I have a resizable rectangular div with custom handles from the EST and WEST sides like this :
handles: {
'e': '#egrip'
'w': '#wgrip'
// ....
// ....
and I have a button which is supposed to change those handles from EST and WEST to North and South.
So When I click the button, the 'e,w' handles should disappear and handles from 'n,s' should appear, and the Div will be only resizable from North and South directions.
How I can do that ?
As in the comment:
The handles actually use DOM changes, which are only done when the widget is initialised. I don't think they can be changed dynamically, you'd need to call destroy then recreate the widget
So, you'd have to have something like:
handles: {
'e': '#egrip'
'w': '#wgrip'
// ....
// ....
Then, when you want to change the resizable handles from e w to n s:
handles: {
'n': '#ngrip'
's': '#sgrip'
// ....
// ....
Keep in mind that the destroy call will also delete the existing handles from the DOM (including, potentially, #ngrip and #sgrip if they have the resizable handle class). You may need to dynamically save a copy if you want to recycle them later
Here's a fiddle illustrating this https://jsfiddle.net/rmzwodj9/
I'm building a Vaadin 8 app ( first one for me ). I am using the designer to generate the UI. I've added several buttons to the dashboard which should fire a function when clicked. For some reason nothing fires when the image is clicked. Below is all the code that is involved. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
This is the code from the .html file:
<vaadin-horizontal-layout responsive width-full margin>
**<vaadin-image icon="theme://images/properties.png" style-name="my-image-button" responsive alt="" _id="imagePropertyInfo"></vaadin-image>**
<vaadin-image icon="theme://images/occupants.png" responsive alt="" _id="imageOccupants"></vaadin-image>
<vaadin-image icon="theme://images/vendors.png" responsive alt="" _id="imageVendors"></vaadin-image>
Here is the scss
cursor: pointer;
Here is the code from the Dashboard UI
public DashboardHomeView( OnCallUI onCallUI )
this.onCallUI = onCallUI;
// Make it disabled until a property is selected
**imagePropertyInfo.setEnabled( false );
imagePropertyInfo.setStyleName( "my-image-button" );**
protected void fetchPropertyBasicInfo()
List<PropertyProfileBasic> listOfPropertyProfiles = new ArrayList<PropertyProfileBasic>( OnCallUI.myStarService.fetchAllPropertyProfileBasicInformation() );
comboBoxGeneric.setCaption( "Select a Property" );
comboBoxGeneric.setItemCaptionGenerator( aProperty -> aProperty.toString() );
comboBoxGeneric.setItems( listOfPropertyProfiles );
comboBoxGeneric.addValueChangeListener( event -> fetchOccupantBasicInfo( event ) );
protected void fetchOccupantBasicInfo( ValueChangeEvent<PropertyProfileBasic> event )
// Fetch all the occupants for the selected property
if( event.getValue().getPropertyNo() != null )
// Fetch a list of occupant basic info for the selected property
List<OccupantProfileBasic> listOfOccupantProfiles = new ArrayList<OccupantProfileBasic>( OnCallUI.myStarService.fetchOccupantProfileBasicByPropertyNo( event.getValue().getPropertyNo() ) );
// Clear the existing grid et al
// Add the occupant grid
occupantGrid = new OccupantProfileBasicGrid( listOfOccupantProfiles );
// Show the grid
gridContainer.addComponents( new Label( "Occupants" ), occupantGrid );
// Set the dashboard buttons to enabled now a property is selected
**imagePropertyInfo.setEnabled( true );
// Add the property info button
imagePropertyInfo.addClickListener( e -> fetchPropertyInformation() );**
protected void fetchPropertyInformation()
Notification.show( "Yo!", "You clicked!", Notification.Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE );
I assume you are using GridLayout. I am recommending another approach. Use Button, and set the button style to be borderless (apparently you want something like that. The icon of the button can be image from your theme, using ThemeResource. "Pseudo code" is something like this:
ThemeResource icon = new ThemeResource("/images/properties.png");
Button imagePropertyInfo = new Button(icon);
imagePropertyInfo.addClickListener( e -> fetchPropertyInformation() );
Note also, JavaDoc of Image component says.
