Run once inside update loop inside a update loop - ios

So, basically I am making a game that includes land mines, which I want to have them release a red shockwave whenever the player gets close. The only problem is since the code looks like this:
loop {
if (<...Player inside radius...>) {
//This is simplified
Each time the player gets near one of the mines, an large number of shockwave images get created (Once every time the loop is run.) How can I get it so that only shockwave gets created per mine.
The game is being written in SpriteKit, and the mines are there own class , however, I have to enumerate each object as an SKNode. Which sucks because that means I can't use custom properties that an SKNode doesn't have.
If anyone has a solution please help.
(Application written in swift)


CNContactStoreDidChangeNotification multiple times [duplicate]

I am able to observe the CNContactStoreDidChangeNotification when the contact database is changed while the app is in background state. I am pretty sure that only one observer was added to NSNotificationCenter.
The problem is NSNotificationCenter posts MULTIPLE times (2, 3, 5, and even more times) even if I only add one new contact.
Where is the problem?
Make certain you aren't adding the observer multiple times. This can happen without you realizing it if (for example) you call -addObserver from -viewDidLoad or -viewDidAppear in your view controller (as these might get called more than once throughout the life of your application), or from any of the application state callbacks in your app delegate (-applicationDidBecomeActive, -applicationWillResignActive, -applicationDidEnterBackground, -applicationWillEnterForeground, etc).
Wrap the call to -addObserver in a conditional that ensures it can only be called once (set a flag), and put NSLog statements around it so you can see in the debug console if you are getting there more than once. Search your code for other calls to -addObserver that you might have forgotten about.
Call -removeObserver before adding it, just to be sure (making sure to pass the same name and object as when you added it). Calling -removeObserver on an observer that doesn't exist is okay. Note that this is more of a band-aid than a fix - your code should be smart enough to know whether or not you've already added it - but this might help you diagnose the problem).
I just wrote a quick minimal test program that adds an observer (once!) on CNContactStoreDidChangeNotification and I only get the notification once when I add or change a contact. Write a similar test program for yourself and see if you get the same result. If your test program works correctly, then it is likely that your app is doing something you don't expect (and calling -addObserver multiple times).
I had the same problem, the number of times it fired varied between 2 & 3. The solution that worked for me was to set a semaphore variable, set in the handler and reset the semaphore when finished. Wrap the address book processing in an if statement on the semaphore to ignore further calls.
addressBkSemphore is reset to false in buildFrendsAndContacts
- (void)addressBkChange:(NSNotification *)note
if (addressBkSemphore == false)
addressBkSemphore = TRUE;
[self buildFrendsAndContacts];
Hope it helps.
You can start a one time execution timer or a dispatch after few seconds and cancel it in case there's a new contacts update within those seconds, thus ensuring that only the timer or dispatch_after triggered by the last update will actually execute (taking into account that all update calls come one after the other within under a sec. difference, as far as I tested)
And btw, I could reproduce the issue only when making change to contacts on the same device with my app. If I change the contacts on another device linked to the same apple account, there was only one update.

Sprite-kit game lifecycle, properties and global variable?

