Navigation controller dont work - ios

I have three view controllers in my storyboard.
In second controller I have navigation controller embeded. Second controller is connected to third with segue.
From first view controller, I call second one by presentViewController. In presented view controller I press a button that trigger a segue. What I expect is to see navigation controller in second and third view controller, but third viewcontroller is also shows from bottom to top with out navigation controller.
How to make nav controller visible in second and third view controller ?

Select the segue
between your secondView and thirdView in your StoryBoard
and look it has this settings:
Take care the identifier is what you want, the key here is the kind type of segue


Show segue behave as a Modal presentation

I have a Main screen and when I press a button I will be sent to the second view controller I create a storyboard segue of type: 'Show' but when I press the button the second screen is presented as a modal.
Ps: I'm already embed navigation controller in the first view controller
Ps2: the second view controller is placed in another storyboard file, so the connection of the segue is from the main view controller to a reference storyboard.

Why Do I Need A Second Navigation Controller?

I have the following on my storyboard:
A navigation controller with a table view controller as its root view controller.
The table view controller's navigation item has right bar button (Add) that segues to a 2nd navigation controller.
The 2nd navigation controller has a 2nd table view controller as its root view controller.
The 2nd table view controller's navigation item has a left bar button (Cancel) and a right bar button (Save) both of which unwind back to the 1rst table view controller.
This all works fine: I can navigate from the 1st table view controller to the 2nd and back.
If I remove the 2nd navigation controller and instead segue directly from the 1st table view controller to the 2nd then the 2nd table view controller's navigation item is not displayed. What is going on? Why do I need the 2nd navigation controller?
remove the intermediate navigation controller and connect your second VC to initial vc and change your segue type kind model from present modally to show e.g push
if you are using present then navigation controller is not a manodatry but on your save and cancel button purpose you need to embed with navigation controller, in here you push then no need of Second Navigation Controller.
on navigation use
[self performSegueWithIdentifier: #"sample" sender: self];
on your second by default navigation bar will comes, if you need add barbuttons in right and left side, once press the done button use the following comment
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
it automatically come back to initial VC,
you can get the detail of segues in apple
You don't need a second navigation controller. This is what you need to do to after you do a Show segue to the second TableViewController:
Confirm that you're actually doing a Show (e.g., Push) segue. If you have to do a Present Modally segue, then you will need another UINavigationController.
Add a Navigation Item (not a Navigation BAR) to the second TableViewController. You'll then be able to add a title, add navigation buttons, etc.

Swift Using a Back Button on Two View Controllers

My second view controller is a table view controller. I wish to segue to a first view controller with a back button. I have tried using Editor>Embed In>Navigation Controller. It places a navigation bar on the top where I can place an Item (Back button) on it, and after segueing it back to my first view controller, it becomes very screwy (it shows two navigation bars on top of each other). Is there a better/easier way to move back to my first view controller?
if u want to use navigation controller to manage ur push&pop stuff, just make sure:
navigation controller is ur initial view controller
ur first view controller is the root view controller of navigation controller
set an unique identifier to second view controller
leave ur second view controller alone without any link to other vc
like this
then push like this
let secondVC = (self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("identifier"))! as! urVC
secondVC.title = "second view controller"
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondVC, animated: true)
and pop like this
alternatively, u can use unwind segue following this tutorial

How to show a view controller using a navigation controller segue, including back segue (Swift)

I have to view controller, One has a button and the other is embed in a navigation controller. I Don't know how to make a proper segue to that second view controller including a back (unwind) segue. That is in swift.
You're going to use a navigation controller. Go and select your view in the storyboard, and select Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller. Do the same for the second view. Now, add a button in the first view that connect to the second view on a click. Make sure when you drag and drop that it's a push segue.
Voila! You should now have your navigation controller working.

How to navigate a child view controller from other child view controller in objective c

I want to navigate to a view controller from another controller. Both view controllers are child of root view controller of navigation view controller. Now I want to navigate to a second view controller from the first view controller and same as first view controller from second view controller using navigation view controller. How to do that?
The Storyboard image is as follows :
you can just drag a segue from child1's button to child2, and child2's button to child1, though the storyboard will look ugly, but it works. or you can just use
[self.navigationController pushViewController:child2 animated:YES];
You can setup NavigationController with rootViewController is Controller1
when navigation to Controller2 (from Viewcontroller1) just push viewController2 to navigation controller.
when navigation to Controller1 (from Viewcontroller2) just pop viewController2 from navigation controller (or pop to viewController1).
Make another segue from first View Controller to Second View Controller & give it Push navigation.Also give identifier to segue like 'ABCSegue'. Then On the action of Button write
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"ABCSegue" sender:nil];
Do same for navigate from second view controller to first view controller.
Hope this will help you.
