break if method takes more than 30sec time to execute - ruby-on-rails

I benchmarked the execution time for method
tests.each do |test|
time = Benchmark.realtime { method(test) }
def method(test)
Which is returning time in seconds
But what I want is to break the loop if this method is taking more than 30 sec of execution time.
suggest a clean way to do it.

Use stdlib Timeout
require 'timeout'
def method(test)
#code here
This will raise Timeout::TimeoutError if code takes longer to run

You can use Ruby Timeout method
require 'timeout'
tests.each do |test|
Timeout::timeout(30) {

You already got several answers, especially some regarding Timeout.
Please be cautious here. Timeout is implemented with an ALARM signal in standard ruby (i.e., I'm not talking about JRuby here), which means
You cannot nest timeouts (that is, you can, but it will silently fail).
If your code or some gem also uses the ALARM signal, it will go wrong.
Things can go plainly wrong (unexpected behaviour) due to it being such a clunky mechanism.
Don't even try to mix it with the "green multithreading" of standard ruby unless you like to have major headaches.
If you can, it will always be safer to somehow do your timeout yourself. That is, if you can, then have your method check for time spent regularly. Of course, this may or may not be useful to you; you don't want to bring test stuff into your production code. And it may be hard if you want to timeout system calls (for example, blocking network calls).
At least, keep it in mind.

Try this:
tests.each do |test|
time = Benchmark.realtime { method(test) }
break if time > 30
Not sure about the unit of time. Adjust the condition time > 30 according to that.


Is there a way, with Ruby, to prevent the CPU from going idle without blocking anything

I have a Ruby on Rails app. Ruby 2.3 Rails 3.2 The app uses resque which runs jobs asynchronously off a queue. One job, in particular, makes calls to an external (Ebay) api. While the api call is being made, the CPU of the ec2 instance doesn't process anything. Is there a way to prevent the CPU from going idle during the api call?
Is there a way, with Ruby, to prevent the CPU from going idle without
blocking anything?
Yes absolutely. In fact its trivial:
require 'securerandom'
t = do
loop do
print SecureRandom.alphanumeric(3)
sleep 0.00001
This will just continue printing a Matrix screensaver indefinately without blocking until you call t.exit.
But its most likely the wrong answer to the wrong question.
Here's a solution I came up with which is working so far. I realize this question tends to offend peoples' sensibilities. But, perhaps with the caveat that this code should never actually be executed, I'd be interested to know of any potential shortcomings:
module AppHelpers
def self.prevent_idle_cpu
uuid = SecureRandom.uuid
cache_key = "/prevent_idle_cpu/#{uuid}"
Rails.cache.write(cache_key, "busy", expires_in:
thread = do
1_000_000.times { 13 * 13 }
thread.priority = -1
AppHelpers.prevent_idle_cpu do

Ruby (rails) non-blocking recursive algorithm?

I've written the following pseudo-ruby to illustrate what I'm trying to do. I've got some computers, and I want to see if anything's connected to them. If nothing is connected to them, try again for another two attempts, and if that's the still case, shut it down.
This is for a big deployment so this recursive timer could be running for hundreds of nodes. I just want to check, is this approach sound? Will it generate tonnes of threads and eat up lots of RAM while blocking the worker processes? (I expect it will be running as a delayed_job)
def check_status(i)
if instance.connected.true? then return
if instance.connected.false? and i < 3
There is not going to be a large problem when the maximum recursion depth here is 3. It should be fine. Recursing a method does not create threads, but each call does store more information about the call stack, and eventually the resources used for that storage could run out. Not after 3 calls though, that is quite safe.
However, there is no need for recursion to solve your problem. The following loop should do just as well:
def check_status
return if instance.connected.true?
2.times do
return if instance.connected.true?
You got answers from other users already. However, since you are waiting 5 minutes at least two times, you might consider using another language or change the design.
Ruby (MRI) has a global interpreter lock, which restricts parallel execution of Ruby code. MRI is not parallel. You risk to be inefficient with this.
Consider using threads (a reasonable number of thread pools might make sense), probably fed by a queue with tasks
Make sure you don't wait 5 minutes. Instead put them to sleep for that time. This way other threads can execute, while some are sleeping/waiting
You could also consider using jRuby, since jRuby has true parallelism (MRI is restricted by the GIL, thus it is not truly parallel)
Consider using another programming language that might be more performant
If it's running via delayed_job why not use the gem's functionality to implement what you want? I, for one, would go for something like the following. No need to sleep the delayed jobs or anything.
class CheckStatusJob
def before(job)
#job = job
def perform
if instance.connected.true? then return
if instance.connected.false? and #job.attempts < 3
raise 'The job failed!'
def max_attempts
def reschedule_at(current_time, attempts)
current_time + 5.minutes

