/70/topics/schedules/Workingon.html
Thanks in advance
there's a workflow called workTimer available that you can attach to your project. It starts a timer each time you move an issue to 'In progress' state and logs a work item each time you trasfer from 'In progress' to 'Fixed'. Hope this helps.
You may use https://github.com/kleder/timetracker. This allows you to record the time you spend on your tasks and synchronize it with youtrack.
My team uses YouTrack, but we've decided to go with TMetric for time tracking. Both systems connect with each other via a browser plugin, and then you can record time spent working in YouTrack by clicking the TMetric button inside each task.

How to see what changed in a sprint in greenhopper

We use Greenhopper/Jira for planning our Sprints.
A coworker want to see the changes that happens during a sprint: what tasks got, done; What tasks got added or removed from the sprint.
Is there a nice way to do that?
The only think we came up so far is to export the sprint context at the start of the sprint and at the end and compare it.
Limitations of that approach are:
If we forget to do such an export, we loose the capability to compare, since there is no way to turn the time back.
We have to juggle excel files or similar
Just go to your Agile Board, switch to Report mode (press key "3"), select the "Sprint Report" from report dropdown and right under select the sprint you want to get information about. This report shows all information you need to know about your sprint. At the top you will see the minified burndown chart, then list of completed issues and issues which were removed from sprint while you were working with it. Issues with asterisk are those which were added to a sprint after it's start. See the following link for more information https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/AGILE/Viewing+the+Sprint+Report

Data sync between database and google calendar

I would like to sync my db (tasks on my db, that have a decription, a date, a start time and an end time, and a user) with Google calendar.
For sync with google i plan to use these components (of course I could somehow write the whole stuff on my own but this is something I can plan for the future now I am short of time, or in alternative can you suggest some working code that connects to google calendar to send/recieve data?).
Now my main problem is not really linked to Delphi programming anyway I must ask a Delphi related questions because other questions get unviewd (like this one i asked).
So I wonder how to do the sync. Note: I do one way sync and the generated calendar will be a read only calendar.
I can set a max number in the past and future to be synced (like 10 days in past and 100 in the future for example). Then the idea I have is this:
as I start the sync app I comletely read the google calendar itmes in the range, I compare one by one with what I have in db and then I "merge" changes. Then on timer I check for differences in my db and i upload changes.
But I am not sure that these is the best solution.
A simplification of the real case is this: imagine it is a CRM with some task assigend to every user. Since beyond every task there is a logic i want to managea that logic only in my application, but the idea of pulishing the calendar to google is that it is then easily available from any mobile device. This is way there is a one way sync. Ic ould also let the calendar not be readonly anyway at every sync I wil "download" the newly inserted tasks but I will ignore the deleted ones and the edited ones. In this second case it is not enough to track changes in db, but I shuold also track changes on google, at least to "intercept" the newly added tasks.
I am aware this is gerneic question but I would like to trigger an answer that can be useful, etiher redirecting me to a sync algorithm or to Delphi sample code or anything that can help me progress on this issue. Thanks.
Google: "calendar sync algorithms"
Synchronisation algorithms
The last one actually is funny because it leads right back to StackOverflow ;) Point is: I think there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Ps: The first link contains some useful thoughts similar to yours.
