Rails 4 - Rolify with renewal date for role - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to setup roles in my rails app with Rolify.
I have a CRUD model setup for roles. I'm about to start exploring how certain users can assign scoped roles to other users.
Is there a way I can allow users who are permitted to assign roles, to specify a renewal date, by which they need to confirm that the user is continuing in that role?
At the moment, my roles table only has associations to resource and user, and a string attribute called :name (for the name of the role).
Can I add a boolean for true/false on whether the role has an expiry date, and if it does, when a renewal notice should be issued?
Is there a better way to go about this?

This can be good idea:
Create a table for roles and permission.
add a field has_expired in that table.
When you save permission set expiry date.
When user logins test expire date.
Then set has_expired to true
If you are using cancancan gem then in ability.rb model:
if user.role.has_expired?
cannot :manage, Role
Hope it helps


How to create multiple roles for single user in ruby on rails?

I am trying to create a web application using ruby on rails. In this application a user has multiple roles like
role1 = teacher
role2 = student
role3 = staff
But the thing is a user can switch between these roles by changing account settings in the application.
eg :
Student can also change his role as teacher and then they can teach someothers
When they change the role the pages, timeline, homepage everything should be display according to their current role.
How can i model the database for this and how can i perform the associations for this ?
I am new to ruby on rails so please help & thanks in advance!
Ofcourse! you can keep track of current user and then you assign user role when they switch.
If not you can also use rolify gem to add or remove roles and [cancan][3] gem for authorization.
You could keep a list of user roles and also track something called a current role.

Rails_admin exclude fields by authorization

I have model called Person. It has two child models Admin and Owner.
I have created rails_admin dashboard with multiple models with associations.
I have added devise to Person, that is why Admin and Owner can log in to my dashboard.
I have added authorization with cancan and defined their abilities. Admin can manage everything while Owner can manage his own data.
Now here is the problem. When Owner logs in and tries to edit himself, he need to write his own password and that is good.
However, when admin logs in and tries to edit Owner, it asks to write password of Owner.
How to exclude some fileds in actions, depending on who is now changing it?
I though to use current_person which is logged in mby devise, but how to get it when my rails_admin do /* my code */ end is placed inside my models code?
Here is one way to hide password field so only user editing his/her record can see it.
edit do
[:password, :password_confirmation].each do |f|
field f do
visible do
bindings[:object].id == bindings[:view].current_user.id
You could create a custom action to reset password restricted only to Admins.

How to add a new role in Spree?

I currently have two roles in my system, the defaults, 'User' and 'Admin'.
I would like to add a new role called 'Supplier'.
At the moment the supplier role needs to be the same as a normal user. I have 'frontend' profile edit page. The only difference between the user and supplier is that the supplier has a few more fields they can fill out. I plan on permissioning these extra fields by checking their role against spree_has_role?('supplier')
So what's the best way of adding the role to the database (do I add this to an initializer)?
How do I then add permissions to this role to be the same as the 'user' role?
At some point I'll want to extend the permissions, but one thing at a time.
I can't find any clear guide that shows how to do any of this (or at least anything that's been updated in the last year or two). I appreciate if any one can help me out with some instructions / examples.
P.s. I'm using Spree 2.2 Stable with Devise Auth.
Regular users have not any particular permission as you can see into the ability model (https://github.com/spree/spree/blob/master/core/app/models/spree/ability.rb) . You can just create the role in the database from the console using:
Spree::Role.create(name: 'Supplier')
If you need to be sure you have this role in the database and you want to put it into an initializer be sure to check if the role is not yet been created. You can use something like:
At this point you can just use in the profile edit view something like:
<% if #user.has_spree_role?('Supplier') %>
additional fields here
<% end %>

What is the purpose of Rolify?