In my sprite-Kit game, my game goes through the various scenes, across which I want certain variables to be available. See the following diagram:
So the title screen loads the main game screen. When the 'wave' is finished (all objective complete or all lives lost), the end scene is presented with some stats. Then if the player has lives left the main game is loaded again, if not the title screen is presented again.
I want the player's score and number of lives left to be available across the main game scene and the end scene; the high score should be kept across all scenes.
I'm using global variables for these, whereas most of my variables are properties defined under the class.
The first time I had to do this (for my score property before I added a high score or multiple lives) I used a score property on every scene and passed it between scenes when I did the presentScene for the next scene, but that seemed clumsy, especially when I had to add more variables.
Is there a best practice for this i.e. should global variables be used/not be used and if not, is there a correct way to handle properties, perhaps controlled by where you initialise them e.g. in init compared to didMoveToView, which determines if they are re-initiialised when the scene is shown again?
Am I doing something 'wrong' when I go from the End Wave Scene back into the Main Game Screen that is causing the main screen to be re-initialised again? Is there a way to preserve it (with all it's properties) so it isn't fully re-initialied but it's didMoveToView is called again?
I know that many people work with generalized rules like "Don't use globals" or "Singletons are evil". These words of wisdom may be applicable at times, however another way of looking at them would be as tools to make you more efficient in getting your game finished.
There are times when globals/singletons are useful. Games and embedded systems play by different rules than conventional applications. These are typically resource constrained "applications" coupled with performance requirements. Globals are more common than you think in each. Singletons are also commonly in use. I've worked on both embedded systems and games and can say that on every project I've worked on, they've employed either globals, singletons, or both.
In practice, I use singletons over globals. Mainly because I don't have to worry about where to shove the global and what header file it belongs in. Note, the basis as to the why will differ from all you Swifties. For me this stuff is done in primarly in C++ with some Obj-C and a smattering here and there of Swift.
The need to manage game lifecycle is independent of SpriteKit. Many of the SpriteKit posts I see on SO have the devs embedding game state into the scene or VC. They are usually faced with some dilemma on how to move state to the next scene. While this approach may be good for what I will call "local state" (ie. state for the current screen, stage, etc), it is not good for global game state. For example, if you transition from a main screen to an option screen then back to main and then in the game, how are you tracking the changes to those options (eg. changing game difficulty)? Yes you certainly can pass around dictionaries, structs, or what have you around. But at some point of time, you are going to discover that having one common and convenient dumping ground for it all is more convenient. This "dumping ground" would be globals/singletons.
Now before ya'll start yelling at me, there is a catch to all this crazy talk of globals and singletons. I'm not saying create alot of globals/singletons. Rather, be controlled aboutwhen/if you employ globals/singletons.
I'm not talking a gazillion if 'em. I'm talking like one (although I usually have a handful in use). Enter our ficticious friend, the GameManager.
Let's walk down a very simple scenario of a space shooter. Say I have multiple screens such as the title screen, main screen, the in game screen, and the end wave screen. There are certain bits of information that are useful to be passed to the different screens. For example high score or even current score. Those may be values that you want to display on various screens/scenes. So where do you store the score? How do I pass the score between them? For example, if the last high score is displayed on all screens, where do I keep that value?
class GameManager : NSObject {
// Overall game state, GameState is probably some enum
var state:GameState
var lastState:GameState
// Sometimes tracking scenes is useful
var currentScene:SKScene?
var nextScene:SKScene? // Sometimes helpful if you need to construct the next scene and it takes a non-trivial amount of time
// These are the globals we need to share to different "parts" of the game
var score: UInt
var highscore: UInt
var lives: Uint
var stage: Uint
var highscores:[Uint] // A list of all the high score for the user. You would probably want HS based on other users too
// Egads a singleton!
static let sharedInstance = GameManager()
If this was a global, it would have some global definition of the instance outside any scope. Like:
var theGameManager : GameManager
So if you want to udpate the score, you'd do
theGameManager.score += 100
If it was a singleton updating the score would look something like:
GameManager.sharedInstance.score += 100
Okay the singleton syntax is a little longer, but perhaps a little less cryptic than the global as to where/what this is.
But now here is where you can have a little more power in things. Let's say when you add a score, every multiple of 100000 scores you an extra life. I can now easily leverage the setter and use that setter to also reward the extra life.
For example this:
GameManager.sharedInstance.score += 100 // the magic of the 100000 for extra life happens automagically in the setter
versus something potentially like this:
myScore += 100
// Do logic to find out if we get an extra life.
// Is this done in a method and if so where does this method live?
// Or is it straight up code which will be duplicated?
Code like this which helps manage global game state is all neatly contained within the GameManager. In other words, the GameManager doesn't just maintain values, but it also provides a way of encapsulating functionality around those values.
