A quick overview of the problem.
I have a client application that will use IDS to authorise access to a google service on behalf of the end user.
However, the client application isn't, itself responsible for talking to google. There is a Server app that does some magic with the user's data on his behalf.
Now, if I understand things correctly, the server app will use the Access Token supplied by the client app to talk to google. What happens when that access token expires? As I understand it the client application is expected to use the refresh token to as for a new access token.
Is there an issue with the server using this refresh token to update the access token? What flow am I supposed to use to make this magic happen?
A server using a refresh token to get a new access token is a valid use case.
If you're working with OAuth you can use the Client Credentials or Resource Owner flows to use refresh tokens, otherwise for OpenID Connect you'll need to use Authorization Code or Hybrid.
I have a back-end processor, (imagine a chron job once a day generating reports), that needs to integrate with a third-party system. Their APIs only support the "Authorization code" grant type. The problem is I can't even fill out a request for a token as I don't have a redirect_uri (no website), and I definitely don't have a user of any kind. I'll just have the OAuth clientId and secret I provisioned via their developer portal, (Mashery), for my back-end report processor app.
I want to use the "Client credentials" grant type/flow since I'm just a back-end service.
Is there any way to fake this or hack it so my little back-end service can somehow work with authorization code flow?
Thanks in advance
No, there is no way to hack it. Client credentials only authenticate the client. A token issued for client credentials have no information about the user. If their API needs information about the user (you probably get information only about your user), then you need to have a token issued with Code Flow.
What you can do is to generate the OAuth token yourself. E.g. you can use oauth.tools to perform a Code Flow with their Authorization Server, or you can perform the flow from browser with a dummy redirect URI (e.g. http://localhost), the get the code returned from authorization request and perform a token request from curl.
Once you have an access and refresh token you can hard code them in your script (or read them from an env variable or file, etc). You can then call the API as long as the access token is valid, and use refresh token to get a new access token when it expires. You will not have to perform a new Code Flow for as long as the refresh token is valid.
Client application fetches the idtoken for authentication. But for the resource server, it needs to again make a call to Auth server and fetch the access token. Hence, does it make sense to make two calls for every oauth2.0 flow. The access token is what will be sent to the resource server. Am I missing something here.
With OpenID Connect, the ID-token is returned to the client at the same time as the access-token. So there is no specific need to make two requests to get the two tokens.
If you ask for an refresh token as well, then that one will also be returned at the same time.
The API (Resource Server) only receives access tokens from the client and it can without asking the identity provider validate the token. The API does not receive any ID-token.
I am trying to figure out how to perform single sign on with OAUTH2 on two different applications. Currently according to my understanding I can use the Authentication Provider in order to authenticate my clients. The procedure is the following:
The client is redirected to the Authentication Provider
Then the client is loggedin and has the code
The client provides the code to my application
The server uses the code in order to retrieve the access token.
Using the access token my server uses the remote API to retrieve information
Now I have a second application in a different backend (PHP) that I want to inform that the user is already loged in via the OAUTH. My naive solution is to provide the access token of the first application to the second application in order to perform the authentication. However, I understand that I am not allowed to share the access tokens between apps.
Every backend service should validate the access token via introspection. The only introspection guarantees that the token is valid, not expired or revoked.
So you have to pass the access token to the Backend service. To secure that you can use HTTPS API.
You are correct regarding not sharing the access token. The Authentication Provider should also allow creating an ID token. You would configure your second application with the authentication provider and get a client id. Both the client id and ID token are required to sign in the second app which will generate it's access token.
What grant type are you using?
Both apps need to redirect the user:
In the first app the user will authenticate and the app will get an access token scoped to that app.
In the second app the user will be automatically signed in without needing to reauthenticate. The app will then get a separate access token, generally with different privileges to that of the first app.
This is standard SSO behaviour and it is best to accept it. Usability is pretty good. Trying to share tokens is not advised unless you have advanced requirements.
I am trying to implement Oauth 2.0 provider. I am confused on access token grants. I am using oauth2orize module in node.js.
I am confused on Should I remove all access token related to specific user when user logouts from auth server? I am building mobile and single page app for browser and I am using Resource owner password credential flow. How long should access token be valid for and should it expire on logout?
Generally, an app will revoke an access token just prior to performing logout. Typically, the app will revoke a refresh token if it got one, as that will also invalidate any and all access tokens.
From the perspective of the authorization server, I would keep these things separate and implement both:
Revoke (RFC 7009)
Logout (OpenID Connect)
Then, the clients can use either / both of these as they need. If you have some constraints in your environment, you may be able to automatically revoke tokens during logout in your authorization server. Generally though, an it should allow for both to be used independently and put the client in control.
I am following this tutorial about OAuth2.0 https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/guides/authentication
It looks quite clear how OAuth2.0 works. But I have a bit confusion at the access token part.
After obtaining an access token for a user, your application can use
that token to submit authorized API requests on that user's behalf.
The API supports two ways to specify an access token: Specify the
access token as the value of the access_token query parameter:
if someone acquired this access token during the url transferring they can access this protected resource right?
How the server know if the request is coming from the client initially requested the access token?
after reading this post Are HTTPS headers encrypted? my confusion is cleared. I thought query string is not encrypted during transmission in the network.
Generally I think the consensus is that OAuth 2.0 is a server side technology and all access tokens and communication should be transmitted using SSL as the bearer tokens need to be kept as secure as possible.
Also, you need to know that there are 2 types of flows in OAuth 2.0
i) Implicit grant flow - This is the flow where the user logs in to the service provider and his browser gets the access token. Say you have X.com and Log in via Facebook. Once the user keys in his FB credentials, the access token is sent to his browser.
ii) Authorization Code flow - In this flow (consider the above situation again), facebook will pass an authorization code to the user's browser. If anyone, somehow, intercepts the authorization code there is nothing he can do. An authorization code can be exchanged for an access when passed with valid client credentials. So, when the user logs in, his browser gets an authorization code which is passed to your server at X.com. from there you would hit the code-token exchange endpoint provided by FB and get the access token returned to your server!
Authorization code flow adds another layer of security, where the access token is visible only to the client + server and not to the user agent. And as you figured out yourself, the token is passed via HTTPS.