Hi I'm using rolify and have just realized that I'm not actually taking advantage of it's full potential.
At present I am doing things in my controller like re-routing users if current_user.has_role? :whatever_role, and allowing users if they have whatever other role...
Someone asked a question on stackoverflow about rolify and when I got to trying to answer it, I realized that I'm doing it wrong.
Now, here is where my confusion starts... Inside of ability.rb I have:
user ||= User.new # guest user (not logged in)
if user.has_role? :consumer
can :manage, Review
can :read, Review
Now let's say I add the consumer role to a user:
x.add_role :consumer
# => #<Role id: 10, name: "consumer", resource_id: nil, resource_type: nil, created_at: "2013-04-18 23:00:46", updated_at: "2013-04-18 23:00:46">
Right, so the role is created. I can check this by doing:
x.has_role? :consumer
=> true
Now I would expect this to give management ability for reviews...
x.has_role? :consumer, Review
=> true
but not for other models... here I try products
x.has_role? :consumer, Product
=> true
Further, when I look at "resource roles querying" and try to query the applied roles for reviews I find no applied roles:
=> []
Can someone please explain rolify to me. Thanks
My answer, garnishing the question from this reddit post:
Authentication is establishing a User is who they claim to be.
Authorization is establishing that a User can perform a given action, be it reading or writing, after they've established their identity.
Roles are just common patterns of authorization across users: this User can be authorized as such, that User can be authorized like this instead.
The ingredient you're missing here is Permissions: a relationship between an established Role and some controller action.
Roles themselves make no promises about what action a User can perform. And remember--authorization is all about actions. Roles generalize what kind of User you're dealing with. They exist to keep you from having to query every User for a giant laundry list of Permissions. They declare: this User is a Role! Of course they have Permission to do that!
There are many types of Permission. You can store them in a database if you want your sufficiently authorized Users to be able to edit them, along with your Roles if those too ought to be configurable. Or, if your User's Roles are sufficiently static, you can manage Permissions in advance with Ruby code:
When I want to have configurable Roles and Permissions, i.e. for a client application you're handing off to someone at completion of contract, I implement a User :has_many Roles and a Role :has_many Permissions with my own custom models, and then add a before_filter :authorize hook into my ApplicationController, and write an authorize method on it that knows how to martial these expectations, or render a 403 page for those people who insist upon manually entering urls to things they hope expose actions to things they oughtn't have access to.
When I want to just have configurable Roles, I use Ryan Bates' CanCan gem.
When I want to have predetermined Roles and Permissions, I use Rolify in conjunction with Nathan Long's Authority, to get delightfully flexible Class-based Permissions via Authorizer classes.
Both Roles and Permissions can be either class-based or instance-based, depending on your use-case. You can, say, with the abilities of rolify you've just discovered, decide that Users may only act as a Role in certain, instance-based circumstances. Or, general Roles of User may only be able to execute an action given the object they are trying to action is of a certain type.
To explore the permutation of these, assuming a blog application, following the formula
a User who is a/an Role class/instance can action a/an/all/any/that (class/instance) Permission:
Role class and Permission class:
A User who is an Admin can delete any Post.
Role class and Permission instance:
A User who is an Admin can edit all Posts that they approved to be published
This would be easier if published posts had an approved_by field pointing to a User id. (Use a state machine gem for this sort of situation.
Role instance and Permission class:
A User who is an Author of a Post can comment on any Post
Note that this sort of situation is rare, which is why there are no gems I've mentioned above to handle this situation, except for perhaps the ability to manage predetermined circumstances like Rolify and Authority in conjunction; or, if you must pass this decision on to your client, your own custom solution.
Role instance and Permission instance:
A User who is an Author of a Post can edit that Post.
Rolify is just for roles: grouping Users by Permission: access to a controller action. You have yet to decide how you are going to manage Permissions.
I hope this helps your understanding of Rolify's position in the grand scheme of authentication and authorization!

How to create a User - Group model in rails? with muliple authorization enabled

A user could create a "group", which other users could join in. Each group has its own admin and moderators so on and could do something like creating posts, inviting users, etc.
I think "has_many through" should be used here, but not sure about the authorization, since the role is based on different groups. The roles set up in CanCan seem not fit into it, admin is just for one group, not the whole site.
Seems like confusion between a user and its role.
A "Group" has many "users". A "user" has one (or more) "role(s)" (admin) toward a group "ALPHA". A "user" might have another role ("listener") on another group "DELTA".
Admin is a role, Moderator and listener are roles just the same.
You have to create role like user.is_admin_of?(GroupObject) so first step is create role https://github.com/timonv/rollable
