Rails/Refinery CMS: Adding to existing application + modifying existing code via CMS - ruby-on-rails

I've been reading the documentation on Refinery CMS but I haven't seemed to come across the right answer yet. If you have an existing Ruby on Rails application, is there a way to add Refinery to it and then run a command so that your previous models become refinery compatible, that is, you design a page and then it becomes editable in the refinery editors?
I'm asking because I'm planning on designing a website for a non-profit that does not have the resources for paid web developers. Is it possible for one web developer to write out the code and then have it all be editable by the editor? Does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you in advance.

If you have an existing Ruby on Rails application
You can add Refinery CMS in an existing Rails application:
run a command so that your previous models become refinery compatible, that is, you design a page and then it becomes editable in the refinery editors
No, you will have to manually convert this models.
I'm asking because I'm planning on designing a website for a non-profit that does not have the resources for paid web developers. Is it possible for one web developer to write out the code and then have it all be editable by the editor? Does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you in advance.
Why don't you use a static website generator like middleman or Jekyll ? And choose a Headless/Decoupled CMS like Contentful.
Refinery CMS will soon be able to use it like a Headless CMS but it needs more work to do that:


Rails ecommerce site with Spree what should be ideal blog solution

I have e-commerce site using spree. What should be ideal blog solution please suggest. Since the blog has to be updated almost daily it should be like CMS with end customer able to do the same. Should I use spree-blogging-spree gem or maybe blog hosted separately on wordpress ? What would be little scalable and convenient for a zero tech customer?
By your own definition ("zero tech customer") I would avoid any solution involving coding or custom code. Blog is an area where dozens of very good solution exists "of the shelf", so I would go for a WordPress or equivalent. You could even get the hosting done for you.
Integration can be as simple as putting the blog on a subdomain, for example if your ecommerce is hosted at pikachu-go.com, you could have blog.pikachu-go.com to point to the WordPress instance.
This means that the blog & ecommerce are totally independant, which should be for the best. You'll have a bit of work to ensure visual consistency between both, but a good palette and a logo may be enough to start.
If for any reason you really need the blog to be part of the same codebase (against, I advice against that), you may want to have a look to blogs that can be added to your Rails application as Engine such as https://buttercms.com/rails-blog-engine/ or https://github.com/kiddsoftware/rails_blog_engine.
Per the doc:
Engines can be considered miniature applications that provide
functionality to their host applications
So this is a way to deploy it inside your Spree app without resorting to custom code.

How do I let clients edit the page if I created website using react and rails

I have been learning to create websites and very new to react and rails and like the combination between the two so far. So I was wondering what would I have to do to let clients edit the page contents without any coding knowledge. I watched some CMS tutorial videos and saw people using wordpress to achieve this. But I think you would have to have written your website using PHP to use wordpress as a CMS right? Please correct me if I am mistaken. And please suggest any CMS for rails and react. Thank you.
You might want to take a look at our Rails based CMS Scrivito: https://scrivito.com/ - which has also support for JS customiziation.

Creating a marketing front for Rails app

I started to get comfortable with Rails and programming in general. I'm working on a Rails app with basic authorization and authentication. I wish to have a CMS for the landing page, while the core functionality of the website would be in Rails. I've seen that it's very useful to separate the marketing assets from the core app for iterating on the messaging and other content.
My plan is for the landing page to have 3 fields for the signup- Username, email and password, for new users to fill in, which should then be stored in the database and used by the Rails app behind the landing page. I'm thinking of using Wordpress to do so, simply because that's the only CMS I'm comfortable with.
I was wondering how I should go about this? Is this recommended, and if so, would the necessary way to go about it be a Wordpress plugin? (I couldn't narrow it down to a good Rails plugin, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated) . Are there any alternatives to plugins? Thanks in advance!
Why not using devise gem? Everyone uses that. Its well tested and has tons of useful features. And if its a small app, your own created authentication system might be enough.
And for CMS I would like Wordpress for SEO purposes, and Rails Frog for ease of use
You could use Refinery CMS with or without the Rest API:

How to manage static content in a rails app

I'm running a rails app for interactive learning for kids. We also have quite a few static pages like, landing pages, team pages, case studies etc. This is also deployed in the same rails app.
I would like a easy way for my team to manage the content without depending on the tech team. I can build an admin interface to edit these pages, but I don't want to recreate a CMS. I checked out Jekyll but the markdown syntax makes some tech novices uneasy.
Someone suggested using weebly/ wordpress and host it in a subdomain. I don't want to go overboard and add an additional layer of maintenance to the app.
I've a mongoid project and would appreciate any mongoid gems.
RefineryCMS is a popular content management solution for Rails apps. You can add it to your existing Rails app, as described in the guide. RefineryCMS is targeted at the end user experience, you don't need extensive technological knowledge to use it.
There's an online demo of the CMS which you can find here. You don't have to edit the pages using Markdown, it has a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor as well.
If you're looking for another CMS, you can find other solutions quite easily with the Ruby Toolbox.

How to create a web template editor with rails

I'm pretty new to rails, and i'm trying to build a web template editor in rails where users can come in and create their websites without having any programming knowledge.
something similar to:
I'm wondering if there are any gems or plugins
I was also told that i should look for a control library? any ideas?
There are a number of CMS kits like Refinery, Radiant, or you can use something like Comfortable Mexican Sofa which is maintained by an associate of mine.
Building a CMS isn't especially tricky, but getting a good general-purpose one built can be fussy.
Would a CMS work for this? Like RefineryCMS.com?
I'm going to be doing this too - but will be taking another approach. More of a 'showcase/showroom' direction where the templates are pre-made but they can upload artwork and change content.
Anyhow - good luck!