Hmm, it seems the currentScene is also here? Why would that be? The GameManager would also be an excellent way to manage the changing of the scenes. More likely done through the game state. Maybe something like:
GameManager.sharedInstance.gameState = GameOverState
Behind the scenes, the gameState setter can then do the magic of swapping out scenes.
These are but a few examples of the practical nature of this approach.
Regarding the talk of loading/storing, this is can also be done through the GameManager if desired. Although for myself, I typically treat it independently based on some data within the GameManager. And this brings up another distinction. I would typically encapsulate ideas within the GameManager. For example, I would probably have a Player and that would make GameManager look like this:
class GameManager : NSObject {
// Overall game state, GameState is probably some enum
var state:GameState
var lastState:GameState
// Sometimes tracking scenes is useful
var currentScene:SKScene?
var nextScene:SKScene? // Sometimes helpful if you need to construct the next scene and it takes a non-trivial amount of time
// These are the globals we need to share to different "parts" of the game
// Note player state is done through this object. This way I can pass around only player when needed.
var player: Player
var stage: Uint
var highscores:[Uint] // A list of all the high score for the user. You would probably want HS based on other users too
// Egads a singleton!
static let sharedInstance = GameManager()
Wait you say; "But I don't like this global/singleton jazz. Why don't I just pass this object through to everyone that needs it." The answer is "you can". But in practice, you'll start to find this becomes tedious. You also may find that you discover you need the GameManager, but the caller never had the GameManager passed to it. This means now you're reworking a few methods to pass this object through.
Soooo are globals/singletons evil? You can be your own judge for it. Everyone will have there solution of choice. And if it works for you, use it. For me, it's a no brainer. The benefits of using it for consistent ease of use in accessing/managing global game state across your implementation make it an obvious choice.
So I'm adding a little more info here for an already long answer to
try clarify a few things.
My choice of singleton or global would be on usage, platform, and language. It is also dependent upon the game code base as well. It is not meant to be a dumping ground of just any data. If utilized, the contents should be carefully considered and when possible, use other containers for the contents (ie. wrap them in classes). So while my first example had player information dangling out (done to more easily convey the idea), in reality I would have PlayerState contain player data. Note this may not be the player in it's entirety, but perhaps some shared info that needs to live beyond the in-game life of the player.
class PlayerState {
var score:Uint
var highscore:Uint
var lives:Uint
// Simplified GameManager
class GameManager {
var state:GameState
var lastState:GameState
var player:PlayerState
// Egads a singleton!
static let sharedInstance = GameManager()
Additionally, I would end up passing around the PlayerState instance versus expecting code to always grab it through the global/singleton.
So for example I would do this:
func doSomething(playerState:PlayerState) {
var score = playerState.score
// Blah blah blah
func doSomething() {
// Whee I have singleton
var score = GameManager.player.score
// Blah blah blah
Effectively what I'm doing is using the singleton as anchor points to access data objects more easily and then if needed, pass it around. In other words, While they are being employed, I also do not want my code riddled with GameManager.sharedInstance.
As mentioned, there are certainly a bunch of cons to this approach. One of which is concurrency. However, I will point out that concurrency still can occur with data even if it is not in a global/singleton.
My point of this addition is that game dev (and coding in general) involves a degree of practicality. Not only are you doing a balancing act with the system resources to present your game, but presumably you're making the game for people to play it. And for that to happen you need to get it done. Everyone wants to make a perfect snowflake, but what is the timecost for that perfection? At the start of the answer I indicated this technique is a tool. Globals/singletons won't be for everyone. At the same time, one should also not just blindly follow design mantras. If it can be an effective tool for you and help you finish your game faster, then its worthwhile doing. There will always be another game to write and you can then decide based on experience what worked and what did not.
General rule of thumb: If you can avoid global variables, do so.
Now every node has a mutable dictionary called userData. This is designed to be used to save data to a node.
Upon creation of your new scene, transfer whatever data you need from the old scene.
let scene = SKScene(fileNamed:....)
scene.userData["highscore"] = self.highscore
Now in the new scenes didMove(view:) method, you read from said userData
As 0x141E has pointed out, remember you need to initialize userData, since chances are you have a custom class, you could do this in your init methods, just remember to override all designated inits so that you have access to the convenience methods.
Also, as mentioned in the comments between Whirlwind and myself, SKNode is NSCoding compliant, so when you go and save your information, you can save the SKNode as a whole and userData will go along with it.
This means all you would have to do is write an extension for SKNode to save/load the node, and this avoids having to worry about managing another class.
During the execution of a game many things could happen, a game have a crash, the player close the app, internet stops, a node could be paused from a parent (so it will be skipped when a scene processes actions). For this reason I agree with Simone Pistecchia comments: you could prepare a "storage manager" class to load and save to file your player stats, use NSCoding to declare and initialize them, use a Shared Instance class to handle them across the project. With this way you could load and save your vars when you need and show them also out of the game (to your main menu for a "High Scores" scene for example of wherever you want)