"public Registration addClickListener(MouseEvents.ClickListener listener)
Add a click listener to the component. The listener is called whenever the user clicks inside the component. Depending on the content the event may be blocked and in that case no event is fired."
I think it does not like your way of setting image with theme, without using Resource.
If you want to remove the focus highlight of the button, it should be possible via this CSS rule:
.v-button-link:after {
content: none;
Also it is worth of mentioning that Image is not Focusable, while Button is. This means that even that Image can have click listener, it is not reached by keyboard navigation, Button is Focusable and is reached by tabbing etc. So using Button instead of Image makes your application more accessible.
I have a div element which is made jquery Resizable. It has alsoResize option set, so other elements resize simultaneously.
What I want to do, is to set size of this Resizable div element programmatically in such way, that all Resizable logic is triggered (especially this alsoResize option is taken into account).
How can I achieve that?
Update: It looks like the internals of jQuery UI have changed dramatically since I answered this and firing the event no longer works.
There's no direct way to fire the event anymore because the resizable plugin has been fundamentally changed. It resizes as the mouse is dragged rather than syncing items up at the end. This happens by it listening for the internal resize propagation event for resizable plugins which is now fired by the _mouseDrag handler. But it depends on variables set along the way, so just firing that even internally won't help.
This means even overriding it is messy at best. I'd recommend just manually resizing the alsoResize elements directly, independent of the UI widget altogether if that's possible.
But for fun let's say it isn't. The problem is that the internals of the plugin set various properties relating to previous and current mouse position in order to know how much to resize by. We can abuse use that to add a method to the widget, like this:
$.widget("ui.resizable", $.ui.resizable, {
resizeTo: function(newSize) {
var start = new $.Event("mousedown", { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 });
this.axis = 'se';
var end = new $.Event("mouseup", {
pageX: newSize.width - this.originalSize.width,
pageY: newSize.height - this.originalSize.height
This is just creating the mouse events that the resizable widget is looking for and firing those. If you wanted to do something like resizeBy it'd be an even simpler end since all we care about is the delta:
var end = $.Event("mouseup", { pageX: newSize.width, pageY: newSize.height });
You'd call the $.widget() method after jQuery UI and before creating your .resizable() instances and they'll all have a resizeTo method. That part doesn't change, it's just:
$(".selector").resizable({ alsoResize: ".other-selector" });
Then to resize, you'd call that new resizeTo method like this:
$(".selector").resizable("resizeTo", { height: 100, width: 200 });
This would act as if you instantly dragged it to that size. There are of course a few gotchas here:
The "se" axis is assuming you want resize by the bottom right - I picked this because it's by far the most common scenario, but you could just make it a parameter.
We're hooking into the internal events a bit, but I'm intentionally using as few internal implementation details as possible, so that this is less likely to break in the future.
It could absolutely break in future versions of jQuery UI, I've only tried to minimize the chances of that.
You can play with it in action with a fiddle here and the resizeBy version here.
Original answer:
You can do this:
alsoResize internally rigs up a handler to the resize event, so you just need to invoke that :)
You can trigger the bars programmatically. For example, to trigger the east-west resize event:
var elem =... // Your ui-resizable element
var eastbar = elem.find(".ui-resizable-handle.ui-resizable-e").first();
var pageX = eastbar.offset().left;
var pageY = eastbar.offset().top;
.trigger({ type: "mousedown", which: 1, pageX: pageX, pageY: pageY })
.trigger({ type: "mousemove", which: 1, pageX: pageX - 1, pageY: pageY })
.trigger({ type: "mousemove", which: 1, pageX: pageX, pageY: pageY })
.trigger({ type: "mouseup", which: 1, pageX: pageX, pageY: pageY }));
I am doing a 1px left followed by 1px right movement on the east bar handle.
To perform a full size, you can target .ui-resizable-handle.ui-resizable-se if you have east and south resize bars.
I needed the same thing for tests. Similar questions have only one promising answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/17099382/1235394, but it requires additional setup, so I ended with my own solution.
