iOS Sending Firebase Registration Token to My App Server - ios

I currently have a functional iOS application (with react) and an app server using nodejs. So far, I am able to register with Firebase Messaging and console log my registration token through the AppDelegate.m file. And from my server, I can send my app a notification on a certain device with a POST method. However, in order to do that, I have to copy my registration token from the consolelog and paste it in the post request. Which is pointless because the token can change at any time.
I am still fairly new to this and I cannot find any examples of people sending their registration token to their app server. In all of the documentation it is always just a comment like "//If necessary send the token to your app server" with no explanation on how to go about it.
I just want to send the registration token to my server every time it refreshes so I can save it, and then send downstream messages to certain devices using their latest tokens. How do I get the Firebase token from my Obj-C AppDelegate file to my javascript server side? Can anyone help me out? Or show me an example?

You are on the right track, your app server will need an endpoint (say /register) that will let you make an http request posting your token to your app server.


Invalid Authorization Code auth_code_not_found in OAuth2

Hi guy I have a simple diagram to explain what I to achieve
first want to authenticate OAuth with mobile because mobile cant receive a callback from auth server so I need to create new simple node server for handle authentication code and get real token everything just fine until getting real token I already send code
you will see URL that console log print
already attach code in URL
I dint know issue come from guess because different referer who getting and obtain code
because I try to use only server:9000 getting and obtain access token is work
we dont need server for obtain token just only external browser and deeplink
here solove workflow
native trigger external browser
browser send authentication request to auth server
authserver send authorization back to browser
browser trigger some address that associate to app with deeplinking also passs auth code with query param
native capture auth token then send code to auth server for obtain access_token
auth server send access token back to native 
native store access token in secure storage like keychain and shared preference 

Apple Sign-In: How to use it for custom server endpoint authentication?

