Angular2 - Authentication with auth0 or rails? - ruby-on-rails

Cause i'm new to the whole angular (specific angular2) thing i wonder about something.
I want to build an "api" backend with rails 5 as they released the api mode and my frontend with angular2. Because i'm used to rails i wanted to implement a devise user authentication and because i'm new to angular2 i searched for a way to authenticate the user against my rails/devise backend.
But all i find are tutorials about angular2 and auth0, which i never heared before.
So my question is, is it "normal" to user angular2 with auth0 authentication?
And when i use auth0 my user data are not in my database right? So how do i create relationships with my rails models?
Would be great if someone can explain that to me or link me some article if they exists.

Auth0 is one of the many choices available to you. If you'd like to use Auth0 but store credentials in your own database, there is a tutorial for setting that up with Auth0.
So it can be normal to use Auth0, and you can also have your user data available in your own database-- do keep in mind you'll need to secure user credentials thoroughly when storing them yourself though!

I've also faced the same problem and considered Devise (going so far as setting up a Rails+Devise landing page that redirected users to the Angular app after successful login). After much pain I have come to the same recommendation as Kassandra, that using JWT authentication is the way to go.
However, if you plan to use Auth0 note that after 7000 users have signed up you will need to upgrade. This may not be a problem for you but since I plan to deploy something substantial it's a decision I had to think about.


Best authentication strategy for Ruby on Rails API only server (with ActiveAdmin)

I have a project where I want to develop the frontend in Next.js (requests based on fetch API from JS) and the backend in RoR and I am having a hard time to get the User authentication to work. I have researched and found four possible solutions:
Sessions and cookies
I have tried to implement some of them but i always end up getting a server error on client requests at some point. I would like to know if anyone has any resources where I can get to know more about and learn more about it so I can implement such authentication in my project.
If I could take advantage of devise would be even better, since I already have it setup for ActiveAdmin (wanna use the admin dashboard)
Thanks a lot in advance.
I used to use devise, but have since moved to AWS Cognito which handles everything for you and is customizable as needed. You might look into it.

Spring Security using OAM (Oracle Access Manager) SSO (Single Sign-On)

I am new to Spring world and with the help of lots of information available online, I have pretty much developed Spring MVC Application I am working on currently.
Last piece I have to implement is to integrate OAM SSO in my application to use as authentication.
I searched a lot on web but couldn't find single example of implementing third party Authentication provider.
I finally realized that I have to use PreAuthentication but I am not sure how I would implement it.
I am unable to share my code because any thing I tried until now is not working and I feel that I haven't got right path yet.
Any help would be much appreciated.
To give you brief idea about OAM, OAM authenticates user ID and Passwords and sends you authenticated requests with a cookied, OBSSOCookie. Using this cookies, you need to contact OAM and get User ID and password and also User Roles (Authorities). Any request coming to your application is already authenticated so you do not need to authenticate again. all you need to do is, using this cookie, need to retrieve user Authorities.
For Spring MVC, you could use the spring-webmvc-pac4j security library, instead of Spring Security. Use a CookieClient to deal with the OBSSOCookie and create your own Authenticator to check this cookie against OAM.

MVC4 Simple Membership authentication with multiple databases or providers

I'm working on an MVC4 site using SimpleMembership to handle user accounts and role based authentication. We have another site and we'd like to implement a single sign on system allowing users from the existing site to log in to the one I am building. What would be the best way to achieve this and hopefully leverage to the existing roles based authorization I'm using on the MVC4 site. Is it possible to have multiple membership providers (i.e. use the built in one and if the user is not found, attempt to authenticate via a custom provider that I'll write (once I work out how!). Or would it be better to abandon the built in membership/roles and roll my own?
I also thought of letting WebSecurity check the local database and if the user is not found, query the 2nd database and if the users credentials are valid, create a local account for them. One issue with this approach is if a user called Fred registers on the MVC site, and then a user from the other site called Fred logs in, we couldn't create them a local account with the same username. We could prefix/suffix the username with some text to indicate that they are from the other site but then we lose the single sign on feature.
We will also want to integrate AD authentication for staff in the future.
So essentially I'm looking for the best way to authenticate users from multiple databases and keep using roles based authentication?
I've also done a little digging was wondering if ADFS might be useful for this.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
I recommend the use of an Identity server to handle all your login request and switching to a claim based authentication instead of a role based authentication if you can.
I personally went with Thinktecture IdentityServer have a good course on it.
Thinktecture IdentityServer is build on top of simple Membership and it supports multiple protocol such as
OpenID Connect
ADFS Integration
Simple HTTP
I recommend checking it
Good Luck

Rails authentication strategy

Hope this is not too broad but after a lot of googling I am not sure where to start. I am looking for a introductory/noob overview to help me get started on building an authentication implementation for a rails 3 application.
Basic technical requirements:
Rails 3 application is hosted on third party service (heroku)
Need to use specific external private SSO service to authenticate users.
No local user database or model in the rails application.
Authentication is token based meaning that there is a special cookie that needs to be read passing back token to SSO server (not rails based).
I have no control over the SSO server or infrastructure.
Trust of the SSO server is implicit and do not want to maintain local database of users, passwords, or sensitive information. User info only exists during session and the SSO server is authoritative.
Session token info is cookie based and lives for the duration of the browser session.
I am looking for basic example/tutorial/strategy/explanation of how the process would work in rails with the above setup. I would like the process to be seamless for user with workflow that basically looks like this:
Navigate to rails app -->
redirect unauthenticated users to SSO server -->
login and authenticate via remote SSO server -->
callback/redirect to rails app -->
capture user info passed back from SSO server and load protected resources in rails app
Strategy is completely custom using a private SSO resource and does not use a well published auth mechanism (in other words not Facebook, Google, Twitter, OAuth, etc).
Any help on terminology, coherent tutorials, examples would be appreciated.
To be more specific I am also looking for good documentation how to create an omniauth custom developer strategy. Some tutorial that goes through the kind of code required to talk to an arbitrary SSO server, read a token out of a cookie, and complete the authentication handshake and callback/redirect.
This isn't really an answer but I'm posting this because a comment just wouldn't do. I don't know of any comprehensive guides so here's what I'd suggest you do:
Learn how Omniauth works. There's a great Railscast about authentication using Twitter. It's really simple and it will get you in the flow of the thing.
Build your own Omniauth strategy. Go to the list of Omniauth Strategies and scroll to Developer Strategies. In that table, choose the strategy you can use to connect to your SSO server.
Ideally, you'd be able to use OAuth2 and there are a couple of guides that talk about implementing your own OAuth strategy:
Custom OAuth 1.0 strategy to connect to Rdio
Custom OAuth 2.0 strategy by Intridea (the creators of Omniauth)
Custom OAuth 2.0 strategy to connect to by Heroku
But since you can't, just give a quick look at those guides. Without any specifics it's kind of hard (for me) to give any more help, but hopefully someone else will fill in the details.

Best solution for mobile app <-> Rails app authorization/authentication

I'm current designing a Rails application that uses a form for user login, then persists session information in a cookie. However, I plan on a bulk of the interaction with the Rails application to be via a mobile app instead of a web browser.
What is the best way to accomplish user auth? I suppose I could save a cookie with my app. Or perhaps authenticate with every request. Perhaps there's a gem for this?
Check out the Devise gem.
It's REALLY good, supported by people that really know about Rails, and I guess I could say it's become the "industry standard" for these matters.
Devise on GitHub