How to avoid meeting Heroku's API rate limit with delayed job and workless

My Survey model has about 2500 instances and I need to apply the set_state method to each instance twice. I need to apply it the second time only after every instance has had the method applied to it once. (The state of an instance can depend on the state of other instances.)
I'm using delayed_job to create delayed jobs and workless to automatically scale up/down my worker dynos as required.
The set_state method typically takes about a second to execute. So I've run the following at the heroku console:
2.times do
Survey.all.each do |survey|
Shouldn't be any issues with overloading the API, right?
And yet I'm still seeing the following in my logs for each delayed job:
Heroku::API::Errors::ErrorWithResponse: Expected(200) <=> Actual(429 Unknown)
I'm not seeing any infinite loops -- it just returns this message as soon as I create the delayed job.
How can I avoid blowing Heroku's API rate limits?
Reviewing workless, it looks like it incurs an API call per delayed job to check the worker count and potentially a second API call to scale up/down. So if you are running 5000 (2500x2) jobs within a short period, you'll end up with 5000+ API calls. Which would be well in excess of the 1200/requests per hour limit. I've commented over there to hopefully help toward reducing the overall API usage (, but I think we can offer a more specific solution for you.
In the mean time, especially if your workload is pretty predictable (like this). I'd recommend skipping workless and doing that portion yourself. ie it sounds like you already know WHEN the scaling would need to happen (scale up right before the loop above, scale down right after). If that is the case you could do something like this to emulate the behavior in workless:
require 'heroku-api'
heroku = => ENV['HEROKU_API_KEY'])
client.post_ps_scale(ENV['APP_NAME'], 'worker', Survey.count)
2.times do
Survey.all.each do |survey|
min_workers = ENV['WORKLESS_MIN_WORKERS'].present? ? ENV['WORKLESS_MIN_WORKERS'].to_i : 0
client.post_ps_scale(ENV['APP_NAME'], 'worker', min_workers)
Note that you'll need to remove workless from these jobs also. I didn't see a particular way to do this JUST for certain jobs though, so you might want to ask on that project if you need that. Also, if this needs to be 2 pass (the first time through needs to finish before the second), the 4 second sleep may in some cases be insufficient but that is a different can of worms.
I hope that helps narrow in on what you needed, but I'm certainly happy to discuss further and/or elaborate on the above as needed. Thanks!

Problem with nested timeouts in ruby over system calls

I ran into this weird issue while working with ruby(on rails) time outs. This time out
timeout(10) do
//some code involving http calls that takes more than 10 seconds
is not working. But this timeout
timeout(20) do
timeout(10) do
//some code involving http calls that takes more than 10 seconds
times out after 20 seconds. I read that timeout in ruby wont work properly if it involves system calls. If that be the case then any number of nested timeout should also not work. Why would this work on the second timeout?
btw..the link I referred
Thanks in advance
You might have better luck using a combination of timeout and terminator to do this sort of thing.
One of the known deficiencies of the timeout method is it's not always strictly enforced and many things can block it.

Are rails timers reliable when using Net::HTTP?

When reading data from a potentially slow website, I want to ensure that get_response can not hang, and so added a timer to timeout after x seconds. So far, so good. I then read which illustrates that in certain situations timer.rb doesn't work due to ruby's implementation of threads.
Does anyone know if this is one of these situations?
url = URI.parse(someurl)
Timeout::timeout(30) do
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(url)
#responseValue = CGI.unescape(response.body)
rescue Exception => e
well, first of all Timeout is not a class defined in Rails but in Ruby, second, Timeout is not reliable in cases when you make system calls.
Ruby uses what it's so called Green Threads. Let's suppose you have 3 threads, you think all of them will run in parallel but if one of the threads makes a syscall all the rest of the threads will be blocked until the syscall finishes, in this case Timeout won't work as expected, so it's always better to use something reliable like SystemTimer.