My use case is that once I have a user signed into my app, I use the Oauth token, resulting from the sign-in, when I make endpoint calls from my app to my custom server-- to authenticate the caller. E.g., I use Google Sign In in this way.
This method (e.g., with Google Sign In) has several useful properties:
Updated tokens are created automatically on the client app.
My custom server can easily verify the validity of the token, using Google's endpoints.
Initial token verification can take place early in the endpoint request processing-- without access to the custom servers database (as in the style in
My question is: Given that we're being told we have to incorporate Apple Sign-In into our iOS apps (if we offer general purpose sign-in facilities), how can I do endpoint authentication with my custom server?
I see two alternatives, neither of which I like very much.
First, I can have my client app send an Apple Sign In id_token to my server and ignore the exp (expiry) field. I can regenerate the id_token periodically (apparently, no more than once a day) and send it back to my client. I don't like this idea both because of ignoring the expiry of the token, and because of the need to periodically send the token from server to client. (My app uses multiple sign in systems and this just creates extra difficulty).
Second, I could have my client send an Apple Sign In refresh token to my server. My server would need, of course, to initially generate that refresh token and send it back to the client. I like this idea even less than the first idea. My initial token verification in my custom server would need to access its database to look for a match this token. I can't generally use an Apple endpoint -- because, again, Apple is apparently going to throttle this verification.
Additionally, I don't really like the idea that my custom server can, at best, check on token validity once a day. If the user revokes the app's credentials, I would hope my custom sever would stop being able to operate on behalf of the user relatively quickly.
10/5/19-- update to the first alternative above. Upon actual use of for refresh token validation, I find that it is not actually generating an updated id token. It is generating an access token (but Apple doesn't define a use for that), and is validating the refresh token. And so, there is no way to send an updated id token to the client iOS app. Thus, using the first alternative, the expiry date of the id token cannot be used.
10/10/19-- update: I've written a blog article on this subject--
8/6/20-- update: Follow on blog article with possible path forward, pending details from Apple:
In Get the most out of Sign in with Apple in WWDC 2020, at 11:30 in their presentation, they introduce server-to-server notifications to enable your server to monitor user account state changes on a real-time basis.
So far, few details on this though.
----------------- UPDATE (12/23/20) -----------------
I now have these server-to-server notifications working in a testing environment with my server. Some notes:
I decided on the endpoint to use, on my server, to allow Apple to send my server these REST endpoint requests.
I pasted that into > Account > Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Identifiers > Select your app identifier > Click 'Edit' next to 'Sign In with Apple' > Server to Server Notification Endpoint
This endpoint is effectively unauthorized. E.g., it is made by Apple with no OAuth credential access to your server. How this is setup will depend on your server. I had a means to set up a new endpoint/route for my server that was unauthorized.
I have the client side and other parts of my server set up to allow creation of accounts using Apple Sign In. So, using one of those accounts, I now started taking actions that would cause Apple to invoke their server-to-server notification endpoint on my server. I wanted to reverse engineer the details of the endpoint request Apple is making, since details are scarce.
This provides some ideas on how to cause the notification events to occur:
How to revoke Sign in with Apple credentials for a specific app?
You can revoke credentials, but it's easier (because you can do it repeatedly) to enable and disable the email relay. Of course, to do this, you have to initially sign-in with Apple using the private/email relay.
I next learned two things:
a) After you take the action (e.g., revoke the email relay), the server-to-server notification endpoint is accessed on your server within about 30 seconds. I had added various log output into my server, so could watch my server log and see this happening.
b) The endpoint request Apple makes to your server has body data containing JSON in the following format:
{"payload" : "-- SNIP -- JWT"}
I'm using the following Swift structure to decode this.
struct ApplePayload: Decodable {
let payload: String // JWT
As Apple has indicated in the WWDC 2020 video (, the main content of the body data is a JWT. Above, this is the value of the key "payload" in the JSON.
The next step is decoding this JWT. I just guessed that it would use the same mechanism for decoding as with the JWT in other parts of the Apple Sign In server-side process. And specifically, in decoding the identity token (a JWT) passed up to your server by a client using Apple sign in. See
I had some code that did this JWT decoding, so I factored that out and put it in a common place:
Integrating that into my server-side processing of Apple's server-to-server notification requests, I found that indeed this JWT can be decoded in this manner.
Another aspect that became evident is that the structure indicated by Apple in the WWDC 2020 video isn't 100% what is present in the JWT, after decoding. Specifically, in my tests so far at least the events field is not an array, rather it has a single value. See for a Swift structure.
I am now successfully parsing the JWT. The next main step on my server is to actually utilize the different event types in my server to take actions. For me this is going to involve the two account (not email) related actions:
User decided to stop using their Apple Id with your application. And
should be treated as a sign-out by the user. E.g., when a user decides
to disconnect your application from Settings. (From
Also considered a request from user to "delete their app account"
(broader context: "Server to Server Notification Endpoint Sign in with
Apple server to server notifications allow you to receive important
updates about your users and their accounts. Notifications are sent
for each app group when users change mail forwarding preferences,
delete their app account, or permanently delete their Apple ID. Each
group of apps can have one URL, which must be absolute and include the
scheme, host, and path. TLS 1.2 or higher is required to receive
notifications. Learn more.") To see these docs, go to: > Account > Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles >
Identifiers > Select your app identifier > Click 'Edit' next to 'Sign
In with Apple' > Server to Server Notification Endpoint
case consentRevoked = "consent-revoked"
User has asked Apple to delete their Apple Id. The user identifier will now no longer be valid.
case accountDelete = "account-delete"
My plan is to take both of these events as equivalent- and delete the user's account on my server. I'm then going to have to consider how to communicate this to my client (iOS app). It will need to know that the user has deleted their account.

Am I doing this whole API, client app, Oauth/OpenId Connect thing right?