I have an element with resizable right edge
$nameHeader.resizable({handles: 'e', ... });
and I needed to trigger all callbacks during the test in order to resize all elements properly. The key part of test code:
var $nameHeader = $list.find('.list-header .name'),
$nameCell = $list.find('.list-body .name');
ok($nameHeader.hasClass('ui-resizable'), 'Name header should be resizable');
equal($nameCell.outerWidth(), 300, 'Initial width of Name column');
// retrieve instance of resizable widget
var instance = $nameHeader.data('ui-resizable'),
position = $nameHeader.position(),
width = $nameHeader.outerWidth();
ok(instance, 'Instance of resizable widget should exist');
// mouseover initializes instance.axis to 'e'
// start dragging, fires `start` callback
instance._mouseStart({pageX: position.left + width, pageY: position.top});
// drag 50px to the right, fires `resize` callback
instance._mouseDrag({pageX: position.left + width + 50, pageY: position.top});
// stop dragging, fires `stop` callback
instance._mouseStop({pageX: position.left + width + 50, pageY: position.top});
// ensure width of linked element is changed after resizing
equal($nameCell.outerWidth(), 350, 'Name column width should change');
Of course this code is brittle and may break when widget implementation changes.
Hack Disclaimer (tested on jQuery 1.12.4):
This basically waits for the dialog to be opened and then increments by 1px (which forces the resize() event) and then decrements by 1px (to regain original size)
just say this in the dialog open event handler:
This may not work with show effects (like fadeIn,slideDown etc) as the "resizer" code executes before the dialog is fully rendered.
$(".yourWindow").each(function(e) {
And the same with the width.
I am attempting to create a bar graph that when independent sliders are moved they change two bar graph svg heights at the same time and they are stacked, they are different colors show it shows two separate values in the same graph, basically showing growth vs the current. I am using jquery-ui and D3.js. Currently it only moves the one svg elements instead of both at the same time, Id like them both to move at the same time.
<div id="slider" class="slider">
<label for="amount">Age</label>
<input type="text" id="amount1" style="border:0; font-weight:bold;">
<div id="slider1" class="slider">
<label for="amount2">Retirement Age</label>
<input type="text" id="amount2" style="border:0; font-weight:bold;">
//initialize sliders
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
max: 100
min: 18
max: 100
min: 18
//slider actions
$("#slider, #slider1").slider({
value: 10,
animate: "fast" ,
slide: function (event, ui) {
//capture the value of the specified slider
var selection = $("#slider").slider("value");
var selection1 = $("#slider1").slider("value");
//fill the input box with the slider value
$( "#amount1" ).val( selection );
$( "#amount2" ).val( selection1 );
//set width and height, actually I'm a little confused what this is for
var w = 200;
var h = 200;
//data arrays for svgs
var dataset = [];
var dataset1 = [];
//fill the data arrays with slider values
dataset.push(selection1 + selection);
//draw rectangle on the page
var rectangle = svg.selectAll("rect")
.classed("collapse", true)
//I draw the second rectangle here, however I choose the same svg element,
//Im not sure what other way to get it to appear in the same space but
//I am sure this is what is causing my issues
var rectangle1 = svg.selectAll("rect")
.classed("collapse", true)
//not sure what this does
rectangle.attr("width", 200).transition().attr("fill", "#A02222").attr("height", function (d) { console.log('d is ' + d);
return d;
}).attr("x", function (d) {
return 40; //I dont know why I return 40?
}).attr("y", function (d) {
return 40; //Same here dont know why I return 40?
rectangle1.attr("width", 200).transition().attr("height", function (d) { console.log('d is ' + d);
return d;
}).attr("x", function (d) {
return 40; //I dont know why I return 40?
}).attr("y", function (d) {
return 40; //Same here dont know why I return 40?
// slider actions ends here
//Create SVG element
var svg = d3.select(".svgContain").append("svg").attr("width", 125).attr("height", 300);
For starters, you may want to follow this tutorial: http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3886208
The "return 40;" that you are wondering about are actually what will specify the position and dimensions of the rect's you're appending to the svg. Those shouldn't just be 40, they should be bound to values in the data set, or based on the index of the bar's series in the set of series or something more meaningful than 40.