When changing state can I re-initialize my code?

So basically I've got a game that runs with 4 game states. One for the main menu and 3 for my mini-games. Within each of these mini games there are smaller states to handle various sections of the gameplay.
Now here's my question. When a player dies in the game I want to restart the game with them at the beginning. So I use one of my mini game structs to send them to .beginning However a lot of my bools and counters are messed up because they are different from what initialize would have them set to.
Is there any way I can send the player back to my .beginning and tell the code to reinialize in order to get my values back to what they should be for the start of the game?
cheers folks
It depends on architecture of your game and code in overall.
If you use different classes for game states (for example, one menu class per game state), you could create a method which will set all your bools and counters to default values. Or you could even recreate that menu if it doesn't contain important data.
You could either make a function or change the constructor
public class State
// Bools and stuff
// ...
public State(/* Whater goes in there */)
// Other logic ...
public void Initialise()
// Set the bools and stuff to what they should be when the game starts / restarts

nextLevel Method

How do I make a method that switches levels for me? I'm using cocos2d btw. I'm not talking about the simple replaceScene, I want a method that, when called, will change from say level 10 to level 11. I'm not sure how to achieve this, but my levels are simply named LevelOne, LevelTwo, LevelThree, etc. I thought about doing
-(void)nextLevel:(ccTime)dt {
if (currentLevel += 1) { //CURRENT LEVEL + ONE LEVEL
but of course, just adding one to currentLevel (an int I have that has the current level the user is at) would just make the number +1.
I don't want a method that detects the level, I want a method that takes currentLevel and goes to the nextLevel.
One nice way would be to store your data in a linked list. Here's a nice article on how to implement one in Core Data. I'm actually using this in my app currently; while the setup is a little complex, the extreme benefit comes with lines of code like this:
IPhoneGameScene *nextScene = [IPhoneGameScene sceneWithPuzzle:[self.puzzle next]];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:nextScene];
So clean!

Keeping Score in XNA Game

I'm following an XNA tutorial and have the following code for collision detecting (detecting when a bullet collides with a target). Basically I'm looking to increment a score variable to display the score to the screen without re-writing the whole program. No matter where I place it in this method it seems to start incrementing from the number of targets, not from zero. Is there something simple I'm missing here? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
private CollisionType CheckCollision(BoundingSphere sphere)
if (completeCityBox.Contains(sphere) != ContainmentType.Contains)
return CollisionType.Boundary;
for (int i = 0; i < targetList.Count; i++)
if (targetList[i].Contains(sphere) != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
return CollisionType.Target;
return CollisionType.None;
You could simply have a separate method called OnCollision() that updates the score (and could perform any physics for you if you wanted later on) and in your Update method, just have an if statement checking for collisions. Something like:
if( CheckCollision() == CollisionType.Target )
Hope that helps.
Assuming you're not incrementing / assigning the score variable anywhere else, and it's set to zero during initialization, the only other thing I can think of is that somehow you're triggering a collision with all of your objects - is that possible somehow, perhaps during the setup phase? Have you tried setting a breakpoint on your score increment line to see when it gets hit?
if you are initialing it at the top of your class, and only incrementing it in the second if statement it sounds like the collision has to be happening with all items the first time.
without the rest of the code it might be hard to determine but for example in the AddTargets function if they start with the same location, and then are adjusted it could be possible that when this collision is checked they all qualified, or something of that nature.
As stated above, either set a break point when you update the score - if needed update it via a property and set a break point on the property so you can see where its being called and track back why it is being called. If its going from 0 to 250 before you actually have what you expect to be a collision, it should be easy to track down where the counter is being updated incorrectly, as it sounds its happening before what you expect to be your first collision and thus adding the first 250 points.