I have some programming experience, but only with PHP and Java enterprise systems. But now I have some ideas about a web app in my new job. Since I am new at this, I would like to share how I have done the whole API in a server, browser app and authentication with Google’s OpenID Connect (I read a lot about Oauth and OpenID Connect, most helpful source was this:
Server: Laravel - hxxps://
Client: Angular - hxxps://
TL;DR version:
1) User goes to hxxps://, gets an Angular app login page. Types in their email, clicks “Sign in with Google”;
2) The app sends the email to hxxps:// The server redirects the user to hxxps:// with all the needed parameters;
3) The user logs in to their Google account, gives my app permission if it’s their first time, and Google redirects them to my server at hxxps:// The server checks everything, and if it’s all correct, it creates a JWT token and send a redirect to the client app at hxxps://
4) The client app gets the token, stores it in local storage, and sends it to the server with every API call
More detailed version:
1) User goes to hxxps://, gets an Angular app login page. Types in their email, clicks “Sign in with Google”;
2) The app sends the email to hxxps:// The server creates a state token and stores it in cache, associated with the email received. Then the server creates Google’s oauth URL and sends it to the client in the response body. I tried to do it with a HTTP redirect, but Google’s server was responding with an CORS error. The Angular app reads Google’s url from the response and goes there.
3) The user logs in to their Google account, gives my app permission if it’s their first time, and Google redirects them to my server at hxxps:// The server sends the code it received (and all the other needed parameters) to hxxps:// It receives a id_token with that user’s email and basic info. This app is not public, so I don’t want anyone with a Google Account logging in, only the clients whose emails I added to the server database. So now the server checks if the user’s email in the token is in the database. If it’s not, it sends the user a HTTP 401 - Unauthorized. Then the server checks the state token in it’s cache associated with the email received. If it’s equal to the one received with Google’s redirect, then the server creates another JWT token, but now signed by my server. Finally, it sends a HTTP redirect to hxxps:// with the new token.
4) The client app gets the token, stores it in local storage, and sends it to the server with every API call
Some comments:
Everything is HTTPS;
I added the strictest CSP policies I could to my Laravel server and Angular client;
Currently the app only supports Google’s sign in, while it is in development. Later on I’ll add more.
I made that my server only checks if the user’s email is in the database after they logged in with google because I like that idea that a non-authorized user should have no information about anything. If I made that check before it, during the first round trip, anyone could type an email and discover if that email has an account in my system;
On the last step, when my server sends the JWT token to my client app, I tried sending the token within a cookie, but since my API and my client app have different domains, my client app couldn't read the token. Sending it in the url was the only solution I could find. I tried logging in a popular app that uses Oauth and they did it this way too.
So my question is:
Am I doing something wrong, unsecure, weird?
Thank you all very much
1) Entering an email address every time a user wants to log in is tedious. And it's not needed if the user is already logged in at Google. The user should just click the "Log in with Google" button and get logged in without entering anything. The state parameter can be a random string - not related to the user's email in any way.
2) If you want your backend to process the redirect from Google (using the auth code flow - the backend has the client role in OAuth2 terms), the backend should also initiate a redirect to Google - not by sending data containing the redirect URL. To achieve it, after clicking the "Log in with Google" button, perform a whole page navigation (instead of an XHR request) to /api/sign-in and if the backend returns HTTP 302, the browser will correctly redirect to Google.
3) You should perform request validation (the state parameter) before getting tokens and checking whether the user exist.
On error (access denied), you can consider redirecting the user to an error page with error details instead of returning HTTP 401, since the HTTP code will cause a generic error screen to be displayed to the user. If you want to keep using HTTP codes, I think HTTP 403 Forbidden would be more appropriate.
4) Consider using sessionStorage instead of the localStorage. The sessionStorage gets cleared after closing a browser/tab and it's not shared among tabs. It makes it safer and it allows users to use different identity in different browser tabs.
The tokens your backend issues, is their validity time limited? Is the user required to get a new token after some (short) time period? If not, valid token vales may stay in the localStorage and browser's page history, which can be a security problem.
You can consider using your own OAuth2 auth server (such as RedHat Keycloak) which would accept Google (and later some other providers) for authentication and it would also issue access tokens accepted by your backend.

Upload iOS device token for Push Notification

I would like to know how to manage the iOS device token App & Server Side.
First, I registered my app to receive remote notification. So, I got the device Token.
My questions are :
App Side
When Should I send the token to the server ?
If Many times, how often ? Each log Request ?
I should send the token to the server directly from this method application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: or store it, and send it in an other method ?
Server Side
Once I have the token on the server, how can I know if the token is still valid ? Or that I should delete it cause the device token is not available anymore.
App side
It's better to upload it in every api request to track the user devices as he may login in his account from multiple devices , so you should have array of device tokens in server , or only one token if you want to track the last device the user is active with so , store token from didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken say in user defaults and upload it for every api request
Server side
The token is still valid if the php script used to send it returns success operation but if not that may also mean .pem file is incorrect

How to send FCM token to server?

Please help me figure this out. All the FCM docs neglect this part (which makes me think it's something simple that I should know, but I'm new to coding backends). I need to send the FCM FIRInstanceID token to my server (I use Google Cloud, writing in Node.js). When it gets to the server, it is decoded (according to the FCM docs). But how do I get it to the server? The video says, "This is kinda up to you." This is absurd to me, having no clue how to send anything to a server, let alone a token. What's the code for this? Do I need to structure the token in a certain way? How do I know what address to send the token? ( I would deeply appreciate any help. I've spent so many days trying to figure this out.
More generally, if anyone has set up FCM + iOS + Firebase + Google Cloud and can explain it to me that would be amazing too (there are no resources for this online!) Thanks!
You need to send the FIRInstanceID to your server only if you plan to use it in the future (like to send a message to a specific device).
If you only want to use topics you can skip this part.
To send the token to your server you can use different ways like:
use Firebase Database to store the value in the backend database
implement a http endpoint (like in Node.js) that can receive and store the token, than call the http endpoint from your app with the token (and maybe more information like the username of the user and some form of authentication to protect your backend)