There is a stacked bar chart data processor that will take a set of series and spit out a new set of series coordinate definitions that make it easier to calculate how rect's will stack in svg coordinate space: https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Stack-Layout
Then, there's the more general issue of how to deal with these "nested" data sets where you have series, and in the series there are values and you don't want to have to manually track and select individual series. There are several ways to handle this sort of situation. If you know you will only ever have two series, and you really want fine-grained control over each independently, you could assign the top level object an id and then start the data join for each of the plots by selecting that top level object by id... eg:
var container1 = d3.select("#myContainer1);
var container2 = d3.select("#myContainer2);
If you do something like that, the first select basically sets the context of the subsequent selects. So, only the rects inside of the "#myContainer1" or "#myContainer2" will get selected by each "selectAll" based on which context you're in.
The other approach is to use nested selections. Nested selections are a little more complicated to wrap your head around, but 90% of the time, this is the approach I use. With nested selections, you would restructure your data slightly and then apply nested selects/joins to bind each series to a dom element and then the values of each series to subelements of each of the series dom elements.
First, read this: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/nest/
and then try making your data something more like this:
data = [
{ key: "series1", values: [...]},
{ key: "series2", values: [...]}
Then, you will want to do a nested selection where you start with a selection of the "data" array and bind it to whatever svg or html element you have that wraps each of the two series.
var series = d3.select("svg").selectAll("g.series")
.data(data, function(d){return d.key; });
series.enter().append("g").attr("class", "series");
At this point, d3 will have added a "g" element to your svg element for each series and bound the series object (including the key and values array) to the appended elements. Next, you can make a nested selection to add series-specific elements to the g element... ie:
var rect = series.selectAll("rect").data(function(d) { return d.values });
Note that we used a function in our ".data(...)" call. That's because the values we want passed to the join actually depend on which specific series is being processed by D3.
Now, you'd have a rect added to the g element for each value in each series. Since you used d3 to do the data binding and you used the key function in the first select (".data(data, function(d){return d.key;}"), future selects done in the same nested/keyed manner will update the right g and rect elements.
Here's a Fiddle that demonstrates the concept:
A key takeaway is that you can update the data (including adding additional series) and the whole thing will redraw correctly according to the new nested join.
I'm having trouble getting my highchart to reduce in size when the window is resized down.
I have created an example of my code in JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/britboy/UvFaQ/
<table border='1' width='100%'><tr><td width='100%'>
<div id="container" width='100%'></div>
Its a simple Highchart chart displayed in a table - if I make the window bigger the chart expands, however if I make the window smaller the chart doesn't want to reduce instead the table gets scroll bars.
I've tried setting up a resize event and then adjusting the chart size with chart.setSize( ) but the problem is the div containing the chart never reduces any further in size, so the setSize() does not get triggered. Since the chart resizes automatically when the chart container gets bigger I would have though the same should work when the chart gets smaller. I think the problem is that the chart's size is preventing its container from shrinking.
How do I code a chart in a table that will reduce in size when the table is reduced?
There are n number of ways to accomplish it.
One would be as pointed out by #Azeem. in the comment.
Other way, I actually, bind it with window. Whenever the window re-sizes, bind event would trigger a function to re-size the div element used to render the chart.
$(window).bind("resize", resizeChart);
function resizeChart() {
var width = $(document).width() - 55;
var height = $(document).height() - 60;
$("#container").css("width", width);
$("#container").css("height", height);
Check out the sample fiddle here.
Try this method :
var chart = $('#graph1').highcharts();
var DetailsWidth = $('#graph1');
[Adding a solution for react-highcharts here, because this pops up as first SO solution when searching for "react-highcharts shrink" on Google]
For react-highcharts you can simply call the React Component forceUpdate() method in the window resize event listener. It will trigger Highcharts to redraw to the new, smaller area. See also Rerender view on browser resize with React
NOTE: my code was tested using flex-auto (see CSS Flexible Box Layout) in the parent and the Highcharts DOM elements. It would be interesting to know if this works for other layouts too.
import React from 'react';
import Highcharts from 'react-highcharts';
export default class Chart extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// install callbacks
this.resize = () => {
// throttle resize events as redraw is expensive
if (this.timeout)
this.timeout = setTimeout(
() => {
// force Highcharts to always adhere
// to changes in the view area
this.timeout = undefined;
50); // milliseconds
componentDidMount() {
// listen to window resize events
window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize);
componentWillUnmount() {
// remove listener when component goes away
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resize);
if (this.timeout) {
this.timeout = undefined;
render() {
return (
className: 'd-flex flex-auto',
What I have currently is a very simple div that has a flexcroll scroll bar. This simple div contains some draggable itmes inside of it. My goal is to be able to drag one of the items and and move it about without the flexcroll scroll bar moving.
As it stands right now if I were to drag one of the items below the viewable area the simple div will scroll down. I would like to prevent this.
I'm using jQuery UI for the draggable items. I've already tried using the option "scroll:false" but this does not work for flexcroll.
I'm sorry I don't have any example code, I'm currently away from my work computer.
flexcroll: http://www.hesido.com/web.php?page=customscrollbar
I don't know if you have already resolved this problem. This morning, I have the same problem and I found your post. After that, I have googled a lot to find a solution without any lucky. So finally, I decided to do someting myself, I hope my idea will help you.
After read the Programming Guid, I found that in this version (2.0) of flexcroll, we could register a function for onfleXcroll whose description could be found by searching the keyword "Pseudo-event: onfleXcroll". This is to say that the method will be executed after a scroll is done. So here, what I restore the "top" style with the value before you drag an element.
Here are the code
var $assetswrapper; // This variable indicates the contentwrapper of you div.
var $assetsscrollbar; // This variable indicates the vscroller of you div.
window.onfleXcrollRun = function () { // This method will be executed as soon as the div has been rendered with the help of flexcroll
// You could find these two divs by using firebug, because the top value of these two divs will be changed when we scroll the div which use the class .flexcroll.
$assetswrapper = $('#contentwrapper');
$assetsscrollbar = $('#vscrollerbar');
var wrapperTopPosition = 0; // This is used to stock the top value of the wrapperContent before dragging.
var scrollbarTopPosition = 0; // This is used to stock the top value of the scrollbar before dragging.
var dragged; // This is a boolean variable which is used for indicating whether the draggable element has been dragged.
var dropped = false; // This is a boolean variable which used to say whether the draggable element has been dropped.
$('.draggable').draggable({ // you could change .draggable with any element.
start: function (event, ui) {
// Your code here.
wrapperTopPosition = $assetswrapper.position().top;
scrollbarTopPosition = $assetsscrollbar.position().top
dragged = true;
stop: function (event, ui) {
// Your code here.
dragged = false;
dropped = true;
$('your drag div')[0].onfleXcroll = function () { // This method will be called each time when a scroll has been done.
if (dragged) {
$assetswrapper.css('top', wrapperTopPosition);
$assetsscrollbar.css('top', scrollbarTopPosition);
} else {
// Code here is used for keeping the top position as before even though you have dragged an element out of this div for a long time.
// You could test the scrollbar without this piece of code, if you drag an element out of the div for a long time, the scrollbar will keep its position,
// but after you dropped this element and try to scroll the div, then the scrollbar will reach the end of the div. To solve this problem,
// I have introduced the method setScrollPos with the old top position plus 72. 72 here is to set the scroll increment for this scroll, I know
// this value is not fit for any size of windows, but I don't know how to get the scroll-increment automatically.
if (dropped) {
dropped = false;
$('your drag div')[0].fleXcroll.setScrollPos(false, Math.abs(wrapperTopPosition) + 72);
$('your drag div')[0].fleXcroll.setScrollPos(false, Math.abs(wrapperTopPosition) + 72);
I hope this could give you a help if you haven't found any solution yet.